View Full Version : why is it that artists are so hostile to one another?

07-25-2015, 06:39 PM
is it just raw ego that makes them despise the work of others even if they have done no better? and do not take art to mean just like painting pictures, i'm talking about anything you create out of passion that you take pride in for your own satisfaction which is redundant

07-25-2015, 06:46 PM
ego & publicity

07-25-2015, 06:53 PM

Gotta keep yourself relevant in the public's eyes so you aren't forgotten. Diss tracks will always be a hot commodity.

07-25-2015, 07:09 PM
Any news is good news. Unless you are a female and willing to take your clothes off and go through a "bad" period then you have to find other ways to stay in in the media. Too long out of the spotlight and people will start saying you are a has been.

07-25-2015, 07:38 PM
Competition breeds a desire to reach greater heights. People who are naturally competitive are the ones who strive to be the best. If somebody creates a masterpiece that raises the bar, another competitor is driven to create something even better. And competitive people generally dislike their competition.

There's never been a rivalry between hacks who paint rectangles. They're content with their mediocrity.

07-25-2015, 07:42 PM
in fine arts, at the the dilettante / gallery level, people have actually been really friendly with me and vice versa. nothing better i like than looking at their work, showing them mine, expressing wonder and sharing ideas / critiques.

for those on a more professional level, i'm sure it gets a lot more catty and cutthroat. but in fine arts i think there is a sense that anything goes and nothing can ultimately be judged, so there's more of a camaraderie than in other creative fields, perhaps.

07-25-2015, 07:58 PM
When you say 'artists', you're not referencing the recent bullshit between Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift are you?

Calling them artists would be like calling the dude who dips the fries into the grease pit at McDonald's a culinary master.

They're just dumb pop bitches who never left High School mentally.

07-25-2015, 08:07 PM
When you say 'artists', you're not referencing the recent bullshit between Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift are you?

Calling them artists would be like calling the dude who dips the fries into the grease pit at McDonald's a culinary master.

They're just dumb pop bitches who never left High School mentally.
dont talk about tay tay like that man

07-25-2015, 08:32 PM
It most likely have something to do with completion.

Telling someone their work of art is still a work in progress, and not just themselves. That CAN be and is a recipe for the possibility of a hostile situation.

Does success necessarily trump someone else? It depends on whether or not the art is for sale, and the artists target market.

07-25-2015, 08:52 PM
When you say 'artists', you're not referencing the recent bullshit between Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift are you?

Calling them artists would be like calling the dude who dips the fries into the grease pit at McDonald's a culinary master.

They're just dumb pop bitches who never left High School mentally.
not at all bro didn't make this thinking about pop culture, more the struggling artist type... but obviously the same phenomenon is present

07-25-2015, 09:45 PM
Even Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rafael were bitter rivals and they obviously lived in a much different world.

The best will always have rivals with the other elite, it's human nature. Kinda the same in the old school basketball with Larry & Magic, Jordan(Maybe the most hostile) & Isiah, etc. Although a bit different in modern NBA where all the elite guys besides some of the old timers like Kobe seem to be friends with each other.

But modern day celebrities like Rihanna and those other pop/rap stars are mostly hand picked and used to generate $$. Just their to entertain the masses to buy albums, tickets, memorabilia, etc.

07-25-2015, 09:53 PM
because if you are an artist, what you create is a direct gauge of your talent and ultimately your value.