View Full Version : Fellow Kobe fans

09-04-2015, 04:00 AM
I know this is a difficult thought for most of us, but we must face reality and confront the future ahead of us. We all know Kobe can't play indefinitely. Sooner or later, he must hang it up. When he does, I know it'll be a sad day for all of us stans in history. I don't doubt that many of us won't live through another day. But bear with me.

Can any of you envision a future NBA without Kobe?

I can't. I mean even today's era sickens me. They preach team ball like it's a damn gospel. Spacing, passing, taking the open look...

these are ideas anathema to our idol. Y'all remember how our idol would force his way into three defenders, spacing be damned, and take the most contested shots just to prove how alpha he is. Popovich wuda benched our idol's ass and given him an earful, but thankfully, the Zen Master was wiser than an old doddering fool whose only claim to fame was lucking in to Tim Duncan.

Some of our fellows have resorted to pinning their hopes in the younger generation. I know many of you have chosen Wiggins as your next Kobe.

But is he really? The next Kobe, I mean?

For one thing, he started off the bat in his rookie season. He didn't have to work his way up and earn his due the way our idol did. That automatically disqualifies him for being the next Kobe for me. Personally, I want my Kobe heir apparent to ride the pine in his rookie season. He should be humble enough to pay his dues.

Second, Wiggins relies too much on his athleticism. He resembles Lebron more than Kobe. For this, my fellow fans, I must honestly say I hate his guts. I will hate you if you so much as resemble even Lebron's hairline.

Third, Wiggins agreed to be picked by Minnesota. What kind of Kobe heir apparent are you if you would allow yourself to play for a trash franchise? For Kobe, only the Lakers were good enough to select him. Like a true alpha, he forced his way to the Lakers. Wiggins is beta enough to allow fate to dictate his legacy. In this respect, he is much like Lebron. Allowing a shit franchise (like the Cavs) to draft him.

Personally, I think when Kobe hangs it up, I'll hang it up myself. Retire from watching the NBA. It just makes sense.

Kobe is my life. So when Kobe retires, so will I (from my life, I mean).

Thank you for reading and God Bless America!

09-04-2015, 04:34 AM
Autism is no joke.

09-04-2015, 07:36 AM
You make the Stan hall of fame. And won't be missed.

09-04-2015, 09:20 AM
2/6 is a hell of a drug. It melts down stans:oldlol:

09-04-2015, 03:12 PM
Sick life

09-04-2015, 03:48 PM


09-04-2015, 03:52 PM
LeBron family stays WINNING.

We win at life.

Great read. :applause:

09-04-2015, 04:11 PM
Kobe stans avoiding this thread like the plague :lol

09-04-2015, 04:13 PM
Kobe stans avoiding this thread like the plague :lol

lol what.

dis nigguh delusional as hell.


09-04-2015, 04:23 PM
LeBron family stays WINNING.

We win at life.

Great read. :applause:
You gona die a virgin :roll: :bowdown:

09-06-2015, 08:53 AM
Autism is no joke.
then stop joking about it.

09-06-2015, 09:17 AM
I know this is a difficult thought for most of us, but we must face reality and confront the future ahead of us. We all know Kobe can't play indefinitely. Sooner or later, he must hang it up. When he does, I know it'll be a sad day for all of us stans in history. I don't doubt that many of us won't live through another day. But bear with me.

Can any of you envision a future NBA without Kobe?

I can't. I mean even today's era sickens me. They preach team ball like it's a damn gospel. Spacing, passing, taking the open look...

these are ideas anathema to our idol. Y'all remember how our idol would force his way into three defenders, spacing be damned, and take the most contested shots just to prove how alpha he is. Popovich wuda benched our idol's ass and given him an earful, but thankfully, the Zen Master was wiser than an old doddering fool whose only claim to fame was lucking in to Tim Duncan.

Some of our fellows have resorted to pinning their hopes in the younger generation. I know many of you have chosen Wiggins as your next Kobe.

But is he really? The next Kobe, I mean?

For one thing, he started off the bat in his rookie season. He didn't have to work his way up and earn his due the way our idol did. That automatically disqualifies him for being the next Kobe for me. Personally, I want my Kobe heir apparent to ride the pine in his rookie season. He should be humble enough to pay his dues.

Second, Wiggins relies too much on his athleticism. He resembles Lebron more than Kobe. For this, my fellow fans, I must honestly say I hate his guts. I will hate you if you so much as resemble even Lebron's hairline.

Third, Wiggins agreed to be picked by Minnesota. What kind of Kobe heir apparent are you if you would allow yourself to play for a trash franchise? For Kobe, only the Lakers were good enough to select him. Like a true alpha, he forced his way to the Lakers. Wiggins is beta enough to allow fate to dictate his legacy. In this respect, he is much like Lebron. Allowing a shit franchise (like the Cavs) to draft him.

Personally, I think when Kobe hangs it up, I'll hang it up myself. Retire from watching the NBA. It just makes sense.

Kobe is my life. So when Kobe retires, so will I (from my life, I mean).

Thank you for reading and God Bless America!
didn't read

09-07-2015, 06:30 AM
didn't read
but you cared enough to post. :lol

take this L.

09-07-2015, 06:45 AM
I know this is a difficult thought for most of us, but we must face reality and confront the future ahead of us. We all know Kobe can't play indefinitely. Sooner or later, he must hang it up. When he does, I know it'll be a sad day for all of us stans in history. I don't doubt that many of us won't live through another day. But bear with me.

Can any of you envision a future NBA without Kobe?

I can't. I mean even today's era sickens me. They preach team ball like it's a damn gospel. Spacing, passing, taking the open look...

these are ideas anathema to our idol. Y'all remember how our idol would force his way into three defenders, spacing be damned, and take the most contested shots just to prove how alpha he is. Popovich wuda benched our idol's ass and given him an earful, but thankfully, the Zen Master was wiser than an old doddering fool whose only claim to fame was lucking in to Tim Duncan.

Some of our fellows have resorted to pinning their hopes in the younger generation. I know many of you have chosen Wiggins as your next Kobe.

But is he really? The next Kobe, I mean?

For one thing, he started off the bat in his rookie season. He didn't have to work his way up and earn his due the way our idol did. That automatically disqualifies him for being the next Kobe for me. Personally, I want my Kobe heir apparent to ride the pine in his rookie season. He should be humble enough to pay his dues.

Second, Wiggins relies too much on his athleticism. He resembles Lebron more than Kobe. For this, my fellow fans, I must honestly say I hate his guts. I will hate you if you so much as resemble even Lebron's hairline.

Third, Wiggins agreed to be picked by Minnesota. What kind of Kobe heir apparent are you if you would allow yourself to play for a trash franchise? For Kobe, only the Lakers were good enough to select him. Like a true alpha, he forced his way to the Lakers. Wiggins is beta enough to allow fate to dictate his legacy. In this respect, he is much like Lebron. Allowing a shit franchise (like the Cavs) to draft him.

Personally, I think when Kobe hangs it up, I'll hang it up myself. Retire from watching the NBA. It just makes sense.

Kobe is my life. So when Kobe retires, so will I (from my life, I mean).

Thank you for reading and God Bless America!

In what world would you use this word in everyday language? Why not just use dedicated? FYI using retarded 10 dollar worlds over the internetz does not make you appear smarter, it just shows how big of a retard you are at actually usin ga thesaurus when posting on a basketball forum :facepalm.

Again, in what universe are you living in? Sure Wiggins has potential but no way is he even going to be close in even matching KD or Curry's skill level, much less Kobe.

And thirdly, please seek help for your patriotic autism. Autism kills more dreams in the US than all other medical disorders combined.

God bless America and God bless our lawd godbe.

09-08-2015, 12:33 AM
In what world would you use this word in everyday language? Why not just use dedicated?
:roll: :roll: :roll:
wow, you have the internet at your fingertips and you still looked up the wrong meaning of "anathema?" :roll: :roll: :roll:

FYI using retarded 10 dollar worlds over the internetz does not make you appear smarter, it just shows how big of a retard you are at actually usin ga thesaurus when posting on a basketball forum :facepalm.
FYI, just because my vocabulary is exhaustive doesn't mean i use the thesaurus. :no: i use the first words off the top of my head when i'm posting. sorry to make you feel inadequate, but i'm pretty well read and very well educated. i've read the equivalent of a city public library's worth of books in my lifetime. when i was a kid, i read Reader's Digest for breakfast. up until i was in high school, i read one book everyday.

Again, in what universe are you living in? Sure Wiggins has potential but no way is he even going to be close in even matching KD or Curry's skill level, much less Kobe.
look, this is the opinion of the Kobe Army. we correctly identified Kobe as the heir apparent of Jordan, i'm sure we'll correctly identify his heir apparent too.

And thirdly, please seek help for your patriotic autism. Autism kills more dreams in the US than all other medical disorders combined.
people who keep using autism as a pejorative are severely uneducated, and quite frankly, inbred fools. guy above is right, autism is no joke. but we know inbred f@990ts like you have no class.

God bless America and God bless our lawd godbe.
i agree.