View Full Version : Is homecourt advantage as important in other sports?

07-26-2015, 05:57 PM
We all know having the homecourt is a big advantage in basketball especially in the playoffs. The role players perform much better in their homecourt and that's a huge advantage. The refs also tend to favor the home team.

I don't watch a lot of other sports, is homecourt as important or more important than in basketball (specifically NBA) in those sports?

07-26-2015, 06:02 PM
No basketball is by far the most beneficial to have HCA.

Football can be as well but unless you have a crazy loud crowd it doesn't make too much of a difference really.

Sometimes in baseball umpires will subconsciously have a bigger strike zone for the home team but that's really the biggest benefit.

07-26-2015, 06:05 PM
I think cricket is the sport where "home court" matters the most. A game where the ball bounces off a real turf pitch gives the country they are playing in a lot of control over what pitch they prepare. Even if they don't provide input (some countries stay neutral and leave it up to the grounds keepers) just the country or even state within that country you play in alone effects how the ball moves and how the pitch wears. In places like India where it's hot and dry you get pitches that break up more from the lack of moisture which lets spin bowlers have an advantage, in England you get a lot of over cast conditions and moisture in the air which cause the ball to swing (move while in the air), in Australia you get some more bouncy type pitches which help faster bowlers get pace off the wicket and trouble players by bowling short. Conditions and country you are in play a bigger role in cricket than any other sport imo, if a pitch is prepared poorly a 5 day game may only last a couple of days or if they make it too flat you can end up with a 5 day game where the bowlers can't take any wickets and it's a boring runs fest too, or if a team has a couple of world class spin bowlers they can make a spinning pitch and dominate purely from conditions.

Umpires make no difference though as they are from neutral countries but some countries don't use the referral system (teams can review bad decisions and an umpire watches the footage with infrared to see if ball hit bat, high grade mics to listen to noises, computer predictions of where the ball would have gone if left on it's natural path) and some only have part of the technology so depending on where you play that can come in to play as well.

Some players records are amazing in certain countries and flat out terrible in others too, huge impact.

Can't comment too much on American sports sorry but for the guys who don't watch cricket (most of you lol) the different pitches and where you play literally dictates the entire game, even things like soil type for the area you play in can affect how the ball moves when it bounces.

Bless Mathews
07-26-2015, 06:10 PM
Look up da stats.

I have no idea, but I would think football actually has more home field advantage.

07-26-2015, 06:12 PM

But let's get real here. HCA is not about games 1-6 because most great teams can win on the road, it's about game 7 at home. Nothing like the advantage of playing game 7 at home.

07-26-2015, 06:12 PM
Definitely football. The away offense has a hard time with communication if in a really loud stadium like Centurylink field (Seahawks) or Arrowhead(Chiefs). Resulting in false starts or the receivers running the incorrect routes.

07-26-2015, 06:12 PM
football has the biggest hca, don't listen to shawkfactory. that idiot has never been to a football game. you don't even need a ridiculous crowd to have a significant advantage, the average stadium is loud as ****.

07-26-2015, 06:37 PM
No. The closed in environment and close proximity of the crowd makes it such a game changer.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
07-26-2015, 06:39 PM
Not in boxing or MMA, nikkas get beaten down at home all the time

07-26-2015, 06:45 PM
Homecourt advantage in basketball is a product of the refs.

The crowd in basketball is so lame, they make no difference at all.

07-26-2015, 06:54 PM
Homecourt advantage in basketball is a product of the refs.

The crowd in basketball is so lame, they make no difference at all.

Role players do much better at home.

07-26-2015, 07:00 PM
football has the biggest hca, don't listen to shawkfactory. that idiot has never been to a football game. you don't even need a ridiculous crowd to have a significant advantage, the average stadium is loud as ****.
Lol I've had Falcons and Georgia tech season tickets forever. Been to games in Ann Arbor, Athens plenty of times, Knoxville, Tuscaloosa, Baton Rouge, Columbus, and east Lansing. I've probably forgotten about more games than you've been too :lol