View Full Version : Question for Dexter fans

09-28-2015, 12:44 PM
1. What was the most underrated season?

2. What is your season ranking in quality?

I'll post mine in a sec, I'm stuck between 3 and 5 for most underrated atm

09-28-2015, 02:35 PM
Season 7. It gets unfairly crapped on because it wasn't one of the first four, but I like it better than pretty much every season that isn't 1, 2 or 4. Had the show finished strong, S7 would be looked at with a lot more respect I think. It was as strong a setup as they could've asked for heading into S8, but they dropped the ball as we all know...

Season ranking:

1. Season 1. I loved pretty much everything about Dexter, but I was never hooked the way I was in S1. Season was all-time great. Probably doesn't have the best rewatch value of the seasons, but it's not really a rewatch sort of show to begin with. On a first-time watch, season 1 pretty much had me as invested as any show ever has.

2. Season 4. Strong from start to finish. The top 3 are all close but I think this was when Dexter was really firing on all cylinders.

3. Season 2. Weak ass cop-out ending, but up to par with the top 2 otherwise, and I'm not sure how else they could have ended it without cutting the lifespan potential of the series short (although that might have actually helped the series overall).

4. Season 7 - The Dexter/Deb interaction this season was incredible, clearly there were rushed elements to it and a few "WTF" choices. Finale of this season goes toe to toe with any episode all series.

5. Season 3 - Agreed, it's underrated. Not top half for me, but still great.

6. Season 5 - I really feel like the events of 5 and 6 could have been compressed into one season, and the show would've been a lot better off. The "curtain" BS with Deb in the finale was one of the most blatant copouts I have ever seen on television.

7. Season 6 - We all know this season was complete trash.

8. Season 8 - Taints the entire series. Never have I ever seen any show that had previously shown so much potential, drop the ball so bad at the end. Pathetic and indefensible, season and ending both.

On the other hand look at my post count/join date ratio. GOAT???

09-28-2015, 02:41 PM
the one where dexter befriends someone who knows and is accepting of his secret, only to later realise that it was a huge mistake

09-28-2015, 02:59 PM
Season 7. It gets unfairly crapped on because it wasn't one of the first four, but I like it better than pretty much every season that isn't 1, 2 or 4. Had the show finished strong, S7 would be looked at with a lot more respect I think. It was as strong a setup as they could've asked for heading into S8, but they dropped the ball as we all know...

Season ranking:

1. Season 1. I loved pretty much everything about Dexter, but I was never hooked the way I was in S1. Season was all-time great. Probably doesn't have the best rewatch value of the seasons, but it's not really a rewatch sort of show to begin with. On a first-time watch, season 1 pretty much had me as invested as any show ever has.

2. Season 4. Strong from start to finish. The top 3 are all close but I think this was when Dexter was really firing on all cylinders.

3. Season 2. Weak ass cop-out ending, but up to par with the top 2 otherwise, and I'm not sure how else they could have ended it without cutting the lifespan potential of the series short (although that might have actually helped the series overall).

4. Season 7 - The Dexter/Deb interaction this season was incredible, clearly there were rushed elements to it and a few "WTF" choices. Finale of this season goes toe to toe with any episode all series.

5. Season 3 - Agreed, it's underrated. Not top half for me, but still great.

6. Season 5 - I really feel like the events of 5 and 6 could have been compressed into one season, and the show would've been a lot better off. The "curtain" BS with Deb in the finale was one of the most blatant copouts I have ever seen on television.

7. Season 6 - We all know this season was complete trash.

8. Season 8 - Taints the entire series. Never have I ever seen any show that had previously shown so much potential, drop the ball so bad at the end. Pathetic and indefensible, season and ending both.

On the other hand look at my post count/join date ratio. GOAT???
Holy shit I pretty much agree with everything you said

This dude is a true Dexter fan

My ranking is pretty much the same


2 was probably the most consistent across all episodes, but as you said, the ending was the first of many cop outs to come. It might be alright to pull a cop out once, but if it defines your series then that is not good. 4 was really strong in the beginning and end I felt... I mean the last 3-4 episodes of 4 is some of the best of the series... The bad side stories and halt of intensity mid season holds it back from being the best. What I really have always loved about Dexter, and especially season 4, was the overlying themes of each season. They were always so distinct. Take season 4 for example. It was about identity... Dexter trying to be a father, a killer, a blood spatter analyst, a brother, etc.... It was just amazing watching it unfold, i found myself rooting for him, thinking he can do it.... Then the finale finish.... Man.

3 and 5 are interchangeable for me... The cop out in S5 you mentioned really put a dent in that season... Because honestly I think Lumen and the barrel girls arc stands tall among the best story arcs on the show.

6 never clicked with me... it started out well, but as soon as Brother Sam went it went down hill... And we could see the twist from a mile away.. The season is classic Dexter in a nutshell though... GOAT level stuff among absolute trash. Consistency is what brought this show down. At it's best, no other show has intrigued me more.

Don't need to go over 8

Season 1 the best by far

Everything about it was just perfect

From the themes to the pacing, to the characters.... Every side story was intwined with the overall arc. Not a moment of filler... (I don't consider any of the kills each episode to be filler, more just development to Dexter's character)

09-28-2015, 03:58 PM
Rusty on it because I haven't watched in months.



I stopped watching after S5. Read reviews. Said it continued to go to shit. Didn't wanna waste time. Me being spoiled didn't help though.

An underrated season is the one when he creates a Frankenstein out of a district attorney. High quality TV IMO.

Edit: Yeah S3 was getting a lot of hate but it was great IMO.

09-28-2015, 04:02 PM
Spoilers, obviously but no non-Dexter fan should open this thread anyway...

Yeah I'm with you. With Season 1, you could tell (I'm guessing because it was the only "source material" season) that they generally had an idea what they were doing with each character. Everyone had a clear role, even characters like Batista who later became kinda just... wallpaper. I've heard it said that the season would've done well as a miniseries on its own, and that's pretty much my stance on it. Every season of the show is kind of self-contained, but Season 1 most of all.

Sometimes I'm not sure if the structure of the show would have allowed for this to be possible, but if the show did have consistency it would've been possibly the most pure entertaining show I've seen. Not necessarily the "best", I wouldn't go there, but it could've been up there with BB as most binge-worthy.

Even with all its flaws, I found a way to enjoy every season on some level. Season 8 was really the only exception, and the fact that they basically revamped the history of the "code" only pisses me off more.

The quasi-incest plot from S6/7, I will say, featured some of the most cringe-inducing scenes ever on television. I was glad they dropped it (unlike Louis, I was happy to see that shit go). I can't believe they actually thought that was a good idea in any way, shape or form...

Honestly though, I liked Sirko and all, but why build up Louis so much, then kill him in a stupid, undramatic way only to make room for a new "Big Bad" of the season, who you're gonna then... yep, kill off in a stupid, undramatic way. The LaGuerta shit deserved more development. The potential of that season was so crammed, and none of those three storylines really turned out as great as they could have as a result.

Overall I kind of have a bad taste in my mouth about the series because it didn't need to go down the drain the way it did. I still feel bad about MCH never getting an Emmy for it... Deb was awesome, but if we're being real, Dexter was the SINGLE BIGGEST carry-job in TV history by one actor. Gandolfini, Cranston, anyone you wanna throw out there, they were all surrounded by top acting/writing talent out the ass. "Stacked teams" to borrow a go-to ISH term. :lol Michael C. Hall was 2007 LeBron.

09-28-2015, 04:33 PM
****ing spot on

The show was always at it's best when it focused on Dexter

As a character he is up there with the Walter White's and Tony Soprano's

Oh for sure, I was come back to rewatch it

I loved it particularly in season 1 because it was centered around Dexter, the themes and character was so rich and raw... At this point he was still a mystery to himself. And the art style really set the stage... The subtle things like the blurry shots they get of the Miami night life, or the red glow on Dexter's face during a hunt. Perfect example is the episode Seeing Red and the start of the next episode.... Just beautiful artistic expression that really adds emotion to the story...

09-28-2015, 04:40 PM
Most underrated is either 5 or 7 (3 is sometimes lumped in there with the greatness of 1-4). People act like season 5 was like season 6 shit, it wasn't.

Season rank:


7 (especially before actor had to leave for personal reasons)




not sure.. both epic trash

09-28-2015, 04:47 PM
Yeah, 5 and 7 have always gotten undeserved bad raps for being part of the second half after Clyde Phillips left.

Although I've always had an issue with the Quinn storyline in S5; I don't understand how the charges got dropped just based on Dexter falsifying the blood report, and you would have to wonder why he wasn't even more suspicious that Dexter had done him that favor after everything that had happened. He had no reason to let up on any of the suspicions he'd had about Dex all season.

09-28-2015, 04:47 PM
Most underrated is either 5 or 7 (3 is sometimes lumped in there with the greatness of 1-4). People act like season 5 was like season 6 shit, it wasn't.

Season rank:


7 (especially before actor had to leave for personal reasons)




not sure.. both epic trash
Solid AF

What frustrates me so much about Dexter is, even in the worst seasons like 6, you still can find some of the best scenes.... Like the hammer time scene... Or Deb at the start of season 8 when she had fallen off the rails...

The potential was always so ****ing high for this show

The barrel girls arc was strong too, i really liked it...

Just clutters of inconsistencies, pointless side stories and cop outs which held this show back... Even towards the end there was some good writing, but shit writing always seemed to follow them.

09-28-2015, 04:49 PM
Season 8 was the ultimate in pointless side stories. It was as if every scene that didn't directly involve Dexter had ZERO correlation to the main plot, and contributed nothing.

09-28-2015, 04:49 PM
Yeah, 5 and 7 have always gotten undeserved bad raps for being part of the second half after Clyde Phillips left.

Although I've always had an issue with the Quinn storyline in S5; I don't understand how the charges got dropped just based on Dexter falsifying the blood report, and you would have to wonder why he wasn't even more suspicious that Dexter had done him that favor after everything that had happened. He had no reason to let up on any of the suspicions he'd had about Dex all season.

Huge ****ing cop out

Imagine what they could have done with season 5 ending and the next season

Deb doesn't cop out and finds out Dexter is a killer

Quinn and Dexter maintain their beef, and Quinn doesn't get a free get out of jail card....

He's essentially the next Doakes. Imagine the potential jesus christ.

09-28-2015, 04:52 PM
Solid AF

What frustrates me so much about Dexter is, even in the worst seasons like 6, you still can find some of the best scenes.... Like the hammer time scene... Or Deb at the start of season 8 when she had fallen off the rails...

The potential was always so ****ing high for this show

The barrel girls arc was strong too, i really liked it...

Just clutters of inconsistencies, pointless side stories and cop outs which held this show back... Even towards the end there was some good writing, but shit writing always seemed to follow them.

oh the potential.. :(

Unique GOAT concept, on BB pace then had their best writer leave, got redundant and producted what this show would be at its worst, same ol dang ol...

I still like 5 and 7, but it wasn't goat Dex no more :(

Although I can enjoy the hell of 7 until the end

Dexter has always been dark and twisted, but in an epic, cool kind of way that winks at you at the same time, and has a lot of funny scenes, good character scenes and neon Miami lights.. :bowdown:

09-28-2015, 04:53 PM
4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 6, 8

09-28-2015, 04:57 PM
Dexter is a great character, but because of that, and because he's such a consistant figure on the show, I find the best season depend a lot on:

The quality of the mystery
The quality of the bad guy
and or the quality of the partner.

The other regular cast members ranged from bad to horrendous, with the sometimes exception of Deb. Because of that, it always seemed like the seasonal story arcs, weather they be a particular villain, accomplice, or a mystery, are what seperates the seasons.

Season 1 is almost universally considered the best. It was one of the better mysteries I can recall on TV. And you could tell it was a one off writing. It could've existed as a miniseries, or even a movie with the right editing.

I like the Lithgow season because he's the most fleshed out villain we see. And that's in part because it's the season where they shed the mystery formula, where you don't know who the bad guy is, and give us a look at the the villain for the entirety of the season. And the family man Dexter stuff was some of the most interesting stuff they did with the character.

Season 2 is great. The Dexter tracking himself thing was about the only thing unique enough to set itself apart from the previous season. Doaks was a great foil, and the British chick totally worked.

I wasn't crazy about season three. I didn't like Jimmy Smits at all, and it felt too close to the same thing they did with the British chick just a season earlier.

7 was definitely the best of the later generation. And it had the best of the Deb stuff, which helps because she was pretty much the only other competently built character.

Lumen was not good. It was a decent premise too with the religious motivational speaker guy.

I didn't like Colin Hanks at all. And I don't seem to like him ever, with the exception of the Fargo TV show.

And the last season was an abomination.

09-28-2015, 05:01 PM
The british chick in retrospect was kinda meh tbh

09-28-2015, 07:20 PM
1 > 4 > 2 > 3 >>> 5 > 7 > 6 > 8

The problem with the later seasons was two-fold.

1) The obvious one that you guys have been talking about. So many potentially great story arches and the writers had no clue what to do with them so they're lazily wrapped up and we all move on.

2) This is one that not many people bring up but what truly ruined the series for me, the writers didn't have a clear view of what they wanted Dexter to become. At some point he just became a normal guy who happened to kill people occasionally. He went from being a total nutjob that we loved to a guy with loads of emotions, and then supposedly back to being a nutjob in the final season. In contrast, look at how well Gilligan developed Walter White. From beginning to end, he had a clear picture (and as a result we had a clear picture) of what he was becoming.

09-28-2015, 07:45 PM
1 > 4 > 2 > 3 >>> 5 > 7 > 6 > 8

The problem with the later seasons was two-fold.

1) The obvious one that you guys have been talking about. So many potentially great story arches and the writers had no clue what to do with them so they're lazily wrapped up and we all move on.

2) This is one that not many people bring up but what truly ruined the series for me, the writers didn't have a clear view of what they wanted Dexter to become. At some point he just became a normal guy who happened to kill people occasionally. He went from being a total nutjob that we loved to a guy with loads of emotions, and then supposedly back to being a nutjob in the final season. In contrast, look at how well Gilligan developed Walter White. From beginning to end, he had a clear picture (and as a result we had a clear picture) of what he was becoming.
You hit the nail on the head bro

Personally I thought that, because they had him develop as a sociable human during the first 4 seasons.... With getting married, having a kid..., and with the way season 4 ended... The downward spiral should have immediately begun from there... In a perfect world, I would have wanted him to start dropping the ball majorly in S5, setting up for an epic s6 finale where he is on the run ala last season of Breaking Bad... Instead they had made S5 as a redemption of sorts, which essentially just rebooted everything from S6 onwards....

He should have developed into more erratic and dangerous, eventually losing his moral ethics, and essentially turned into a straight out killer without purpose... Would have been the best way to finish it, he tried to be a normal human, but in the end his true being couldn't be contained, and not even the code could no longer keep him in check.... A tragic end to an ultimately sick and twisted individual that somehow had it's viewers cheering for him. That would have really sent a good message to the viewers, asimilar to Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight...

Aaah, the potential.

09-28-2015, 07:56 PM
I can just imagine the fallout of the trinity killer and the ending of season 4 unravelling

Dexter gets to a point where to save his ass he starts bending his justifications for killing people, to where it gets to the point where he has lost total moral reasoning... Quinn follows up on the Kyle Butler identity... Miami Metro follow up on the trinity stand off with dexter footage in the homicide department... Also follow up on how he got to the Mitchells house so quick.... All these things...

So much freaking potential

09-28-2015, 08:14 PM
All great points. Reminds me of another flaw; Quinn somehow not revisiting his suspicions of Dexter when LaGuerta pretty much announced to the entire department as she brought Dexter in that she has proof that he's the BHB. The only reaction Quinn had to that entire situation was a confused face. Then in Season 8 when Deb literally confessed to killing LaGuerta, he thinks nothing of the situation yet again. He is really the worst cop of all time.

I'll tell you one thing though. If anyone ever gets bored and decides they wanna try out serial killing, you want Miami Metro to be the ones after you. :lol