View Full Version : Islam moving in on Australia? 15 seats and counting...

09-28-2015, 08:46 AM
I shudder to think what Australia would look like under an Islamic government.


[I]In a sharp response to the Government

09-28-2015, 03:23 PM
[QUOTE=poido123]I shudder to think what Australia would look like under an Islamic government.


[I]In a sharp response to the Government

09-28-2015, 03:44 PM

09-29-2015, 01:01 AM
Why are you afraid of Muslims?? Turn off your TV, and live in the real world.

09-29-2015, 01:29 AM
Why are you afraid of Muslims?? Turn off your TV, and live in the real world.
Because of:
a: History
b: Current real world events

09-29-2015, 01:33 AM
Because of:
a: History
b: Current real world events

Most of the Muslims in Australia are Indonesians, or South East Asians. They have a very strict Immigration Law.

09-29-2015, 01:36 AM
Most of the Muslims in Australia are Indonesians, or South East Asians. They have a very strict Immigration Law.
Whats the difference? Those people are mentally corrupted by a backwards religious cult that does not belong in the civilized world.

09-29-2015, 01:47 AM
Most of the Muslims in Australia are Indonesians, or South East Asians. They have a very strict Immigration Law.
Neither of those things is true.

09-29-2015, 02:40 AM
Most of the Muslims in Australia are Indonesians, or South East Asians. They have a very strict Immigration Law.

You're a pretty cool guy, but these are things you don't know about.

Sydney and Melbourne are hot beds for future terrorists for ISIS.


The lebanese muslims have caused us the most problems in these areas. High crime, high unemployment and highly aggressive among the young men.

36% of muslims in Australia are regarded as Australian, but I'm sure majority have lebanese background.

09-29-2015, 02:40 AM
Most of the Muslims in Australia are Indonesians, or South East Asians. They have a very strict Immigration Law.

About 40% of muslims were born here.
About 20% are either Lebanese or Turkish.
2.5% are Indo.

09-29-2015, 02:44 AM
About 40% of muslims were born here.
About 20% are either Lebanese or Turkish.
2.5% are Indo.

That's right.

09-29-2015, 03:14 AM
You're a pretty cool guy, but these are things you don't know about.

Sydney and Melbourne are hot beds for future terrorists for ISIS.


The lebanese muslims have caused us the most problems in these areas. High crime, high unemployment and highly aggressive among the young men.

36% of muslims in Australia are regarded as Australian, but I'm sure majority have lebanese background.

About 40% of muslims were born here.
About 20% are either Lebanese or Turkish.
2.5% are Indo.

I see. They need to deport them back to the Middle East.

09-29-2015, 05:37 AM
I see. They need to deport them back to the Middle East.
A bullet is cheaper than a ticket to transport somebody across the globe, just sayin :confusedshrug:

09-29-2015, 05:42 AM
Whats the difference? Those people are mentally corrupted by a backwards religious cult that does not belong in the civilized world.
you do realize all muslims aint extremists?

Are all Bulgarians short, fat, bald comunists?

09-29-2015, 05:49 AM
you do realize all muslims aint extremists?

Are all Bulgarians short, fat, bald comunists?
You do realize that muslims beliefs are incompatible with modern society?

09-29-2015, 05:53 AM
You do realize that muslims beliefs are incompatible with modern society?
Any more than jewish n Christian? How so?

09-29-2015, 05:54 AM
Any more than jewish n Christian? How so?
I hate all religions, however, none of the above-mentioned are as mentally constrained as muslims.

09-29-2015, 05:57 AM
How so?

09-29-2015, 06:01 AM
How so?
Hi, my name is real world, i think we have never met before

09-29-2015, 06:10 AM
Hi, my name is real world, i think we have never met before
You should try talking to muslim people, and not just talk about them

I just dont get why you say such an extreme and awful thing. But refuse to back it up..... With anything

09-29-2015, 06:11 AM
You should try talking to muslim people, and not just talk about them

I just dont get why you say such an extreme and awful thing. But refuse to back it up..... With anything
"muslim people" is extremely broad notion

09-29-2015, 06:13 AM

09-29-2015, 06:34 AM
I thought australians were supposed to be intelligent. stop posting poido

09-29-2015, 06:48 AM
I thought australians were supposed to be intelligent. stop posting poido

Thanks for that throwaway statement.

Insert "any country" for that one.

You can't win. Freethinkers can be idiots one day, geniuses the next.

Anyone can be considered crazy for making a future prediction til it comes true.

09-29-2015, 06:55 AM
I deal with dozens of Muslims a day from different cultures. I hate to generalize but it's unfair to group all Muslims as being the same.

Somalis, Turks, Croatians, or European and most African Muslims I've met were very nice and respectful.

Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian men do tend to treat women harshly and are at times aggressive.

Pakistani, afghani, Indian Muslims also tend to be very warm and generous.

I believe their attitude is cultural and not indicative of an entire religion.

Besides, every culture has douche bags.

09-29-2015, 07:17 AM
I deal with dozens of Muslims a day from different cultures. I hate to generalize but it's unfair to group all Muslims as being the same.

Somalis, Turks, Croatians, or European and most African Muslims I've met were very nice and respectful.

Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian men do tend to treat women harshly and are at times aggressive.

Pakistani, afghani, Indian Muslims also tend to be very warm and generous.

I believe their attitude is cultural and not indicative of an entire religion.

Besides, every culture has douche bags.

Except that... the muslim beliefs are universal and you dont know what exactly is going in those people's head. Muslims immigrants are quite different in behavior from those in their original countries.

09-29-2015, 07:22 AM
Thanks for that throwaway statement.

Insert "any country" for that one.

You can't win. Freethinkers can be idiots one day, geniuses the next.

Anyone can be considered crazy for making a future prediction til it comes true.
You aren't a free-thinker or a genius, you are a paranoid idiot. Stop giving yourself credit for things that aren't true. Im not wasting any more time trying to reason with clowns like you, 9er and fiddy.

09-29-2015, 07:31 AM
You aren't a free-thinker or a genius, you are a paranoid idiot. Stop giving yourself credit for things that aren't true. Im not wasting any more time trying to reason with clowns like you, 9er and fiddy.
You cant change history

09-29-2015, 02:13 PM
You cant change history


Last year ISIS burned one guy in a cage and 3-4 in a car, we all saw that on lifeleaks

2 years ago muslim Mexican drug deals killed 40 students by cutting off their eyes and tongues and skin their faces.

In the 90s the Muslim Hutu killed 800000 Tutsi in Rwanda mostly with machetes.

In the 80s the Muslim Israeli Army allowed the Muslim Christian Phalange militia to massacre 3000-4000 Palestinian refugees (the fighters were gone by then) in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut (by burning and raping every 5+ female)

In the 70s the Muslim Khmer Rouge killed 2 million (25%) of all Cambodians

Lets leave the 60s and 50s were the Muslim atrocity are too many to count, and we arrive at the culmination of Muslim massacres:

In the 30s-40s, the Muslim Party in Germany put 15-20 million people in caps and ghettos. They killed 6-8 million people in the process by the humane method of gassing, burning alive, feeding to dogs and other niceties. They were so disciplined, that they kept records of these people. Usually signed by the likes of Adolf Abduallah, Reinhard Mohamed, and the most notorious Osama bin Himmler. They succeeded in eliminating a whole religion from Muslim Germany, while members of this religion have lived in peace for 1400 years in the softer Islamic countries in the middle east

But not only the bureaucrats back in good old Al Berlin were creative in killing people, also the Muslim Wehrmacht, the epitome of Mideastern civilization was not far behind, like when they burned over 600 women and children in a church in Oradour-sur-Glane/France (after shooting them in the legs) just to make some pressure to release a Muslim SS man. Or when they killed just 20 million people in the Soviet Union.

So yes we can't change history, but we can confirm our racist bigot world view based on what we see on the internet today.

Patrick Chewing
09-29-2015, 02:16 PM
Any more than jewish n Christian? How so?

Jews and Christians don't sanction murder.

09-30-2015, 12:10 AM
I deal with dozens of Muslims a day from different cultures. I hate to generalize but it's unfair to group all Muslims as being the same.

Somalis, Turks, Croatians, or European and most African Muslims I've met were very nice and respectful.

Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian men do tend to treat women harshly and are at times aggressive.

Pakistani, afghani, Indian Muslims also tend to be very warm and generous.

I believe their attitude is cultural and not indicative of an entire religion.

Besides, every culture has douche bags.

It's gone beyond who's who, who's a terrorist among the Muslims etc

It's now a matter of accepting that the radical element will succeed in Islamising the world. Liberalists are giving Islam just enough protection in the media etc to avoid a full scale ban on Muslim immigration in Western European nations.

Think of the nazi movement, then you understand that the masses(conservative Muslims) can/will conform to the radical style islam.

The world outside of a few smart countries is fcked. I'm just waiting til anarchy breaks loose andbe prepared.

09-30-2015, 03:38 AM
I thought australians were supposed to be intelligent. stop posting poido

Fark mayt. dat wun hurt.