View Full Version : Fisher Jones Jordan Horry Russell

09-13-2015, 02:05 PM
PG Derek Fisher
SG Sam Jones
SF Michael Jordan
PF Robert Horry
C Bill Russell

How many rings do they win playing their careers together in today's league?

09-13-2015, 02:29 PM
PG Derek Fisher
SG Sam Jones
SF Michael Jordan
PF Robert Horry
C Bill Russell

How many rings do they win playing their careers together in today's league?
Replace Fisher with KC Jones and Jordan and Horry with Havlicek and Satch Sanders and you've got yourself a superteam.

Fallen Angel
09-13-2015, 02:49 PM
PG Derek Fisher
SG Sam Jones
SF Michael Jordan
PF Robert Horry
C Bill Russell

How many rings do they win playing their careers together in today's league?
They don't win any championships.

Fisher will be Fisher.
Sam Jones in 2015 wouldn't even make to the NCAA.
Jordan will be Jordan.
Horry will be Horry.
Russell will be Russell.

That team doesn't have enough scoring to take attention from Michael. Teams would just double/triple team him all game.

09-13-2015, 02:53 PM
They don't win any championships.

Fisher will be Fisher.
Sam Jones in 2015 wouldn't even make to the NCAA.
Jordan will be Jordan.
Horry will be Horry.
Russell will be Russell.

That team doesn't have enough scoring to take attention from Michael. Teams would just double/triple team him all game.
Sam Jones was a superstar dipshit. He'd shoot those same bank shots all day no matter who's guarding him from what era the physics of the game haven't changed :oldlol:

Fallen Angel
09-13-2015, 03:58 PM
Sam Jones was a superstar dipshit. He'd shoot those same bank shots all day no matter who's guarding him from what era the physics of the game haven't changed :oldlol:
Do you really believe that a perimeter player in the 60's will be equally dominant in today's league?

Let any dude scrimmage with you and if you see him dribbling side to side while only using one hand you'd immediately laugh. You can't dribble like that in today's league and expect not to get trapped and stripped. Show me clips of him breaking down his defender off the dribble in a similar manner used in today's game.

His midrange jumpers are cute, but is that really gonna scare teams? He doesn't have the explosiveness of today's elite player to blow by defenders. I'm 100% certain he wouldn't be able to create his own shot against any defender in the league, from the Tony Allen's of the world to the Dion Waiters'.

If you want to watch a compilation of a player shooting nothing but midrange jumpers then here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSL-kqAu-Ak

You don't win in today's league with your second best scorer being able to do nothing on offense but shoot midrange jumpers. That's the point of everything, nobody is questioning what SJ did with the Celtics.

Fallen Angel
09-13-2015, 04:06 PM
Physics don't change, but defensive schemes do. Players and teams are more aggressive in how they defend man, how they double, and how they help.

Fallen Angel
09-13-2015, 04:15 PM
Show me a 60's player of Iman Shumpert's height and length defending the perimeter with aggression.

Show me a 60's player of Trevor Ariza's height and length defending the perimeter with aggression.

Show me a 60's player of Andre Iguodala's height and length defending the perimeter with aggression.

Show me a 60's player of Jimmy Butler's height and length defending the perimeter with aggression.

Show me a 60's player of Tony Allen's height and length defending the perimeter with aggression.

Show me a 60's player of Kawhi Leonard's height and length defending the perimeter with aggression.

Show me a 60's player of John Wall's height and length defending the perimeter with aggression.

Show me a 60's player of Draymond Green's height and length defending the perimeter with aggression.

Fallen Angel
09-13-2015, 04:22 PM
Any random dude who's really good at shooting bank shots can make them efficiently against passive defenses, but only the greatest of shot creators in this era can make them as efficiently against NBA defenders. And assuming Sam Jones is gonna be paired with Derek Fisher and Michael Jordan then he's gonna be facing the second best perimeter defender of whatever team they face.

I'll say it again, this team wouldn't win a championship. If Michael Jordan couldn't win pre-All Star Pippen then he won't be able to win with this cast.

09-13-2015, 04:38 PM
Fallen angel give it a rest Sam Jones and other 1960's players would be very very good players in any league of any time period. It's obvious. Your opinions are about 10 years out of date. Assumptions about past players being terrible only worked when YouTube didn't exist. Sticking to your guns at this point is sad, it's like your arguing the earth is flat or that we didn't go to the moon. The guy could ball, give it a rest :oldlol:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-GuSEDd2hObA/UQyP9qI4QSI/AAAAAAAAEbE/-HbksHE5Fm0/s800-Ic42/Sam%252520Jones%252520Celtics%252520Fast%252520Bre ak2.gif

Fallen Angel
09-13-2015, 04:46 PM
Is that pass really supposed to change my opinion? There are pros in lesser leagues than the NBA that can make the same pass, am I supposed to be impressed or somthing...

I've watched Sam Jones highlights from you and other YouTubers. and from what I've watched he wouldn't last in the league.

09-13-2015, 05:03 PM
Is that pass really supposed to change my opinion? There are pros in lesser leagues than the NBA that can make the same pass, am I supposed to be impressed or somthing...

I've watched Sam Jones highlights from you and other YouTubers. and from what I've watched he wouldn't last in the league.
Well to be clear your opinion doesn't matter. You may continue to act like a brat because it's funny actually, and it isn't hurting anyone so keep acting that way until the day you die.

I'm only chiming in to reassure any actual curious new comers that you are speaking nothing but conjecture, as there aren't really any legitimate Sam Jones highlight videos out there for you to have formed an opinion on. You can post a few single game-half clips or the few crummy slow-mo videos based on those 1 or 2 game halfs all you want, there's absolutely nothing comprehensive out there. You know as much about Sam Jones ability to play basketball as you do about a Neanderthals ability to wipe his own ass. I've actually got a large collection of archive film. From my collection, I can conclude he's a legit superstar and it's obvious to me but you don't have to take my word for it nobody does actually until I can put together a comprehensive video. I just know what I've got isn't out there for everyone to see, so if you or anyone else tries to tell me some rock solid opinion like you've seen enough to form an opinion I'm just going to laugh at a statement like that for what it is. A joke.

Fallen Angel
09-13-2015, 05:30 PM
I've already said I'm not questioning what Sam Jones did with the Celtics, so stop being a retarded instigator and stop trying to pretend I'm some hater. I've done nothing but state the obvious. Players from a half century ago aren't as good as players of today because they either aren't as skilled, as athletic, as physical, or as intelligent compared to the current generation of NBA players. You can say the same thing about any sport. Get that stick out your ass and try to sound reasonable.

Take that would've, should've, could've attitude elsewhere, I know what you know and what everybody else knows about Sam Jones. He was good for his era, but anyone with a half a brain can watch him and tell whether he can play in today's NBA, which he cant.

And if you do have a collection of Sam Jones videos, which you most likely don't, then why haven't you posted them?

Fallen Angel
09-13-2015, 05:32 PM
Save the redundant argument you're about to make for one of the dozens of trolls on this site, I really don't care whatever else you have to say.

09-13-2015, 05:33 PM
I've already said I'm not questioning what Sam Jones did with the Celtics, so stop being a retarded instigator and stop trying to pretend I'm some hater. I've done nothing but state the obvious. Players from a half century ago aren't as good as players of today because they either aren't as skilled, as athletic, as physical, or as intelligent compared to the current generation of NBA players. You can say the same thing about any sport. Get that stick out your ass and try to sound reasonable.

Take that would've, should've, could've attitude elsewhere, I know what you know and what everybody else knows about Sam Jones. He was good for his era, but anyone with a half a brain can watch him and tell whether he can play in today's NBA, which he cant.

And if you do have a collection of Sam Jones videos, which you most likely don't, then why haven't you posted them?
Yes I run the Wilt Chamberlain Archive... I most likely "don't" have footage of legends like Sam Jones.
