View Full Version : Have refs improved under Adam Silver?

08-10-2015, 03:56 PM
Do you think the NBA is still managed/manipulated by referee's under Silver, like it was under Stern? Do referee's with agenda's and biases still govern the floors? Is the NBA game more of a show or true athletic competition? I ask because it doesn't seem like anything has changed. I don't know how many games I've watched where some team is down and all of a sudden they are gifted an innumerable amount of free throws so they can catch up or inconsistent foul calling..these being obvious ploys by refs in the past to make games closer than they should be. Also odd technicals given for stupid reasons. 1 example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksnYSc6QHXE. No calls and super star calls.
Ex-ref Tim Donaghy in his book wrote that the NBA should be honest to the public. To come clean. If NBA rules are in fact different from real basketball than say so. Change the NBA rule book to reflect that certain players get special treatment ..like star players get 10 fouls instead of 6. Star players are allowed to travel, etc. Make those the official rules in the NBA rule book. Because if games were actually called by the rule book than scoring would go down and star players would get into easier foul trouble. Turnovers would increase and perhaps the game would not be appetizing to the non-purist NBA fan. Also why are criminals like Joey Crawford still allowed to ref NBA games? One of the biggest if not the biggest problems with the NBA is it's officiating. Why can't they fix that sh#t?

08-10-2015, 04:14 PM
Actually it was quite improved. The weird thing is that home court advantage went from a massive advantage to almost nothing. Still plenty of room for improvement but it was a good place to start.

08-10-2015, 04:18 PM
Refs have been trying as hard as they can, it's not their fault their guy has gone 2/6