View Full Version : 4 marines killed in Tennessee

07-16-2015, 04:49 PM
by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :banghead: :banghead: :facepalm

07-16-2015, 04:54 PM
You beat me to this.

I was about to make a thread on "Guess the gunman" and I would have said Muslim too.

Looks like I was going to be right.

Patrick Chewing
07-16-2015, 04:54 PM
Hold up, let me help the President in describing this incident and Mr. Abdulazeez:

1. Isolated
2. Lone-wolf
3. Troubled
4. Knucklehead
5. Accident
6. Stricter Gun Laws
7. Non-Muslim
8. White privilege
9. Christian history of violence
10. What difference does it make?

07-16-2015, 04:57 PM
People were giving me crap when I said look out for suspicious individuals and behavior.

It's that time of the year too, Ramadan Rage, during this time of the year we see an increase in crime. Tensions are high during the fasting period and people tend to go crazy.

Look it up. No surprise it has hit our shores.

07-16-2015, 04:57 PM
Draw Mohammed event in Tennessee would have prevented this :coleman:

07-16-2015, 05:00 PM
Now the question remains...what kind of Muslim was he? race? skin color? hair color?


07-16-2015, 05:08 PM
Hold up, let me help the President in describing this incident and Mr. Abdulazeez:

1. Isolated
2. Lone-wolf
3. Troubled
4. Knucklehead
5. Accident
6. Stricter Gun Laws
7. Non-Muslim
8. White privilege
9. Christian history of violence
10. What difference does it make?

Replace 6 and 9 with...

-More lax gun laws
-It's violent in Chicago!

...and your list looks remarkably similar to the one Rushbots used to excuse Dylann Roof.

07-16-2015, 05:11 PM
Hold up, let me help the President in describing this incident and Mr. Abdulazeez:

1. Isolated
2. Lone-wolf
3. Troubled
4. Knucklehead
5. Accident
6. Stricter Gun Laws
7. Non-Muslim
8. White privilege
9. Christian history of violence
10. What difference does it make?

07-16-2015, 05:11 PM
You beat me to this.

I was about to make a thread on "Guess the gunman" and I would have said Muslim too.

Looks like I was going to be right.
Shocked you didn't say Mexican :rolleyes:

07-16-2015, 05:16 PM
Ok...here's the update...he is Muslim and born in Kuwait.

Not known whether he is a citizen here.

Patrick Chewing
07-16-2015, 05:25 PM

So did the Muslim shooter here and in Texas earlier this year shoot people due to gang violence, heroism, or racism?

Otherwise, this picture is just pro-Islam propaganda trying to make people look the other way.

07-16-2015, 05:26 PM
So did the Muslim shooter here and in Texas earlier this year shoot people due to gang violence, heroism, or racism?

Otherwise, this picture is just pro-Islam propaganda trying to make people look the other way.


Rather than condemning these acts, the first thing he does is defend shooters.

Patrick Chewing
07-16-2015, 05:29 PM
I wonder what justification he has for the illegal immigrant that killed an American woman a couple of weeks back.

How can Liberals spin murders to make it look like it was the country's fault and that we deserved it.

07-16-2015, 05:38 PM

Rather than condemning these acts, the first thing he does is defend shooters.

How is he defending the shooter?

Dickheads like you generalize when it's convenient. That's the point of the cartoon.

07-16-2015, 05:44 PM
I wonder what justification he has for the illegal immigrant that killed an American woman a couple of weeks back.

How can Liberals spin murders to make it look like it was the country's fault and that we deserved it.

There no justification for that or the attack on the marines. He's saying that people just blame the entire group instead of looking at the individiual in these situations.

07-16-2015, 05:46 PM
Still not sure why we haven't nuked the middle east into oblivion..

07-16-2015, 05:50 PM
How is he defending the shooter?

Dickheads like you generalize when it's convenient. That's the point of the cartoon.


Please read the entire thread before you comment and quote my post where you are delusional enough to think I was generalizing?

I posted facts and asked questions. Ramadan Rage is very real, just google it because I have explained this many times. If the shooter was actively practicing Islam, then it comes as no surprise, since this is a period when Ramadan is happening.

I also asked questions, as in race, skin color and ethnicity because this can pinpoint what kind of Muslim he was. Whether he was a domestic Muslim or a Middle Eastern Asia Muslim can tell us where these fools are coming from and what we can do to prevent further Muslim shootings like the one that occurred today.

07-16-2015, 05:56 PM
by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :banghead: :banghead: :facepalm

islam, religion of peace.

07-16-2015, 06:03 PM
What's sad is that these threads are becoming the norm on ISH. I was one of the very few that started making these threads and now everyone is on it because these shootings occur so frequently.

The threads garner little to no response due to people getting use to the situation that is happening in this world. In a way we have become desensitized over Muslims shooting and killing people.

It's just the world we live in.

07-16-2015, 06:15 PM
How is he defending the shooter?

Dickheads like you generalize when it's convenient. That's the point of the cartoon.

Don't you do the exact same thing with southerners, republicans, and police? I could swear you generalize when it's convenient more than anybody on this board probably.

I'm just asking. It's all love, brother. :cheers:

07-16-2015, 06:17 PM
Ish posters from the ram-a-dan thread missing... coincidence? I think not

I feel bad for you Americans... always having to take the heat of the troubled middle east.

07-16-2015, 06:47 PM

Don't you do the exact same thing with southerners, republicans, and police? I could swear you generalize when it's convenient more than anybody on this board probably.

I'm just asking. It's all love, brother. :cheers:



07-16-2015, 06:55 PM
The shooter was killed right?

Too bad, could've shared a cell with James Holmes forever. Terrorist scumbags.

07-16-2015, 07:02 PM
Ish posters from the ram-a-dan thread missing... coincidence? I think not

I feel bad for you Americans... always having to take the heat of the troubled middle east.

Those guys are a bunch of fakes. I already exposed them by having civil debate. Since it is their holy month not only do they have to abstain from food but they must abstain from anger and quite a few of them were lashing out and calling people names.

They can't even practice what they preach in a thread about their Ramadan. Seeing them lose it was hilarious and it was funny to see them change their tone when I called them out on it.


07-16-2015, 07:10 PM
Those guys are a bunch of fakes. I already exposed them by having civil debate. Since it is their holy month not only do they have to abstain from food but they must abstain from anger and quite a few of them were lashing out and calling people names.

They can't even practice what they preach in a thread about their Ramadan. Seeing them lose it was hilarious and it was funny to see them change their tone when I called them out on it.


dude you went in their thread and attacked them. Your view of world warped trollerempire.:facepalm

HitandRun Reggie
07-16-2015, 07:51 PM
Another one successfully carried it out eh? The FBI said they may have prevented 10 terrorist attacks on July 4th including one Muslim convert who had illegally obtained weapons and bought a pressure cooker to make a bomb. But dude's dad was a police captain and turned him in. :oldlol:


07-16-2015, 07:57 PM

The only issue i have is with the far right and left. Both are terrorists... white one does it because he is insane, the other does it because the god that he shares with the 1.3B others wants him to and 50% or some high percentage agree with it.

poll suggests that over 30 million Muslims in Arab countries are sympathetic to ISIS, which is a truly startling number
Read more at http://www.commdiginews.com/featured/al-jazeera-poll-suggests-81-of-arab-muslims-support-isis-42253/#5sjueZgUWIkd1DXw.99

07-16-2015, 08:02 PM
muslims are pretty radical.

Patrick Chewing
07-16-2015, 08:12 PM
Muslims are so stupid.

The non-violent ones want you to believe it's not all Muslims, but they do nothing to stop their own from joining such a radical cause. You are just as guilty. Some of you even support these terrorists and consider them "freedom fighters". I despise all you weak sons of bitches. I despise that shit religion.

07-16-2015, 08:44 PM
Ish posters from the ram-a-dan thread missing... coincidence? I think not

Again, only ISIS/terrorists/pricks/psychos/retards (really, no difference, all are mentally screwed) and you, Patrick Chewing, 9erempire etc. (intellectual disabilities like that) think THAT is islam / they are muslims... have fun...

07-16-2015, 08:57 PM
Again, only ISIS/terrorists/pricks/psychos/retards (really, no difference, all are mentally screwed) and you, Patrick Chewing, 9erempire etc. (intellectual disabilities like that) think THAT is islam / they are muslims... have fun...

Most of them are like that.

Don't make me post the video where a Muslim man was flipping over tables at a cafe and screaming it's Ramadan.

07-16-2015, 09:16 PM

07-16-2015, 09:18 PM
I don't think anyone can deny that Islam produces more militant followers than any other religion

07-16-2015, 09:19 PM
Again, only ISIS/terrorists/pricks/psychos/retards (really, no difference, all are mentally screwed) and you, Patrick Chewing, 9erempire etc. (intellectual disabilities like that) think THAT is islam / they are muslims... have fun...
Seriously, stop with this inane shit. They are muslims, whether you like it or not; they would say that you aren't a proper muslim, but the fact is, no one has a monopoly over deciding who is and isn't a muslim, especially not a strange, obsessional weirdo like yourself.

All this means is that there are different sorts of muslims, many of whom you don't approve; you not approving of them doesn't magically change what they happen to believe in.

You're completely deluded, and it's utterly pathetic.

'yah, the mujahideen travelling to Syria from all around the world to fight a holy war, and the Iranian Shia opposing them (as well as Hezbollah), these religious fanatics, are, wait for it.... not actually religious.'


07-16-2015, 09:40 PM
The issue is the "peaceful" muslims condone this type of behavior even if they don't participate. How many polls have we seen of muslim immigrants in different nations "supporting" what the extremists are doing worldwide. They may not all be bad, but they sure as hell aren't "good" either.

Imagine if 40-50% of Christians said they were ok with priests raping little children, "but but they are not real Christians". :oldlol:

07-16-2015, 09:53 PM
The issue is the "peaceful" muslims condone this type of behavior even if they don't participate. How many polls have we seen of muslim immigrants in different nations "supporting" what the extremists are doing worldwide. They may not all be bad, but they sure as hell aren't "good" either.

Imagine if 40-50% of Christians said they were ok with priests raping little children, "but but they are not real Christians". :oldlol:

They will side with their own kind no matter what. As long as it doesn't affect them. This is why if push comes to shove and the Islamic State appear before them, they will bow down to them.

The Ramadan thread, proves that there are Muslims on this site that I didn't think existed and they are nowhere to be found in these threads but they do love to get together and talk about their fast though.

That thread is good for one thing and that is to spot out who is a Muslim so we can observe their behavior and come with our own conclusions. Notice not one of them from that thread condemn these atrocities.

07-16-2015, 10:08 PM
Muslims are so stupid.

The non-violent ones want you to believe it's not all Muslims, but they do nothing to stop their own from joining such a radical cause. You are just as guilty. Some of you even support these terrorists and consider them "freedom fighters". I despise all you weak sons of bitches. I despise that shit religion.
We are not responsible for the criminally insane. I am responsible for what I can control.

Islam is a religion of peace, no matter the actions of these individuals. It is the perfect religion with imperfect followers, and plenty of misguided brainwashed souls.

I love Islam, I have nothing to do with the sad acts of terrorists.

Sorry to see this happen to the Marines.

Not all Muslims. Stay bigoted.

Patrick Chewing
07-16-2015, 10:09 PM
They will side with their own kind no matter what. As long as it doesn't affect them. This is why if push comes to shove and the Islamic State appear before them, they will bow down to them.

The Ramadan thread, proves that there are Muslims on this site that I didn't think existed and they are nowhere to be found in these threads but they do love to get together and talk about their fast though.

That thread is good for one thing and that is to spot out who is a Muslim so we can observe their behavior and come with our own conclusions. Notice not one of them from that thread condemn these atrocities.

No shit. A lot more than I thought. Of course, they don't dare step in a thread like this because terrorists to them are "freedom fighters". Their purpose is to deceive us, but we should all know better.

It is written in the Koran to deceive the enemy/non-believers.

Notice how they are always coming out of their rat-infested holes to say that these terrorists are not "real Muslims"? That's the first lie. They want to quell your anger by telling you that they are on your side because those bad guys were not true Muslims. Just psychos and people with mental disorders. Seeing how this guy was highly educated, I don't see how guys like pauk and imdaman can keep the charade up about these guys being "psychos". Hopefully, to them, you let your guard down by believing their nonsense and then a couple of months later, the same thing happens again.

07-16-2015, 10:12 PM



07-16-2015, 10:13 PM
The issue is the "peaceful" muslims condone this type of behavior even if they don't participate. How many polls have we seen of muslim immigrants in different nations "supporting" what the extremists are doing worldwide. They may not all be bad, but they sure as hell aren't "good" either.

Imagine if 40-50% of Christians said they were ok with priests raping little children, "but but they are not real Christians". :oldlol:
What exactly do polls prove? Don't be brainwashed by Fox News. I don't know anyone who's participated in a poll, yet apparently 25% of American Muslims want Shariah Law in the US.

I still maintain Islam is a beautiful religion. The ignorance and bigotry shared by everyone I come across only makes my faith stronger, so I thank thee :cheers:

Patrick Chewing
07-16-2015, 10:13 PM
We are not responsible for the criminally insane. I am responsible for what I can control.

Islam is a religion of peace, no matter the actions of these individuals. It is the perfect religion with imperfect followers, and plenty of misguided brainwashed souls.

I love Islam, I have nothing to do with the sad acts of terrorists.

Sorry to see this happen to the Marines.

Not all Muslims. Stay bigoted.

You see, that right there is brainwashed rhetoric. Nothing is perfect. We are fallible. Yes, we are. You and me. I don't see other religions claiming to be perfect.

If I were you, I'd be worried that sooner or later, the citizens of this country will begin to fight back against those that harbor terrorists or knew of their actions and behavior. Your worst nightmare should be a pissed off American.

Bosnian Sajo
07-16-2015, 10:24 PM
Another dumbass prick, my condolences to the 4 marine family members. Gotta be really mentally ****ed in the head to wake up one day and kill 4 random people.

07-16-2015, 10:32 PM
What exactly do polls prove? Don't be brainwashed by Fox News. I don't know anyone who's participated in a poll, yet apparently 25% of American Muslims want Shariah Law in the US.

I still maintain Islam is a beautiful religion. The ignorance and bigotry shared by everyone I come across only makes my faith stronger, so I thank thee :cheers:
Did you choose to follow it out of your own free will or were you born into it?

The way you talk makes you sound like a fanatic. :oldlol:

07-16-2015, 10:34 PM
What exactly do polls prove? Don't be brainwashed by Fox News. I don't know anyone who's participated in a poll, yet apparently 25% of American Muslims want Shariah Law in the US.

I still maintain Islam is a beautiful religion. The ignorance and bigotry shared by everyone I come across only makes my faith stronger, so I thank thee :cheers:
I would've thought as a good muslim and all you'd know that's a bit of a misnomer.

A minute ago you just called Islam the 'perfect' religion - if it is so perfect then why exactly would you be against the implementation of the Shariah? Honestly, i can barely stand American decadence as a non-believer, so i can't think many devout believers like living with it, and wouldn't welcome a change.

Patrick Chewing
07-16-2015, 11:07 PM
Another dumbass prick, my condolences to the 4 marine family members. Gotta be really mentally ****ed in the head to wake up one day and kill 4 random people.

So mentally ****ed that no one else noticed? That he has no record of metal disorder? How can you sit at your keyboard and type this nonsense? He was of sound mind.

Let me ask you a question. If you were able to kill this man, would you? If you were able to prevent the next terrorist attack by grabbing a gun and killing the terrorist, would you?

Sure, American soldiers can die killing the bad guys for you, but let's see how serious you Muslims are about your fellow brothers killing innocent people in the name of Islam.

07-16-2015, 11:23 PM

Islam is straight up dangerous.

This is what happens when people read a book like that. It clouds their judgement. What's deemed as atrocious to one man, it is the work of 'god' with another.

Like I said, check Ramadan thread for reference because they will try to have a civil conversation until you don't agree with them and they lash out and get all angry and shit.:confusedshrug:

07-16-2015, 11:27 PM
Forgot to switch alts bruh.

07-16-2015, 11:27 PM
Many point to the great piety of Muslims, who fast for an entire month each year. Yet the fast of Ramadan is linked to the beginning of jihad to extend Islam by the sword, and is so important that in the Muslim world failing to observe Ramadan can get you arrested or killed, whether you are Muslim or not. (this is from another site)

07-16-2015, 11:28 PM
Forgot to switch alts bruh.
No I didn't.


(inside joke)


07-16-2015, 11:31 PM
No I didn't.


(inside joke)


Bosnian Sajo
07-17-2015, 12:44 AM
So mentally ****ed that no one else noticed? That he has no record of metal disorder? How can you sit at your keyboard and type this nonsense? He was of sound mind.

Let me ask you a question. If you were able to kill this man, would you? If you were able to prevent the next terrorist attack by grabbing a gun and killing the terrorist, would you?

Sure, American soldiers can die killing the bad guys for you, but let's see how serious you Muslims are about your fellow brothers killing innocent people in the name of Islam.

1. Guess you aren't familiar with the many types of mental diseases. Pick up a book, buddy.

2. No, I wouldn't of killed em. Not my place to take a mans life, I would instead snitch on that *****. This is one of the situations where the hood will indeed forgive me for snitching.

3. What? Wait seriously, what? Dude, 7 Servicemen from the US died fighting ISIS. 1,000+ Kurds from Iraq died (5,000+ injured) and 1,000+ Kurds from Syria died fighting ISIS. 600+ Egyptian soldiers killed. 35 from Iran. Yet you have the nerve to not only bitch about a few Americans dying in a war (it's a ****ing war dude, there will be casualties) but complain about Muslims not doing anything about it? When in reality, we are the ones doing the most to fight against it.

gtfo of here, this is exactly why I can't take you fools seriously. You have no grasp on reality, you form an opinion on your own and conceive this idea as fact, mindlessly ranting about on the off the court section of a basketball website.

07-17-2015, 12:58 AM
1. Guess you aren't familiar with the many types of mental diseases. Pick up a book, buddy.

2. No, I wouldn't of killed em. Not my place to take a mans life, I would instead snitch on that *****. This is one of the situations where the hood will indeed forgive me for snitching.

3. What? Wait seriously, what? Dude, 7 Servicemen from the US died fighting ISIS. 1,000+ Kurds from Iraq died (5,000+ injured) and 1,000+ Kurds from Syria died fighting ISIS. 600+ Egyptian soldiers killed. 35 from Iran. Yet you have the nerve to not only bitch about a few Americans dying in a war (it's a ****ing war dude, there will be casualties) but complain about Muslims not doing anything about it? When in reality, we are the ones doing the most to fight against it.gtfo of here, this is exactly why I can't take you fools seriously. You have no grasp on reality, you form an opinion on your own and conceive this idea as fact, mindlessly ranting about on the off the court section of a basketball website.

:applause: preach

07-17-2015, 01:07 AM
Did you choose to follow it out of your own free will or were you born into it?

The way you talk makes you sound like a fanatic. :oldlol:

He really does. :lol

I love Islam

It is the perfect religion

Islam is a beautiful religion.

And on their scale, he's only a moderate. Hard to even imagine that level of fanaticism and indoctrination.

07-17-2015, 01:18 AM
This was a few weeks ago, but look at this vile rep from a fine young muslim on this site.


Over this post (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?p=11533416#post11533416) about the Cavs. Yes, the Cavaliers. Basketball.

I say their hatred and blood lust is not overblown or exaggerated or limited to the fringe extremists. It pulsates through them all.

The Real JW
07-17-2015, 01:23 AM
This was a few weeks ago, but look at this vile rep from a fine young muslim on this site.


Over this post (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?p=11533416#post11533416) about the Cavs. Yes, the Cavaliers. Basketball.

I say their hatred and blood lust is not overblown or exaggerated or limited to the fringe extremists. It pulsates through them all.

Is Lebron23 Muslim? That seems like something he'd write. pauk doesn't usually get that heated.

07-17-2015, 01:48 AM
1. Guess you aren't familiar with the many types of mental diseases. Pick up a book, buddy.

What does this even mean? Are you talking about the ridiculous, completely unscientific and arbitrary classifications contained in the DSM manual? Because even the NIMH is starting to ridicule that nonsense:


Unlike our definitions of ischemic heart disease, lymphoma, or AIDS, the DSM diagnoses are based on a consensus about clusters of clinical symptoms, not any objective laboratory measure. In the rest of medicine, this would be equivalent to creating diagnostic systems based on the nature of chest pain or the quality of fever. Indeed, symptom-based diagnosis, once common in other areas of medicine, has been largely replaced in the past half century as we have understood that symptoms alone rarely indicate the best choice of treatment....

The diagnostic system has to be based on the emerging research data, not on the current symptom-based categories. Imagine deciding that EKGs were not useful because many patients with chest pain did not have EKG changes. That is what we have been doing for decades when we reject a biomarker because it does not detect a DSM category. We need to begin collecting the genetic, imaging, physiologic, and cognitive data to see how all the data – not just the symptoms – cluster and how these clusters relate to treatment response.

Glad you're so familiar with things no one properly understands as of yet.

07-17-2015, 01:54 AM
Islam is producing a lot of crazed killers. That you can't deny.

Time to get tough on all Muslims. Western countries need to look at stronger laws and cutting off immigration of all muslims

07-17-2015, 02:11 AM
Islam is producing a lot of crazed killers. That you can't deny.

Time to get tough on all Muslims. Western countries need to look at stronger laws and cutting off immigration of all muslims

This is actually a fantastic idea considering most people wanted an eradication of the entire religion, such as burning books and putting them in a firing squad.

With tougher immigration laws we can keep the Mexicans and the Canadians out of our country. It use to be hardworking people wanting to come to America because their country didn't provide them that outlet to do so. It's 2015 and globalization has allowed some people opportunities that they wouldn't have when our great grandparents came over here.

If you can't make it out of your country in today's times than you should not be able to come to America and cause trouble.

America is so diverse therefore I speak for all my fellow Americans living here.

Bosnian Sajo
07-17-2015, 02:31 AM
This is actually a fantastic idea considering most people wanted an eradication of the entire religion, such as burning books and putting them in a firing squad.

Gaaaaadamn! And we're the violent ones? :eek: Shit, way to take it 0 to 100, ugly.

America is so diverse therefore I speak for all my fellow Americans living here.

Bitch you hardly speak for yourself, you wouldn't dare say any of this shit publicly unless you were rallied around the rest of your cult brethren. Too bad the only other members who you affiliate with are only reachable on the backpages of a basketball website.

You ain't got no balls, you a ***** ass ****** wishing dick suckin loser who don't speak for anyone. You type for social interaction, the kind of which you are not accustomed to outside of the comfort of your computer chair.

So congrats fatty, not only are you pathetic, now you're also pitiful.

And Jeff, why the hell is Va gina censored? Is it for guys like 9er, who get all awkward and shit when that word is mentioned?

oh the horror
07-17-2015, 02:51 AM
Condemns Muslim violence ....

Talks about nuking the Middle East into oblivion.

Ok fellas. Got it

07-17-2015, 02:57 AM
Still not sure why we haven't nuked the middle east into oblivion..

what does some hapless little kid, living in some dead end little town somewhere in the ME have to do with this guy ? .. get a grip

07-17-2015, 02:57 AM
Like mentioned, Muslims will always side with their own kind. Just look at all these American Muslims that want their people coming over here when I specifically said I don't mind a stricter immigration policy to keep the illegals and terrorists out.

These so-called Muslims on ISH, isn't it your holy month? You guys should be abstaining from anger but instead, like most, you have shown your true colors. Perhaps the real Islam colors. Why the name calling and the anger?:confusedshrug:

If anything, you guys are making your own people look bad.

07-17-2015, 03:05 AM
Gaaaaadamn! And we're the violent ones? :eek: Shit, way to take it 0 to 100, ugly.

Bitch you hardly speak for yourself, you wouldn't dare say any of this shit publicly unless you were rallied around the rest of your cult brethren. Too bad the only other members who you affiliate with are only reachable on the backpages of a basketball website.

You ain't got no balls, you a ***** ass ****** wishing dick suckin loser who don't speak for anyone. You type for social interaction, the kind of which you are not accustomed to outside of the comfort of your computer chair.

So congrats fatty, not only are you pathetic, now you're also pitiful.

And Jeff, why the hell is Va gina censored? Is it for guys like 9er, who get all awkward and shit when that word is mentioned?

You can't really have a civil conversation can you?

I just let you speak and you and let everyone realize the stereotype that we speak of you.

07-17-2015, 03:10 AM
these extremists need to be checked HARD .. but they won't be because we live in a bitch ass pc society .. remember the father who killed his two daughters because they were dating .. that happened in the United States of America

Bosnian Sajo
07-17-2015, 03:15 AM
Like mentioned, Muslims will always side with their own kind. Just look at all these American Muslims that want their people coming over here when I specifically said I don't mind a stricter immigration policy to keep the illegals and terrorists out.

Guys, what the **** is he talking about? Better yet, who the hell is he talking to? 9er is so goddamn high.

These so-called Muslims on ISH, isn't it your holy month? You guys should be abstaining from anger but instead, like most, you have shown your true colors.

Nah, it's not.

Bosnian Sajo
07-17-2015, 03:17 AM
I just let you speak and you and let everyone realize the stereotype that we speak of you.


Wanna try that again, champ?

07-17-2015, 03:46 AM

Wanna try that again, champ?

Why are you hating?:confusedshrug:

07-17-2015, 03:47 AM
The religion of peace produces so many delightful, open minded people these days :oldlol:

So what do the peaceful Muslims suggest we should do about this problem? Or are we still passing terrorist attacks off as just some crazy people :hammerhead:

07-17-2015, 03:50 AM
The religion of peace produces so many delightful, open minded people these days :oldlol:

So what do the peaceful Muslims suggest we should do about this problem? Or are we still passing terrorist attacks off as just some crazy people :hammerhead:

You're not going to get an answer from them. We've been waiting for their solution and they have none.:sleeping

The religion needs reformation and they say no. We tell them to go back where Sharia Law and other heinous acts are committed and they call us Islamophobes.:hammerhead:

...and one of them legitimately hates me on here. :lol Do these sound like rational people?

07-17-2015, 03:54 AM

This kind of goes to show. This was exactly the kind of "cuddly Muslim, with a western college educated modern mentality" who would go on internet forums and complain that all Muslims are being held accountable for the actions of a few lunatics, it's a religion of peace and that terrorism is against the teachings of the koran. While in the back of his mind maintaining the racist, terrorist ideology he was indoctrinated with leading to a terrorist attack.

This is an Islamic problem, not a "crazy person" problem.

07-17-2015, 03:57 AM
Now lets get back on topic.....here are some quotes about the gunman.

Almir Dizdarevic, who was Abdulazeez's mixed martial arts coach when he was a teenager, said his former student's father told him about two years ago that his son had left the country to "move back home." Since then, Dizdarevic said when he ran into Abdulazeez at a Tennessee mosque several times, his former student told him he was teaching wrestling and doing well.

Neighbor Dean McDaniel said he'd known the family for most of his 17 years living in the Chattanooga suburb of Hixson, Tennessee. He first crossed paths with Mohammad Abdulazeez when he was an elementary school student, and later would see him from time to time when he visited his sisters while they were baby-sitting McDaniel's children.

"He was a good kid. ... They're good people," he said. "I've never had any kind of conflict with them."

Kevin Emily, his former high school wrestling coach, described him as "a great student" who sometimes missed practice to pray.

"He always contributed, always did what I asked him to do. I never had any problems out of Mohammad," Emily told CNN's "Erin Burnett: Outfront." "He was very humble when he was in high school. He'd always listen to me, looked me in the eye. He was just -- in high school he was a great kid."

"He was also incredibly intelligent, which really makes me wonder about his true motives for doing this," said Barnette, who posted a photo of the yearbook page on Facebook. "He was always getting recognized for his high grades and getting awards all throughout school. It's upsetting to see him waste it all."

Just a normal bright kid who graduated a university with a degree. Something had to trigger the motives. I don't know what it is but people that contribute to society are less likely to commit these acts.

Either some girl dumped him, fired from a job or something influenced him such as religion.

07-17-2015, 04:03 AM
Now lets get back on topic.....here are some quotes about the gunman.

Just a normal bright kid who graduated a university with a degree. Something had to trigger the motives. I don't know what it is but people that contribute to society are less likely to commit these acts.

Either some girl dumped him, fired from a job or something influenced him such as religion.

"Hixson, Tennessee" LOL

07-17-2015, 04:24 AM

. This was exactly the kind of "cuddly Muslim, with a western college educated modern mentality" who would go on internet forums and complain that all Muslims are being held accountable for the actions of a few lunatics, it's a religion of peace and that terrorism is against the teachings of the koran.

This is so true, i bet this ****** even was on reddit :lol

Patrick Chewing
07-17-2015, 09:05 AM
Condemns Muslim violence ....

Talks about nuking the Middle East into oblivion.

Ok fellas. Got it

In order to kill the snake, you must cut off its head.

You don't kill the snake by turning around and walking away and smelling flowers on your way back home.

Patrick Chewing
07-17-2015, 09:09 AM
1. Guess you aren't familiar with the many types of mental diseases. Pick up a book, buddy.

What disease did he have? So all these ISIS guys that keep growing in number are just magically meeting up to cope with their mental diseases?

07-17-2015, 09:11 AM
religion and terrorism aside, i know some middle east and muslim people. middle east people tend to be more radical, extreme, wreckless by nature. i think its a combination of low education low IQ and thousands of years of cultivation by stringent religion.

07-17-2015, 12:23 PM
In order to kill the snake, you must cut off its head.

You don't kill the snake by turning around and walking away and smelling flowers on your way back home.

07-17-2015, 12:27 PM
Hold up, let me help the President in describing this incident and Mr. Abdulazeez:

1. Isolated
2. Lone-wolf
3. Troubled
4. Knucklehead
5. Accident
6. Stricter Gun Laws
7. Non-Muslim
8. White privilege
9. Christian history of violence
10. What difference does it make?

You forgot workplace violence.


07-17-2015, 12:29 PM
religion and terrorism aside, i know some middle east and muslim people. middle east people tend to be more radical, extreme, wreckless by nature. i think its a combination of low education low IQ and thousands of years of cultivation by stringent religion.

My apartment complex is probably 60% 'brown'. I am assuming Pakistani, maybe Indian. Nice people, never had a problem with any of them, even play volleyball with them from time to time.

Crazy thing is, this guy lived here and grew up in the states for almost two decades. Graduated from high school, then college, with an electrical engineering degree.

It could be ANYBODY. I sometimes wonder if some of my neighbors could follow the same path.

07-17-2015, 12:30 PM
Condemns Muslim violence ....

Talks about nuking the Middle East into oblivion.

Ok fellas. Got it

Somehow handing out hugs just hasn't gotten the point across.

07-17-2015, 12:34 PM
Islam is producing a lot of crazed killers. That you can't deny.

Time to get tough on all Muslims. Western countries need to look at stronger laws and cutting off immigration of all muslims

When one person shot up a church, and he just so happened to take a picture with a Confederate flag, the immediate reaction from the left was "exterminate all who wave Confederate flags cause they're dangerous".

But if you point to the dozens upon dozens of cases of Islamic violence, the left will tell you that you are generalizing an entire religion.

Anything to fit an agenda.

07-17-2015, 12:37 PM
the immediate reaction from the left was "exterminate all who wave Confederate flags cause they're dangerous".

I would love for you to cite one legitimate source where "leftists" were clamoring to execute people over a flag.

07-17-2015, 12:41 PM
I would love for you to cite one legitimate source where "leftists" were clamoring to execute people over a flag.


Go **** yourself.

It starts by erasing history, which, is being attempted on a daily basis. Digging up deceased generals, destroying monuments, banning flags.

07-17-2015, 12:50 PM

Go **** yourself.

It starts by erasing history, which, is being attempted on a daily basis. Digging up deceased generals, destroying monuments, banning flags.
Your source, "intellihub," has this as a serious article:

Jade Helm begins: Massive realistic training exercise and preparation for eventual martial law starts today

Okay bud. :roll:

07-17-2015, 07:33 PM
I think the one thing people are forgetting is the gunman wasn't an extremist. He was your typical "normal" Muslim which tells you a lot. Those that were close to him said he was just a normal dude.

Patrick Chewing
07-17-2015, 07:43 PM
I think the one thing people are forgetting is the gunman wasn't an extremist. He was your typical "normal" Muslim which tells you a lot. Those that were close to him said he was just a normal dude.

Thank God for the 2nd amendment. That's all I'm gonna say.

07-17-2015, 09:52 PM
My apartment complex is probably 60% 'brown'. I am assuming Pakistani, maybe Indian. Nice people, never had a problem with any of them, even play volleyball with them from time to time.

Crazy thing is, this guy lived here and grew up in the states for almost two decades. Graduated from high school, then college, with an electrical engineering degree.

It could be ANYBODY. I sometimes wonder if some of my neighbors could follow the same path.

I tend to worry more about the so-called normal Muslims than the extremist, in other words they are the same except on is in sheep's clothing and you never know when he/she will snap.

He was a good kid and not an extremist. Just a regular Muslim guy and a regular guy killed 4 Marines.

07-17-2015, 10:34 PM
Turns out these Islamophobes who want Islam eradicated have more in common with extremists and terrorists than the average Muslim :oldlol: