View Full Version : The way the Morris twins are acting about being separated makes them look weak

08-12-2015, 11:03 AM
Anyone else agree? Two grown ass men crying about being separated, tf?

08-12-2015, 11:10 AM
It's not that it makes them look weak necessarily, it's that it makes them look petulant and childish. Neither is that good. The good one is just a solid starter in the league and nothing else (sorry I get their names mixed up). They are cry babies and this assault charge thing doesn't look too sporty either. As I've said before, I'm sure Phoenix wanted to keep them both and I think that they kind of overpaid to do that. The thing is, is that this is the real world not and other things come along. When Phoenix was presented with a deal that they thought was going to make the team better, even if it meant moving one of them, they took it. It doesn't mean they lied when they resigned them both, it means that at the time they were being truthful but they couldn't foresee the right deal coming along. It's just like when a player says "I wanna finish my career here" and then when he's a free agent, get's hit with some offer from a team that's totally out of the blue and blows away the other offers he's gotten. It doesn't make him a liar, it just makes him smart for not turning down what he thought was a great offer. These guys are morons.

08-12-2015, 11:12 AM
Yeah, they look like little bitches. Keep getting them checks and thank whatever god you believe in that you are in the NBA.

08-12-2015, 11:29 AM
Hated these two ugly thug creatures even prior to their assault charge. Prior to all this drama.

You can see right through them. They're a bunch of ugly, crybaby, childish buffoons that feel entitled...to something. They think they're better than what they are. Which they're not. They're hilariously average, at almost everything in basketball. At life.

Just release these ugly, pathetic clowns. And let them rot while they wait at home for a call, begging for another chance.

08-12-2015, 12:01 PM
Hated these two ugly thug creatures even prior to their assault charge. Prior to all this drama.

You can see right through them. They're a bunch of ugly, crybaby, childish buffoons that feel entitled...to something. They think they're better than what they are. Which they're not. They're hilariously average, at almost everything in basketball. At life.

Just release these ugly, pathetic clowns. And let them rot while they wait at home for a call, begging for another chance.

Extremely childish and clowns I agree with. They are for certain not average at life. Their paychecks are about 350K every 2 weeks. They're winning at life in that regard. Plus they are guaranteed contracts.

08-12-2015, 12:02 PM
Just wait for Akrazotile to post in this thread! He'll have something to say!

Wait I mean Lensanity

08-12-2015, 12:19 PM
I think they're just real weirdos when it comes to how close they are. I'm pretty sure I read that they share a bank account, which is nuts, and they seem to go berserk whenever they aren't playing together.

08-12-2015, 12:58 PM
I think they're just real weirdos when it comes to how close they are. I'm pretty sure I read that they share a bank account, which is nuts, and they seem to go berserk whenever they aren't playing together.

They also shared a bed well past the point they should. And they took less to continue to play with one another. The next offseason one was traded. I can understand the frustration. The problem is they have both done too many things to get the benefit of the doubt, so while they may have some valid claims, they need to suck it up since they gave up on fan goodwill a long time ago.

08-12-2015, 01:22 PM
There's a statement in the article below that reads:

"The NBA has very specific rules on who can receive a no-trade clause and the Morrii don't come close to meeting the requirements"


Anyone know what those rules are?

08-12-2015, 01:26 PM
[QUOTE]"The GM, I've been there longer than him, the coaches, everybody. I've been there the longest, and I don't get the respect to be like, 'Yo Keef, we are going to trade your brother. You are our future power forward.' I'm the future power forward. I'm the premier player of the team.

08-12-2015, 01:35 PM
I feel he kind has the right to act this way ....
Markeiff took a HUGE paycut to play WITH his brother .... then they go behind his back and TRADE his brother ... He probably feels the Suns used playing with his brother as leverage too get him to sign a smaller deal then they just go trade him .... :facepalm

08-12-2015, 01:40 PM
I just can't understand how you can sign a contract, get charged with a felony, get traded away by team pissed off about felony and then feel like you got cheated. The logic just amazes me.

I vote both of them the most likely NBA players to get shot. Wouldn't lose any sleep if they were found laying in a ditch. In fact, I genuinely hope it happens.

08-12-2015, 02:14 PM
He should be begging PHX to keep him because if he goes somewhere else it's the beginning of the end.
He is barely a starting caliber player. I'm surprised PHX doesn't trade him for scraps or release him.

Both of them think they are way better than they are and think they can/should get special treatment in life. Dudes need some time away from each other to grow up and become independent men. It's gross

08-12-2015, 02:23 PM
I feel he kind has the right to act this way ....
Markeiff took a HUGE paycut to play WITH his brother .... then they go behind his back and TRADE his brother ... He probably feels the Suns used playing with his brother as leverage too get him to sign a smaller deal then they just go trade him .... :facepalm
I think you missed the part where they got double digit technicals each in 1 season, Marcus cussed out the head coach on national TV, and they both got FELONY assault charges.

This is just a wild guess, but I think those things may have something to do with trading Marqueef's brother.

08-12-2015, 02:26 PM
Neither are really good. They both are just "decent" or below average at everything.

08-12-2015, 06:12 PM
Brooke and Robin Lopez are doing just fine playing on different teams, but even they're trying to be as close to each other as possible seeing as now they both play in the same state. Maybe its a twin thing......I wouldn't understand...