View Full Version : Donald Trump should inform the mexicans that Canada is much more lucrative for them

07-29-2015, 12:59 AM
Canada's minimum wage = $11.00/hour

United States minimum wage = $7.25/hour

1 canadian dollar is worth .77 cents

the US dollar being worth more doesn't matter since the wages are below market value

bare minimum just to make the exchange fair they should be making $8.47/hour

but to make the discounts actually worth living in the states they should ALSO be making $11.00/hour

then factor in benefits and handouts that are common place up here.

its amazing immigrants dont just skip you and head farther north


07-29-2015, 01:00 AM
canada lol

07-29-2015, 01:02 AM
canada lol

...has the best young crop of talent for the nba's future?

07-29-2015, 01:02 AM
and get raped by taxes and snow?

07-29-2015, 01:04 AM
and get raped by taxes and snow?

13% sales tax. get it all back with gst rebait cheques every month

plus you dont pay any taxes at the end of the year on a minimum wage salary

i don't think theyed mind

just like the states. only the rich pay out the ass

canada literally is way better for immigrants

07-29-2015, 01:07 AM
Tbh, the US should look into one of those bullet trains that would get them there with great convenience.

But of course, big business wants cheap labor at the expense of the middle class, and by playing the hearstrings of liberals looking to play hero for the little guy, they easily get the govt to basically roll out the carpet for immigrants.

07-29-2015, 01:08 AM
smokestackwriting lol

This is literally the worst shit I've ever seen.

07-29-2015, 01:09 AM
How does this have anything to do with the NBA?

07-29-2015, 01:10 AM
smokestackwriting lol

This is literally the worst shit I've ever seen.

It's just a lil travel log I made for amusement on there right now as a placeholder until I finish it up. The site hasnt transitioned to a serious blog yet. Stay tuned!

07-29-2015, 01:17 AM

07-29-2015, 01:20 AM
then factor in benefits and handouts that are common place up here.

There are no 'handouts' in Canada you dumbass. Everyone contributes their share via taxes and everyone benefits. Yes the taxes are high, but at least their standards of living and satisfaction of life are MUCH higher than America's. Let that sink in for a little bit.

07-29-2015, 01:24 AM
13% sales tax. get it all back with gst rebait cheques every month

There's no monthly GST rebate cheques. That happens ONCE a year and you can't claim anything and everything. Only HST can be deducted and only if youre a business owner. For personal returns it only applies depending on variables. Ie; if you renovate your home, that can be deducted.

Secondly, as much as you'd like to think otherwise, sales tax is a drop in the bucket from what all the tax Canadians pay that comes out of their paychecks. If you're earning anywhere from 40-50k/year, the government is going to take roughly 15k of that... ballpark amount, don't quote me on that, I dont remember the specifics, but its almost 100% for sure over $10,000 in that salary range.

07-29-2015, 01:24 AM
It's just a lil travel log I made for amusement on there right now as a placeholder until I finish it up. The site hasnt transitioned to a serious blog yet. Stay tuned!

07-29-2015, 01:26 AM
California is $9. San Diego is $10. LA soon to be $15.

South Cali DA BEST :bowdown: beautiful weather plus btches and money

07-29-2015, 01:29 AM
Canada's minimum wage = $11.00/hour

United States minimum wage = $7.25/hour

1 canadian dollar is worth .77 cents

the US dollar being worth more doesn't matter since the wages are below market value

bare minimum just to make the exchange fair they should be making $8.47/hour

but to make the discounts actually worth living in the states they should ALSO be making $11.00/hour

then factor in benefits and handouts that are common place up here.

its amazing immigrants dont just skip you and head farther north


Kenneth, for once I agree with you - they should all skip USA and go to Canada. Unfortunately for us, Canada does not let illegals flood across its borders. They let immigrants in based on:

Economic. This category represents the largest portion of immigrants each year. Selection is based on a point system that rewards applicants with higher levels of education, job experience, and language skills (i.e., English and French). With the manufacturing sector in decline and the country shifting toward a more information-based economy, this policy emphasizes flexible, transferable skills over specific occupations.

US lets in unskilled, low-income, uneducated people who don't speak English and become a burden to our social and educational systems. Canada lets the educated, high-skilled, RICH people who invest and improve their country - smart, don't you think?

07-29-2015, 01:29 AM
California is $9. San Diego is $10. LA soon to be $15.

South Cali DA BEST :bowdown: beautiful weather plus btches and money

If, and I hope he does, Bernie Sanders get's elected, he's going to rightfully balance the inequality between the entitled rich and the middle class thats been getting phucked over for the last 30+ years... or in other words;

He's going to aim for a $15/hr minimum wage pay across the nation.


07-29-2015, 01:29 AM
There are no 'handouts' in Canada you dumbass. Everyone contributes their share via taxes and everyone benefits. Yes the taxes are high, but at least their standards of living and satisfaction of life are MUCH higher than America's. Let that sink in for a little bit.

their standards of living are higher because they dont have as many blacks, mestizos, or arabs. their main immigrants are chinese who actually enhance society instead of drain it. (harsh words, but i'm not sugar coating the truth).

try that system out with a horde of 3rd worlders to support and see how that does for you.

US acts as a buffer between Canada and Mexico so that Canada doesn't get the mexicans. canada has no other boundaries with third world nations so their safe for the meantime.

07-29-2015, 01:31 AM
There are no 'handouts' in Canada you dumbass. Everyone contributes their share via taxes and everyone benefits. Yes the taxes are high, but at least their standards of living and satisfaction of life are MUCH higher than America's. Let that sink in for a little bit.

firstly, the standards of living in Canada are better in some respects than in America. They aren't MUCH higher.

If you account for the disparity of low-skilled immigration (America gets a lot more poor immigrants and refugees) America beats Canada handily in terms of cost of living.

that being said, Sanders 2016

07-29-2015, 01:31 AM
Kenneth, for once I agree with you - they should all skip USA and go to Canada. Unfortunately for us, Canada does not let illegals flood across its borders. They let immigrants in based on:

Economic. This category represents the largest portion of immigrants each year. Selection is based on a point system that rewards applicants with higher levels of education, job experience, and language skills (i.e., English and French). With the manufacturing sector in decline and the country shifting toward a more information-based economy, this policy emphasizes flexible, transferable skills over specific occupations.

US lets in unskilled, low-income, uneducated people who don't speak English and become a burden to our social and educational systems. Canada lets the educated, high-skilled, RICH people who invest and improve their country - smart, don't you think?

All true but you also forgot to mention one important factor:

Canada also requires you to have a MINIMUM amount of cash to bring with you as well. I think it's somewhere around $25-35k. Having said that, I know for SURE most people dont have that much in their bank accounts.

07-29-2015, 01:34 AM
Tbh, the US should look into one of those bullet trains that would get them there with great convenience.

But of course, big business wants cheap labor at the expense of the middle class, and by playing the hearstrings of liberals looking to play hero for the little guy, they easily get the govt to basically roll out the carpet for immigrants.

Almost all of the politicians (both sides) are complicit:

Big business donors - cheap labor
Liberals - votes

07-29-2015, 01:37 AM
All true but you also forgot to mention one important factor:

Canada also requires you to have a MINIMUM amount of cash to bring with you as well. I think it's somewhere around $25-35k. Having said that, I know for SURE most people dont have that much in their bank accounts.

I didn't forget - don't you see the word "RICH"? A lot of the rise in house prices is because the Chinese immigrants bought up the real estate in Vancouver and Toronto.

07-29-2015, 01:38 AM
firstly, the standards of living in Canada are better in some respects than in America. They aren't MUCH higher.

If you account for the disparity of low-skilled immigration (America gets a lot more poor immigrants and refugees) America beats Canada handily in terms of cost of living.

Depends where in Canada you are though. Lemme put it this way;

The average yearly salary in Canada (before taxes) is I believe around $45,000. If you're in Toronto making that amount, you're barely getting by:

Renting a flat there costs essentially a minimum of $1,000 for a 1bedroom place.
Transit costs about $140/month.
Telecommunications is REALLY expensive in Canada (and sh*t service too); $80/month for capped internet with about 15mbit speeds (lulz)
Cell phone plans are about $100/month.
Car insurance in Toronto is roughly $200 (some friends pay over $300, depends on record)
Then you have food, clothing, personal items/care, leisure, visa, student loans (assuming your not an idiot and decided to go to school), etc.

After all is said and done... HOW the hell does one save up any money for a home or condo... when condo prices in Toronto start at around $300,000 for a small single bedroom and condo fees are around $500/month on top of a mortgage? Forget about buying a house... minimum price for a house there is like $750,000.

that being said, Sanders 2016


07-29-2015, 01:42 AM
If, and I hope he does, Bernie Sanders get's elected, he's going to rightfully balance the inequality between the entitled rich and the middle class thats been getting phucked over for the last 30+ years... or in other words;

He's going to aim for a $15/hr minimum wage pay across the nation.


Don't you see what $15/hr minimum wage is doing in Seattle? People are asking for a CUTBACK in hours (because they're now making too much) to keep qualifying for food stamps, subsidized housing, free cel phone, etc. If it weren't so pitiful, I'd LOL. :rant Unintended consequences - people are gonna game the system - why work when you can get it for free? So much for socialism.


07-29-2015, 01:46 AM
Don't you see what $15/hr minimum wage is doing in Seattle? People are asking for a CUTBACK in hours (because they're now making too much) to keep qualifying for food stamps, subsidized housing, free cel phone, etc. If it weren't so pitiful, I'd LOL. :rant Unintended consequences - people are gonna game the system - why work when you can get it for free? So much for socialism.

LOL, cutbacks? Who would want to cutback on hours from a normal 36 hour work week? As an employer, if I saw my staff asking for cutbacks like that, id fire their ass and find someone more dedicated.... or really, someone more RELIABLE.

07-29-2015, 01:46 AM
After-tax middle-class incomes in Canada

07-29-2015, 02:07 AM
LOL, cutbacks? Who would want to cutback on hours from a normal 36 hour work week? As an employer, if I saw my staff asking for cutbacks like that, id fire their ass and find someone more dedicated.... or really, someone more RELIABLE.

Where have you been? 36 hour work week? Try under 30 to avoid Obamacare. My daughter was offered 2 internships this summer - both under 30 hours - she couldn't find a 40 hour (full-time) job.

07-29-2015, 02:10 AM
Except they'll be living in Canada... Lol

07-29-2015, 02:26 AM
If only Bernie Sanders got a proper barber, maybe more people would start listening to him.

Gonna vote for him but dude looks like a mad scientist. Not a great look for the press/average uninformed mouthbreating voter.


07-29-2015, 02:27 AM
If only Bernie Sanders got a proper barber, maybe more people would start listening to him.

Gonna vote for him but dude looks like a mad scientist. Not a great look for the press/average uninformed mouthbreating voter.


He does looks like a mad scientist there :lol

Not just asking for cutback in hours but:

There have been other unforeseen consequences to the higher wage. Some restaurants are tacking on a 15 percent surcharge onto customer’s bills in order to avoid firing workers.

Other stores, restaurants, and small businesses are simply closing down because they can’t afford the wage hike. By March of this year, for instance, restaurant closings increased at a much higher than average rate in Seattle.

Many restaurants noted that the new wage put labor costs at nearly 50 percent of operating costs, and that made profit margins disappear.

07-29-2015, 02:40 AM
There's no monthly GST rebate cheques. That happens ONCE a year and you can't claim anything and everything. Only HST can be deducted and only if youre a business owner. For personal returns it only applies depending on variables. Ie; if you renovate your home, that can be deducted.

Secondly, as much as you'd like to think otherwise, sales tax is a drop in the bucket from what all the tax Canadians pay that comes out of their paychecks. If you're earning anywhere from 40-50k/year, the government is going to take roughly 15k of that... ballpark amount, don't quote me on that, I dont remember the specifics, but its almost 100% for sure over $10,000 in that salary range.

Before i got a ton of money i was getting 70$ a month in rebait chequez and 100$ every 3 months... the yearly cheque is 300$... then theres the 1000$+ tax returns for people who make under 20 grand

Lol canada just hands out free miney to anyone who isnt rich

07-29-2015, 02:43 AM
Kenneth, for once I agree with you - they should all skip USA and go to Canada. Unfortunately for us, Canada does not let illegals flood across its borders. They let immigrants in based on:

Economic. This category represents the largest portion of immigrants each year. Selection is based on a point system that rewards applicants with higher levels of education, job experience, and language skills (i.e., English and French). With the manufacturing sector in decline and the country shifting toward a more information-based economy, this policy emphasizes flexible, transferable skills over specific occupations.

US lets in unskilled, low-income, uneducated people who don't speak English and become a burden to our social and educational systems. Canada lets the educated, high-skilled, RICH people who invest and improve their country - smart, don't you think?
Lol, why would rich people move? A wealthy man lives like a king whether he lives in Bangladesh, France or the US :facepalm

07-29-2015, 02:54 AM
Lol, why would rich people move? A wealthy man lives like a king whether he lives in Bangladesh, France or the US :facepalm

A lot of the rich Chinese people got their money by "corrupt" means in China - so maybe they'd like to avoid the Chinese government which is cracking down on corruption. If you were rich, would you want to live in China with its polluted cities, escalator accidents, questionable food or in Canada where there's good air quality, excellent Chinatown food and safety controls?

07-29-2015, 02:59 AM
A lot of the rich Chinese people got their money by "corrupt" means in China - so maybe they'd like to avoid the Chinese government which is cracking down on corruption. If you were rich, would you want to live in China with its polluted cities, escalator accidents, questionable food or in Canada where there's good air quality, excellent Chinatown food and safety controls?
Ah ok, I could see that.

For the most part, rich people don't uproot and move to a new country since they are already living the life in their country of origin.

07-29-2015, 03:05 AM
What is your guys' definition of rich? That word gets used a lot.

(In USD) 100k/yr salary? 250k/yr salary? 1m/yr salary?

07-29-2015, 03:37 AM
This is actually a great idea. We could help the cartels build a tunnel from the Mexico border all the way to the Canada border.

07-29-2015, 03:42 AM
What is your guys' definition of rich? That word gets used a lot.

(In USD) 100k/yr salary? 250k/yr salary? 1m/yr salary?

It depends on where you live in the States. Where I live 100k is a pretty average salary, and the average 3B/2b home on a half acre will cost you ~700k.

Or you can buy a mansion on 20 acres in Arkansas for 300k.

07-29-2015, 07:06 AM
Canada's minimum wage = $11.00/hour

United States minimum wage = $7.25/hour

1 canadian dollar is worth .77 cents

the US dollar being worth more doesn't matter since the wages are below market value

bare minimum just to make the exchange fair they should be making $8.47/hour

but to make the discounts actually worth living in the states they should ALSO be making $11.00/hour

then factor in benefits and handouts that are common place up here.

its amazing immigrants dont just skip you and head farther north

speaking of Mexicans in Canada....

What up Kenny boy, when can we go hoop?

07-29-2015, 07:11 AM
Can indians come to Canada?

07-29-2015, 07:49 AM
canada is too damn cold for mexicans.

that's why their ancestors moved south to mexico in the first place after crossing the frozen beiring strait from russia to alaska, if you believe in that human migration theory.

07-29-2015, 08:23 AM
What is your guys' definition of rich? That word gets used a lot.

(In USD) 100k/yr salary? 250k/yr salary? 1m/yr salary?

I say over 1mil.

I know several people who make over a quarter million, and they dont seem any more rich than anyone else.

Of course, being rich and being wealthy are two different things.

07-29-2015, 11:16 AM
Canada's minimum wage = $11.00/hour

United States minimum wage = $7.25/hour

Trump is worried about undocumented Mexicans. They don't get minimum wage.

07-29-2015, 12:37 PM
their standards of living are higher because they dont have as many blacks, mestizos, or arabs. their main immigrants are chinese who actually enhance society instead of drain it. (harsh words, but i'm not sugar coating the truth).

try that system out with a horde of 3rd worlders to support and see how that does for you.

US acts as a buffer between Canada and Mexico so that Canada doesn't get the mexicans. canada has no other boundaries with third world nations so their safe for the meantime.

The top 20 countries from which permanent residents originated (kind of green card holders) in 2013. For new immigrants Philippinos/Indians/Pakistanis outnumber Chinese by large numbers.

China 34,126
India 33,085
Philippines 29,539
Pakistan 12,602
Iran 11,291
USA 8,495
UK & Colonies 5,826
France 5,624
Iraq 14,918
Korea 4,509
Algeria 4,331
Nigeria 4,173
Egypt 4,164
Haiti 4,143
Mexico 3,996
Bangladesh 3,789
Colombia 3,632
Morocco 3,259
Ukraine 2,487
Jamaica 2,477

As you could see the majority is non white/chinese. All of the contribute to our great country. If you have the proper immigration system in place, it doesn't matter where the people come from.

07-29-2015, 01:01 PM
Ontario resident. My income tax exceeds my mortgage. Hydro rates are very high, HST on literally everything (even all insurance). Thank god for the TFSA.

You Cant Ban Me
07-29-2015, 01:04 PM
nah we need to let more mexicans in i just hope im still alive when whites are a minority in this country :roll:

07-29-2015, 01:07 PM
A lot of the rich Chinese people got their money by "corrupt" means in China - so maybe they'd like to avoid the Chinese government which is cracking down on corruption. If you were rich, would you want to live in China with its polluted cities, escalator accidents, questionable food or in Canada where there's good air quality, excellent Chinatown food and safety controls?
Yeah, "corrupt".

Also known as, "you backed the other guy for party leadership, therefore you are guilty of corruption and will executed".

07-29-2015, 01:11 PM
Ontario resident. My income tax exceeds my mortgage. Hydro rates are very high, HST on literally everything (even all insurance). Thank god for the TFSA.

07-29-2015, 08:23 PM
Yeah, "corrupt".

Also known as, "you backed the other guy for party leadership, therefore you are guilty of corruption and will executed".

no as in, you were in a position of authority/decision making and you hand out contracts to your friend who wires money to your account or buys you some nice condos

07-29-2015, 11:19 PM
Depends where in Canada you are though. Lemme put it this way;

The average yearly salary in Canada (before taxes) is I believe around $45,000. If you're in Toronto making that amount, you're barely getting by:

Renting a flat there costs essentially a minimum of $1,000 for a 1bedroom place.
Transit costs about $140/month.
Telecommunications is REALLY expensive in Canada (and sh*t service too); $80/month for capped internet with about 15mbit speeds (lulz)
Cell phone plans are about $100/month.
Car insurance in Toronto is roughly $200 (some friends pay over $300, depends on record)
Then you have food, clothing, personal items/care, leisure, visa, student loans (assuming your not an idiot and decided to go to school), etc.

After all is said and done... HOW the hell does one save up any money for a home or condo... when condo prices in Toronto start at around $300,000 for a small single bedroom and condo fees are around $500/month on top of a mortgage? Forget about buying a house... minimum price for a house there is like $750,000.

You're a bit off there cell phone plans are definitely not 100 dollars a month a decent plan should run you only about 50-60 dollars on fido or Koodo, maybe 80 on bell, telus, or Rogers, and even less on wind mobile

And if you're savvy enough you can easily get 30 down 10 up for about $55 dollars. Your overall point still stands but I was just pointing out some inaccuracies.

07-30-2015, 06:08 AM
studies seem to indicate that even low skill immigrants increase wages for americans.

07-30-2015, 06:19 AM
I didn't forget - don't you see the word "RICH"? A lot of the rise in house prices is because the Chinese immigrants bought up the real estate in Vancouver and Toronto.

That's ****ing every stable city in the world.