View Full Version : Markieff Morris: "I am not going to be there" with Phoenix Suns next season

08-12-2015, 08:35 AM
Markieff Morris demands a trade.

Can't believe theres no thread on this

"One thing for sure, I am not going to be there", Markieff said to a reporter from the Philadelphia Inquirer this morning after. He continued, "If you want to put that out there, you can put that out...I am not going to be there, at all.".

These idiot's. I guess if your a twin of one idiot your an idiot by default.

LINK (http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/sixers/20150812_Markieff_Morris_demands_trade_from_Suns.h tml)

08-12-2015, 08:38 AM
Just suspend him w/o pay until he is moved. The guy is a roleplayer.

08-12-2015, 08:41 AM
Trading him should be pretty easy for the Suns. He's a solid player, and his contract is pretty good ($8M per year until 2019).

08-12-2015, 08:41 AM
Suspend or cut the guy, he's a nobody. He can be replaced. Blacklist the chump.

08-12-2015, 08:42 AM
Suspend or cut the guy, he's a nobody. He can be replaced. Blacklist the chump.

Why not just trade him ? The Suns could get pretty decent value in return.

08-12-2015, 08:55 AM
Why not just trade him ? The Suns could get pretty decent value in return.

If you could trade him that would be great, he would not be the Suns problem anymore. But I think he wants to play with his brother, they can't live apart.

08-12-2015, 08:59 AM
haha awesome these guys are hilarious

partly its cuz i don't really like the suns though. i feel for fans who have to put up with egomaniacal stars. let alone egomaniacal sub-allstar tweeners :lol

08-12-2015, 09:03 AM
haha awesome these guys are hilarious

partly its cuz i don't really like the suns though. i feel for fans who have to put up with egomaniacal stars. let alone egomaniacal sub-allstar tweeners :lol
They can't all be like The Great Chalmers

08-12-2015, 09:05 AM
Suspend or cut the guy, he's a nobody. He can be replaced. Blacklist the chump.
it'd be nice to send a message but they aren't about to cut their losses. morris is a valuable asset and they can get something for him, even dealing out of dire necessity.

so who needs him? he'll likely go to a good team. everybody in the league is looking to upgrade. the following teams could really use an upgrade at power forward.

kings (division rival unlikely?)
pistons lol

maybe the clippers or grizzlies get him for their bench? well the clippers have no assets, but the grizzlies do in spades.. morey is always another possibility.

08-12-2015, 09:11 AM
Whatever they do...he is still getting his money

08-12-2015, 09:14 AM
These two nikkas childish af

08-12-2015, 09:18 AM
trade his twin in an east team and him in a west team. troll them fckers. :lol

08-12-2015, 09:25 AM
Fine his ass everyday.

08-12-2015, 09:27 AM
trade his twin in an east team and him in a west team. troll them fckers. :lol

08-12-2015, 09:29 AM
trade his twin in an east team and him in a west team. troll them fckers. :lol

08-12-2015, 09:42 AM
One to Portland, the other to Miami.

08-12-2015, 10:57 AM
trade his twin in an east team and him in a west team. troll them fckers. :lol
His twin is in Detroit

So trade his ass to Portland, ****** need to grow the **** up

Fallen Angel
08-12-2015, 11:18 AM
Why has the Morris twins all of a sudden become the most hated players in the league? For demanding a trade publicly? Unhappy players always do that.

08-12-2015, 11:43 AM
Why has the Morris twins all of a sudden become the most hated players in the league? For demanding a trade publicly? Unhappy players always do that.
But he's only unhappy because his brother was traded.

Nicca needs a reality check and realize it's a business. Did he really think they were going to hold eachother's hands their whole careers? Lmao

Fallen Angel
08-12-2015, 11:53 AM
But he's only unhappy because his brother was traded.

Nicca needs a reality check and realize it's a business. Did he really think they were going to hold eachother's hands their whole careers? Lmao
And that requires this kind of hate?

I'd be pissed if a close friend of mine was traded to clear cap for Lamarcus Aldridge and he doesn't show up. That was a dumb trade in every possible way for Phoenix that made them worse, nobody even knows what direction they're going in.

Obviously there was something going on in this team when Goran Dragic of all people to wanted to leave.

It is childish that the Morris twins want to stay together, but neither player is worth their contract alone. They work as a duo on a team, individually they're not as good.

08-12-2015, 11:54 AM
Crawford for Morris!

08-12-2015, 11:59 AM
And that requires this kind of hate?

I'd be pissed if a close friend of mine was traded to clear cap for Lamarcus Aldridge and he doesn't show up. That was a dumb trade in every possible way for Phoenix that made them worse, nobody even knows what direction they're going in.

Obviously there was something going on in this team when Goran Dragic of all people to wanted to leave.

It is childish that the Morris twins want to stay together, but neither player is worth their contract alone. They work as a duo on a team, individually they're not as good.
What hate? Haven't seen anything hateful said about them but that's just me. Unless you mean these comments about teaching a lesson etc.

You have a point though, there's probably something going on within the organization too. They still need to man up and relize everything can't be their way though.

08-12-2015, 02:41 PM
ersan illyasova for him straight up. reunites the twins and the money matches

08-12-2015, 02:44 PM
And that requires this kind of hate?

I'd be pissed if a close friend of mine was traded to clear cap for Lamarcus Aldridge and he doesn't show up. That was a dumb trade in every possible way for Phoenix that made them worse, nobody even knows what direction they're going in.

Obviously there was something going on in this team when Goran Dragic of all people to wanted to leave.

It is childish that the Morris twins want to stay together, but neither player is worth their contract alone. They work as a duo on a team, individually they're not as good.
They got felony assault charges

08-12-2015, 02:48 PM
Why has the Morris twins all of a sudden become the most hated players in the league? For demanding a trade publicly? Unhappy players always do that.

Nobody hates them.

People have always thought, or rather known that they are both extremely immature and full of themselves, which most people don't find attractive.

Then theit horrible attitudes came out. First it was cussing out the coach on national t.v. Then it was committing crimes together. Now it's demanding a trade bease you don't think you get the respect you deserve (which in reality, you deserve to get cut)

I think the average, hard working American doesn't appreciate the attitudes of the Morris twins, that's all, no hatred, more pity than anything

08-12-2015, 03:05 PM
Let me spell it out for you guys like this....

Imagine if you, in your real world job, signed a contract extension. Great. Now imagine if you cussed out your boss in front of the entire company, received countless infractions at work, and got charged with a felony. You would be ****ing FIRED. Luckily for these thugs they are employed in the guaranteed contract world that is the NBA. Instead of being thankful for the fact that they can't be fired they still feel entitled to special treatment and think that the Suns organization must bend over backwards to keep both of them together on the same team, especially when there was already a logjam at SF and getting rid of Marcus cleared that up.

08-12-2015, 05:24 PM
Why has the Morris twins all of a sudden become the most hated players in the league? For demanding a trade publicly? Unhappy players always do that.
1. Signed early contract extensions and chose how they wanted to split it. Marcus became overpaid, Keef a little under (their choice), and now complain about taking a discount. Laughable considering Marcus thinks he's underpaid.
2. Marcus got in the face of his head coach in an embarrassing confrontation on the sideline. Complete lack of respect.
3. Racked up numerous and ill-timed technical fouls
4. Killed chemistry and became ball stoppers and tended to only look for each other
5. Publicly called out the entire fan base for being "quiet" and not cheering as the Suns got handed their worst home loss of the season
6. Had felony charges brought up against them
7. Whine about one of them being traded and how they've been disrespected by the organization when they've completely disrespected the team all year.
8. Demand a trade. Has any fan base rallied around a player who doesn't want to play for the organization? Not that I can recall. And who is he to demand a trade? It's laughable.

To even think these guys think they have any right to be treated differently is laughable. What about the above makes you wonder how they become disliked? They had a golden opportunity to play together for years and they pissed it away themselves. Looks more like they're mad at themselves but are looking to blame someone else for their own stupidity. They want to make choices but not take accountability for any of them.

It's too bad. I really warmed up the Keef as a player the past couple years. Didn't like him as a starter as much, but could be used in as a stop gap starting PF until something else came along. I always pictured him as a valuable sixth man. The fact that he felt he HAD to have Marcus around and vice versa to be most effective is odd to me. They really need to grow up realize this is a business and no one is entitled to be loyal in any circumstance.

Answer your question?

08-12-2015, 07:58 PM
They ****ing suck. That's why they are hated. Lol.

08-12-2015, 08:03 PM
After that whole KCP/SVG stuff last year, there's no way he's gonna be reunited with his brother. :oldlol:

08-12-2015, 08:11 PM
The reason he's pissed is because he signed a discount deal with the understanding that he would play with his twin brother. The team gave them 52 million dollars over 4 years and let them decide how they wanted to split it, they even share the same account. So in that sense, he was mislead by ownership.

Also, stop fkin comparing a stupid company job, wearing a suit and tie, making 80k a year and being an easily replaced number, to a top 300 basketball talent in the world who makes millions of dollars per year. They might be prima donnas in your eyes, but that's because you have some broke ass working class eyes.

I wish the Raptors traded Ross for him. He'd be close to his brother too and it would really bolster our depleted power forward position.

08-12-2015, 08:25 PM
The reason he's pissed is because he signed a discount deal with the understanding that he would play with his twin brother. The team gave them 52 million dollars over 4 years and let them decide how they wanted to split it, they even share the same account. So in that sense, he was mislead by ownership.

Also, stop fkin comparing a stupid company job, wearing a suit and tie, making 80k a year and being an easily replaced number, to a top 300 basketball talent in the world who makes millions of dollars per year. They might be prima donnas in your eyes, but that's because you have some broke ass working class eyes.

I wish the Raptors traded Ross for him. He'd be close to his brother too and it would really bolster our depleted power forward position.
maybe they should have tried to not get felony assault charges if they wanted the org. to cater to them more.

08-12-2015, 08:28 PM
i could easily see a faried for morris + filler trade happen

would be great for both teams IMO

08-12-2015, 08:29 PM
maybe they should have tried to not get felony assault charges if they wanted the org. to cater to them more.

08-12-2015, 08:35 PM
i dont get the problem...

The suns didnt want to keep and traded Marcus Morris....... no problem with this, its a ****ing basketball team
Markieff then demands a trade because he doesnt want to play there...... no problem with this either, he's a ****ing basketball player

this isnt ****ing slavery where you buy a person for 4 years

08-12-2015, 09:19 PM
Why does he want to play with his brother?? Can you imagine Horace Grant demanding to play with his brother Harvey??

08-12-2015, 11:32 PM
Who cares what this black stiff thinks? He's a role player.

08-12-2015, 11:37 PM
i dont get the problem...

The suns didnt want to keep and traded Marcus Morris....... no problem with this, its a ****ing basketball team
Markieff then demands a trade because he doesnt want to play there...... no problem with this either, he's a ****ing basketball player

this isnt ****ing slavery where you buy a person for 4 years
Uh, yes, it kind of is.


08-13-2015, 02:15 AM
Suns should just fine him every practice and game he misses.

08-13-2015, 04:37 AM
The reason he's pissed is because he signed a discount deal with the understanding that he would play with his twin brother. The team gave them 52 million dollars over 4 years and let them decide how they wanted to split it, they even share the same account. So in that sense, he was mislead by ownership.

Also, stop fkin comparing a stupid company job, wearing a suit and tie, making 80k a year and being an easily replaced number, to a top 300 basketball talent in the world who makes millions of dollars per year. They might be prima donnas in your eyes, but that's because you have some broke ass working class eyes.

I wish the Raptors traded Ross for him. He'd be close to his brother too and it would really bolster our depleted power forward position.

Don't be absurd. Every NBA player knows full well that unless you have a "no trade clause" you can be moved at any time.
Plus this whole "they took a pay cut to play together" is horseshit, that is just some rubbish someone made up, there is no proof of it whatsoever. If anything Marcus was grossly overpaid.

08-13-2015, 04:43 AM
I liked his game when he came into the league, but his maturity hasn't grow.

I agree to some extent that there might be something wrong within the Suns organization, but that doesn't justify their actions on and off court, the amount of techs the twins gathered speak volume.

08-13-2015, 08:07 AM
I liked his game when he came into the league, but his maturity hasn't grow.

I agree to some extent that there might be something wrong within the Suns organization, but that doesn't justify their actions on and off court, the amount of techs the twins gathered speak volume.

That's about it right there. If they showed more respect for teammates, coaches, and officials, this wouldn't be a problem. My Suns fan friend says the twins catered to each other on-the-court too to the detriment of the team a little bit.

08-13-2015, 09:35 AM
Suns should just fine him every practice and game he misses.
then he could just start showing up and play terrible on purpose, while still earning 8mio.. no need to start a war

08-13-2015, 09:36 AM
Don't be absurd. Every NBA player knows full well that unless you have a "no trade clause" you can be moved at any time.
And every NBA team knows that a player can request/demand a trade at any time

08-13-2015, 09:38 AM
That's about it right there. If they showed more respect for teammates, coaches, and officials, this wouldn't be a problem. My Suns fan friend says the twins catered to each other on-the-court too to the detriment of the team a little bit.
why did the suns want to re-sign him/them in the first place?

08-13-2015, 09:45 AM
No one comes off looking good here.
The Brothers didn't make it all that enticing to keep either of them, let alone both. Markieff is a nice player so teams will want to trade for him.

Phoenix probably has the worst player management/relations team in the league, players seem to be leaving the place acrimoniously of late. Whatever your feeling towards a player it's pretty disrespectful and unprofessional to trade a guy without even telling him first. I'd say if they just explained themselves to the twins before pulling the trigger things wouldn't be this bad.

08-13-2015, 09:52 AM
The pay cut thing doesn't really fly for me. They weren't getting underpaid. Perhaps Markieff could be on more but Marcus was overpaid. Phoenix allocated money between them how they wanted, now that the contracts are done it doesn't matter who's paying it, they will still receive the money in the way they wanted regardless of who's paying them.
Phoenix had no obligation to keep them together because of the contracts they negotiated for them.