View Full Version : Last Week Tonight: EU Immigration

09-29-2015, 01:25 AM
Might not work in certain countries, apologies to the ISH'ers abroad.
I like John Oliver, but this shit was just so bias and cringe-worthy :facepalm

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 01:53 AM
Daily Show used to be good but John Oliver and John Stewart have become as biased and talking pointy as prime Fox news.

09-29-2015, 01:58 AM
Daily Show used to be good but John Oliver and John Stewart have become as biased and talking pointy as prime Fox news.Stewart's always been objective as possible, he shits on both parties usually. Oliver's been doing meh lately though, this is as bad as the one he did on online harassment against women while using Anita Sharkeesian as the basis of his argument :facepalm

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 02:00 AM
Stewart's always been objective as possible, he shits on both parties usually. Oliver's been doing meh lately though, this is as bad as the one he did on online harassment against women while using Anita Sharkeesian as the basis of his argument :facepalm
In the beginning he was, since 2008 and the Obama nutsucking began, he's been a hardcore democratic version of Glenn Beck IMO.

09-29-2015, 02:02 AM
Nah, Glenn Beck is entertaining

09-29-2015, 02:05 AM
In the beginning he was, since 2008 and the Obama nutsucking began, he's been a hardcore democratic version of Glenn Beck IMO.Maybe on some issues, he's commented on foreign policy and other stuff being shitty even after Obama took office. It's just the phenomenon known as Fox News that makes him a super troll. Bill Maher is much worse, don't even mention O'****** :lol

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 02:11 AM
They are all shit, they are all the same type of blowhard. Objective news doesn't exist in this day and age, even the BBC is becoming like Fox News and CNN. Yes, Oliver and Steward are satirists but they have gotten preachier than a pastor in recent years trying to push their pro-Democrat agenda and talking points through.

09-29-2015, 06:41 AM
What's his point exactly? Allowing the people who cross dangerously to waltz into European countries will only bring more of them: more business for traffickers, and more migrants who think they will be rewarded for their imposition; send them back, and in the future, no one will risk such a dangerous passage for nothing. A willingness to take them will only create further problems.

09-29-2015, 07:54 AM
I like Oliver for the most part but this episode was indeed cringe worthy.

09-29-2015, 09:31 AM
the green party candidate near me was quoted saying

"these are people who desperately need help. we desperately need new people [we have a declining population]. what is the hold up on inviting these people over? get it done already..."

he's being more a bit short here :coleman:

09-29-2015, 10:03 AM
lol, i guess western nations should put up signs saying 'need help? come on over..we can take an unending number of migrants from countries with insane and unsustainable rates of proliferation..we've all the room in the world!'

Talk about cultural suicide.

09-29-2015, 10:07 AM
lol, i guess western nations should put up signs saying 'need help? come on over..we can take an unending number of migrants from countries with insane and unsustainable rates of proliferation..we've all the room in the world!'

Talk about cultural suicide.


Video from 1999

09-29-2015, 10:27 AM
Alas, don't expect facts, logic and rational argument to prevail over the emotional hysteria of modern progressivism.

09-29-2015, 10:38 AM
What I don't understand is the cost to accommodate a single refugee/migrant is something like 30k/yr(Maybe more). Surely that money can have a much bigger impact on the actual host countries where that money can go a longer way.

09-29-2015, 11:57 AM
Perhaps native populations wouldn't decline if radical statists didn't promote the aborting of millions of people?

09-29-2015, 02:22 PM
yeah there are a lot of overstated points here

there is an inherent contradiction between informational programming and palatable comedy. yet that's the divide oliver is trying to straddle. it doesn't work. to make the information palatable, all the substantial argumentation has to be whittled down so that you can no longer call it informational programming.

rather than using nuance and argumentation as filler, oliver unsurprisingly resorts to his jokes, a large bag of tricks that can really drive the conversation in any direction he wants. more specifically, the style of comedy he chooses can drive the conversation away from any direction he desperately wants to avoid. the effect is a knee jerk reaction to prefer comedic filler over informational filler.

this happens to be a case where sophistication is paramount. there are no (longer any) easy answers to all the ramifications of middle east destabilization. in other stories, there is no need to sweep the details under the rug because his case is plain common sense... such as the minicipalities episode from a while back or the transgender one or whatever.

still we should recognize oliver for the polemicist he is. no shame there i suppose, so long as he doesn't get so lazy that his methods of persuasion don't sink to the depths of propaganda... which they already have i would suggest.

but i agree with him so w/e. open the flood gates and let's all live happily together in a global multicultural supra national paradise :pimp: