View Full Version : Why are you fat?

07-18-2015, 04:39 AM
3 meals. Taught since kindergarten. Why the **** are you fat????

07-18-2015, 05:23 AM
because you're a fawker.

07-18-2015, 05:47 AM
I'm fat? :cry:

07-18-2015, 06:26 AM
Laziness, really - easier to eat poorly and not do exercise. I'm still in the 'healthy' BMI range, but I'd still say I'm fat.

07-18-2015, 06:30 AM


07-18-2015, 06:38 AM
http://www.quickmeme.com/img/f3/f3e67a38e8fa4f38dd502a423db4bc3c8b5fa1fec0b5fc9d6a 7ad872ba3f36e7.jpg

07-18-2015, 08:51 AM
its not exactly a stupid question :confusedshrug:

Patrick Chewing
07-18-2015, 09:16 AM

07-18-2015, 09:22 AM
the dominant answer in this day and age is unquestionably video games btw

07-18-2015, 09:24 AM
fat people use food as their daily dose of dopamine. where as healthy lifestyled people use exercise, socializing and achievement as theirs.

07-18-2015, 09:56 AM
if you're fat and don't want to be fat, 99% of the time, it's your fault, you lazy worthless weak-minded pos.

but if you're fat and don't give a shit, you guys should be happy eating anything you want.

07-18-2015, 11:54 AM
This is so bullshit when veggie supposes to be cheaper if the burger is high-quality. Those cheap burgers are likely not.

07-18-2015, 12:00 PM
Nothing wrong with burgers

Just don't eat so many goddamn ones

07-18-2015, 01:01 PM
the dominant answer in this day and age is unquestionably video games btw
I play video games every day and I'm a whopping 180lbs.

The answer is cause people don't give a shit. They get fat and simply don't care.

07-18-2015, 01:06 PM
I play video games every day and I'm a whopping 180lbs.

The answer is cause people don't give a shit. They get fat and simply don't care.

Bad quality foods don't make people fat

People make people fat

In the end it always comes down to numbers... Too much.

07-18-2015, 01:07 PM

07-18-2015, 01:30 PM
It's the horizontal stripes bro.

07-18-2015, 01:46 PM
I play video games every day and I'm a whopping 180lbs.

The answer is cause people don't give a shit. They get fat and simply don't care.
i agree with you. i think people can not give a shit and not care precisely because they spent their childhood sitting at home watching a screen instead of running around outside. i know there are lots of people who combine activity and video games in a healthy balance. in fact a basketball messageboard is precisely where you might go to find such a person.

i'm basing this on having worked in schools and having seen what kids between say 7-12 are really interested in on a daily basis. it's very disheartening to witness. video games are great and fun and actually increasingly important for learning programs, but they are also incredibly addictive. that is problematic because nature is the opposite of addictive.

07-18-2015, 02:38 PM
i agree with you. i think people can not give a shit and not care precisely because they spent their childhood sitting at home watching a screen instead of running around outside. i know there are lots of people who combine activity and video games in a healthy balance. in fact a basketball messageboard is precisely where you might go to find such a person.

i'm basing this on having worked in schools and having seen what kids between say 7-12 are really interested in on a daily basis. it's very disheartening to witness. video games are great and fun and actually increasingly important for learning programs, but they are also incredibly addictive. that is problematic because nature is the opposite of addictive.

Don't forget that weather, the type of job you work and self motivation factors in as well. If you're raised in a household where exercise is the general lifestyle, it's easy to be morivated to stay in shape. Where as if u live in an environment that doesn't encourage physical acrivity, you're more likely to just "let yourself go" and think that it's the norm.

Being in my 40s now is honestly what encouraged me to get back into shape, because i didnt want to have aching bones and a lack of motivation considering how i simply can't do the things that i did in my 20s as fast as I used to. It becomes more of a mental game the older you get, so I would encourage anyone to start a healthy exercise/diet regimine as early as possible.

07-18-2015, 04:04 PM
I'm not. *Posts 6pack pic*

Actually my eating habits are pretty bad but thankfully my metabolism + cardio through intense bballin bails me out :oldlol:

07-18-2015, 05:12 PM
Don't forget that weather, the type of job you work and self motivation factors in as well. If you're raised in a household where exercise is the general lifestyle, it's easy to be morivated to stay in shape. Where as if u live in an environment that doesn't encourage physical acrivity, you're more likely to just "let yourself go" and think that it's the norm.

Being in my 40s now is honestly what encouraged me to get back into shape, because i didnt want to have aching bones and a lack of motivation considering how i simply can't do the things that i did in my 20s as fast as I used to. It becomes more of a mental game the older you get, so I would encourage anyone to start a healthy exercise/diet regimine as early as possible.
well said. nurture definitely factors in.

my dad is unathletic as fk but while i was growing up, he'd go through binges where he'd go nuts with pushups, situps, and his rowing machine over the course of a few months. then he'd burn out. i think that clued me in early on as to how difficult it is to maintain the routine.... all that said, i now do exactly what i described above. only mid 20s tho so i got time haha

alongside computers/video games, the second biggest factor is just the availability of shitty food. we should not underestimate the difference in a) readily available, and b) mass marketed food types, between now and say 1920. it is not just easier to get staples for your diet, it's easier to abuse your diet with pre-made sugar/salt/fat/corn garbage, and to do it consistently over many years without noticing the repercussions

07-18-2015, 05:16 PM
i was having a convo the other day about how important sports are for exercise. i am obviously more inclined to go play pickup than to go for a 10k run. is it healthier to do one or the other? it definitely seems easier to play sports, assuming you're half way coordinated. should sports be pushed even more on kids than they already are, almost so they have an excuse to exercise? or would that have diminishing returns over time or would it just make a mess where kids start hating themselves cuz some of em just aren't cut out to be athletes? interesting questions those imo

07-19-2015, 12:39 AM
Lack of microbiome diversity in your gut.

07-19-2015, 01:05 AM
i was having a convo the other day about how important sports are for exercise. i am obviously more inclined to go play pickup than to go for a 10k run. is it healthier to do one or the other? it definitely seems easier to play sports, assuming you're half way coordinated. should sports be pushed even more on kids than they already are, almost so they have an excuse to exercise? or would that have diminishing returns over time or would it just make a mess where kids start hating themselves cuz some of em just aren't cut out to be athletes? interesting questions those imo

It is a lot better to play sports than just doing repetitive movement like running or lifting weights. Neuroplasticity scientist talk about how it is almost even bad for you to repeat the same motion over and over with with no use of your brain.

07-19-2015, 01:44 AM
It is a lot better to play sports than just doing repetitive movement like running or lifting weights. Neuroplasticity scientist talk about how it is almost even bad for you to repeat the same motion over and over with with no use of your brain.

07-19-2015, 01:57 AM

This. It is far easier on the budget to not eat healthy. Until there is more of a balance in the pricing things will continue. Add to that people leading a more sedentary lifestyle and you get a high obesity rate. People could eat crap and be reasonably healthy back in the day due to most of your fun having to be had out of the house and on the go. Now there are so many more easy options to sit on your ass.

07-19-2015, 07:30 AM
It is a lot better to play sports than just doing repetitive movement like running or lifting weights. Neuroplasticity scientist talk about how it is almost even bad for you to repeat the same motion over and over with with no use of your brain.
oooh that's interesting dude

07-19-2015, 07:40 AM
It is a lot better to play sports than just doing repetitive movement like running or lifting weights. Neuroplasticity scientist talk about how it is almost even bad for you to repeat the same motion over and over with with no use of your brain.
Not necessarily true

It comes down to balance in the end. Doing ANYTHING too much will create faulty motor patterns. If anything, playing sports further facilitates bad motor patterns. Imagine batters or pitchers in baseball. Repeating the same motion over and over and over again. Hundreds of thousands of times. The postural, motor pattern neural efficiency would be brutal. The gym offers in the right context, a place where you can reverse these faulty recruitment patterns. Pitchers don't go into the gym and do the same movement pattern they do on the mound. They focus on external rotation, scapular retraction... Unwind the stress of the pitching motion.

07-19-2015, 07:56 AM
Our whole lives is repetition and routine. People are going through the motions everyday barely using their brain. It's the easiest way to grind through life without breaking down or feeling burnt out mentally. If anything, i feel the gym teaches us discipline and patience in mental focus. It is stupid to say lifting weights is not as good as playing sports. Have you considered the increase in bone density that benefits people, especially the elderly. Have you considered the movement efficiency and correction it can offer for peoples with special conditions such as scoliosis or cerebral palsy..... Lifting correctly magically cures injuries that people have complained about for years. The physical and mental are directly related. When you are not moving well, you wont feel well.

Although I do think it is important to every now and then do something new, go on a holiday, or have a new experience. Being disciplined and strong willed is great, but you do need time to change up the stimulus and keep the brain alert. This doesn't mean the gym is bad in any sense.

07-19-2015, 10:57 AM
No ones pitches to get in shape and not be fat though. I see what you are saying with sports movement being repetitive, but you are still forced to use your brain, especially in sports where you are problem solving and reacting. Such as overcoming different batters, or pitchers, breaking down a defense in basketball, and slipping punches in a sparring match. I don't think modern sports are optimal, as I teach yoga and tai chi, so I would suggest those forms of exercise to get a full mind body connection.

While lifting or running if you are focusing on every movement, what muscles are being worked, breath control, alignment, doing half reps, full reps, not isolating, tricking your brain and muscles, and changing exercises all the time then great! But 90% of the time especially when it is an overweight person getting back into shape, people check out when they lift weights or run. They do the same exercise over and over, and try to put up as many reps as possible, with the only thought being to get through to the next.

Here's a quote from Dr. Michael Merzenich.

"You are losing a major opportunity for improving your brain health if you are exercising your body in ways that disengage your brain from participation. Working on exercise machines in a (brainless) fitness center is an example of how not to make the best use of your physical exercise time. Machines that eschew variety in movement control, while promoting stereotypical movement (that great enemy of healthy and flexible neurological control) should be particularly avoided. You would never exercise your brain by solving the same problem a million times using exactly the same approach to come up with exactly the same answer. From the brain's movement control center perspective, that's exactly what you are doing when you spend all those hours working out on many of those exercise machines. Formal exercise gym environments also commonly isolate movement to parts of your body, which would be just great if your body was designed to operate as a composite of disconnected robots."

Gym isn't bad if you utilize it right. A majority just don't.

07-19-2015, 11:03 AM
Also as I said earlier, a lack of microbiome diversity in a person's gut is an underestimated aspect to obesity.

07-19-2015, 11:12 AM
This. It is far easier on the budget to not eat healthy. Until there is more of a balance in the pricing things will continue. Add to that people leading a more sedentary lifestyle and you get a high obesity rate. People could eat crap and be reasonably healthy back in the day due to most of your fun having to be had out of the house and on the go. Now there are so many more easy options to sit on your ass.

No. It's quite easy on the budget to eat healthy.

07-19-2015, 11:21 AM
No. It's quite easy on the budget to eat healthy.
yeah it's been discussed so much on ish. it's a myth that eating healthy consumes more of your money; perhaps one fomented by industry. but eating healthy definitely consumes more of your time, which gets to the heart of the matter.

07-19-2015, 11:37 AM
I think people overlook the power and impact of advertising. Companies don't spend billions of dollars producing ad's that don't work. We are all prone to being hypnotized by these food ads and food channels. Just like how real p o - r n makes you wanna ****, food p o - r n makes you wanna eat.

07-19-2015, 12:10 PM
yeah it's been discussed so much on ish. it's a myth that eating healthy consumes more of your money; perhaps one fomented by industry. but eating healthy definitely consumes more of your time, which gets to the heart of the matter.

If you drink water, don't eat out, and don't buy anything in a box you'll save a lot of money and lose a lot of weight.

07-19-2015, 12:23 PM
I think people overlook the power and impact of advertising. Companies don't spend billions of dollars producing ad's that don't work. We are all prone to being hypnotized by these food ads and food channels. Just like how real p o - r n makes you wanna ****, food p o - r n makes you wanna eat.

Companies spend money on ads because they have to compete for marketshare with other companies. People who like candy will still buy some version of it regardless. People eat candy bc they like how it tastes, not bc of the picture on the wrapper.

07-19-2015, 12:31 PM
yeah it's been discussed so much on ish. it's a myth that eating healthy consumes more of your money; perhaps one fomented by industry. but eating healthy definitely consumes more of your time, which gets to the heart of the matter.

Go into Burger King and watch the people who are chowing on large fries and mountain dew and reeces peanut butter pies. They're not in a hurry. They're usually taking their sweet time and going back for seconds.

People eat shitty food because it tastes good and it comforts them. Why is this so hard? Can we stop with the excuses please? Millions of people don't smoke meth because of hypnotic ad campaigns or the complete lack of time in their schedule to NOT smoke meth :facepalm

Food is abused like a drug by many because it provides a stimulus and is plentifully available.

The way people bend over backwards to make excuses for this stuff is bogglesome to the mind. And we all know it's because it generally affects low income demographics, and they are not to be criticized ever!

WHY can't people just call it what it is? Many people have completely meaningless lives, and they pass the time until death by stuffing their face full of temporary comfort in the form of food. Do we have to beat around the bush with EVERYTHING??? A little honesty would do this country so much good.

07-19-2015, 01:30 PM
If you drink water, don't eat out, and don't buy anything in a box you'll save a lot of money and lose a lot of weight.
i've been chugging it and living off two medium sized meals per day. i'm both amazed and ashamed it took me 25 years to realize the difference a lot of water can make... in my body made of 80% of it or w/e :lol

07-19-2015, 01:32 PM
People eat shitty food because it tastes good and it comforts them. Why is this so hard? Can we stop with the excuses please? Millions of people don't smoke meth because of hypnotic ad campaigns or the complete lack of time in their schedule to NOT smoke meth
i should have said that the time consumption gets MORE to the heart of the matter than expense, which was the subject a few post earlier, and for the reason deuce pointed out. obviously comfort and habit and routine and laziness are all much more fundamental to the human condition of diet, as you suggest.

WHY can't people just call it what it is? Many people have completely meaningless lives, and they pass the time until death by stuffing their face full of temporary comfort in the form of food. Do we have to beat around the bush with EVERYTHING??? A little honesty would do this country so much good.
i see where you're coming from and i don't doubt the sincerity of your position.

but its hilarious to me that after all these years, and my having called you on it dozens of times, your best solution to every problem plaguing america continues to be "YELL THE TRUTH AT THEM, ITLL HURT BUT THEYLL GET IT AND COMPLETELY CHANGE THEIR LIVES"

that's not the way people work dude. no matter how accurate your diagnosis, your medicine is incredibly shortsighted.

07-19-2015, 01:34 PM
Companies spend money on ads because they have to compete for marketshare with other companies. People who like candy will still buy some version of it regardless. People eat candy bc they like how it tastes, not bc of the picture on the wrapper.

So you've never seen a burger commercial or watched Diner's, Drive In's and Dive's and thought to yourself damn that looks good wish I had some of that?

Of course people can and will eat crap regardless. For people who are prone to addiction and impulsive/compulsive behavior these ads and shows can definitely be triggers though. I've been around all sorts of different kinds of addicts my whole life and I've seen it a million times. They don't allow cigarette comercials for a reason. Shit I've witnessed people want to a have smoke just by watching someone do it in a movie.

07-19-2015, 01:44 PM
Shit I've witnessed people want to a have smoke just by watching someone do it in a movie.
i think i ramped up my habit by about a third of a pack the first time i watched mad men all the way through... :lol

07-19-2015, 01:57 PM
You have very mentally weak stupid people, and people who prey upon the weak. It's pretty ****ing simple, and has been going on forever.

07-19-2015, 04:26 PM
Go into Burger King and watch the people who are chowing on large fries and mountain dew and reeces peanut butter pies. They're not in a hurry. They're usually taking their sweet time and going back for seconds.

People eat shitty food because it tastes good and it comforts them. Why is this so hard? Can we stop with the excuses please? Millions of people don't smoke meth because of hypnotic ad campaigns or the complete lack of time in their schedule to NOT smoke meth :facepalm

Food is abused like a drug by many because it provides a stimulus and is plentifully available.

The way people bend over backwards to make excuses for this stuff is bogglesome to the mind. And we all know it's because it generally affects low income demographics, and they are not to be criticized ever!

WHY can't people just call it what it is? Many people have completely meaningless lives, and they pass the time until death by stuffing their face full of temporary comfort in the form of food. Do we have to beat around the bush with EVERYTHING??? A little honesty would do this country so much good.
You're probably speaking from experience here, which is why you make just a good point.

You yourself are addicted to McDonalds and dont live the most meaningfull life. All you have is time.

07-19-2015, 04:29 PM
You have very mentally weak stupid people, and people who prey upon the weak. It's pretty ****ing simple, and has been going on forever.
Everybody likes taste/convenience/price of fast food. It's not something that just stupid people buy. Everyone buys it, it's just some do it 2x a week(healthy) while others rely on fast food for the bulk of their diet. Those are the mentally weak stupid people. Or just people who don't care about their health at all, which are usually stupid mentally weak people. So yeah.

07-19-2015, 04:41 PM
You're probably speaking from experience here, which is why you make just a good point.

You yourself are addicted to McDonalds and dont live the most meaningfull life. All you have is time.

Thats just like, your opinion man.

07-19-2015, 05:00 PM
i should have said that the time consumption gets MORE to the heart of the matter than expense, which was the subject a few post earlier, and for the reason deuce pointed out. obviously comfort and habit and routine and laziness are all much more fundamental to the human condition of diet, as you suggest.

i see where you're coming from and i don't doubt the sincerity of your position.

but its hilarious to me that after all these years, and my having called you on it dozens of times, your best solution to every problem plaguing america continues to be "YELL THE TRUTH AT THEM, ITLL HURT BUT THEYLL GET IT AND COMPLETELY CHANGE THEIR LIVES"

that's not the way people work dude. no matter how accurate your diagnosis, your medicine is incredibly shortsighted.

It's ok bro.

Im right and youre wrong but we can still be friends :cheers:

07-19-2015, 06:33 PM
Why does the government go after fast food companies but doesn't go after all the diet fad stuff thats bullshit and shows like the biggest loser that show extreme amounts of weight lost in "a week" which have been exposed as messing with time lines and risking peoples health to get that amount lost? Lower your daily calories and exercise and you should lose weight. People want to lose more than the human body is meant to lose based on people pushing things to the extreme now, it takes time to lose weight in a healthy and manageable long term way.

07-19-2015, 08:21 PM
Because people are addicted to unhealthy food. This is the same question as asking why do people smoke cigarettes if they are that unhealthy. Addiction.

Except with food, it is fairly easy to cure the addiction if people are so inclined. Three months of no added sugar + even a tiny amount of exercise that increases every week and they should be fine for the rest of their lives.

The problem in America is that we are extremists when it comes to "freedom". We want the freedom to make our choices. However, we don't understand that corporations prey on this desire and make products that make us slaves to what they put out. They literally taste test a food product (e.g., cereal) with different amounts of added sugar to find just the right "sweet spot" that keeps people coming back.

Nobody needs to diet. Nonsense science. Eat real food that isn't processed and is legitimately real (meat, eggs, veggies, fish, fruit, sandwiches, burritos, avocado etc). As long as the food is freshly prepared and real all that carb, protein, etc doesn't matter that much.

07-20-2015, 12:42 AM
It's ok bro.

Im right and youre wrong but we can still be friends :cheers:
atta boy, stick to your conviction, i will be nice, i will be nice

serenity now, serenity now

insanity later....

07-20-2015, 12:42 AM
Because people are addicted to unhealthy food. This is the same question as asking why do people smoke cigarettes if they are that unhealthy. Addiction.
for the record, whoever happens to be keeping it, i don't think it's this simple

07-20-2015, 02:38 AM
well said. nurture definitely factors in.

my dad is unathletic as fk but while i was growing up, he'd go through binges where he'd go nuts with pushups, situps, and his rowing machine over the course of a few months. then he'd burn out. i think that clued me in early on as to how difficult it is to maintain the routine.... all that said, i now do exactly what i described above. only mid 20s tho so i got time haha

alongside computers/video games, the second biggest factor is just the availability of shitty food. we should not underestimate the difference in a) readily available, and b) mass marketed food types, between now and say 1920. it is not just easier to get staples for your diet, it's easier to abuse your diet with pre-made sugar/salt/fat/corn garbage, and to do it consistently over many years without noticing the repercussions

Absolutely got em reversed. Video games and lack of exercise may be a contributing factor but diet is the number 1 factor in people becoming fat, MILES ahead of video games.

Lakers Legend#32
07-20-2015, 04:08 AM
For all the Thunder fans out there, Oklahoma is ranked as the 7th fattest state.

Fat, ugly bastard Clay Clay Bennett accounts for most of Oklahoma.

07-20-2015, 11:31 AM
Absolutely got em reversed. Video games and lack of exercise may be a contributing factor but diet is the number 1 factor in people becoming fat, MILES ahead of video games.
eh i think lack of activity has a strong impact over a longer period

you grow up thinking the only movement you need is gym class, to and from school, and to and from the refridgerator? that shit catches up with you in your late 20s early 30s, or younger depending on your body type.

change of diet is easier to accomplish than beginning to exercise, since there are so many cheats on the one hand, whereas the other is intense and hard otherwise it won't really work

though i guess they say just walking for 30 minutes a day will pay substantial dividends

07-20-2015, 11:49 AM
This is so bullshit when veggie supposes to be cheaper if the burger is high-quality. Those cheap burgers are likely not.

pretty much this.
Healthy foods are more expensive.


Charlie Sheen
07-20-2015, 12:05 PM
I watch tv and drink beer to unwind when I get home