View Full Version : In terms of looking for a partner, who is more superficial, men or women?

08-06-2015, 12:52 AM
Got the ides from the Renaldo thread.
Straight from the thread title, in terms of finding a signicant or even casual other, who is more superficial, men or women?

08-06-2015, 12:59 AM
Men, probably.

While money/success can be a big turn on for chicks, and many prioritize it exclusively, there are a lot of women out there who will date a guy simply because they like him, regardless of looks and money.

Men generally try to get with the best looking woman they can. Once they start dating someone they might appreciate their other qualities and develop a bond, but initially looks are what will compel a man to a woman. A chick could be feeding starving orphans while cracking up an audience with jokes and simultaneously developing a cure for influenza, but if shes real ug most guys will not naturally try to make a play for her.

08-06-2015, 12:59 AM
Depends on the man or women. I think you could figure this out if more men or women accept a partner who is fat or ugly or poor.

08-06-2015, 01:02 AM
Obviously it varies from person to person, but I'd say up until their mid thirties its women and from there on its men.

Ive never seen a 7.5/10 or higher woman with a 6.0 or lower dude. Ive seen plenty of jacked young dudes with good jobs, car, house etc with some real questionable looking girls though..

If we are talking casual sex though, women are far more superficial, dudes will fvck just about anything thats willing by the end of the night

08-06-2015, 02:12 AM
men, obviously.

it's an arrangement that goes back to... probably when our ancestors were fish.

Nick Young
08-06-2015, 05:58 AM
Men, probably.

While money/success can be a big turn on for chicks, and many prioritize it exclusively, there are a lot of women out there who will date a guy simply because they like him, regardless of looks and money.

They will f*ck guys and have flings with guys who don't have success or money, but they won't consider them for marriage or boyfriendhood.

Both genders are equally shallow IMO. Men are more straight to the point-they want hotties. Women are sneaky about things saying they want "true love" when really they just want a rich powerful moneybags.

Many women are willing to marry and sleep with old grandpas if it means lots of money. I dont know how many guys would be willing to do that with an old rich grandma.

Once women go past 30, if they have no boyfriend or fiance they settle and start acting desperate and go for anyone. Before that, they're shallow as shit.

08-06-2015, 06:01 AM
Ive never seen a 7.5/10 or higher woman with a 6.0 or lower dude.

In the australian desert you dont get to see many people, eh?

08-06-2015, 06:26 AM
Definitely Men
Women get more chances to reject though, and live the high life purely based on their looks, but Men gotta have it.

If we talking superficial, Women are in it for money. Men are in it for looks. Both sides get what they want.

08-06-2015, 06:47 AM
Hate when people use the term "partner" that shit is so formal and business like, if you call your girlfriend/boyfriend, your "partner", it means you are in that relationship for your own benefit.

08-06-2015, 12:51 PM
men easily

females are to a degree but its easier to get females if you have game. i think men will always care more about looks, even if they're temporarily blinded by personality, eventually it'll get old and go back to how they look.

its why almost every celebrity who has hit it rich upgrades their wife to some young, hot chick. females don't really do that so much, they're looking for life mates to bond with.

08-06-2015, 12:53 PM
what you mean by superficial? is hypergamy superficial?

08-06-2015, 01:00 PM
They will f*ck guys and have flings with guys who don't have success or money, but they won't consider them for marriage or boyfriendhood.

Both genders are equally shallow IMO. Men are more straight to the point-they want hotties. Women are sneaky about things saying they want "true love" when really they just want a rich powerful moneybags.


Women are just more underhanded about it. Complete bullshit artists. What they say they want publicly is the complete opposite of what they really do.

Unless they're whores. Whores are the most honest people on Earth.

Many women are willing to marry and sleep with old grandpas if it means lots of money. I dont know how many guys would be willing to do that with an old rich grandma.

Once women go past 30, if they have no boyfriend or fiance they settle and start acting desperate and go for anyone. Before that, they're shallow as shit.

You're telling no lies today.

I'd rather live the box car life than have to service some old wrinkled dust bag just because she keeps me gucci down to the socks.

08-06-2015, 01:01 PM
what you mean by superficial? is hypergamy superficial?

Essentially yes.
Wants over needs and happiness.

08-06-2015, 01:04 PM
hmm...I feel like it is easily women...most men will fck anything

I just don't feel like dudes are that picky, and women can be very picky

08-06-2015, 01:07 PM
Im pretty shallow. Even if the girl doesnt have a great personality, it seems like it because it is coming out of a pretty face.

08-06-2015, 01:15 PM
hmm...I feel like it is easily women...most men will fck anything

I just don't feel like dudes are that picky, and women can be very picky

I guess it all depends how you define superficial. I think we're all using slightly different definitions.

08-06-2015, 01:43 PM
I guess it all depends how you define superficial. I think we're all using slightly different definitions.

Interesting point. I mean, which is more superficial- being attracted solely physically to a person... or only being attracted to what that person has or can give you materially?

Like if we were to somehow conduct a global poll of women and ask who they would rather choose as a partner...

Prime Brad Pitt... but he works for $8.25/hr at Burger King:


Or the Donald:


I'm sure 99% would go for the toupee (with a 1% margin of error).

On the fipside, poll the World male population if they'd rather have...

Prime Salma Hayek but she isn't even employed, has no future prospects:


Or Hilary Clinton, potential President of the United States:


C'mon son.

08-06-2015, 01:50 PM
Interesting point. I mean, which is more superficial- being attracted solely physically to a person... or only being attracted to what that person has or can give you materially?

Like if we were to somehow conduct a global poll of women and ask who they would rather choose as a partner...

Prime Brad Pitt... but he works for $8.25/hr at Burger King:


Or the Donald:


I'm sure 99% would go for the toupee (with a 1% margin of error).

Youre way off here. There are tons of artsy, hippy, liberal chicks that resent everything about Trump and rich people, and would not be his trophy wife for anything. Also a lot of very pious women who'd rather be partners with a simple, honest man who makes an ordinary living - and if he looks like Pitt, what a bonus - than someone like Trump who is perceived as greasy and self serving.

Theres a much larger percentage of women who'd take a poor Pitt over Trump than there are men who'd take Hillary over Salma.

08-06-2015, 01:51 PM
men are for sure. were chasing hot ass. women wait to learn our personality. bitches may seem shallow but even they think you look good and approach them acting like an idiot or a douche your not getting any.

08-06-2015, 01:55 PM
hmm...I feel like it is easily women...most men will fck anything

I just don't feel like dudes are that picky, and women can be very picky

Depends what you look like.

08-06-2015, 01:56 PM
Youre way off here. There are tons of artsy, hippy, liberal chicks that resent everything about Trump and rich people, and would not be his trophy wife for anything. Also a lot of very pious women who'd rather be partners with a simple, honest man who makes an ordinary living - and if he looks like Pitt, what a bonus - than someone like Trump who is perceived as greasy and self serving.

No there aren't :whatever:

I guarantee you if the choice was a realistic one, and we're talking about potential life long partnerships... virtually all go for a toupee ride. They might f*ck the burger flipper on the low when the Donald is on a business trip, but that's as far as that would go given the opportunity.

08-06-2015, 02:14 PM
Lebron James, the best basketball athlete choose to play basketball instead of something else. If that's not superficial I don't know what is.

Exhibit A: if a government official isn't corrupted. They are not in the government business.

08-06-2015, 06:51 PM
hmm...I feel like it is easily women...most men will fck anything

I just don't feel like dudes are that picky, and women can be very picky

see, its been hinted at, but this just means to me that men are WAY more superficial, too

08-06-2015, 08:41 PM
Men are. Women look for qualities they think make for a good partner. Looking for something good is not superficial. Some of you are making that the definition but that's not the definition. Men aren't looking necessarily for a good partner, the surface level is more than enough if its "more than enough".

I feel bad for some of you that are so shellshocked over women that you think it's women.

08-06-2015, 08:53 PM
Men are. Women look for qualities they think make for a good partner. Looking for something good is not superficial. Some of you are making that the definition but that's not the definition. Men aren't looking necessarily for a good partner, the surface level is more than enough if its "more than enough".

I feel bad for some of you that are so shellshocked over women that you think it's women.
Big titties and a thick ass are indicators of fertility dummy.

08-07-2015, 12:01 AM
I get the feeling most on here don't have much experience with women, or only know whores, or perhaps this money obsession is generally an American woman thing. Women are often willing to sacrifice an incredible amount for a man they love, willing to toil away at a humble existence while the man pursues his wild fantasies.

08-07-2015, 07:17 AM
see, its been hinted at, but this just means to me that men are WAY more superficial, too

80/20 rule applies. 80% of the women are having sex with 20% of the dudes.

Women can be more picky...they may want it as much as guys but they are allowed to be more picky. Dudes that don't get picked will be a bit more desperate and go after that lonely hog that you accidentally matched up with on Tinder because you were swiping every single one.

I'd call it desperate rather than superficial.

08-07-2015, 11:01 AM
If all men are like me then I would say men. All i care is about really is looks.

I don't give a fukk about personality really...if i want humor I know where to go and what to do and who to hang out with to get it, if i want some intellectual stimulation same deal. But obviously a fat girl's body can't replace a hot girl's in the same way.

08-07-2015, 01:55 PM
If you're actually intending to share your life with someone looks really aren't that important, as they will fade regardless (though you obviously should find them attractive). The most important thing is for the person you're with to be someone you could literally talk to forever and never get bored, otherwise you will, and will end up miserable and/or divorced.