View Full Version : women and politics/economics

08-02-2015, 04:41 AM
I have noticed that there are very few women in my age (19-24) who like to discuss about politics and economics. With my male friends you can talk about these themes without any problem. we are reading newspapers, business papers etc. I just think it belongs to a good education.
Women simply dont, or at least to a lesser extent (im not talking about women studying politics or economics).

what about the states?

08-02-2015, 04:50 AM
it's true in most places. there are rare but obvious exceptions, like 1 in 25 max you find a young woman with her head screwed on right. far fewer women express any understanding and engage with issues on the political agenda than do men. that fact alone requires some sort of explanation.

one is that women don't have the capacity to "get" it. it's not their role anyway, nor has it ever been, so why expect that of them? they have very honorable roles in rearing and support and provision and a host of other duties typified by the female lifestyle. fair enough if somebody wants to jump to that conclusion. how is this for a tweak in perspective though? what percentage of your male friends between 19-24 are just piping steam out there ass and how many actually have a clue?

i don't think the ratio would be much different than the one i expressed above. the thesis here is that women are less inclined to drop some barely relevant statistic or cite the latest article they read. they are unlikely to pipe up with some pretense of understanding unless they can be sure it's verifiable and contextualized. sort of like science, except they aren't doing it out of rational skepticism, they're doing it out of emotional insecurity.

they probably should give themselves more credit than they do. then again it's only fair that the majority of their brains are pretty fcked by the conditioning expected of the average female in the western world.

08-02-2015, 05:00 AM
Its because women congregate around the intellectual mean. This is why a higher percentage of men are able to discuss complicated issues at a higher level and with confidence, compared to women. The same greater levels of intelligence fluctuation found in men are the reason why men fill the prisons and are more likely to be homeless etc.

Nick Young
08-02-2015, 05:00 AM
I have noticed that there are very few women in my age (19-24) who like to discuss about politics and economics. With my male friends you can talk about these themes without any problem. we are reading newspapers, business papers etc. I just think it belongs to a good education.
Women simply dont, or at least to a lesser extent (im not talking about women studying politics or economics).

what about the states?
They are being oppressed by the patriarchy. The CIS gender white male First Estate patriarchy forces women to like Justin Bieber and read Cosmo. In my country, Europe, the patriarchy is banned and everyone is happier for it. Women are allowed to do great things, like campaign against the oppressive acts of manspreading and mansplaining.

08-02-2015, 05:17 AM
Its because women congregate around the intellectual mean. This is why a higher percentage of men are able to discuss complicated issues at a higher level and with confidence, compared to women. The same greater levels of intelligence fluctuation found in men are the reason why men fill the prisons and are more likely to be homeless etc.
this study gives credence to this view (http://dailynous.com/2015/01/15/raw-intellectual-talent-and-academias-gender-gaps/)

it discerns between disciplines that "require a high level of natural brilliance" (physics, philosophy, math) as opposed to others which do not (psychology, art history) and compares the percentage of doctorates that are female.

interestingly enough, women also fall way behind in engineering and music composition, two disciplines that are more similar than any member of either would like to admit.

08-02-2015, 05:33 AM
this study gives credence to this view (http://dailynous.com/2015/01/15/raw-intellectual-talent-and-academias-gender-gaps/)

it discerns between disciplines that "require a high level of natural brilliance" (physics, philosophy, math) as opposed to others which do not (psychology, art history) and compares the percentage of doctorates that are female.

interestingly enough, women also fall way behind in engineering and music composition, two disciplines that are more similar than any member of either would like to admit.
Right, and by the same token, women excel in areas that require a high level of emotional intelligence such as nursing, aged/child care etc.

08-02-2015, 09:05 AM
The level at which most people talk about politics and economics is low enough for women to understand. You guys jumped into intelligence means talk a tad early as let's be real the majority of males i'd wager are not experts in either fields through natural aptitude or through schooling.

The majority of people(males) talk about politics and econ on a level you would literally find on Fox News or CNN. It's funny to see people make an argument literally because they saw Bill Oreily or Chris Hansen make it. Even on ISH. There is nothing complex going on here. Doesnt help that politicians and economist dumb down ideas for simplicity and news readiness. So in reality even the psuedo experts on the internet(in which they are abundant) are really regurgitating something they seen on a website they love.

I'd wager women more or less fall in line with their gender roles. Which there is in fact a natural affinity towards, but men being smarter allowing them to talk about these things? No.

08-02-2015, 09:10 AM
When women have political power, their contributions typically amount to ideas like "it should be illegal to say mean things".

08-02-2015, 09:13 AM
When women have political power, their contributions typically amount to ideas like "it should be illegal to say mean things".
yeah angela merkel and elizabeth warren and Aung San Suu Kyi say much dumber shit than NumberSix at Insidehoops.com

08-02-2015, 09:19 AM
yeah angela merkel and elizabeth warren and Aung San Suu Kyi say much dumber shit than NumberSix at Insidehoops.com
You'll occasionally come across a Margaret Thatcher or Ann Coulter who has more balls than most men.

Just look at the "women's movements" in politics. Although, I guess that's unfair. They don't represent women. Just a small type of both men and women. There are plenty of women in politics completely on the other side.

Wow. My mind immediately has been completely changed.


08-02-2015, 09:30 AM
The level at which most people talk about politics and economics is low enough for women to understand. You guys jumped into intelligence means talk a tad early as let's be real the majority of males i'd wager are not experts in either fields through natural aptitude or through schooling.

The majority of people(males) talk about politics and econ on a level you would literally find on Fox News or CNN. It's funny to see people make an argument literally because they saw Bill Oreily or Chris Hansen make it. Even on ISH. There is nothing complex going on here. Doesnt help that politicians and economist dumb down ideas for simplicity and news readiness. So in reality even the psuedo experts on the internet(in which they are abundant) are really regurgitating something they seen on a website they love.

I'd wager women more or less fall in line with their gender roles. Which there is in fact a natural affinity towards, but men being smarter allowing them to talk about these things? No.

i did not mean to talk aboout politics or economics on the highest level, but in general.
I mean things like the greek-problem/Iran/North-Korea etc. To know the main problems and being able to argue about them. things like that. im not talking about a profound knowledge about derivatives etc.
I just noticed that me and my male friends are tlaking about that way more often than my female friends. it just shocked me, that most of them could not enumerate the most important ministers e.g.

08-02-2015, 09:37 AM
Biological, primitive instincts dictate. Regardless of the uniform or means of existence.

Female Premise: Procreate, nurture.

Psychosphere: Emotional, Illogical, Reactive.

08-02-2015, 09:38 AM
yeah angela merkel and elizabeth warren and Aung San Suu Kyi say much dumber shit than NumberSix at Insidehoops.com

Thatcher and Merkel are ladyboys, trust me i have some reliable sources. LOLCATS will tell you the same.

Nick Young
08-02-2015, 09:43 AM
Biological, primitive instincts dictate. Regardless of the uniform or means of existence.

Female Premise: Procreate, nurture.

Psychosphere: Emotional, Illogical, Reactive.
In my country, Europe, we have overcome this outdated notion that the two genders are different. Gender is a social construct, and men and women are literally exactly the same, both biologically and mentally. Women, and especially minority women are in fact capable of achieving greater things than any man can ever hope to accomplish, if the CIS gender white male patriarchy ever stops holding them back.

08-02-2015, 09:43 AM
I've always been on the nurture bandwagon in that particular debate and now I know my girlfriend and her family well I can see exactly where most of the stupid shit she says comes from. She has no interest in these topics because neither do any of her family and her mother gets shouted down whenever she discusses anything that isnt the dinner or the next cup of tea. A sad fact of the evolving world regarding genders is that just because extra opportunities are available, some women won't take them as they're predisposed to be different by their upbringing.

08-02-2015, 09:49 AM
In my country, Europe, we have overcome this outdated notion that the two genders are different. Gender is a social construct, and men and women are literally exactly the same, both biologically and mentally. Women, and especially minority women are in fact capable of achieving greater things than any man can ever hope to accomplish, if the CIS gender white male patriarchy ever stops holding them back.
Analyzing: 100%.

Response: We are a dimorphic species. The frail notion of gender equality is and should only be restricted to non-absolute measures. The moment gender equality steps outside the confines of the human societal psycosphere, it becomes defunct in relation to the realism and obvious truth of reality and animalistic existence.

Nick Young
08-02-2015, 09:52 AM
Analyzing: 100%.

Response: We are a dimorphic species. The frail notion of gender equality is and should only be restricted to non-absolute measures. The moment gender equality steps outside the confines of the human societal psycosphere, it becomes defunct in relation to the realism and obvious truth of reality and animalistic existence.
Your patriarchal CIS gendered white male Imperialist notions of the concept of gender have actually in fact been proven completely false. In my country, Europe, we have several gender studies institutions that have proven the 'dimorphic species' theory-created by a CIS gender white male I must point out-is completely false, and nothing more than patriarchal mansplaining.

08-02-2015, 10:14 AM
Your patriarchal CIS gendered white male Imperialist notions of the concept of gender have actually in fact been proven completely false. In my country, Europe, we have several gender studies institutions that have proven the 'dimorphic species' theory-created by a CIS gender white male I must point out-is completely false, and nothing more than patriarchal mansplaining.
Compartmentalizing comment: 100%

Forming logical response: 100%

Logical response: Nature ALWAYS has the absolute distinction in all matters of life. For we as the most intellectual species on the planet cannot yet to cipher and understand the method and mystery of mother nature at it's core. There is only one thing we can know for certain and it is Balance. Without balance, there is nothing. There is always something to which must be balanced. From the ingredients of a tasty stir fry to the milligrams of pharmaceuticals to treat various diseases to the gas composition of our life habituating atmosphere. Humanity revolves around the sperm, and the egg. Neither can exist without the other. For it is the balance of our existence that serves to spread the seed of life. Society as it has evolved has geared toward an evolution in the species and the way they act, do, think and feel. A clear societal psychological study at this phenomena is Chris Brown's 2014 smash hit "Loyal".


Ah, what was once a species of procreation, tenderness, timidness and nurture. Is now a cunning altruistic agenda driven male-lite. The female is moving towards becoming a prototype of the male.

08-02-2015, 10:25 AM
Thatcher and Merkel are ladyboys, trust me i have some reliable sources. LOLCATS will tell you the same.
well this may be right. but soon we'll get a ravishing goddess of an american president who will inspire us with her creative bipartisan agenda as much as she flaunts her t!ts. and when that day comes, we will all watch american idol contestants sing 'proud to be an american' and bloody well salute the flag. :pimp: