View Full Version : Has 3ball unintentionally settled the Lebron v. Kobe argument?

09-13-2015, 02:21 AM
Dude stans the consensus (and correct) GOAT, but every post has Lebron as central casting or, at minimum, tangentially related.

More than half his posts are a biased, disingenuous, .gif-laden take-downs of Lebron James's game on each and every level. The sheer effort, verbiage and editing/re post/copy-pasta belies an obsession and deep insecurity about Lebron James, which is laughable, since Lebron won't reach Jordan...
..and yet no such desperate, life-defining effort to downplay other great players, such as Kobe.

Instead, 3balls's posts concerning non-MJ/Lebron players typically consist of ripping fellow MJ-era Bulls players whilst hyping the Delevadovas and Mo Williams of the world. Rarely, he might spill a subtle, backhanded compliment to a Kobe, Shaq, Bird, Kareem or Magic here and there, but only when it advances his transparent agenda. Otherwise, he defecates more words on Lebron than any other player, except MJ (and that's certainly debatable).

Sure, by ISH's esteemed, rigorous and qualitative/quantitative standards for ranking NBA players historically (rangz/dick size/facial contortions) this phenomenon may seem insignificant, but 3ball has unknowingly played his hand: Lebron > Kobe. :eek:

I humbly submit this observation for our esteemed ISH scholars as another piece to ISH's eternal Kobe/Lebron debate.

Thank you based 3ball. :applause:

09-13-2015, 02:25 AM
I'm disingenuous?.. At least I'm accurate - you guys say stuff like "Lebron expends more energy as the ballhandler", when it's a fact that ballhandlers travel less distance during the game than off-ball players.

Lebron only ran 3.0 miles per 48 minutes in the 2015 Playoffs, compared to 3.5+ miles per 48 minutes for off-ball and high-assisted players JJ Redick, Steph Curry, Mike Dunleavy, Danny Green, etc.. (Lebron is on 4th page, while the off-ball players are on first page):


09-13-2015, 02:28 AM
Lmao no. he just utilized jordan as a bazooka to fire endless shot at lebron. the comparison of lebron vs jordan comes from his hatred towards lebron not from the fact that he is a jordan fan.

it wouldnt suprise me if he doesnt even like jordan. the comparison is just one that no one can even remotely compete with.

09-13-2015, 02:30 AM
I'm disingenuous?.. At least I'm accurate - you guys say stuff like "Lebron expends more energy as the ballhandler", when it's a fact that ballhandlers travel less distance during the game than off-ball players.

Lebron only ran 3.0 miles per 48 minutes in the 2015 Playoffs, compared to 3.5+ miles per 48 minutes for off-ball and high-assisted players JJ Redick, Steph Curry, Mike Dunleavy, Danny Green, etc.. (Lebron is on 4th page, while the off-ball players are on first page):


seriously how much time do you put into this. its crazy lol. you are like steve wozniak. do all the work for us hahaha

09-13-2015, 02:39 AM

09-13-2015, 02:45 AM
I always learn something new when reading 3ball

Lebron is no superstar

09-13-2015, 02:46 AM
Lmao no. he just utilized jordan as a bazooka to fire endless shot at lebron.

I just call it how I see it based on logic...

i.e. We know Lebron scoring or assisting on 57% of his teams points in the 2015 Finals isn't as impressive as MJ's 55% and 54% in 1993 and 1991 Finals, because Lebron achieved it via AAU-playground ball, where he just got the ball everytime to dribble at the top of the key.....

Otoh, MJ achieved it within a much stricter, equal-opportunity system like the Spurs or Warriors winning system, which requires dimensions more skill and discipline.

09-13-2015, 03:13 AM
Its obvious Lebron was better than Kobe since 2012

09-13-2015, 11:52 AM
3ball is an undercover Lebron stan

there, i've said it.

09-13-2015, 12:02 PM
Lebron makes a mockery of basketball.

He has single handedly destroyed the rules of basketball with his blatant travelling, stiff arming, flopping.

Lebron has almost ruined the NBA for real fans.

09-13-2015, 12:06 PM
i am one of the bran's biggest stan, and i have admit Bran is definitely better than Adam Morrison.