View Full Version : 2015 Ramadan Rage statistics

07-20-2015, 09:15 AM
2,988 people were shot, burned, blown up, beheaded, or hacked to death
3,696 wounded

2,429 people were shot, burned, blown up, beheaded, or hacked to death
2,028 wounded.

Ramadan is the most violent month of the year in the Islamic world, because Ramadan is the month in which Muslims renew their devotion to Allah, and violent jihad is a supreme act of devotion to Allah.

All told, 2,988 people were shot, burned, blown up, beheaded, or hacked to death in the cause of Islam during this “holy” month, with 3,696 wounded, beating last year’s savage human toll of 2,429, with 2,028 wounded. This is not political correctness; this is sharia adherence. Wherever your sympathies may lie, the idea that the Empire State Building would turn green for Eid not a day after five U.S. soldiers were murdered in cold blood in the cause of Islam on American soil is surrender. We have indeed been conquered.


07-20-2015, 09:56 AM
looks like muzzies have upped the intensity:lol

I am glad that I see an increasing number of the true, faithful muslims:applause:

07-20-2015, 10:01 AM
this is actually an interesting point

any thoughts on this from our resident muslims?

07-20-2015, 10:02 AM
damn it's like the Purge

07-20-2015, 10:09 AM
I bet the actual numbers are 2x that.

Little violence is reported in remote parts of the ME.

But this is every year. Hack your neighbor to death month.


07-20-2015, 10:12 AM
does the number of domestic disturbance calls to the police from local wasp neighbourhoods tend to spike during lent?

07-20-2015, 10:12 AM
Ramadan is always a big month for retail here. Theft and general disturbances go though the roof. You need a vacation after that shit.

07-20-2015, 10:13 AM
2,988 people were shot, burned, blown up, beheaded, or hacked to death
3,696 wounded

2,429 people were shot, burned, blown up, beheaded, or hacked to death
2,028 wounded.

Any confirmation of these numbers from a source that isn't as biased?

07-20-2015, 10:15 AM
does the number of domestic disturbance calls to the police from local wasp neighbourhoods tend to spike during lent?

No more than usual. It goes up in Catholic neighborhoods only when alcohol has been given up for 40 days.

07-20-2015, 10:21 AM
No more than usual. It goes up in Catholic neighborhoods only when alcohol has been given up for 40 days.
ah that makes more sense. i was confused, i guess lent isn't really too popular in protestantism? i was joking anyway but booze is an interesting example for sure

07-20-2015, 10:48 AM
Why exactly does this happen?
I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to Ramadan.

I have friends who are muslim and I act polite and say "Happy Ramadan" but I didn't know about these "rage" incidents that occur. :eek:

07-20-2015, 11:02 AM
Why exactly does this happen?
I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to Ramadan.

I have friends who are muslim and I act polite and say "Happy Ramadan" but I didn't know about these "rage" incidents that occur. :eek:

That's why you don't go around saying stuff you're not informed enough to know.

So people don't like 'merry christmas'

07-20-2015, 11:09 AM
Why exactly does this happen?
I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to Ramadan.

I have friends who are muslim and I act polite and say "Happy Ramadan" but I didn't know about these "rage" incidents that occur. :eek:

No drinking, no eating, boredom, lack of sleep and discomfort. Makes you prickly.

07-20-2015, 11:40 AM
Any confirmation of these numbers from a source that isn't as biased?

Trolls don't care about bias. Doubt you can get any reliable numbers out of those countries. Hell, you can't trust the ones from here.

I wonder how many domestic violence incidents in the south last month.?

07-20-2015, 12:37 PM
Trolls don't care about bias. Doubt you can get any reliable numbers out of those countries. Hell, you can't trust the ones from here.

I wonder how many domestic violence incidents in the south last month.?

Hey, she fell down the stairs. I swear.

07-20-2015, 12:44 PM
Hey, she fell down the stairs. I swear.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-20-2015, 12:46 PM
Hey, she fell down the stairs. I swear.

Accidents do happen.

Especially when a woman leaves the kitchen without permission.

Hopefully the lesson has been learned here.

Patrick Chewing
07-20-2015, 03:10 PM
Trolls don't care about bias. Doubt you can get any reliable numbers out of those countries. Hell, you can't trust the ones from here.

I wonder how many domestic violence incidents in the south last month.?

Is it not possible to have an honest discussion on the violence throughout the Islamic world without having to bring up another demographic?

Why do Muslims get a free pass from the board's Uber-Liberal elite?

OP raises a very interesting question, and yet not one Muslim has stepped foot in here to reply. You can do the research for yourself. Hundreds if not thousands die every year on their way to visit the Hajj.

07-20-2015, 03:25 PM
Can't believe there are people that never heard of Ramadan Rage. While most people will tell you it's a holy month for fasting and praying, there is another side to it from crime aspect of it. The dark and dirty side of it.

Crime rate increases all over the world during this month and the leading cause of deprivation. Studies have shown that people are usually more agitated during this month because the lack of food, water, smoking and alcohol.

Incidents such as road rage are very common especially when workers rush home after a long day of fasting.

I'm not making this up. Most Muslims will know exactly what I am talking about. You don't hear about it unless you live in a country where 90% of the population is practicing Ramadan.

07-20-2015, 03:51 PM
Can't believe there are people that never heard of Ramadan Rage. While most people will tell you it's a holy month for fasting and praying, there is another side to it from crime aspect of it. The dark and dirty side of it.

Crime rate increases all over the world during this month and the leading cause of deprivation. Studies have shown that people are usually more agitated during this month because the lack of food, water, smoking and alcohol.

Incidents such as road rage are very common especially when workers rush home after a long day of fasting.

I'm not making this up. Most Muslims will know exactly what I am talking about. You don't hear about it unless you live in a country where 90% of the population is practicing Ramadan.

You have to punish those to reaffirm your faith.

It's true. This latest attack in Chattanooga was linked to it.

07-20-2015, 03:58 PM
Is it not possible to have an honest discussion on the violence throughout the Islamic world without having to bring up another demographic?

Why do Muslims get a free pass from the board's Uber-Liberal elite?

OP raises a very interesting question, and yet not one Muslim has stepped foot in here to reply. You can do the research for yourself. Hundreds if not thousands die every year on their way to visit the Hajj.

1) You are not capable of an honest or informed discussion on any topic, because you are neither honest nor informed on any issue; at least as far as I can tell.

2) My comment was in no way in support of muslim or any other violence. 9er is the worst kind of troll (equal parts misinformed and not funny) and I merely was reaffirming Rufus' sense of the biased nature of both the OP intent and his/her source.

07-20-2015, 04:01 PM
Here is a blog by a female Muslim discussing Ramadan Rage....you guys have no clue what it is while Muslims know exactly what I am talking about but pretend they don't know.

Fouzia Younis-Suleman, a Muslim who works for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, has blogged about what Ramadan means for her. Originally written for internal consumption only, we felt that this blog deserved a wider audience.

Ramadan Rage anyone?

19 hours without food and water, in temperatures of over 30 degrees, surviving on four hours sleep are ideal conditions for what I call 'Ramadan Rage'. Those who have to give up their nicotine (thankfully not me) or caffeine addiction (definitely me) find it especially hard to ‘keep calm’ and carry on as normal. Those who have experienced traffic jams in the Middle East at iftar time (breaking of the fast) may sympathise. But fighting Ramadan Rage with the other 3 Rs—Resistance, Reflection, Resilience—is all part of what makes this month so special.

Hard to keep calm and perhaps leading to violence. No perhaps, actually.

07-20-2015, 04:05 PM
Oh shit, they cant even drink WATER during the fast??

Damn, they should hold this thing during summer every year. Maybe it'd help lighten the load a lil bit.

07-20-2015, 04:20 PM
''ramadan rage'':oldlol:

ramadan didn't stop israel from bombing UN schools with patients last year around just stop you homo.

07-20-2015, 04:22 PM
Muslims are some real nigguhs. Allah commands them to kill infidels, they kill infidels.

On the flip side, Yahweh commands his chosen people to stone non believers (and adulteress woman, misbehaving kids, gays) to death at the gates of their cities walls-

And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.

-Leviticus 24:16

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and [that], when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son [is] stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; [he is] a glutton, and a drunkard.
And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

-Deuteronomy 21:18 - 21:21

And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned

-John 8: 3-5

When was the last time you heard of Jews or Gentiles stoning anyone? :biggums:

Fake ass, one day a week 'believers'. Religious Wankstas. Shameful.

07-20-2015, 04:27 PM
Muslims are some real nigguhs. Allah commands them to kill infidels, they kill infidels.

On the flip side, Yahweh commands his chosen people to stone non believers (and adulteress woman, misbehaving kids, gays) to death at the gates of their cities walls-

And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.

-Leviticus 24:16

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and [that], when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son [is] stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; [he is] a glutton, and a drunkard.
And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

-Deuteronomy 21:18 - 21:21

And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned

-John 8: 3-5

When was the last time you heard of Jews or Gentiles stoning anyone? :biggums:

Fake ass, one day a week 'believers'. Religious Wankstas. Shameful.



All the way to the bank...

07-20-2015, 04:34 PM


All the way to the Hell...


07-20-2015, 04:37 PM
Fake ass, one day a week 'believers'. Religious Wankstas. Shameful.


Did you not learn anything this month? Ramadan is over so chill with the rage bro.

From a Muslim woman.....

As a Muslim, fasting is obligatory, for those who can. This is not just about resisting food and water, but also resisting any tendency to speak ill of others, gossip or argue in Ramadan Rage.

07-20-2015, 04:43 PM

Did you not learn anything this month? Ramadan is over so chill with the rage bro.

I tried to give it up for Ramadan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCUIzs8i9EU). It didn't go so well :(

From a Muslim woman.....

From the HNIC...

And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.

-Leviticus 24:16

If you ain't stoning infidels/blasphemers, you ain't seeing the pearly gates. Meanwhile, Abdul and them will be swimming in the pu$$y juices of 72 virgins for eternity because they actually walk the walk.

Fake ass studio chosen people on the other hand... eh, not so much :facepalm

07-20-2015, 04:47 PM
I tried to give it up for Ramadan. It didn't go so well
hopefully you weren't dragged to a meeting... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkQ9uyOow5g)

studio chosen people

07-20-2015, 04:55 PM
hopefully you weren't dragged to a meeting... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkQ9uyOow5g)

I am not here for rage, I'm here for Jihad! :mad: :rant

07-20-2015, 05:00 PM
I am not here for rage, I'm here for Jihad! :mad: :rant

Do you wear that special vest?

You're only as crazy as what you carry. The Muslim with the AKA47 is less crazier than the one wearing the special go-to-heaven vest.

07-20-2015, 05:05 PM
Do you wear that special vest?

You're only as crazy as what you carry. The Muslim with the AKA47 is less crazier than the one wearing the special go-to-heaven vest.

A Zoroastrian Magi wand is all I've ever needed. :confusedshrug:

07-20-2015, 05:23 PM
Is it not possible to have an honest discussion on the violence throughout the Islamic world without having to bring up another demographic?

Why do Muslims get a free pass from the board's Uber-Liberal elite?

OP raises a very interesting question, and yet not one Muslim has stepped foot in here to reply. You can do the research for yourself. Hundreds if not thousands die every year on their way to visit the Hajj.

Many ultra-liberal types cannot have this discussion without deflecting on to the USA, conservatives, and/or white people somehow. If you look in the comments of FB pages run by MSNBC, Salon, Vox, Slate, etc, it's a common occurrence to see their fans knee-jerkingly change the focal point away from a reported Muslim perpetrator. On Al Jazeera english, with a good amount of Arabic and Muslim members but also many others, the average response to a terrorist attack on the US is pretty much "America is the real terrorist!". I'm guessing the deflection by far left Americans serves a few purposes.. a) not having to address tough, sensitive issues about other races/ethnicities/populations other than their own, b) makes themselves feel good by displaying how 'self-critical' and 'non-judgmental' they are, c) implicitly condones wrongdoings by others, because 'we are wrong too' and 'we are no different', thus quelling the discussion at hand, d) thinking the opposite of whatever conservatives are thinking, by default... Personally, it reminds me of a kind of Stockholm syndrome or something. As the perpetrator (or group) gets more aggressive and deadly, the victim begins to blame themselves and starts to see everything through their perpetrator's perspective only.

07-20-2015, 05:33 PM
these shites and sundicks always reply back from their or their uncles violence with "you people did it too" as if doing it centuries ago justifies what they're doing now...

Religion of crime... marrying off kids, stoning women, having to shield off their faces in black colors in the hottest regions of the world. Dogs here in belgium are treated better.

07-20-2015, 05:41 PM
All it takes for them is to issue a public statement on ISH. Something like a thread and say.....

Hey broseph, I know Islam is a very violent religion and those Muslims that give us a bad name should die in hell in the name of Allah. We apologize for any misunderstanding and it is sad what this religion have become through the extremist. Moderate Muslims are just as bad but I want to tell all my ISH family that I do not interpret the Koran like that. Fvck Sharia Law and I hope my Muslim brotherhood would understand.

As simple as that.

07-20-2015, 05:53 PM
these shites and sundicks always reply back from their or their uncles violence with "you people did it too" as if doing it centuries ago justifies what they're doing now...

But GOD's word is eternal, Broseph :biggums:

Doesn't matter if he commanded these things as far back as the beginning of time... 6,000 years ago. What he says is the law until the end of time. Now unless I missed the news report about burning bushes giving out new instructions, the rules stand.

Anyone who is not out killing infidels, adulterers, gays, and unruly children is just making the big man upstairs madder and madder.

07-20-2015, 07:41 PM
Fox News. I'm sure they aren't biased :roll:


Beautiful picture though. Much respect for their photography skills :applause:

Patrick Chewing
07-20-2015, 09:10 PM
Many ultra-liberal types cannot have this discussion without deflecting on to the USA, conservatives, and/or white people somehow. If you look in the comments of FB pages run by MSNBC, Salon, Vox, Slate, etc, it's a common occurrence to see their fans knee-jerkingly change the focal point away from a reported Muslim perpetrator. On Al Jazeera english, with a good amount of Arabic and Muslim members but also many others, the average response to a terrorist attack on the US is pretty much "America is the real terrorist!". I'm guessing the deflection by far left Americans serves a few purposes.. a) not having to address tough, sensitive issues about other races/ethnicities/populations other than their own, b) makes themselves feel good by displaying how 'self-critical' and 'non-judgmental' they are, c) implicitly condones wrongdoings by others, because 'we are wrong too' and 'we are no different', thus quelling the discussion at hand, d) thinking the opposite of whatever conservatives are thinking, by default... Personally, it reminds me of a kind of Stockholm syndrome or something. As the perpetrator (or group) gets more aggressive and deadly, the victim begins to blame themselves and starts to see everything through their perpetrator's perspective only.

Perfect analysis. I can even picture a Liberal douche like Douchewallace being captured by ISIS and as the knife is piercing his fat neck, he's babbling something about how he deserves it.

07-20-2015, 09:37 PM
Many ultra-liberal types cannot have this discussion without deflecting on to the USA, conservatives, and/or white people somehow. If you look in the comments of FB pages run by MSNBC, Salon, Vox, Slate, etc, it's a common occurrence to see their fans knee-jerkingly change the focal point away from a reported Muslim perpetrator. On Al Jazeera english, with a good amount of Arabic and Muslim members but also many others, the average response to a terrorist attack on the US is pretty much "America is the real terrorist!". I'm guessing the deflection by far left Americans serves a few purposes.. a) not having to address tough, sensitive issues about other races/ethnicities/populations other than their own, b) makes themselves feel good by displaying how 'self-critical' and 'non-judgmental' they are, c) implicitly condones wrongdoings by others, because 'we are wrong too' and 'we are no different', thus quelling the discussion at hand, d) thinking the opposite of whatever conservatives are thinking, by default... Personally, it reminds me of a kind of Stockholm syndrome or something. As the perpetrator (or group) gets more aggressive and deadly, the victim begins to blame themselves and starts to see everything through their perpetrator's perspective only.

What the **** are you talking about? No one is doing that.

07-20-2015, 10:05 PM
But GOD's word is eternal, Broseph :biggums:

Doesn't matter if he commanded these things as far back as the beginning of time... 6,000 years ago. What he says is the law until the end of time. Now unless I missed the news report about burning bushes giving out new instructions, the rules stand.

Anyone who is not out killing infidels, adulterers, gays, and unruly children is just making the big man upstairs madder and madder.
I know your kidding around but even then, you lack a true understanding of the greek scriptures (you mentioned christians). Also, the bible never explicitly says the earth is 6k yrs old. You believe because a commandment was made in the hebrew scriptures it should stand for eternity...lol. since day 1, God demonstrated to be progressive, no, his purpose has not changed since day 1, but bc of humans free will and the scales of justice needing to reach equilibrium as a result of adam and eve's sin, an alternate route (so to speak) was required. So yes, the original plan still remains but free will has made it so that this plan go and jump thru hoops to be executed.

I know you're not dumb but your mockery falls short.

07-20-2015, 10:05 PM
What the **** are you talking about? No one is doing that.

Dude, it happens all the time.... I mean, instead of addressing the issue at hand, why don't we talk about American southerners and christians instead?? ... Or the most recent shooting in chattanooga, do you know how people on social networks I've seen say "but but but what about Dylan Roof? Why aren't we talking about him?", an explicit attempt to change the subject and focal point, out of some sense of political correctness, politically correct labeling, etc... Politics and extreme partisanship clouds people's minds imo

07-20-2015, 10:22 PM
But GOD's word is eternal, Broseph :biggums:

Doesn't matter if he commanded these things as far back as the beginning of time... 6,000 years ago. What he says is the law until the end of time. Now unless I missed the news report about burning bushes giving out new instructions, the rules stand.

Anyone who is not out killing infidels, adulterers, gays, and unruly children is just making the big man upstairs madder and madder.

Gods words are always up for interpretation, just like law their interpretation changes. I'm not religious, but it's ignorance to think anyone is truly obeying any scripture. It's a matter of how the upper temples/churches etc. interpret it.. you still see these muslims wanting sharia law and what not... they've yet to adapt to today. Killing is wrong, non-believers are not your enemy unless you're barbaric. if you dont agree, i hope a bomb lands on you.

07-20-2015, 10:27 PM
Gods words are always up for interpretation, just like law their interpretation changes. I'm not religious, but it's ignorance to think anyone is truly obeying any scripture. It's a matter of how the upper temples/churches etc. interpret it.. you still see these muslims wanting sharia law and what not... they've yet to adapt to today. Killing is wrong, non-believers are not your enemy unless you're barbaric. if you dont agree, i hope a bomb lands on you.

07-20-2015, 10:29 PM
Sadly Muslims killing people are becoming the norm.

Just look how many Muslims are slaughtering their own kind and Muslims don't even care. They are the new blacks but at least blacks care about black on black crime.

07-20-2015, 10:34 PM
I know your kidding around but even then, you lack a true understanding of the greek scriptures (you mentioned christians). Also, the bible never explicitly says the earth is 6k yrs old. You believe because a commandment was made in the hebrew scriptures it should stand for eternity...lol. since day 1, God demonstrated to be progressive, no, his purpose has not changed since day 1, but bc of humans free will and the scales of justice needing to reach equilibrium as a result of adam and eve's sin, an alternate route (so to speak) was required. So yes, the original plan still remains but free will has made it so that this plan go and jump thru hoops to be executed.

I know you're not dumb but your mockery falls short.

So basically what you're saying is that God's infallible word was just a set of suggestions for a particular time that can be ignored now because of free will?

What Church did you learn this from? :confusedshrug:

Gods words are always up for interpretation

Since when? :biggums:

And those words aren't exactly ambiguous. They are clear imperatives- stone to death blasphemers/non-believers (infidels, if you will), as well as homosexuals, female adulterers, and children who don't listen to their parents.

Where is there room for interpretation exactly?

07-20-2015, 10:57 PM
So basically what you're saying is that God's infallible word was just a set of suggestions for a particular time that can be ignored now because of free will?

What Church did you learn this from? :confusedshrug:

I study the bible on my own accord. I'm at a point in my life where I respect anything that individually changes me and helps me stay sober rather than be a drunk. That's just me, everyone has a different take but the bible has never been a book that was written for a superficial reading, rather it's a book that's made to read and meditate upon...not just once or twice, but many times. if you belong to another religious denomination or are a believer of science, that's none of my business, but for me, the bible has been the only text that can help me stay sober...and believe me, that's all that makes me happy.

And i never said his instructions are to be ignored. But read the bible in its entirety to understand it. I said because of free will, adjustments have had to be made bc people like adam and eve messed up our future. The book of Genesis sets the precedence of God's original plan: for adam and eve to reproduce and fill the earth (garden of eden was to be expanded until the entire earth was a paradise). Since they sinned, God acted accordingly to his own just principles: keep the original plan in place but since there were onlookers (angels and demons, as well as future humans) he had to make sure the entire audience (both in the present day and future) would see him act in justice. Change is present during all points in the biblical timeline (heck, even in the predicted future: Jesus is to co-rule with the 144k anointed for 1000 years until he hands over the kingdom to God). Moises was supposed to cross into the promise land but because he chose to glorify himself, he died before he could lead his people. Consequences occur bc of the divine justice system and so changes occur. If everythingwas written in stone, Cornelius would have never made it into the story.

07-20-2015, 11:02 PM
I study the bible on my own accord. I'm at a point in my life where I respect anything that individually changes me and helps me stay sober rather than be a drunk. That's just me, everyone has a different take but the bible has never been a book that was written for a superficial reading, rather it's a book that's made to read and meditate upon...not just once or twice, but many times. if you belong to another religious denomination or are a believer of science, that's none of my business, but for me, the bible has been the only text that can help me stay sober...and believe me, that's all that makes me happy.

And i never said his instructions are to be ignored. But read the bible in its entirety to understand it. I said because of free will, adjustments have had to be made bc people like adam and eve messed up our future. The book of Genesis sets the precedence of God's original plan: for adam and eve to reproduce and fill the earth (garden of eden was to be expanded until the entire earth was a paradise). Since they sinned, God acted accordingly to his own just principles: keep the original plan in place but since there were onlookers (angels and demons, as well as future humans) he had to make sure the entire audience (both in the present day and future) would see him act in justice. Change is present during all points in the biblical timeline (heck, even in the predicted future: Jesus is to co-rule with the 144k anointed for 1000 years until he hands over the kingdom to God). Moises was supposed to cross into the promise land but because he chose to glorify himself, he died before he could lead his people. Consequences occur bc of the divine justice system and so changes occur. If everythingwas written in stone, Cornelius would have never made it into the story.

Golden :eek:

07-20-2015, 11:10 PM
Golden :eek:
Just so we're clear ( i dont want to pull a moses and glorify myself ) i have used a lot of biblical aids. The bible is a difficult read for me, especially because i do it in Spanish. I'm constantly on spanish dictionary looking up words. Also, the best bible i have found is from Jehovah's Witness. They reference many different bible versions to stay true to the original scrolls as much as humanly possible, plus they have cool apps for my ipad. Also, I grew into Christianity so i have been exposed to the bible for 23 years.

07-20-2015, 11:14 PM
Also, the best bible i have found is from Jehovah's Witness. They reference many different bible versions to stay true to the original scrolls as much as humanly possible
i have a little guidebook upstairs explaining and demonstrating just this fact. i got it from some guys who came knocking on my door lord knows how many years ago. pretty neat.

god i love elders (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmp-xmguqh4)

07-20-2015, 11:30 PM
OP, you just quoted this ... person, and I use "person" very loosely.

If you're going to criticize Islam, you could AT LEAST choose it from the words of someone, who is.. seemingly sane or has a smidgeon of integrity. A Hitchens, or a Dresta, or an LJJ are Infinite times better than whatever can come from this.. creature. You wasted your time even giving attention to this diseased wretch of a person.


Here's a quick resume, I'll be blunt and you can research if you want to see the opposite site. These are quotes that came directly from her mouth.

- "Claims that the Holocaust killed "dozens of Gellers".
- "Claims "Islamic" Anti Semitism is more poisonous and dangerous than Nazism"
More implies more brutality. We can actually quantify this claim.
6,000,000 have died in the span of a few years in that concentrated dose. When Muslims have been in power, i.e. Ottoman and Moorish Spain, did they do anything close to that?
- Co-owned a car dealership that allowed for thieves to
- Stated Obama's real dad was Malcolm X, something she herself did not believe
- Said only 2 reasons to go to Pakistan were jihad or drugs... wtf...
- Actively supported
- Says that everyone ought to support the "Civilized Man" over the "Savage"
Is it a civilized act to plot your marriage to a man with a car dealership and THEN divorce him for the sake of wealth?

Does this come off as someone who is intellectually honest? Or possesses integrity? Aren't those aforementioned traits the bastion of the Mind of the civilized man?

And is it really all that surprising that 9 uses her same tactics? And is this not exactly how Satan was described in Scripture down to a T.

Forget this thread topic for a second, the American Right REQURIE flat out better human beings representing them than this witch. To get a JOB at the NY Times you want someone of a more truthful disposition, nay?

O ye that reject Faith!
I worship not that which ye worship,
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
Nor will I worship those whom you have worshipped;,
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
To you be your Way, and to me mine.

Another way of saying Bigones be Bigones.

The verse in Sura Baqara says

Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.

and the 3rd Verse in Sura Bakr, says that any human who submits their Will to God (I.e. becomes Pious) whether they be Jew Christian Sabian etc. are entering Heaven.....

The Qu'ran also acknowledges Torah as the Holy Scripture and has a very very high respect on all the Jewish Prophets....

And you have stated twice that Muslims know EXACTLY about what they're talking about. .Twice over.

Keep in mind the three of you thought when I mentioned "a special night was coming" [clearly in reference to The Night of Power/Honor prior to the 27th] you actually thought that I foresaw the tragic deaths of the USMC folks from that alcohol drinking, pot smoking, mentally unstable, watch Syrian kids dieing on television, depressed, NON-SALAT performing, and likely NON-ZAKAT giving guy. These are facts that are verifiable from the investigation.

Having BEEN INSIDE A MOSQUE during Ramadan multiple times, for multiple years, Saudi Arabia twice, and having an oath to speak truthfully, I have never ever heard of "Ramadan Rage". Quote me on that. Muslims perceive it first and foremost as a phase of spiritual purification. Secondarily, as empathy for the poor.

Seriously, how sick can the 4 (BigNBA, 9, Poido, Chewing, add Geller to the list) of you be? Don't you have limits or boundaries in your conscience that compel you to speak truthfully about things? Or are those things not important?

You are willing to resort to lie after lie after accounts on an innocent being to get your point across just like that witch.

When people are water and food deprived, instead of having an angry disposition; wouldn't they be... fatigued?

Alright that's my defense, Judge Judy now continue with the trial.

07-20-2015, 11:35 PM
I study the bible on my own accord. I'm at a point in my life where I respect anything that individually changes me and helps me stay sober rather than be a drunk. That's just me, everyone has a different take but the bible has never been a book that was written for a superficial reading, rather it's a book that's made to read and meditate upon...not just once or twice, but many times. if you belong to another religious denomination or are a believer of science, that's none of my business, but for me, the bible has been the only text that can help me stay sober...and believe me, that's all that makes me happy.

And i never said his instructions are to be ignored. But read the bible in its entirety to understand it. I said because of free will, adjustments have had to be made bc people like adam and eve messed up our future. The book of Genesis sets the precedence of God's original plan: for adam and eve to reproduce and fill the earth (garden of eden was to be expanded until the entire earth was a paradise). Since they sinned, God acted accordingly to his own just principles: keep the original plan in place but since there were onlookers (angels and demons, as well as future humans) he had to make sure the entire audience (both in the present day and future) would see him act in justice. Change is present during all points in the biblical timeline (heck, even in the predicted future: Jesus is to co-rule with the 144k anointed for 1000 years until he hands over the kingdom to God). Moises was supposed to cross into the promise land but because he chose to glorify himself, he died before he could lead his people. Consequences occur bc of the divine justice system and so changes occur. If everythingwas written in stone, Cornelius would have never made it into the story.

My father's family is Jehovah's Witness.

Whatever helps you stay sober and content in life.... more power to you, honestly. :cheers:

But in the NT, Jesus himself makes it clear he's not there to abolish the old law, but to fulfill it (and that's not even taking into consideration that the writers/keepers of the original covenant don't even consider Jesus to be the son of God/the messiah at all in the first place... but that's a whole other thing :lol ):

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished”

-Matthew 5:17-18

So even with Jehovah having mellowed out a bit by the NT after having a kid... his pride and joy still makes it crystal clear that the old rules still apply. Down to every letter written ('not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen'). There was a limit to the new love Gospel. If you personally think that the law is pliable and Yahweh was more wishy washy with his edicts than what is actually in the text due to your own interpretation... again, more power to you.

But that's not what's in the scriptures.

07-20-2015, 11:38 PM
Just so we're clear ( i dont want to pull a moses and glorify myself ) i have used a lot of biblical aids. The bible is a difficult read for me, especially because i do it in Spanish. I'm constantly on spanish dictionary looking up words. Also, the best bible i have found is from Jehovah's Witness. They reference many different bible versions to stay true to the original scrolls as much as humanly possible, plus they have cool apps for my ipad. Also, I grew into Christianity so i have been exposed to the bible for 23 years.

Ha! Didn't originally read past the text I quoted above, but I knew it was the JWs. That rhetoric is unmistakable.

07-20-2015, 11:40 PM
What the **** are you talking about? No one is doing that.

That post was spot on and you're one of them.

Islamic culture/ people have a lot of explaining to do, but chose to stay quiet and let conservative nuts like you defend them or they revert to plug in responses like "islamophobes", "racists" for everything.

There's enough exames worldwide to put Islam under serious scrutiny. It pisses me off how slimy and manipulative they are.

07-21-2015, 12:00 AM
[QUOTE=DonDadda59]My father's family is Jehovah's Witness.

Whatever helps you stay sober and content in life.... more power to you, honestly. :cheers:

But in the NT, Jesus himself makes it clear he's not there to abolish the old law, but to fulfill it (and that's not even taking into consideration that the writers/keepers of the original covenant don't even consider Jesus to be the son of God/the messiah at all in the first place... but that's a whole other thing :lol ):


07-21-2015, 12:04 AM
That post was spot on and you're one of them.

Islamic culture/ people have a lot of explaining to do, but chose to stay quiet and let conservative nuts like you defend them or they revert to plug in responses like "islamophobes", "racists" for everything.

There's enough exames worldwide to put Islam under serious scrutiny. It pisses me off how slimy and manipulative they are.

You obviously don't know what conservative means.

07-21-2015, 12:26 AM
That's exactly where the line is drawn, wether you're onboard with the hard-headed jews that refused to accept Jesus as the messiah (btw, even Jesus didn't initially know he was the messiah and when he did, he let his actions speak for him) or wether you'rea follower of Jesus.

Personally I'm neither a hard-headed Jew nor a follower of Jesus. I look at common religious texts the same way I look at the Iliad. That's not meant to be deragatory in any way. All those texts contain and are a part of History, while also exhibiting the spiritual/religious ideas of their particular time. History and religion are inextricably intertwined and the connection is much deeper than most people realize. Just the story of the Nativity alone connects hundreds of dots between Christianity and Zoroastrianism, the demi-God virgin birth pagan stories that had been around for many centuries dating back as far as ancient Egypt, the Hellenistic period, etc, even contains some Astrology.

That's as far as my interest goes. I have no personal ties to any particular book or code. Really, the differences between the 3 major religions is small. It's all based on the same idea, it's all just one millenia-stretching game of telephone that was started in Ancient Iran. Allah=Jehovah=Yahweh=Ahura Mazda.

Example : gentiles were not accepted and the jews were very strict on this...but Cornelius became the first gentile cristian bc Jesus allowed everyone that had faith in him. What exact laws are you talking about btw?

See that opens another can of worms because in the early decades of the 'Christian' movement (they were originally still considered Jews, going by Ebionites and other titles) there was a major debate about who would be allowed into the new movement and who wouldn't. The original Ebionites were adamant that everyone in the Christ movement had to be a practicing Jew- ie, they had to be circumcised, follow the Sabbath laws, observe Jewish Holidays, etc.

But then Paul created a splinter group that championed opening up membership to anyone who was willing to be baptized- whether they were Jews or Gentiles. There are a fair deal of writings by the original Jewish-Christians that were suppressed or outright destroyed during a time when the Romans wanted to co-opt the movement and create a uniform orthodoxy. So every time you read anything that is in the canon, you have to keep in mind that there is a ton more that was left out. You're reading the victor's version. Paul was considered apostate from the law.

Hell, the original Jewish-Christians didn't even consider Jesus to be divine. They viewed him as a mortal, just another prophet. There was a pretty wide range of beliefs before the move to hegemony.

One great example of replacement needing to occur because of human free will consequences is ancient Israel. God made a pact (and a law)with them that they would be the chosen people and exclusive among the entire earth. Unfortunately, they rebelled continously until they broke that pact and so thru Jeremiah, a new pact was announced. This new pact required Jesus to die. I'm not saying divine laws are as malleable as play doh, but God does make changes when the situation requires it.

In that text Jesus made it clear he was here to fulfill the law. How can he fulfill a broken contract? Ancient Israelites broke the pact and it became null. He fulfilled the new one that Jeremiah had profetized. Did he change that law himself? No, he fullfilled the valid pact.

I was under the impression that Christians believed that the Jesus blood sacrifice covenant was spelled out in Isaiah, specifically the suffering servant passages. That Jesus was merely fulfilling everything in the OT and it wasn't exactly a new covenant. The Jeremiah business is news to me. Care to point me to some passages that go into more detail? :confusedshrug:

07-21-2015, 12:51 AM
Personally I'm neither a hard-headed Jew nor a follower of Jesus. I look at common religious texts the same way I look at the Iliad. That's not meant to be deragatory in any way. All those texts contain and are a part of History, while also exhibiting the spiritual/religious ideas of their particular time. History and religion are inextricably intertwined and the connection is much deeper than most people realize. Just the story of the Nativity alone connects hundreds of dots between Christianity and Zoroastrianism, the demi-God virgin birth pagan stories that had been around for many centuries dating back as far as ancient Egypt, the Hellenistic period, etc, even contains some Astrology.

That's as far as my interest goes. I have no personal ties to any particular book or code. Really, the differences between the 3 major religions is small. It's all based on the same idea, it's all just one millenia-stretching game of telephone that was started in Ancient Iran. Allah=Jehovah=Yahweh=Ahura Mazda.

See that opens another can of worms because in the early decades of the 'Christian' movement (they were originally still considered Jews, going by Ebionites and other titles) there was a major debate about who would be allowed into the new movement and who wouldn't. The original Ebionites were adamant that everyone in the Christ movement had to be a practicing Jew- ie, they had to be circumcised, follow the Sabbath laws, observe Jewish Holidays, etc.

But then Paul created a splinter group that championed opening up membership to anyone who was willing to be baptized- whether they were Jews or Gentiles. There are a fair deal of writings by the original Jewish-Christians that were suppressed or outright destroyed during a time when the Romans wanted to co-opt the movement and create a uniform orthodoxy. So every time you read anything that is in the canon, you have to keep in mind that there is a ton more that was left out. You're reading the victor's version. Paul was considered apostate from the law.

Hell, the original Jewish-Christians didn't even consider Jesus to be divine. They viewed him as a mortal, just another prophet. There was a pretty wide range of beliefs before the move to hegemony.

I was under the impression that Christians believed that the Jesus blood sacrifice covenant was spelled out in Isaiah, specifically the suffering servant passages. That Jesus was merely fulfilling everything in the OT and it wasn't exactly a new covenant. The Jeremiah business is news to me. Care to point me to some passages that go into more detail? :confusedshrug:
There's a reason those extras didn't survive throughout time. If you're to believe the bible is divine, it's logical to believe satan is at every corner trying to distortion the truth by introducing different doctrines and acceptances. It's also logical to believe God will make sure the divine inspired text makes it in our hands, at least the ones that can be differentiated from similar texts.

I was referring to jeremiah 31:31-33. The old pact required the spillage of animal blood. The new one required the spillage of Jesus' blood.

As to the lost passages or movements...the way i see it is the truth has always faced oppression bc of satan, but even with entire empires persecuting prophets, the truth is propogated one way or another. The early jew and christian movements are irrelevant to me when i put into perspective how the apostle Paul spearheaded the new movement, he was heavily persecuted and even placed in prison. His roman citizenship saved him sure, but he faced so many roadblocks and was still able to execute his missions. So the others that failed, they weren't supported by God. They are failed attempts to distort the truth.

07-21-2015, 12:52 AM
the demi-God virgin birth pagan stories


"Horus was told by his mother, Isis, to protect the people of Egypt from Set, the god of the desert, who had killed his father Osiris.[17][18]

Horus had many battles with Set, not only to avenge his father, but to choose the rightful ruler of Egypt. In these battles, Horus came to be associated with Lower Egypt, and became its patron.

According to Papyrus Chester-Beatty I, Set is depicted as trying to prove his dominance by seducing Horus and then having intercourse with him. However, Horus places his hand between his thighs and catches Set's semen, then subsequently throws it in the river, so that he may not be said to have been inseminated by Set. Horus then deliberately spreads his own semen on some lettuce, which was Set's favorite food. After Set had eaten the lettuce, they went to the gods to try to settle the argument over the rule of Egypt. The gods first listened to Set's claim of dominance over Horus, and call his semen forth, but it answered from the river, invalidating his claim. Then, the gods listened to Horus' claim of having dominated Set, and call his semen forth, and it answered from inside Set.[19][20]

Figure of a Horus Falcon, between circa 300 and circa 250 BC (Greco-Roman).[21] The Walters Art Museum.
However, Set still refused to relent, and the other gods were getting tired from over eighty years of fighting and challenges. Horus and Set challenged each other to a boat race, where they each raced in a boat made of stone. Horus and Set agreed, and the race started. But Horus had an edge: his boat was made of wood painted to resemble stone, rather than true stone. Set's boat, being made of heavy stone, sank, but Horus's did not. Horus then won the race, and Set stepped down and officially gave Horus the throne of Egypt.[22] But after the New Kingdom, Set still was considered Lord of the desert and its oases.[23]

This myth, along with others, could be seen as an explanation of how the two kingdoms of Egypt (Upper and Lower) came to be united. Horus was seen as the God of Upper Egypt, and Set as the God of Lower Egypt. In this myth, the respective Upper and Lower deities have a fight, through which Horus is the victor. However, some of Horus (representing Upper Egypt) enters into Set (Lower Egypt) thus explaining why Upper Egypt is dominant over Lower Egypt.[24][25] Set's regions were then considered to be of the desert"

- Wiki

Ignore the last paragraph.

Consider my juvenile, yet likely slightly more accurate, alternative explanation.

It's an internal battle.

Horus AKA Chris Consciousness is based on Faith.
Set = Satan and all his characteristics.. FACTS, doubts, skepticism, logic
Set tries to put his seed (aka consciousness) on Horus i.e. Logic try to overpower faith in God, but having Faith (Christ Consciousness) protects one from turning to Atheism.
Horus THROWS the seed of Satan into a river.
Rivers, back then, symbolized something. Usually a different state of mind.
Horus puts his own consciousness into Set's food, which shows how the various premises of logic are fundamentally founded on a belief of something that precedes it.. such as I'm alive, I'm a rational human being. I've devised language to help come to grips with the Universe. you know Unseen Truth.
The Judge says that the Upper Part of Man AKA, areas of the brain such as the crown chakra or the upper right hemisphere are therefore dominated by Christ Consciousness, which LATER
rears itself in the Bible as
"Storing your treasure in heaven

and Hebrew Texts
"Shechinah Energy"

It is said that if a man abstains from ejaculating and channels the energy upwards, it soon attracts "rain from the heavens" known as Schechinah Energy or Sakinah Energy (Islam) and furthermore he can form a Merkabah


This allows part of a human being.. either their soul or energy to actually travel and witness Heaven among other things.

One of the Nation of Islam's preachers, Amir Fatir aka Sterling Hobbs, Disciple of Elijah Muhamad, student of Fard Muhammad wrote a book called
"Tree of Life" which detailed the Kemetic Religion.

In it he stated that, Egyptians, viewed "Gods" as energies that interphase with each other and they actually all believed in One God.
ISIS AKA the 9th center on the Tree of Life was known as receptive trance.
Isis was married to Auset, the 1st center of the Tree of Life (Indwelling Divinity).
The Qu-ran repeatedly states that "Over it are 19" 19. 19. 19. Furthermore, it says that anyone who doesn't think of Allah is basically dead. Meaning.. that they're SPIRITUALLY dead.

What Fatir says is if one is Conscious of God, WHILE in a very slow breathing trance, it gives breath to a NEW kind of consciousness. A human being previously thinks through a narrative one may call their ego. After inducing this trance and chanting Dhikr (rememberance of Allah) a new type of consciousness emerges. She is a virgin because she gives "birth" without having ANY physical intercourse.

FURTHERMORE, the story explains something that does happen in the Astrology:

"Goddess Isis" also later shows herself in Surah Imran of the Qu'ran, as well as anything in the Torah or Bible dealing with the Virgin Mary.

This ties in very well with the Secret School Heilige mentions in his thread. We'll try to find more answers. These secret schools are the direct ancestors that paved way for the Hellenistic thinkers to adopt certain lifestyles which would turn them from beast into Divine. The orignal purpose of religion was to facilitate this transformation.

07-21-2015, 12:55 AM
Btw, i aplogize for any errors. As i mentioned before, i have studied the bible only in spanish. It can be difficult at times to translate these thoughts into english since i rarely ever read the bible in english. Sometimes i still forget that in english, 'santiago' is 'james'. The book of acts is 'hechos'.

And yes, i used to pronounce "psalms" as "PAsalms" :oldlol:

07-21-2015, 01:10 AM
There's a reason those extras didn't survive throughout time.

They did survive though, they just were suppressed and kept out of the canon during Ecumenical Councils started at the behest of a Roman Emperor in 325 (First Council of Nicea). You can read some of the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Judas, the Gnostic Gospels, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc that were found in hiding spots centuries after they had been stashed away to avoid the purge.

If you're to believe the bible is divine, it's logical to believe satan is at every corner trying to distortion the truth by introducing different doctrines and acceptances. It's also logical to believe God will make sure the divine inspired text makes it in our hands, at least the ones that can be differentiated from similar texts.

That's actually not at all based on logic.

Logic says that in order to better control an extremely diverse population, an Emperor (whose rule had always been tied to divinity) decided to create an orthodox religion that combined the new monotheistic craze with the already deeply established pagan way, with him at the top of course. Constantine was the first Pontifex Maximus (Of the new Church, the title had always been part of Roman public/religious life and later co-opted by the pagan Emperors), a title still carried by the pope to this day.

Ptolemy Soter did the same exact thing when he took over Egypt post Alexander the Great's death. He literally created Serapis by combining the traditional Hellenistic and Egyptian deities into one God. Serapis is even called Christ (Christus in several ancient texts). That was the model for the Christ created by Constantine and his minions.

I was referring to jeremiah 31:31-33. The old pact required the spillage of animal blood. The new one required the spillage of Jesus' blood.

Exactly what I was referring to when I brought up Isaiah's suffering servant. Jesus' followers backtracked following his death- he was no longer the conquering messiah, but the blood sacrifice that was discussed in the OT. In the end, that's what the NT was- a way for Jesus' followers to prove to the masses decades and even centuries after his death that he was the messiah that was promised by the old prophets (with the story's root coming directly from the Zoroastrian idea... hence why the Magi, followers of Zoroaster, are included to add legitimacy to Jesus' messianic claim).

As to the lost passages or movements...the way i see it is the truth has always faced oppression bc of satan, but even with entire empires persecuting prophets, the truth is propogated one way or another. The early jew and christian movements are irrelevant to me when i put into perspective how the apostle Paul spearheaded the new movement, he was heavily persecuted and even placed in prison. His roman citizenship saved him sure, but he faced so many roadblocks and was still able to execute his missions. So the others that failed, they weren't supported by God. They are failed attempts to distort the truth.

But the early Jewish-Christians were closer to the original source. Some of them claimed that Jesus, while the messiah, was just a man and not the son of God or product of a virgin birth (all recycled pagan paradigms mind you). Why would you dismiss those ideas and blindly adhere to Paul, who by his own admission never knew Jesus while he was alive, and who the original followers of Christ considered an apostate to the law?

He was just a much better salesman than his competitors and had the advantage of opening up his movement to a much wider audience. Doesn't necessarily mean his version of events was true... it's just what a group of Bishops and a Roman emperor decided was going to be in the canon.

07-21-2015, 01:26 AM
They did survive though, they just were suppressed and kept out of the canon during Ecumenical Councils started at the behest of a Roman Emperor in 325 (First Council of Nicea). You can read some of the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Judas, the Gnostic Gospels, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc that were found in hiding spots centuries after they had been stashed away to avoid the purge.

That's actually not at all based on logic.

Logic says that in order to better control an extremely diverse population, an Emperor (whose rule had always been tied to divinity) decided to create an orthodox religion that combined the new monotheistic craze with the already deeply established pagan way, with him at the top of course. Constantine was the first Pontifex Maximus, a title still carried by the pope to this day.

Ptolemy Soter did the same exact thing when he took over Egypt post Alexander the Great's death. He literally created Serapis by combining the traditional Hellenistic and Egyptian deities into one God. Serapis is even called Christ (Christus in several ancient texts). That was the model for the Christ created by Constantine and his minions.

Exactly what I was referring to when I brought up Isaiah's suffering servant. Jesus' followers backtracked following his death- he was no longer the conquering messiah, but the blood sacrifice that was discussed in the OT. In the end, that's what the NT was- a way for Jesus' followers to prove to the masses decades and even centuries after his death that he was the messiah that was promised by the old prophets (with the story's root coming directly from the Zoroastrian idea... hence why the Magi, followers of Zoroaster, are included to add legitimacy to Jesus' messianic claim).

But the early Jewish-Christians were closer to the original source. Some of them claimed that Jesus, while the messiah, was just a man and not the son of God or product of a virgin birth (all recycled pagan paradigms mind you). Why would you dismiss those ideas and blindly adhere to Paul, who by his own admission never knew Jesus while he was alive, and who the original followers of Christ considered an apostate to the law?

He was just a much better salesman than his competitors and had the advantage of opening up his movement to a much wider audience. Doesn't necessarily mean his version of events was true... it's just what a group of Bishops and a Roman emperor decided was going to be in the canon.
We can continue this tomorrow, meanwhile i have some diarrhea to take care of, but I'll also research some of this stuff.

And I'm not blindly following Paul. A messiah was promised and Jesus fit that role perfectly. While a lot of deniers mocked him or persecuted him, he stayed humble, loving, caring, etc. He executed miracles witnnessed by many people. And in the end, he died. Tell me out of the many other executed prisoners by the roman empire ...how many roman soldiers said "this is the son of God"?

Patrick Chewing
07-21-2015, 09:12 AM
And yes, i used to pronounce "psalms" as "PAsalms" :oldlol:

Get that burrito out of your mouth pinche marica.

07-21-2015, 09:16 AM
When people are water and food deprived, instead of having an angry disposition; wouldn't they be... fatigued?

We can continue this tomorrow, meanwhile i have some diarrhea to take care of, but I'll also research some of this stuff.
:lol :lol

07-21-2015, 07:23 PM
Years of reading here, Don Dadda has always pushed the atheist side whenever a religious debate comes up.

I just want to make one important point.

Why does one spend so much time disproving Jesus/god and the teachings when an atheist doesn't understand faith or the existence of miracles?

If you are looking for facts of a religion to find your truth, you are already doing it wrong. It starts with the heart and letting that guide you, not your head. That's where I think atheists/don daddy always get stuck.

It doesn't seem "logical" that Jesus rose from the dead to save our sins, but to those who are in tune with their faith, th

07-21-2015, 07:32 PM
Hey, she fell down the stairs. I swear.
Best post in this thread :oldlol:

07-21-2015, 07:36 PM
[QUOTE=poido123]Years of reading here, Don Dadda has always pushed the atheist side whenever a religious debate comes up.

I just want to make one important point.

Why does one spend so much time disproving Jesus/god and the teachings when an atheist doesn't understand faith or the existence of miracles?

If you are looking for facts of a religion to find your truth, you are already doing it wrong. It starts with the heart and letting that guide you, not your head. That's where I think atheists/don daddy always get stuck.

It doesn't seem "logical" that Jesus rose from the dead to save our sins, but to those who are in tune with their faith, th

07-21-2015, 09:21 PM
That's just it, I'm not looking for 'truth' in any religion in a spiritual/ethereal sense. I have absolutely no emotional connection to the texts whatsoever. Like I said, I look at religious texts the same way I look at the Iliad (which could also technically fall into that category).

I just find that most people who are emotionally attached to certain belief systems were indoctrinated into them and never actually studied them in-depth. They never took the time to look at the whole story, the History, question the contradictions, pose important questions. Many just accepted what they were told without ever bothering to read any of the book(s) they hold sacred.

If you do that, then you are not being honest in any discourse/debate you enter. Hell, you're not being honest with yourself.

Im beating a dead horse here but I'll beat it again - this exactly what the nu-age Daily Show left wing moralists do themselves. The exact same thing.

So it seems to be a fundamental aspect of human nature. Not just people who believe in a specific religious book.

07-21-2015, 09:35 PM
Im beating a dead horse here but I'll beat it again - this exactly what the nu-age Daily Show left wing moralists do themselves. The exact same thing.

So it seems to be a fundamental aspect of human nature. Not just people who believe in a specific religious book.

But trickle down economics works :whatever:

07-21-2015, 09:37 PM
That's just it, I'm not looking for 'truth' in any religion in a spiritual/ethereal sense. I have absolutely no emotional connection to the texts whatsoever. Like I said, I look at religious texts the same way I look at the Iliad (which could also technically fall into that category).

I just find that most people who are emotionally attached to certain belief systems were indoctrinated into them and never actually studied them in-depth. They never took the time to look at the whole story, the History, question the contradictions, pose important questions. Many just accepted what they were told without ever bothering to read any of the book(s) they hold sacred.

If you do that, then you are not being honest in any discourse/debate you enter. Hell, you're not being honest with yourself.

That is a generalisation the same as if I assumed you are a drifter in life with no religious compass in which to draw your morals from.

07-21-2015, 09:55 PM
That is a generalisation the same as if I assumed you are a drifter in life with no religious compass in which to draw your morals from.

Christianity is only about 2,000 years old. Even if the World is only 6,000 years old (:oldlol: ), you really think morality didn't exist before then? Morality has its roots in philosophy moreso than any blood thirsty desert religion.

And drifters are the shit. You know who else was a drifter?

https://leschroniquesducanapeintergalactique.files.wordpre ss.com/2012/08/1212854756_rambo-1.jpg

That's right. John f*cking Rambo. :pimp:

07-21-2015, 10:10 PM
Christianity is only about 2,000 years old. Even if the World is only 6,000 years old (:oldlol: ), you really think morality didn't exist before then? Morality has its roots in philosophy moreso than any blood thirsty desert religion.

And drifters are the shit. You know who else was a drifter?

https://leschroniquesducanapeintergalactique.files.wordpre ss.com/2012/08/1212854756_rambo-1.jpg

That's right. John f*cking Rambo. :pimp:

You have a strong point. John Rambo was a legend, you hold this W :applause:

I find it hard to believe there was anything moral before Jesus came. But that's just me.

07-21-2015, 10:12 PM
But trickle down economics works :whatever:


07-21-2015, 10:23 PM
I find it hard to believe there was anything moral before Jesus came. But that's just me.

Hammurabi's Code, the Code of Ur-Nammu, they predate Christianity by 1,700-2,000 years. Your personal belief is irrelevant because it holds no basis in reality.

07-21-2015, 11:12 PM
You have a strong point. John Rambo was a legend, you hold this W :applause:

I find it hard to believe there was anything moral before Jesus came. But that's just me.

Well, you seem like an idiot.

07-21-2015, 11:36 PM
Hammurabi's Code, the Code of Ur-Nammu, they predate Christianity by 1,700-2,000 years. Your personal belief is irrelevant because it holds no basis in reality.

The 10 commandments still hold true in today's civilised western society. I'm backing in Christianity, those sound speculative.

07-21-2015, 11:47 PM
The 10 commandments still hold true in today's civilised western society. I'm backing in Christianity, those sound speculative.

1) The 10 commandments are from Jewish writers/sources which obviously pre date Christianity.

2) What the hell does that second sentence even mean? :wtf:

If you come down to NYC, I'm pretty sure you can check out Hammurabi's Code at the Museum of Natural History:


That's from around 1750 B.C. There's nothing 'speculative' about it.

Here is Law #196 of the Code: "If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye."

Sound familiar?

07-21-2015, 11:58 PM
1) The 10 commandments are from Jewish writers/sources which obviously pre date Christianity.

2) What the hell does that second sentence even mean? :wtf:

If you come down to NYC, I'm pretty sure you can check out Hammurabi's Code at the Museum of Natural History:


That's from around 1750 B.C. There's nothing 'speculative' about it.

Here is Law #196 of the Code: "If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye."

Sound familiar?

I bounce between trolling and sensible discussion. I do not see your investment in being atheist tbh. Like, are you punting that darkness awaits you when you die? Is that what you want to look forward to? Nothing?

07-22-2015, 12:04 AM
I bounce between trolling and sensible discussion. I do not see your investment in being atheist tbh. Like, are you punting that darkness awaits you when you die? Is that what you want to look forward to? Nothing?

I focus on life not death. Doesn't matter what you look forward to, or what you 'believe'... Again, that's all irrelevant. The Universe does not run on your feelings. Your post death will be like your pre life, you will simply not exist and the World will keep spinning.

07-22-2015, 12:09 AM
I focus on life not death. Doesn't matter what you look forward to, or what you 'believe'... Again, that's all irrelevant. The Universe does not run on your feelings. Your post death will be like your pre life, you will simply not exist and the World will keep spinning.

What if you're wrong and you regret not punting on at least...something?

The issue is if you punt your way in my religion, our god is sending you to hell.

If you're wrong, you have zero chance of an afterlife. This life is too short to invest in tbh.

07-22-2015, 12:15 AM
What if you're wrong and you regret not punting on at least...something?

The issue is if you punt your way in my religion, our god is sending you to hell.

If you're wrong, you have zero chance of an afterlife. This life is too short to invest in tbh.

F*ck that hedging your bets bullshit. That's the most cowardly route possible. Driven by nothing but fear.

Let me ask you this- if accepting Jesus is the only way to Heaven, the only way to an afterlife... what happened to the trillions of people who died before Jesus was even miraculously born? Were they condemned to Hell for eternity even if they followed the Old Testament, the eternal infallible word of God to the letter... simply because they were born too soon?

07-22-2015, 12:31 AM
F*ck that hedging your bets bullshit. That's the most cowardly route possible. Driven by nothing but fear.

Let me ask you this- if accepting Jesus is the only way to Heaven, the only way to an afterlife... what happened to the trillions of people who died before Jesus was even miraculously born? Were they condemned to Hell for eternity even if they followed the Old Testament, the eternal infallible word of God to the letter... simply because they were born too soon?

I am no priest or pastor etc, but my understanding is that the son of god came to earth to cleanse man of sin and based on that, I can only assume that those before him went to hell but many things are outside of our understanding. We only tap into up to 20% of our brain and we are programmed to understand a beginning and an end, like birth and then death. The thought of eternal life and living forever is outside our understanding like many things we don't understand about god and religion. I believe we won't use the other part of our brain or whatever until we die. Things like de ja vu, dreams, seeing the dead are people who tap into Devine consciousness and this other part of the brain I'm talking about.

I believe people do cross into Devine conscience and thinking if you think about people who have the ability to talk to the dead, traumas causing kids to see through another life in a world war, or even de ja vu when we momentarily see into our future.

My point is, we only experience a small part of Devine thinking and consciousness here on earth. I can only imagine that we access all of that when we die.

07-22-2015, 01:01 AM
I am no priest or pastor etc, but my understanding is that the son of god came to earth to cleanse man of sin and based on that, I can only assume that those before him went to hell but many things are outside of our understanding.

Sounds like a very glaring glitch in the God Matrix. Only rectified when the big man sent Jesus AKA Neo to fix that shit. But in the meantime, trillions of people who followed his commandments to the letter suffered for several millenia in Hell.

Yikes. Talk about oversight issues. http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z223/tarawa1775/Laughs/question-marks.gif

My point is, we only experience a small part of Devine thinking and consciousness here on earth. I can only imagine that we access all of that when we die.


It's official, Yahweh>Allah (Even though it's the same dude :yaohappy:)


That beats 72 virgins any day.

07-22-2015, 05:45 AM
I am no priest or pastor etc, but my understanding is that the son of god came to earth to cleanse man of sin and based on that, I can only assume that those before him went to hell but many things are outside of our understanding. We only tap into up to 20% of our brain and we are programmed to understand a beginning and an end, like birth and then death. The thought of eternal life and living forever is outside our understanding like many things we don't understand about god and religion. I believe we won't use the other part of our brain or whatever until we die. Things like de ja vu, dreams, seeing the dead are people who tap into Devine consciousness and this other part of the brain I'm talking about.

I believe people do cross into Devine conscience and thinking if you think about people who have the ability to talk to the dead, traumas causing kids to see through another life in a world war, or even de ja vu when we momentarily see into our future.

My point is, we only experience a small part of Devine thinking and consciousness here on earth. I can only imagine that we access all of that when we die.

This fat shit is religious and can't even spell Divine. These religious betas are something else :oldlol:

Nick Young
07-22-2015, 07:05 AM






07-22-2015, 07:13 AM







Love to see people of different religions and cultures come together. Respect to them.

07-22-2015, 09:34 AM
No drinking, no eating, boredom, lack of sleep and discomfort. Makes you prickly.

So in other words, I should never marry a Muslim girl?

07-22-2015, 09:36 AM
F*ck that hedging your bets bullshit. That's the most cowardly route possible. Driven by nothing but fear.

Let me ask you this- if accepting Jesus is the only way to Heaven, the only way to an afterlife... what happened to the trillions of people who died before Jesus was even miraculously born? Were they condemned to Hell for eternity even if they followed the Old Testament, the eternal infallible word of God to the letter... simply because they were born too soon?

I believe the bible says if you never knew God, you are free from sin.

I always asked what happened to babies who died super young, and IIRC from when I was like, 12, that was the answer I got.

Nick Young
07-22-2015, 09:40 AM
So in other words, I should never marry a Muslim girl?
Many I know are very entitled and act princessy and think they're much hotter than they are. That's what happens when you're raised to believe that a man seeing just a little bit of your hair will turn him on so much he won't be able to control himself.

07-22-2015, 09:45 AM
Many I know are very entitled and act princessy and think they're much hotter than they are. That's what happens when you're raised to believe that a man seeing just a little bit of your hair will turn him on so much he won't be able to control himself.

Honestly, I've dated a Muslim girl already.
She looked like every other girl, had a fantastic personality and dressed really nice. She had that sophisticated look to her that really attracted me to her. She really liked me and we clicked; until she told her older sister about me and that I was 5 years older than her.

She basically told her that her parents will disown her because a) I'm not Muslim and b) I was too old for her.

At first she said it didn't matter what they thought but eventually our relationship faded away by her becoming too distant. I guess it did matter to her. :(

We're still friends and she's getting married; to a guy her age who works in the same accounting firm as her. Really bright guy just a mute; he has no personality and barely talks. It's funny because I came to her house warming party and made out with her manager. She definitely seemed jealous. :oldlol:

I just wish her parents were there but because of Ramadan; they didn't come. Strict ass people.


Patrick Chewing
07-22-2015, 09:48 AM
Strict ass religion.


07-22-2015, 09:55 AM

True true; but religion dictates the type of person you are.
But yeah, I agree with your correction.

East River Livn'
05-05-2020, 12:34 PM
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05-05-2020, 12:36 PM

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