View Full Version : Damn, how does Lebron get away with all these blatant travels?

09-28-2015, 02:45 AM



I know refs let stars get away with things more than other players. Yes, MJ got away with shit, too. So did Magic, so did Bird, so did Barkley, Ewing, etc.

But shit, these travels that Bron gets away with are ridiculous. :facepalm

I think pauk should be spending his time on a Lebron travel compilation than a mythical MJ flop compilation.

09-28-2015, 03:00 AM
He does what he can get away with, like every great player.

09-28-2015, 03:22 AM
Worst traveler and flopper in recent history.

Stern made sure he gets away with it and obviously Silver adopted that.

09-28-2015, 03:44 AM
Refs and the League are in awe of his footwork :cheers:

Bo really it`s annoying. I remember back in the day (2006 iirc) when he hit a game winner vs Wiz after the most blatant travel ever, made me quit watchling NBA for several years.

To me that is rigging results. There was just no way the League was going to let the Wiz win that game. And I can`t live with that BS.

NBA needs to get it`s act together.

09-28-2015, 04:04 AM
Doesn't every player get away with these? It's not like the referees saw it and decide "hey, he's Lebron James I'm gonna let him travel." They just don't see it because it's very fast and there's a lot of things to look at in 48 minutes of the game.

09-28-2015, 04:11 AM
Lebrons combination of length and thickness is crazy. It makes it very hard to ref him. Hes long and very meaty, so its difficult to determine if the moves he puts on people are even legal. Its impressive either way, his sheer size and the way hes able to thrust that size toward the rim from just about anywhere.

09-28-2015, 04:22 AM
The nba is a business it can't embarrass its designated face. They've invested to much in the hype

09-28-2015, 04:55 AM
...and i think you should be spending less time expressing your butthurtedness for Lebron.... or me...

09-28-2015, 09:12 AM
The NBA should be indicted for fraud and Silver and Stern should go to jail for 20+ years.

Lebron and the NBA has made a mockery of the game.

09-28-2015, 10:17 AM
He does, but every great gets away with something. Nothing new here. I remember when I 1st noticed it though. When he was in his 1st go round with the cavs, if he drove into contact and got the whistle it seemed like he'd take an extra step to get stable and attempt the and 1. One of those "cagey" veteran moves?

09-28-2015, 10:20 AM
the same way Kobe got away with his blatant crime...

09-28-2015, 10:32 AM
Jordan rules ;

Acrobatic moves against tough guys.

Lebron rules ;

Acrobatic moves with 4 steps .

09-28-2015, 10:35 AM
...and i think you should be spending less time expressing your butthurtedness for Lebron.... or me...

09-28-2015, 10:40 AM
...and i think you should be spending less time expressing your butthurtedness for Lebron.... or me...

You're 'apparently' watching 150 MJ videos just to prove MJ flops, purely because everyone calls LeBron a flop.....and you wanna talk bout other posters 'butthurtedness'

09-28-2015, 11:12 AM
I used to get mad when MJ got the superstar calls, but it's even worse today than ever. Lebron constantly travels and people know this but they still allow it. It's awful and embarrassing. For the real or purist fan this is an insult to the game. To the low I.Q. casual fan that only cares about dunks and wants to be entertained they love this. Just ban traveling all together or call it like you're suppose to.

Paul George 24
09-28-2015, 02:46 PM
He does what he can get away with, like every great player.

even shaq would not travel like that..............his fundamental is shit:lol


Paul George 24
09-28-2015, 02:49 PM
...and i think you should be spending less time expressing your butthurtedness for Lebron.... or me...

09-28-2015, 03:03 PM
The NBA needed a new superstar after the Kobe rape fiasco, they tried their hardest but Bran is just not skilled enough

Poor choice by Stern/Silver. They made money and tricked some gullible idiots but the league took another hit to its already tarnished rep

09-28-2015, 03:08 PM
How did MJ get away with all those gambling debts?

Oh wait he didn't....

RIP :(

09-28-2015, 03:29 PM
Maybe Tim Donaghy was right when he said the league office held meetings with officials and one of the things they directly told them was not to call travels on LeBron simply because he does it so much.

He basically does it so much that it's gotten to the point where refs don't even think about calling it because he'll complain and be confused since they don't call of the other ones meaning it wouldn't be consistent on the refs end at all, unless they called it on just about every one of his drives.

I know in the Finals on some plays you could see the officials standing like 5-6 feet away from LeBron on the baseline looking right at him while he committed a blatant travel that even casual fans could spot. I bet you can guess whether they called it or not.

Paul George 24
09-28-2015, 03:32 PM
How did MJ get away with all those gambling debts?

Oh wait he didn't....

RIP :(king of travel = leflop,face it................ :lol :lol :lol

09-28-2015, 03:34 PM
Maybe Tim Donaghy was right when he said the league office held meetings with officials and one of the things they directly told them was not to call travels on LeBron simply because he does it so much.

He basically does it so much that it's gotten to the point where refs don't even think about calling it because he'll complain and be confused since they don't call of the other ones meaning it wouldn't be consistent on the refs end at all, unless they called it on just about every one of his drives.

I know in the Finals on some plays you could see the officials standing like 5-6 feet away from LeBron on the baseline looking right at him while he committed a blatant travel that even casual fans could spot. I bet you can guess whether they called it or not.

The reason people don't respect Lebald, they know he's an unskilled fraud

09-28-2015, 03:43 PM
The reason people don't respect Lebald, they know he's an unskilled fraud

I guess so. The travel and off arm are just such a patented part of his game that I guess the money hungry league really saw no choice other than to adapt.

Whenever the media talks about LeBron being a bull, charging at the rim, all of that, all I really ever picture is his classic 3-4 step travel with the off arm thrown into the defender to create separation, rather than using a handle, footwork, or anything like that. But thats not even the worst of it. His post footwork is painful to watch.

09-28-2015, 03:44 PM
even shaq would not travel like that..............his fundamental is shit:lol

