View Full Version : Who would you vote for president?

08-04-2015, 02:05 AM
If these were the candidates (nevermind the two party system in the US):

Mark Jackson
Ronda Rousey

08-04-2015, 02:06 AM
what the **** is this

08-04-2015, 02:07 AM
Kobe, easily.

Only one with a big c0ck on that list.

08-04-2015, 02:13 AM
Whoever would legalize both recreational and medical Cannabis at the federal level

08-04-2015, 02:14 AM
Whoever would legalize both recreational and medical Cannabis at the federal level

Probably rules Mark Jackson out. Is Barkley libertarian or just republican?

08-04-2015, 02:29 AM
Shaq (a joke that will never go away. the Donald Trump of the race)
Mark Jackson (too conservative, God God God all day)
Lebron (a Strong career loser)
Barkley (Living in a cocoon. Out of touch like O'Reilly)
MJ (Bad talent scout = bad decision maker)
Kobe (Knows how Shaq, LeBron and MJ work. Won rings in different eras. Winner)
Ronda Rousey (Hillary / Lewinski)

08-04-2015, 02:40 AM
Rousey for Pres
Sir Charles for Veep


08-04-2015, 02:42 AM
Honestly? Rousey.

08-04-2015, 02:42 AM
Rousey for Pres
Sir Charles for Veep
Kobe for Secretary of Defense
Shaq for Press Secretary
MJ for Secretary of State
LeBron for 3rd assistant dog catcher of Akron
Mark Jackson can stay the **** out of government with his godtalk

08-04-2015, 02:47 AM

Yeah. I'm thinking the entertainment factor is going to be high with Chuck as VP, but he can't really do too much actual damage.

08-04-2015, 03:14 AM

08-04-2015, 04:17 AM

08-04-2015, 05:14 AM
Kobe, easily.

Only one with a big c0ck on that list.

With Rousey coming in second :bowdown:

08-04-2015, 06:51 AM
barkley would make an excellent first lady :confusedshrug:

crying over things nobody can do anything about

08-04-2015, 07:37 AM
Kobe, easily.

Only one with a big c0ck on that list.

Umm, excuse me, but Bran is hung like a fire hose and easily takes pride of place.

Never forget.

08-04-2015, 07:40 AM
If these were the candidates (nevermind the two party system in the US):

Mark Jackson
Ronda Rousey

Mark Jackson, his speeches would be epic af.

Mama there goes that unemployment.

miles berg
08-04-2015, 08:27 AM
Mark Jackson. This country needs to get back in touch with God and get back to being the kind of nation that it once was. America right now is in shambles.

08-04-2015, 08:31 AM
Mark Jackson, his speeches would be epic af.

Mama there goes that unemployment.

08-04-2015, 09:31 AM
Mark Jackson. This country needs to get back in touch with God and get back to being the kind of nation that it once was. America right now is in shambles.

Location: Texas

08-04-2015, 09:44 AM
If only pop was american

08-04-2015, 01:30 PM
Mark Jackson

08-04-2015, 03:00 PM
Mark Jackson. This country needs to get back in touch with God and get back to being the kind of nation that it once was. America right now is in shambles.

Yes, what we need is more religion in politics. That's why the US founders mentioned Jesus and the Bible in the constitution. They wanted to emulate the old country, with it's theocratic Kings and Popes, because that worked out well.

08-04-2015, 03:02 PM
easly kobe

most alpha personality of all those people

Shaq = insecure
Mark Jackson = religious nut
Lebron = insecure
Barkley = r*tarded
MJ = insecure
Ronda Rousey = female

08-04-2015, 03:06 PM
Yes, what we need is more religion in politics. That's why the US founders mentioned Jesus and the Bible in the constitution. They wanted to emulate the old country, with it's theocratic Kings and Popes, because that worked out well.
na you got it all wrong man, religion's just to whip up the masses into a frenzy so they'll do whatever their told in our technocratic museum of governing strategies or whatever happens when bureaucrats are given power to do what they want.... the state feels sick and bloated

08-04-2015, 03:18 PM
Rousey. Her training would be too much for any of them to match.

08-04-2015, 03:44 PM
Whoever is for smaller government - government needs to get out of the way with all it's regulations, rules, Obamacare, climate control, etc. that stifle business (especially small business which is the life-blood of the US). Government's main purpose is to see to the safety and security of the country and ITS people (not foreigners, not illegal immigrants, not people on the other side of the world). The first thing it needs to do is lower the corporate tax rate to attract back all the companies which have left so that we'll have jobs.

JOBS - will go a long way in curing most of the problems that ail the US. If you have a job, you don't need welfare, you can take care of you and yours, you can help others. All the rules and regulations put an onerous burden on business, discourage hiring, encourage people to WORK LESS to keep their welfare food stamps, subsidized housing/insurance, free cel phone, etc.

Fix the JOB situation, and stay out of the social issues.

08-04-2015, 03:51 PM
Government's main purpose is to see to the safety and security of the country and ITS people (not foreigners, not illegal immigrants, not people on the other side of the world).

Seems like government's main purpose is to pander to large corporations, billionaires, and labor unions.

How about we finance all campaigns with taxpayer money, and make it so that every candidate for a particular office has the same amount, so that it doesn't become a contest of who can raise the most money from anonymous sources?

08-04-2015, 03:53 PM
easly kobe

most alpha personality of all those people

Ronda Rousey = female

Rousey would destroy Kobe in the ring.

08-04-2015, 03:54 PM
Seems like government's main purpose is to pander to large corporations, billionaires, and labor unions.

How about we finance all campaigns with taxpayer money, and make it so that every candidate for a particular office has the same amount, so that it doesn't become a contest of who can raise the most money from anonymous sources?

TERM LIMITS for everyone including the Supreme Court. Both sides are doing what's good for them - not the good of the country.

08-04-2015, 03:55 PM
TERM LIMITS for everyone including the Supreme Court.

Sure, and let's break up the two party monopoly. I can't believe we're going to have decide between another Bush and another Clinton. Jesus.

08-04-2015, 04:03 PM
Sure, and let's break up the two party monopoly. I can't believe we're going to have decide between another Bush and another Clinton. Jesus.

Trump might surprise you. I think people are fed up with the same old, same old. Doesn't seem to matter which party's in power - neither are for the people.

I never thought I'd consider voting for Trump but I like him for 2 reasons:

1. He's got his own money so he can't be bought by big business, special interests, etc.
2. He's a business man and hopefully can solve the JOB situation better than these career politicians.

08-04-2015, 06:52 PM
Trump might surprise you. I think people are fed up with the same old, same old. Doesn't seem to matter which party's in power - neither are for the people.

I never thought I'd consider voting for Trump but I like him for 2 reasons:

1. He's got his own money so he can't be bought by big business, special interests, etc.
2. He's a business man and hopefully can solve the JOB situation better than these career politicians.

This idea that a business man knows better how to make jobs doesnt make sense.

The objective of a business is to make as much profit as they can. They dont care about the wellbeing of its employees or the general population as long as it does not affect its business. And thats fine, because thats not what businesses are supposed to do.

The objective of the government, or one of the objectives of the government, is to secure the wellbeing of the majority. Thats why they are supposed to create regulations and labor law, etc. To protect the workers.

Being a business man doest guarantees that you are very capable of creating good jobs and maintaining well being, quite the opossite, it just proves that you are capable of running a business.

If people are convinced that the government should be run as a business then we are ****ed...

Just my two cents...

K Xerxes
08-04-2015, 07:21 PM
TERM LIMITS for everyone including the Supreme Court. Both sides are doing what's good for them - not the good of the country.

The irony being that completely deregulating markets and lowering corporate taxes is NOT for the good of the country :facepalm

K Xerxes
08-04-2015, 07:22 PM
Trump might surprise you. I think people are fed up with the same old, same old. Doesn't seem to matter which party's in power - neither are for the people.

I never thought I'd consider voting for Trump but I like him for 2 reasons:

1. He's got his own money so he can't be bought by big business, special interests, etc.
2. He's a business man and hopefully can solve the JOB situation better than these career politicians.

All Trump has done is blame Mexicans. He has NO CLUE about anything to do with politics.

08-04-2015, 07:24 PM
Acting like Trump was a self-made man or something... lol

Dude inherited his wealth.

08-04-2015, 07:35 PM
Yes, what we need is more religion in politics. That's why the US founders mentioned Jesus and the Bible in the constitution. They wanted to emulate the old country, with it's theocratic Kings and Popes, because that worked out well.
Oh, deary me...

Britain was in no way a theocracy, and the US Constitution was built on top of the English model. They didn't concoct the thing out of thin air you know: it grew out of the accumulated experiences of hundreds of years.

08-04-2015, 07:40 PM
Britain was in no way a theocracy, and the US Constitution was built on top of the English model. They didn't concoct the thing out of thin air you know: it grew out of the accumulated experiences of hundreds of years.

True, that and the Iroquois Confederacy. But there are those who say America is supposed to be a Christian nation, and that's what the founders wanted. They ignore that Europe tried that from Constantine on, and it didn't work out so well. Religion and politics are bad for each other.

A Mark Jackson presidency wouldn't work out so well. But maybe he could be Shaq's press secretary.

08-04-2015, 07:41 PM
This idea that a business man knows better how to make jobs doesnt make sense.

The objective of a business is to make as much profit as they can. They dont care about the wellbeing of its employees or the general population as long as it does not affect its business. And thats fine, because thats not what businesses are supposed to do.

The objective of the government, or one of the objectives of the government, is to secure the wellbeing of the majority. Thats why they are supposed to create regulations and labor law, etc. To protect the workers.

Being a business man doest guarantees that you are very capable of creating good jobs and maintaining well being, quite the opossite, it just proves that you are capable of running a business.

If people are convinced that the government should be run as a business then we are ****ed...

Just my two cents...This is just not true. If you are heavily involved in the hiring and firing of people (as most business owners are), you know very well the sorts of things that make you less likely to hire people and thus to create more jobs (almost always a preponderance of legal risks and liabilities, payroll taxes, et cetera) - talk to almost any small business owner, and they will tell you they want to hire more people, but they simply cannot afford the attendant risk of doing so.

edit: oh, yeah, i wouldn't want a Mark Jackson presidency either: guy is a DUMB-ASS, and his faith certainly doesn't change that fact.

08-04-2015, 07:47 PM
This is just not true. If you are heavily involved in the hiring and firing of people (as most business owners are), you know very well the sorts of things that make you less likely to hire people and thus to create more jobs (almost always a preponderance of legal risks and liabilities, payroll taxes, et cetera) - talk to almost any small business owner, and they will tell you they want to hire more people, but they simply cannot afford the attendant risk of doing so.

For a business. But we're talking about running a nation of 350 million people with a $17 trillion GDP, and economic and political interests around the world. Then you have to contend with all the varying interests and criticism from all over, because the president is like the quarterback in football. If things go well, they get all the praise. But if they go badly, it's all their fault.

And of course the backup QB (the guy who didn't get elected in this metaphor, not the VP) would have done better.

08-04-2015, 08:11 PM
The irony being that completely deregulating markets and lowering corporate taxes is NOT for the good of the country :facepalm

Sounds like you aren't aware of the many corporations which have left the US because of high corporate taxes such as Burger King moving their headquarters to Canada. Look at this article:


The nominal corporate tax rate in the United States, which combines national, state, and city-level tax rates, is nearly 40 percent—the highest across all 34 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries—while Canada's is just over 26 percent.

The company my husband worked for moved their headquarters to Ireland - much more business friendly tax rates. Why do you think JOBS are leaving the US? The US tax rate encourages companies to move elsewhere. And as far as deregulation is concerned, see below:

This idea that a business man knows better how to make jobs doesnt make sense.

The objective of a business is to make as much profit as they can. They dont care about the wellbeing of its employees or the general population as long as it does not affect its business. And thats fine, because thats not what businesses are supposed to do.

The objective of the government, or one of the objectives of the government, is to secure the wellbeing of the majority. Thats why they are supposed to create regulations and labor law, etc. To protect the workers.

Being a business man doest guarantees that you are very capable of creating good jobs and maintaining well being, quite the opossite, it just proves that you are capable of running a business.

If people are convinced that the government should be run as a business then we are ****ed...

Just my two cents...

A JOB has to exist before a person becomes a worker. No job - no worker - just an unemployed person. Here is an example of the government trying to butt into business to as you say "protect the workers."

Some government agency in California has ruled that a driver for Uber is an employee, not a individual contractor. Uber would have to pay for health insurance, worker's compensation, unemployment tax, etc if this ruling stands - raising the price for the consumer. Uber claims they are a technology, ride-sharing platform and that their drivers have complete flexibility and control over IF they want to drive and WHEN they want to drive (majority of them earn income from other sources).

My brother signed up to be an Uber driving and when he needs a little extra money, he ubers - entirely at his convenience. He's happy with the money he gets, the person who gets the ride is happy with the lower-than-cab-fare/QUICK service and Uber is creating jobs. Why then does the government feel that it should interfere with an innovative, popular business? Is it that the taxi unions are big donors? that the governement wants to CONTROL everything such as how much is charged?

I think that if the taxis can't compete with Uber, they should change their business model to compete - not get the government to turn Uber into a regulated entity like the taxis are - all under the guise of "we're doing this to protect the worker."

08-04-2015, 08:28 PM
The thing is, between Congress being the by far the bulk of governmental importance, and then all the cabinet and advisors etc around the President, it's not like he's just coming up with his own ideas and the nation is running on his vision. He's basically just a visible ambassador of the government, and someone to make an emergency decision in times of crisis if for some reason the congressional body cant reach one. He basically is just up there to steer lublic opinion. Neither Bush nor Obama ever sat down at a calculator with a visor and cigar and crunched deficit numbers and unemployment figures. Presidents rely on advisers whove been studying these things all their life. It's not something someone like Trump couldnt do.

That said, while I think it would be refreshing to have someone as candid, bold, and unconventional as Trump in the white house for once, I dont think he actually takes it seriously enough. Hes clearly in it for publicity etc and probably cares little about actually doing something. Which isnt too different from most presidents who are just in it for personal ambition. And tbh I wouodnt want Trump making those emergency crisis decisions. Hes basically a male Sarah Palin.

But as far as someone who is genuinely unPC out of sheer concern for making a difference? Yes, please.

08-05-2015, 01:36 AM
Donald Trump

08-05-2015, 07:02 AM
The thing is, between Congress being the by far the bulk of governmental importance, and then all the cabinet and advisors etc around the President, it's not like he's just coming up with his own ideas and the nation is running on his vision. He's basically just a visible ambassador of the government, and someone to make an emergency decision in times of crisis if for some reason the congressional body cant reach one. He basically is just up there to steer lublic opinion. Neither Bush nor Obama ever sat down at a calculator with a visor and cigar and crunched deficit numbers and unemployment figures. Presidents rely on advisers whove been studying these things all their life. It's not something someone like Trump couldnt do.

That said, while I think it would be refreshing to have someone as candid, bold, and unconventional as Trump in the white house for once, I dont think he actually takes it seriously enough. Hes clearly in it for publicity etc and probably cares little about actually doing something. Which isnt too different from most presidents who are just in it for personal ambition. And tbh I wouodnt want Trump making those emergency crisis decisions. Hes basically a male Sarah Palin.

But as far as someone who is genuinely unPC out of sheer concern for making a difference? Yes, please.

The Republican Congress doesn't get much legislation passed as they don't have the 60 votes necessary to get past the Senate, much less the votes to over-ride an Obama veto. Obama is definitely pushing his agenda/ideas on the nation in the form of Executive Order, bypassing Congress. Look at his power plant emissions regulations (climate change) just yesterday - that's gonna cost the coal industry a lot of JOBS.

The country cannot continue on this path. 18 trillion dollars in debt - we are mortgaging our children and grandchildren's future. The American dream is dying - the hope that if you work hard, you'll make something of your life is going down the drain.

08-05-2015, 07:05 AM
The one who isn't black would get my vote

08-06-2015, 08:26 AM
easly kobe

most alpha personality of all those people

Shaq = insecure
Mark Jackson = religious nut
Lebron = insecure
Barkley = r*tarded
MJ = insecure
Ronda Rousey = female
Kobe = Known rapist and can only with a dominant candidate for VP

08-08-2015, 05:20 AM
GOP candidates' forum on Fox News reached a stunning 24 million viewers, by far the largest audience ever for that network and any cable news event. The debate was bigger than all of this year's NBA Finals and MLB World Series games, and most of the year's NFL match-ups - all because of Trump:oldlol: .

The GOP establishment went after Trump during the debate via the broadcasters. They want to take him down since he speaks his mind and they can't control him. A lot of backlash from Repubs for targeting him.:rockon:


08-08-2015, 10:06 AM
Jackson (stu)

08-08-2015, 10:27 AM
This idea that a business man knows better how to make jobs doesnt make sense.

The objective of a business is to make as much profit as they can. They dont care about the wellbeing of its employees or the general population as long as it does not affect its business. And thats fine, because thats not what businesses are supposed to do.

The objective of the government, or one of the objectives of the government, is to secure the wellbeing of the majority. Thats why they are supposed to create regulations and labor law, etc. To protect the workers.

Being a business man doest guarantees that you are very capable of creating good jobs and maintaining well being, quite the opossite, it just proves that you are capable of running a business.

If people are convinced that the government should be run as a business then we are ****ed...

Just my two cents...
Nah you got it all wrong.

In comparing a country with a company, the citizens are not equivalent to company employees. They are compared to the shareholders. And business make profit for its shareholders.

08-08-2015, 03:08 PM