View Full Version : Let's talk about the guards who played in MJ's day.

08-21-2015, 08:13 AM
Stockton, Hornacek, Ehlo, Price, Paxson, Kerr, Majerle, Mullin, Ainge, Skiles, Del Negro, Barry, Barry, Piatkowski...

I feel like they probably played defense as well as Westbrook, Sefalosho, Butler, Allen, Beverly, Bradley.


08-21-2015, 08:16 AM
Haha got them brother! The Greenhouse!

08-21-2015, 08:49 AM
Jordan faced easily the worst competition at his position (or on the wing in general) of all Top 10 players.

08-21-2015, 08:53 AM
:oldlol: Desparate LeBron fans commenting on a guy they never saw play. They just can't grasp the concept that there was someone better than their idol.

08-21-2015, 08:56 AM
Joe D
Michael Coop
Gary Payton

Ring any bells?

08-21-2015, 08:59 AM
Joe D
Michael Coop
Gary Payton

Ring any bells?

Don't feed em.

08-21-2015, 09:04 AM
MJ did play against a guy named Kobe.

Richmond, Drexler, Moncrief, Dumars, Cooper, Hardaway, Hill, Sprewell, Harper, Ellis, Payton, Russell..............

We can do this all day.

08-21-2015, 09:05 AM
Joe D
Michael Coop
Gary Payton

Ring any bells?

4 decent defenders in almost 20 years? :facepalm

Yeah, that makes up for the dozens and dozens of tidy whities he was going up against throughout his career.

Damn, imagine if today's top players could go up against Steve Kerr and Jon Barry. My god. A GOAT candidate like Bron wouod average 45!

08-21-2015, 09:06 AM
4 decent defenders in almost 20 years? :facepalm

Yeah, that makes up for the dozens and dozens of tidy whities he was going up against throughout his career.

Damn, imagine if today's top players could go up against Steve Kerr and Jon Barry. My god. A GOAT candidate like Bron wouod average 45!

:roll: :roll: :roll: @ decent

08-21-2015, 09:06 AM
4 decent defenders in almost 20 years? :facepalm

Yeah, that makes up for the dozens and dozens of tidy whities he was going up against throughout his career.

Damn, imagine if today's top players could go up against Steve Kerr and Jon Barry. My god. A GOAT candidate like Bron wouod average 45!

:facepalm You should get banned for sheer stupidity. You lower the IQ of this board.

08-21-2015, 09:08 AM
First of all elite perimeter players NEVER guard each other for more than a few stretches, when was the last time you saw Carter, T-Mac, Kobe, LeBron or Iverson go at each other for more than a few plays, you know why? Because it is stupid strategy to drain your best scorer and put him vulnerable to foul trouble.

The NBA is a team game not one on one matchups, go look up the list of TEAMS Jordan had to go up against from 84 to 98 and some of his main competitors were part of elite teams like Clyde Drexler and the Blazers, Joe Dumars and Rodman with the Pistons, Reggie Miller and the Pacers, Stockton and Hornacek with the Jazz, Ehlo and Price with the Cavs etc...

Now go look up LeBrons pathetic competition in the East for the last 12 years or during Kobe's peak guys like Carter, T Mac and Iverson were part of some VERY mediocre teams!

What's more difficult, going up against great players on great TEAMS or going up against a great PLAYER on a bad team?

Just imaging what Jordan would' done to the pathetic Magic, Raptors and Sixers of the early 2000's?!? MURDER!

08-21-2015, 09:13 AM
Who's the best defenders LeBron has face, surely Kawhi and Iggy is up there? Oh you mean the two guys who won FMVP against him :roll:

08-21-2015, 09:16 AM
If Bron played in the 90s maybe piatkowski or majerle could've won a FMVP :lebronamazed:

08-21-2015, 09:22 AM
Guys, please. It is what it is. Jordan's competition was tidy and whitey, while today's players - Lebron for instance - play against the most elite athletic performers from around the world.

You always have to consider the era.

08-21-2015, 09:24 AM
Someone find that stupidest things said on ISH thread, this thread got that potential :roll:

08-21-2015, 09:30 AM
Someone find that stupidest things said on ISH thread, this thread got that potential :roll:

Yeah I mean Im sure Vinny Del Negro was as tough to get a last second shot off against as Dwayne Wade would be.

Theyre total equals. Everyone is the exact same. In fact, if anything, MJ's opponents were BETTER than everyone elses by far


08-21-2015, 09:30 AM
Guys, please. It is what it is. Jordan's competition was tidy and whitey, while today's players - Lebron for instance - play against the most elite athletic performers from around the world.

You always have to consider the era.
It's true!

08-21-2015, 09:31 AM
Yeah I mean Im sure Vinny Del Negro was as tough to get a last second shot off against as Dwayne Wade would be.

Theyre total equals. Everyone is the exact same. In fact, if anything, MJ's opponents were BETTER than everyone elses by far

Sarcasm detected!

Got em bro!

08-21-2015, 12:23 PM
Yeah, that makes up for the dozens and dozens of tidy whities he was going up against throughout his career.

Yeah, imagine Lebron's stats if he got to face that in the finals.


08-21-2015, 12:26 PM
Yeah, imagine Lebron's stats if he got to face that in the finals.



Bron in the 2011 finals is the epitome of choking. Dude wanted nothing to do with the outcome of games and deferred time and time again. Just look at that face. He didn't want to be there. Imagine MJ being guarded by Berera. It would've been like a lion seeing a wounded wildebeest. Just go straight for the kill.

08-21-2015, 12:31 PM
Remember when Dan Majerle and Danny Ainge coming off the bench won back to back finals MVPs against Jordan?

Yeah... me neither :yaohappy:

Yeah I mean Im sure Vinny Del Negro was as tough to get a last second shot off against as Dwayne Wade would be.

Bron vs a 77 year old Shawn Marion in the finals = less PPG than Jason Terry.

Jordan's shadow vs prime Shawn Marion:




08-21-2015, 12:33 PM
Remember when Dan Majerle and Danny Ainge coming off the bench won back to back finals MVPs against Jordan?

Yeah... me neither :yaohappy:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

08-21-2015, 12:35 PM
He had peer that were good and some that had no place on the floor with him. So yeah he did get to feast on weaker 2s during his day. I think most atgs get that same benefit, couldnt really speak on the frequency though.If you really want to get to the meat of whether this criticism is even legit, you probably should see how many of his big games came against these types as opposed to against the better 2s from his era. That would be a telling study.

08-21-2015, 12:36 PM
Stockton, Hornacek, Ehlo, Price, Paxson, Kerr, Majerle, Mullin, Ainge, Skiles, Del Negro, Barry, Barry, Piatkowski...

I feel like they probably played defense as well as Westbrook, Sefalosho, Butler, Allen, Beverly, Bradley.


Wrong; Jordan faced guys like Richmond, Starks, Dumars, Russell, Payton.
There are others; those are all good to great defenders.

Michael always had problems with Mitch though; he was a pretty physical man to man defender that always gave Michael problems.

Plus there were ample amount of good defensive anchors back then so Michael didn't have an easy time scoring in the paint either.

08-21-2015, 12:38 PM
4 decent defenders in almost 20 years? :facepalm

Yeah, that makes up for the dozens and dozens of tidy whities he was going up against throughout his career.

Damn, imagine if today's top players could go up against Steve Kerr and Jon Barry. My god. A GOAT candidate like Bron wouod average 45!

Uhm, Michael Cooper and Gary Payton were the last guards to win DPOTY award besides Michael Jordan. :facepalm

08-21-2015, 12:39 PM
Stockton, Hornacek, Ehlo, Price, Paxson, Kerr, Majerle, Mullin, Ainge, Skiles, Del Negro, Barry, Barry, Piatkowski...

I feel like they probably played defense as well as Westbrook, Sefalosho, Butler, Allen, Beverly, Bradley.


Why don't you actually start worrying about your own life? If you put in the same hard work in real life as you do on these forums you would get somewhere in your life instead of a part time shoe shiner.....I dont get you