View Full Version : Are we headed towards Equilibrium?

Patrick Chewing
09-29-2015, 02:52 PM

It seems that in this day and age, the more and more we disagree with another's viewpoint, or simply have a difference of opinion, the more and more we are labeled bigots, racists, xenophobes, etc...you get the point.

I know most of ISH are not alarmists, but you cannot deny that things have changed since let's say the 90's for example. Most of ISH was still sucking their thumbs in the 90's and don't remember that you could pretty much get away with saying anything or feeling a certain way without repercussion. And not to say that it needed any anyway. Most people laughed it off and got over it. Nowadays, the mere mention of the same things we said a few years back gets you the proverbial Scarlet Letter. Why is this? Why have we become mentally shook/soft?

For those that never saw Equilibrium, this is the plot:

Equilibrium is set in 2072 in Libria, a city state established by the survivors of World War III that devastated the world, where a totalitarian government requires all citizens to take daily injections of "Prozium" to suppress emotion and encourage obedience. All emotionally stimulating material has been banned, and "Sense Offenders" – those who fail to take their Prozium – are put to death, as the government claims that the cause of all wars and violence is emotion.

09-29-2015, 02:57 PM
All I care about is when I'll be able to **** some nice young tight 17 year old HSers without going to jail. If chopping off my dick and becoming a woman is okay, when can't I bone some consenting HS girls?

09-29-2015, 02:58 PM
based on the shit OP says around here, i think the movie we are heading towards is idiocracy.

09-29-2015, 03:03 PM
We are heading in that direction, but the movie Equilibrium is really on the extreme end of that scale. If it were to happen, I believe we are still far away.

Now Minority Report, that's a movie that is getting closer to reality (minus the psychics that can see in the future). Society is slipping away from liberty and falling into security. Too bad our central planners are devoid of wisdom.

Police departments embracing pre-crime strategy: Program aims to pinpoint those most likely to offend (http://news.nationalpost.com/news/world/u-s-predictive-policing-program-uses-computer-analytics-to-pinpoint-those-most-likely-to-commit-crimes-before-they-happen)

Minority Report Is 40 Years Ahead of Schedule: The Fictional World Has Become Reality (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-w-whitehead/minority-report-is-40-yea_b_8207978.html)

09-29-2015, 03:07 PM
based on the shit OP says around here, i think the movie we are heading towards is idiocracy.
i was talking about that movie with a friend and watched a few clips. in hindsight, awesome concept but poor execution. mike judge is usually great but he was out of his depths here which lead to loony sh!t for the sake of loony sh!t.

but a better movie, titled Equilibrium and starring VCDrivesAPorscheToWork, would be scene after scene of that lazy degenerate slob in the foreground; sitting slovenly in dredges and staring dumbly through his sunglasses into nothing and sipping weak b!tchy cocktails with an insincere smirk on his face...

... meanwhile in the background, you have all of the historical wars unraveling at top speed, through the ages right up to now where yemeni villages are destroyed by drones and militant savages attack industrial centers...

meanwhile the dullest angriest most petulant knicks fans of all the dull angry petulant knicks fans sorta looks around every so often, then drifts off again.

this guy is like an armchair philosopher's neglected beastial offspring. somebody needs to put him out of his misery. though we shouldn't be waiting long since he can't get away from himself.

09-29-2015, 03:21 PM
based on the shit OP says around here, i think the movie we are heading towards is idiocracy.

Based on numerous things (Cali passing high school students now who previously failed) we are headed there anyway.

Patrick Chewing
09-29-2015, 03:22 PM
We are heading in that direction, but the movie Equilibrium is really on the extreme end of that scale. If it were to happen, I believe we are still far away.

Now Minority Report, that's a movie that is getting closer to reality (minus the psychics that can see in the future). Society is slipping away from liberty and falling into security. Too bad our central planners are devoid of wisdom.

Police departments embracing pre-crime strategy: Program aims to pinpoint those most likely to offend (http://news.nationalpost.com/news/world/u-s-predictive-policing-program-uses-computer-analytics-to-pinpoint-those-most-likely-to-commit-crimes-before-they-happen)

Minority Report Is 40 Years Ahead of Schedule: The Fictional World Has Become Reality (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-w-whitehead/minority-report-is-40-yea_b_8207978.html)

The problem with a Minory Report-type scenario is that the country already has the highest number of inmates of any country in the world, and certain politicians have already been talking about how to reduce those numbers.

This would undoubtedly put more people behind bars unless it is solely directed towards violent crimes such as rape, assault, and murder.

09-29-2015, 03:30 PM
i was talking about that movie with a friend and watched a few clips. in hindsight, awesome concept but poor execution. mike judge is usually great but he was out of his depths here which lead to loony sh!t for the sake of loony sh!t.

First half of the movie is great, second half is really bad. Ending was silly af with the arena and president etc.

There is irony in that in order to enjoy the movie completely you have to be a simple minded 'tard' that loves fart jokes...which is what the movie makes fun of.

09-29-2015, 03:31 PM
The problem with a Minory Report-type scenario is that the country already has the highest number of inmates of any country in the world, and certain politicians have already been talking about how to reduce those numbers.

This would undoubtedly put more people behind bars unless it is solely directed towards violent crimes such as rape, assault, and murder.

I believe marijuana will eventually be made legal and minor drug offenses will be phased out at some point.

The Minority Report scenario is already happening. Local law enforcement is currently testing this stuff out. It may take some time for the technology to catch up, but there is already a demand for this with law enforcement.

09-29-2015, 03:40 PM
First half of the movie is great, second half is really bad. Ending was silly af with the arena and president etc.

There is irony in that in order to enjoy the movie completely you have to be a simple minded 'tard' that loves fart jokes...which is what the movie makes fun of.
yeah that's a nice angle and i can appreciate that. i liked it the first go around for that reason. as usual i'm just disappointed it didn't meet MY expectations for what i thought it COULD have been. and who the fck am i to say that?

would have been better as a monty python short lol

09-29-2015, 03:43 PM
All I care about is when I'll be able to **** some nice young tight 17 year old HSers without going to jail. If chopping off my dick and becoming a woman is okay, when can't I bone some consenting HS girls?

This man here is asking the right questions.

09-29-2015, 03:55 PM
yeah that's a nice angle and i can appreciate that. i liked it the first go around for that reason. as usual i'm just disappointed it didn't meet MY expectations for what i thought it COULD have been. and who the fck am i to say that?

would have been better as a monty python short lol
Don't forget that it was a really poorly funded project as well. The studio didn't take it seriously, so not exactly surprised Judge didn't put much work into it.

09-29-2015, 03:56 PM
god i hope so


09-29-2015, 04:01 PM
Don't forget that it was a really poorly funded project as well. The studio didn't take it seriously, so not exactly surprised Judge didn't put much work into it.

i feel thats a major reason why the movie suffered, as well. Judge's wit is apparent, as always. but the production and everything intertwined to that really diminished the quality. I tried rewatching it on HBOGO the other week, and could barely get past the 30 minute mark.

however, ive always felt that way about judge movies. i know theyre cult classics, and rightfully so. but something about his sound tracks and the way he shoots them, always irked me. (but the scripts are always top notch)

His TV shows on the other hand? godsend

09-30-2015, 04:49 PM
I don't recall being allowed to say or do anything i wanted in the 90's. Damn...i missed out

Patrick Chewing
09-30-2015, 05:11 PM
I don't recall being allowed to say or do anything i wanted in the 90's. Damn...i missed out

That's cause Asian parents are strict as phuck.

09-30-2015, 05:19 PM
i was talking about that movie with a friend and watched a few clips. in hindsight, awesome concept but poor execution. mike judge is usually great but he was out of his depths here which lead to loony sh!t for the sake of loony sh!t.

but a better movie, titled Equilibrium and starring VCDrivesAPorscheToWork, would be scene after scene of that lazy degenerate slob in the foreground; sitting slovenly in dredges and staring dumbly through his sunglasses into nothing and sipping weak b!tchy cocktails with an insincere smirk on his face...

... meanwhile in the background, you have all of the historical wars unraveling at top speed, through the ages right up to now where yemeni villages are destroyed by drones and militant savages attack industrial centers...

meanwhile the dullest angriest most petulant knicks fans of all the dull angry petulant knicks fans sorta looks around every so often, then drifts off again.

this guy is like an armchair philosopher's neglected beastial offspring. somebody needs to put him out of his misery. though we shouldn't be waiting long since he can't get away from himself.

:eek: Chewing what have you done to earn the wrath of the nicest guy on these boards? Answer me Chewing!!!

Patrick Chewing
09-30-2015, 05:27 PM
Oh snap was that directed at me? I figured he was blathering, quoting Socrates or Plato on some drunken binge of self-loathing reflectiveness.

Mike Armstrong
10-01-2015, 11:50 AM
based on the shit OP says around here, i think the movie we are heading towards is idiocracy.