View Full Version : The Jordan Complex

07-30-2015, 04:59 PM
So how many players can you think of that were thought to be the next Jordan? Jordan 2.0. Micheal Jordan like. The list maybe longer than we imagined.

1. Reggie Williams. He was called a Micheal Jordan like player when he was coming out of Georgetown in 1987.

2. Harold "Baby Jordan" Miner. Two time dunk contest winner. I remember him at USC, he was a good scorer and super athletic. Just didn't do anything in the pros.

3. Jerry Stackhouse. He was compared to MJ coming out of High School.

4. Kobe Bryant. His whole game is an imitation of MJ.

5. DeShawn Stevenson. I was suprised with this one. But coming out of high school he was compared to MJ. The next MJ...ok.

These are just 5 examples. There are dozens upon dozens of these guys. Some of these guys are future HoF'ers but yet pretenders or imitators to MJ. Some people say it's a curse to be compared to MJ. Everyone falls short. I hated Jordan when he played, but once he retired I really learned to appreciate him.

07-30-2015, 05:03 PM
lol i came in to say "fk even jerry stackhouse was called the next mj"

you beat me to the punch

this thread could go on forever

You Cant Ban Me
07-30-2015, 05:06 PM
Vince Carter

DJ Leon Smith
07-31-2015, 05:33 AM

07-31-2015, 05:46 AM
You went wrong bro...Kobe's game isn't an imitation...but a PALE imitation. ;)

07-31-2015, 06:16 AM
Kobe ended up playing the "next Jordan" role as far as being the dominant guard of his era but the thing is that, unlike Jordan being better than J, Kobe wasn't as good as Jordan.

Still, Kobe hung up 81.

07-31-2015, 07:08 AM
You forgot Grant Hill but someone already mentioned him. Basically every great perimeter player gets compared to him. I think that's stupid and lazy, it's like comparing every midfielder to Maradona in soccer.

07-31-2015, 07:11 AM
well that explains why a jealous Stevenson (very good 3&D player as of 2011) called LeBron overrated... and then was out of the league completely not long after...

07-31-2015, 12:24 PM
You forgot Grant Hill but someone already mentioned him. Basically every great perimeter player gets compared to him. I think that's stupid and lazy, it's like comparing every midfielder to Maradona in soccer.

I never understood this. I watched Grant Hill back in college. He was in no way comparable to Jordan offensively.

07-31-2015, 01:43 PM
So how many players can you think of that were thought to be the next Jordan? Jordan 2.0. Micheal Jordan like. The list maybe longer than we imagined.

3. Jerry Stackhouse. He was compared to MJ coming out of High School.

4. Kobe Bryant. His whole game is an imitation of MJ.

The high school Kobe Bryant dominated the All American college version of Stackhouse at Chapel Hill.

You're bound to fail if you're hype to be the next MJ. Even Kobe with a legendary career and an icon of his own is mission impossible.