View Full Version : I regret not getting a PS4

07-21-2015, 11:39 PM
Xbox one is trash:facepalm

I can't even take my controller and headset 5 yards away from the Xbox without the controller disconnecting.

Then when I try to connect the remote again, the whole game spazz.

People are always getting kicked out of parties for no reason

I could list more problems but I don't want people to feel insecure about this shit system they own

07-21-2015, 11:46 PM
for real

but all my homies on xbox one and they aint about to drop it :facepalm

07-21-2015, 11:55 PM
I've got an xbox one, ps4, wii u. I use the xbox the most. My controller works from the other end of my house too so not sure what your problem is, I've used it to pause video\music from other rooms.

For me the PS4 and xbox one are about the same these days, the only reason I use the xbox one more is i find the controller more comfortable, I think the OS is better and more of my friends use only xbox.

Grass is greener imo, if you had PS4 you'd complain about the battery life/terrible thumbstick material/loud fans/games crashing back to menu with out warning. Every system has it's flaws.

07-21-2015, 11:55 PM
for real

but all my homies on xbox one and they aint about to drop it :facepalm

I'm online trying to get my boys to switch but they're set in their ways :sleeping

07-22-2015, 12:08 AM

07-22-2015, 12:13 AM
I love my PS4 :rockon:

from what I heard tho is that microsoft has big plans in the near future for xbox one, especially with windows 10 releasing soon.
Please. This layout Xbox has is wack as hell. I can't even listen to spotify while the game is playing without having that wack ass "snap" thing on the side of my screen

Smook B
07-22-2015, 12:15 AM
Haven't gamed in like a year.

07-22-2015, 12:20 AM
Gaming PC and Wii U for all the niche Nintendo games and your problems are solved.

07-22-2015, 12:35 AM
PS4 owners hold this W :rockon:

If you haven't got the game the witcher yet, you are missing out

07-22-2015, 02:06 AM
Gaming PC, Wii- U, and i plan to get an XboxOne in the future. i really want to play Bloodborne but i'm not gonna get a PS4 for one game

07-22-2015, 08:17 AM
You'll really regret it when Uncharted 4 comes out next year.
I had both X1 and PS4; I played X1 maybe 3 times and sold it to my buddy. He's enjoying it though; but the exclusives on PS4 fit my preference far more.

I mean X1 doesn't even have The Show 15. :facepalm

07-22-2015, 10:21 AM
You'll really regret it when Uncharted 4 comes out next year.
I had both X1 and PS4; I played X1 maybe 3 times and sold it to my buddy. He's enjoying it though; but the exclusives on PS4 fit my preference far more.

I mean X1 doesn't even have The Show 15. :facepalm

Thats basically the main reason i'm gonna make the switch. not only do they not have the show but they have no legit MLB game at all. and nothing coming in the near future

07-22-2015, 10:26 AM
I miss university. I don't have any time to play video games anymore and my girlfriend gives me a look like I'm a child any time I do.

07-22-2015, 11:46 AM
I miss university. I don't have any time to play video games anymore and my girlfriend gives me a look like I'm a child any time I do.

I just give her money to go shopping or make her feel guilty that she's not hanging out as much with her family or her best friend.

It's sad but effective. :cheers:

Stempel, HERB
07-24-2015, 04:36 PM
You're behind on the bills, on the laundry, on your SlaveMaster's tasks for the day, and there's still some meat left on the chicken bone I threw at you.

Now tell me why are you talking about electronics? Something you had to consult the gooks to turn on.

07-24-2015, 04:51 PM
Haven't had a console since freshman year of college but my last roommate had and xbox 1 and we would play a lot after work. Always had that controller problem you're talking about. Honestly tho, console gaming should have been outdated along time ago. PC gaming will always be superior. You can watch movies, play games, do homework, etc on a PC. And with a good cpu.

07-24-2015, 10:24 PM
Got a ps4 but haven't gamed in months. Used too man.

07-24-2015, 10:27 PM
Got a ps4 but haven't gamed in months. Used too man.

Witcher 3 is one of the greatest games of all time

Stempel, HERB
07-25-2015, 12:30 AM
Got a ps4 but haven't gamed in months. Used too man.

You haven't gamed in months because your ugly cholo nagging girlfriend hired you as an escort to get her hair and nails did.

Now listen real closely here Guyanese boy cause this is the only good thing that's ever coming out of the Internet.

Grow a fukcking spine and one day you might just look like a man. Puscy androgynous biich.

07-25-2015, 12:35 AM

07-25-2015, 01:51 AM
I've got an xbox one, ps4, wii u. I use the xbox the most. My controller works from the other end of my house too so not sure what your problem is, I've used it to pause video\music from other rooms.

For me the PS4 and xbox one are about the same these days, the only reason I use the xbox one more is i find the controller more comfortable, I think the OS is better and more of my friends use only xbox.

Grass is greener imo, if you had PS4 you'd complain about the battery life/terrible thumbstick material/loud fans/games crashing back to menu with out warning. Every system has it's flaws.

They are hardly the same. One console is running away with sales from the get go and the gap is only getting wider.

PS4 is just flat out better at being a console. It is the better product undoubtably. The only time Microsoft had the edge was with the original Xbox, but its product didn't have the tenure in the business to make a major hit straight away. Then they have fallen off ever since.

It is actually rare for me to hear people talk about Xbox's these days. Almost everyone who is gaming heavy or light has a PS4. They were doing a decent job with the 360 too. Lost it ever since then.

07-25-2015, 09:12 AM
Microsoft pretty much screwed themselves with all the DRM crap they were going to put into the Xbone. They've 180'd on that stuff, but the brand took damage that I really don't think they'll recover from. The Ps4 was marketed purely as a gaming machine, is more technically powerful, it's well known that multiplats perform better on it, and the system was cheaper at launch( not now since MS dropped the Kinect 2.0). Sony has also shown that they will support their systems better even when the new one comes out, whereas MS pretty much drops any major support one they launch a new system.

Overall, I have no loyalties but buying a Playstation just seems to be a better long term 'investment' for those reasons.

07-25-2015, 10:06 AM
They are hardly the same. One console is running away with sales from the get go and the gap is only getting wider.

PS4 is just flat out better at being a console. It is the better product undoubtably. The only time Microsoft had the edge was with the original Xbox, but its product didn't have the tenure in the business to make a major hit straight away. Then they have fallen off ever since.

It is actually rare for me to hear people talk about Xbox's these days. Almost everyone who is gaming heavy or light has a PS4. They were doing a decent job with the 360 too. Lost it ever since then.

everyone i know is on xbox. Just because it's behind in sales doesn't mean they aren't nearly the same. I own both and I've had zero issues with my xbox one where as my ps4 is loud, been through 2 controllers already and it crashes to the menu occasionally on last of us and bloodborne nothing major but worth mentioning.

Personally I don't think the PS4 was even worth buying until this year, for a system marketed only on it's games they did a terrible job of releasing anything worth playing. Bloodbornes still the only exclusive I think was worthwhile on it for current gen (xbox isn't much better for exclusives but it is/was better before they started porting some to pc). This gen it's more about which franchises you want down the road and what your friends play, I've had both side by side because I own both. I'm happy with both purchases but if i had to get rid of one it'd be the PS4 at the moment. the windows 10 integration and direct x will be where microsoft will hope to catch up i imagine but who knows if it'll go well, both are selling better than previous gens though so it's hardly as if one is in trouble like the wii u is.

07-25-2015, 11:20 AM
both are selling better than previous gens though so it's hardly as if one is in trouble like the wii u is.

True but I don't think xbox is going to wind up matching the 360's overall sales. For a few reasons:

1) I don't know of anyone who didn't have at least three 360s due to the RROD issue. I personally went through 3 myself, right now I have a gears of war model which has held up really well, and I know the early ps3 models had some issues too, but I think the 360 numbers got a big boost from the number of times people had to replace them the first few years

1) I believe MS got alot of sales from people who were initially turned off by the ps3's price and migrated over to 360, let's call them 'swing' gamers who don't have any loyalty to one or the other. This gen, with how MS fcuked up at e3 2013, alot of those gamers this game swung over to Sony, which I think account at least partially for why Sony has completely dominated this gen. The system with the overwhelmingly higher userbase will be where developers go first and foremost.

07-25-2015, 11:26 AM
You haven't gamed in months because your ugly cholo nagging girlfriend hired you as an escort to get her hair and nails did.

Now listen real closely here Guyanese boy cause this is the only good thing that's ever coming out of the Internet.

Grow a fukcking spine and one day you might just look like a man. Puscy androgynous biich.
Lol k

07-25-2015, 11:29 AM
They are hardly the same. One console is running away with sales from the get go and the gap is only getting wider.

PS4 is just flat out better at being a console. It is the better product undoubtably. The only time Microsoft had the edge was with the original Xbox, but its product didn't have the tenure in the business to make a major hit straight away. Then they have fallen off ever since.

It is actually rare for me to hear people talk about Xbox's these days. Almost everyone who is gaming heavy or light has a PS4. They were doing a decent job with the 360 too. Lost it ever since then.
Just wanted to point out how awkward this read, even though I know what you meant.

The original xbox was a good console. Just too new so microsoft struggled to get xbox only games. The 360 actually gave the ps3 a run for it's money.

PS4 is just flat out better than the Xbox One. Considering they are the same price.

07-28-2015, 09:39 PM
everyone i know is on xbox. Just because it's behind in sales doesn't mean they aren't nearly the same. I own both and I've had zero issues with my xbox one where as my ps4 is loud, been through 2 controllers already and it crashes to the menu occasionally on last of us and bloodborne nothing major but worth mentioning.

Personally I don't think the PS4 was even worth buying until this year, for a system marketed only on it's games they did a terrible job of releasing anything worth playing. Bloodbornes still the only exclusive I think was worthwhile on it for current gen (xbox isn't much better for exclusives but it is/was better before they started porting some to pc). This gen it's more about which franchises you want down the road and what your friends play, I've had both side by side because I own both. I'm happy with both purchases but if i had to get rid of one it'd be the PS4 at the moment. the windows 10 integration and direct x will be where microsoft will hope to catch up i imagine but who knows if it'll go well, both are selling better than previous gens though so it's hardly as if one is in trouble like the wii u is.

Everything you write on the subject is extremely contrived. It is obvious you have a huge preference for the Xbox. That is fine. The PS4 however is undoubtedly better. More support, better hardware, games, etc.

Wii U is in trouble yet it only has 2 mil less sales globally than the XB1? Microsoft simply don't know how to advertise their products, and it has always hurt them.

07-28-2015, 09:54 PM
Gaming PC and Wii U for all the niche Nintendo games and your problems are solved.

This is the only real answer.