View Full Version : Illegal Immigrants scurrying over the UK Channel and other border Zones...

08-03-2015, 07:39 AM

I'd be interested to hear from some of the English posters here on the situation.

What is the government doing about this? What are the consequences of war-torn immigrants swarming into a country in large numbers?

I can't blame them. If my country was a mess and I was living a nightmare, I'd do literally anything to get the hell out. Particularly if the prospective country has penetrable borders in which to cross....

08-03-2015, 07:43 AM
Pretty ****ed up situation. On one hand its not good for the country, there are too many people trying to get here as it is. On the other hand, I can't blame those guys cause they realise they only have one life, so they may as well put everything on the line to make sure its the best life they can have. No one wants to live in some of the countries they are escaping from.

So its a pretty messed up situation, and likely something we will have to keep dealing with until the whole world is on a level playing field in terms of standards of living.

08-03-2015, 07:59 AM
Pretty ****ed up situation. On one hand its not good for the country, there are too many people trying to get here as it is. On the other hand, I can't blame those guys cause they realise they only have one life, so they may as well put everything on the line to make sure its the best life they can have. No one wants to live in some of the countries they are escaping from.

So its a pretty messed up situation, and likely something we will have to keep dealing with until the whole world is on a level playing field in terms of standards of living.

It might actually force the world's hand to humanely deal with the humanitarian crisis in many troubled regions throughout the world? Instead of doing patch up jobs like aid and pretending to care...

I get the feeling this is the karma in which humans reap for greed, entitlement and neglect of the poor and helpless.

I mean, what do you think will happen if you leave countries to rot and self destruct while you look from your ivory tower and observe? At some point, they are going to come crash the walls down.

Nick Young
08-03-2015, 08:01 AM
In my country, Europe, all asylum seekers are entitled to our socialized welfare system, and deserve a better chance in life, especially if the asylum seekers are oppressed minorities or women, regardless if they are actually seeking asylum or not.

Nick Young
08-03-2015, 08:04 AM
It might actually force the world's hand to humanely deal with the humanitarian crisis in many troubled regions throughout the world? Instead of doing patch up jobs like aid and pretending to care...

I get the feeling this is the karma in which humans reap for greed, entitlement and neglect of the poor and helpless.

I mean, what do you think will happen if you leave countries to rot and self destruct while you look from your ivory tower and observe? At some point, they are going to come crash the walls down.
Yes. We should not allow people who can't govern themselves properly have the right to govern their own countries. It is time for my country, Europe, to step in and show these people of oppressed minority backgrounds how they should live and rule their countries.

08-03-2015, 08:10 AM
Yes. We should not allow people who can't govern themselves properly have the right to govern their own countries. It is time for my country, Europe, to step in and show these people of oppressed minority backgrounds how they should live and rule their countries.

It will take a full world intervention. These countries need proper education, corruption-free governments and access to proper health care.

Until that happens, rinse and repeat immigrant crisis.

08-03-2015, 08:31 AM
In my country, Europe, all asylum seekers are entitled to our socialized welfare system, and deserve a better chance in life, especially if the asylum seekers are oppressed minorities or women, regardless if they are actually seeking asylum or not.


08-03-2015, 09:24 AM
The Americans and their British and French lackeys start wars and fund "democracy movements" in countries that end up killing millions. Then they refuse to even accept refugees from these nations that they destroy. If youre all about handing out that freedom and democracy why dont you accept the refugees that youre supposedly trying to "free" from oppressive regimes like Assads, Saddams and Gaddafis?

Hungary is bulding a new Berlin Wall on its border with Serbia to stop these refos from reaching the European Union. 100 000 refos from Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq are stationed at the border trying to get in. This for a country with a sh!tty economy and an average wage of 300 euros a month is taking a major strain on the people. Once again we have to suffer to protect Western business interests. Disgusting that you started a war in our country that nearly destroyed us, and now youre starting wars 100 of thousands of km away which can still affect us just as much. I cant wait till the Chinese and Russians rise again.

The issue isn't turning back legal, come through the correct way migrants. The issue is dealing with the troubled, often war-torn illegal migrants who enter a country by force.

I agree with your first point about starting wars in distant lands, then not expecting ramifications of those actions? Yes, that is pretty spot on.

I think there's a lot of finger pointing going on worldwide, where I think people need to stop buying into the propaganda of the media and actually start learning to be more understanding and educated on matters concerning cultures and religions. Something I've been guilty of.

While you make point of American and their lackeys, I think you overlook why/how people in these regions are easily coerced by clever propaganda in the media. I think most people want the world to be a peaceful and more ethical place to exist in. The problem is you have greedy, corrupt leaders in charge who will manipulate and distort the truth for self gain.

08-03-2015, 10:06 AM
The recent refugees from Syria and Iraq are a result of the United States incompetency in attempting overthrow a relatively secular leader in a turbulent region and in the process aiding rebels with ties with Al-Queda and other extremist groups. Remember most of ISH was drinking the "lets destroy Assad" koolaid back in 2013 when Obama/Kerry where making their speeches on how evil he was. Now? Those same peaceful rebels mysterically turned into ISIS and literally went balls deep in that whole region. I feel like these people should realistically get asylum.

However, alot of these migrants aren't actually from Syria. Alot come from Northern Africa, Sub Sahara Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kosovo(much lesser extent) and Turkey. These people aren't refugees(exlcuding some cases) but mainly economic migrants. Realistically, they shouldn't be given asylum or immigration.

It's a really ****ed situation for Europe because there's alot of unemployement. Italy has something like 40% youth unemployement and the number is probably higher or the same in greece and Spain and yet these migrants expect these countries to give them jobs and money? These countries are close to collaspe and can't support their own citizens let alone the hundreds of thousands migrants who'll need a ton of public funding to get acclimated. It's kinda ironic how some of the main defense of immigration is to support the aging population with more money coming into the system but these immigrants end up costing the state a fortune with all the benefits they'll need to get.

The EU and the politicans are very slow on change and they honestly don't give a ****. None of them want to be seen as the bad guy and all politicans want is quick fixes for their next term. None of them want to address the long term process as they won't be in office by then.

08-03-2015, 10:11 AM
The recent refugees from Syria and Iraq are a result of the United States incompetency in attempting overthrow a relatively secular leader in a turbulent region and in the process aiding rebels with ties with Al-Queda and other extremist groups. Remember most of ISH was drinking the "lets destroy Assad" koolaid back in 2013 when Obama/Kerry where making their speeches on how evil he was. Now? Those same peaceful rebels mysterically turned into ISIS and literally went balls deep in that whole region. I feel like these people should realistically get asylum.

However, alot of these migrants aren't actually from Syria. Alot come from Northern Africa, Sub Sahara Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kosovo(much lesser extent) and Turkey. These people aren't refugees(exlcuding some cases) but mainly economic migrants. Realistically, they shouldn't be given asylum or immigration.

It's a really ****ed situation for Europe because there's alot of unemployement. Italy has something like 40% youth unemployement and the number is probably higher or the same in greece and Spain and yet these migrants expect these countries to give them jobs and money? These countries are close to collaspe and can't support their own citizens let alone the hundreds of thousands migrants who'll need a ton of public funding to get acclimated. It's kinda ironic how some of the main defense of immigration is to support the aging population with more money coming into the system but these immigrants end up costing the state a fortune with all the benefits they'll need to get.

The EU and the politicans are very slow on change and they honestly don't give a ****. None of them want to be seen as the bad guy and all politicans want is quick fixes for their next term. None of them want to address the long term process as they won't be in office by then.

Pretty good post man.

Good read. :applause:

Would rep, but...yeah

08-03-2015, 10:58 AM
Should be kicked out of EU borders for good.