View Full Version : How do you deal with very emotional people?

07-28-2015, 01:44 AM
I have noticed many people are extremely emotional and on constant emotional roller-coaster that it gets difficult to get them to stay calm and to just relax. I get frustrated but I don't want to yell or curse them out. Sometimes I just can't help myself..

I am not very emotional myself so I can't understand things from their perspective. I simply am not a people person. I have to tell people to relax, breathe and don't worry.

What makes me angry at times is when these people don't even let you finish your thought before they respond to half thought. I guess their emotions get the best of them so they lack the patience to let you finish or even ask to explain yourself in more detail. They take the first thing they hear without even giving you time to finish.

I lack the social skills and verbal communication skills to explain myself perfectly so people that don't ask questions concerning the specifics or wait for me to finish my thought will not get the entire message. I am also very logical so I like to build my case slowly with ideas, views, and thoughts rather than to skip all the small details and go direct to the end.

Emotional people don't tend to like that so what is the way that you communicate with them?

07-28-2015, 01:46 AM
If somebody is being an emotional train wreck then just kill their entire family and let them bitch and complain about it

07-28-2015, 01:48 AM
I have noticed many people are extremely emotional and on constant emotional roller-coaster that it gets difficult to get them to stay calm and to just relax. I get frustrated but I don't want to yell or curse them out. Sometimes I just can't help myself..

I am not very emotional myself so I can't understand things from their perspective. I simply am not a people person. I have to tell people to relax, breathe and don't worry.

What makes me angry at times is when these people don't even let you finish your thought before they respond to half thought. I guess their emotions get the best of them so they lack the patience to let you finish or even ask to explain yourself in more detail. They take the first thing they hear without even giving you time to finish.

I lack the social skills and verbal communication skills to explain myself perfectly so people that don't ask questions concerning the specifics or wait for me to finish my thought will not get the entire message. I am also very logical so I like to build my case slowly with ideas, views, and thoughts rather than to skip all the small details and go direct to the end.

Emotional people don't tend to like that so what is the way that you communicate with them?

Show them your dick. If youre an alpha, theyll get the message.

Nick Young
07-28-2015, 06:44 AM
don't be friends with these types of people

07-28-2015, 07:21 AM
Vote republican.

07-28-2015, 07:52 AM
Women make terrible friends.

07-28-2015, 08:16 AM
Women make terrible friends.


07-28-2015, 08:23 AM
just give them their space

Nick Young
07-28-2015, 08:33 AM
Women make terrible friends.
They aren't even good friends with each other. How many women "BFFs" and "best friends" have you heard complain about how much they backstab each other and gossip behind eachother's backs in real life? How many women have you met who say they can't get a long with other women?

Women who claim they are best friends with each other often act like the most bitter enemies.

This of course is due to the imperialistic CIS-gendered white male patriarchy oppressing them and turning women against each other in order to oppress and put them down and keep them out of the STEM fields. In my country, Europe, we are looking to do away with these oppressive islamophobic problematic patriarchal values of oppression, especially when they occur towards minority and non-CIS gendered women.

07-28-2015, 08:47 AM
What makes me angry at times is when these people don't even let you finish your thought before they respond to half thought. I guess their emotions get the best of them so they lack the patience to let you finish or even ask to explain yourself in more detail. They take the first thing they hear without even giving you time to finish.

I'm guilty of this. I blame it on the ADHD. I feel bad because I know friends and family get annoyed by it, but I do it unintentionally and without even thinking about it. It's like my brain is in fast-forward at all times and I can't help it...has nothing to do w/ emotions for me.

07-28-2015, 08:52 AM
I have noticed many people are extremely emotional and on constant emotional roller-coaster that it gets difficult to get them to stay calm and to just relax. I get frustrated but I don't want to yell or curse them out. Sometimes I just can't help myself..

I am not very emotional myself so I can't understand things from their perspective. I simply am not a people person. I have to tell people to relax, breathe and don't worry.

What makes me angry at times is when these people don't even let you finish your thought before they respond to half thought. I guess their emotions get the best of them so they lack the patience to let you finish or even ask to explain yourself in more detail. They take the first thing they hear without even giving you time to finish.

I lack the social skills and verbal communication skills to explain myself perfectly so people that don't ask questions concerning the specifics or wait for me to finish my thought will not get the entire message. I am also very logical so I like to build my case slowly with ideas, views, and thoughts rather than to skip all the small details and go direct to the end.

Emotional people don't tend to like that so what is the way that you communicate with them?

Here's a hint my aunt, who is a very successful HR VP at a hospital, told me:

Speak slower, quieter, and more clearly. It keeps people more interested in what you have to say. I mean, consciously slow your speech.

Especially in an emotional conversation, people tend to want to scream over the other.

07-28-2015, 09:18 AM
*guy becomes enraged when someone interrupts him*

*calls other people too emotional*

07-28-2015, 09:52 AM
You don't. Simple as that.

07-28-2015, 09:53 AM
They aren't even good friends with each other. How many women "BFFs" and "best friends" have you heard complain about how much they backstab each other and gossip behind eachother's backs in real life? How many women have you met who say they can't get a long with other women?

Women who claim they are best friends with each other often act like the most bitter enemies.

This of course is due to the imperialistic CIS-gendered white male patriarchy oppressing them and turning women against each other in order to oppress and put them down and keep them out of the STEM fields. In my country, Europe, we are looking to do away with these oppressive islamophobic problematic patriarchal values of oppression, especially when they occur towards minority and non-CIS gendered women.
This post is problematic, tbh

07-28-2015, 09:55 AM
*guy becomes enraged when someone interrupts him*

*calls other people too emotional*

07-28-2015, 09:59 AM
You can learn to cope with them; a professional like a psychologist could help you deal with people like that. Emotional people love to talk and want people to listen; they jump to conclusions, are extreme hypocrites and very dramatic.

If you're a logical person; you're the exact opposite. Your attention to detail, patience and due-process-thinking are your key strengths which are the complete opposite of how emotional people think. You're more of an introvert (an observer) rather than an extrovert (communicator).

You essentially get in a personality clash every time you attempt to communicate with a person that is emotional.

But there are a lot of people who are versatile enough to deal with all kinds of people because they do their research by reading books or seeking professional guidance.

07-28-2015, 11:04 AM
first you choose whether you ARE going to deal with them. that's the most important question because trying to give them the time of day when you don't have the patience will do more harm than leaving well enough alone.

can you help? like do you have both time, energy, and ability? if you don't think so, politely explain the fact and walk your ass away and if they need a shoulder to cry on some drunken evening sure but i got my own shit to deal with

actually helping somebody through tough times is really annoying and time consuming even though its gratifying when they eventually come through

edit: oh i see you're talking about a completely different subject

your best bet is to adapt yourself. in the conversation prioritize your message and leave out boring details that are irrelevant. be concise with your thoughts, straight nouns and verbs none of that adjective shit.

another good one is save your more 'thorough' lectures for when you preface them; "okay i got a lot to say on this one so bear with me" or whatever you want like that. you're building up expectations so careful not to let people down but that's helpful in getting attention then you just gotta be fluent without too many hesitations or breaks

sometimes people tend to interrupt with moral judgments.. maybe that is what you mean by emotion? if i'm telling a story about a prostitute and refer to her as whore, i get interrupted. or i'm telling a story about skipping out on a meal and get 'what about that poor waitress dont you think of her?' etc... that gets frustrating and its not easy to brush off to get to the meat of the story because people think your shrug means you don't care

07-28-2015, 12:22 PM
I avoid overly emotional people at all costs. Come at me with logic and sense, not your sensitive feelings. There are those odd times when it's necessary though. It grounds you and reminds you to, you know, be human and realize that emotions are natural and important to have in certain situations. This is why it's nearly impossible to debate with women. Little logic, plenty of emotional attachment and opinions

07-28-2015, 12:25 PM
Calm them with Jedi mind trick I do.

07-28-2015, 05:44 PM
another good one is save your more 'thorough' lectures for when you preface them; "okay i got a lot to say on this one so bear with me" or whatever you want like that. you're building up expectations so careful not to let people down but that's helpful in getting attention then you just gotta be fluent without too many hesitations or breaks

I guess that's what I need to be. I lack verbal communication skills for consistency in my communication. This is why people should ask for clarification. In my experience, logical people ask for constant clarification on things while emotional people tend to take things as they hear them (even if there was miscommunication).

There are many people who rely on emotions rather than logic and tend to let their emotions dictate how they think. Even if they're a somewhat logical person, their emotions decide things for them (I do not know if they can control that). They can also become emotional rollercoasters up-and-down constantly with little stability except when they're in good moods -- good moods can swing too quickly in minutes too.

As West-side stated, I'm also much more introverted than extroverted as well. Introverts tend to have harder time communicating at least verbally. Hesitations, breaks, pauses become normal for introverted people.

07-28-2015, 07:12 PM
emotions in the moment of explaining or emotional over a long period like being a bleeding heart instead of pragmatic?

if they're emotional while talking to you best bet is to change the subject.

but i dunno in the latter case. it's hard to just flat out tell them that due to their own personal experience they have bias on this issue and should understand that. especially if they're specifically involved like they got an abortion when they were young or their heroin addicted son overdosed and killed himself etc

i agree on your first point though, questions are ****ing key to communicating otherwise people bottle up important details cuz they think they're going on too long or whatever

07-28-2015, 09:27 PM
emotions in the moment of explaining or emotional over a long period like being a bleeding heart instead of pragmatic?

Long periods of time..

Let me explain better. I was referring to people that have an emotional personality, where you have emotional roller-coasters by the moment up-and-down and mood-swings. One moment you're upset and next moment you're happy, and it's on a regular basis. Your lowest emotional point are very much inconsistent with your highest emotional points (and vary), whereas a very logical person's highest and lowest points are almost equal.

More than that, you make decisions based significantly more on your emotions and mood rather than the case in point.

07-28-2015, 09:47 PM
I think part of it is just that people are different. Sometimes relationships act as a symbiotic environment where people balance each other out instead of everyone being forced to take on that battle alone. I tend to be an emotional person (altho not necessarily vocal about it) so I like to surround myself with more even keeled people as a counterweight.

Maybe through conversation you can help them make more logical decisions and they can help you experience a larger band of the emotional spectrum.

07-29-2015, 02:42 AM
Calm them with Jedi mind trick I do.


If you focus below your feet and envision a magnet at the core of the Earth pulling all energy down, you'll be less effected by any tantrums. This allows you to stay with the storm and be present, which is really all the emotional person needs you to do until they calm down.

Try it.

Oh, and in terms of taking what they say to heart...you really shouldn't although a lot of things you are ashamed about yourself will surface through her mouth. Unless you've got a titanium-solid ego and rhinocerous 50.cal repelling skin, you should probably not hold on to every word like you're Christ's Disciple.

Alcohol is the truth serum, not necessarily anger. Anger from a girlfriend means like every single f*cking stored up memory of your faults PLUS whatever some sh!theads at work said to her PLUS whatever internal hormonal processes PLUS the world is a f*cked up place CONCENTRATED into a dose and then thrown at you.

Best to simply ignore them until we cool calm collected civil.