View Full Version : No more racist posts from me.

09-29-2015, 05:32 PM
My apologizes fellow Muslims, let the hate stop and love flow. Last thing we need on this world is more hate.

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 05:36 PM
Muslims aren't a race though. They are followers of a religious ideology. It's impossible to be racist towards followers of a religion that is followed by people of every race on the planet.

Patrick Chewing
09-29-2015, 05:37 PM
Muslims aren't a race though. They are followers of a religious ideology. It's impossible to be racist towards followers of a religion that is followed by people of every race on the planet.

This is true. Muslims are not protected by the race card.

Therefore, survey says: Down with the Muzzies!!!

09-29-2015, 05:51 PM
I'm positive that Indonesians aren't the target, and they're Muslims.

So yes, there's racial(ethnic/national) element to this Islamophobia.

Absolutely 0 to do with race. Turks, Pakis, Afghanis, Saudis and Algerians aren't the same "race" either.

And while Indonesia on the whole is not that bad, there are some very sketchy Islamic things going on there. Sharia in some provinces, they are currently inflicting genocide and forced conversion in Papua and random Islamic bs things such as subjecting female police trainees to horrifying virginity tests.

They absolutely should be the target, they are not exempt from criticism of disgusting Islamic extremism just because they are not as bad as Saudi Arabia.

09-29-2015, 06:00 PM
If if islam is a race...... Is "islamophobia" a race too?

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 06:01 PM
I'm positive that Indonesians aren't the target, and they're Muslims.

So yes, there's racial(ethnic/national) element to this Islamophobia.
Only if you assume things, and think that all Muslims are Arabs, which is a racist idea in and of itself.

The people making terrorist attacks in the name of Islam are white, Turkish, black, arab, berber, Pakistani and Indian.

People have no problems criticizing Christianity, Scientology, Mormonism or Scientology. What is it about Islam that makes someone a racist if they criticize it?

Islam developed in roughly the same region of the world that Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism developed. Those religions aren't intrinsically tied to race, so why do you connect Islam with only one race, DMV2?

09-29-2015, 06:13 PM
My apologizes fellow Muslims, let the hate stop and love flow. Last thing we need on this world is more hate.
Brainshwashed by libertards? :facepalm

Cant wait for the nuclear holocaust

09-29-2015, 06:21 PM
Only if you assume things, and think that all Muslims are Arabs, which is a racist idea in and of itself.

The people making terrorist attacks in the name of Islam are white, Turkish, black, arab, berber, Pakistani and Indian.

People have no problems criticizing Christianity, Scientology, Mormonism or Scientology. What is it about Islam that makes someone a racist if they criticize it?

Islam developed in roughly the same region of the world that Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism developed. Those religions aren't intrinsically tied to race, so why do you connect Islam with only one race, DMV2?
Because the accusation of "racism" is nothing more than a political tool. It's not that they actually believe someone is a "racist." It's basically their way of saying "that's a nice reputation you have there. It'd be a shame if something happened to it."

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 07:01 PM
I just don't see you guys targeting black Muslims, Indonesian Muslims, etc. Mainly the Middle-East Arab Islamic community.

And no, I don't see Islam as one race, one ethnicity...why would I even mentioned Indonesia in the first place? And having a childhood friend of Muslim of Somali heritage and an Arab friend who was a non-Muslim atheist, I know they're not all one of the same.

I'm just saying you, 9er, Chewing alike(the whole Foxnews audience types) targets a certain group of Muslims and Indonesians aren't one of them, same goes for black Muslims. You can try to deny it but it's pretty clear.
I don't "target" anyone. I criticize a religious ideology and followers of that religious ideology who do bad things in the name of their religion.

I don't watch Fox News and think it's retarded. I also recognize that CNN is basically the democratic version of Fox News. Try thinking for yourself brah.

I have lived in a Muslim country and have arab and muslim friends too. That doesn't mean I will censor myself from criticizing a religious ideology.

You see racism because it makes things easy for you to sort people in to piles (they're the fox news audience-they're bad. Those guys are the democrats-they're good!), rather than think things through clearly.

I am not under any impression that all Muslims are blood thirsty psychos. I know that most Muslims just want to get by and lead happy and fulfilling lives just like everyone else on the Earth. That doesn't mean I'm not going to criticize the Muslims that are bloodthirsty psychos.

Black Muslims are going on murder rampages in Nigeria, see Boko Haram, and Indonesian Muslims are currently genociding non-muslim ethnic groups in their countries. There you go, I "targeted" different races of muslims. Does that make you happy?

Indonesian Muslims aren't trying to start a backwards 7th century style Caliphate. Black Muslims in Africa aren't killing Western troops, though there have been some cases like the psychos who beheaded Lee Rigby in the middle of a sunny London street. That's probably why they aren't being talked about more on this Western message board. This has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with religious ideology and the psychos it inspires to go on murder sprees and rape little boys and abuse women.

If Catholics were doing the same shit on the scale that Muslims currently are, I would criticize them too. I criticize Hinduism as a religion that promotes racism and inequality and I criticize Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses for being backwards brainwashing cults. No religion is safe from criticism. There are no blasphemy laws in America. Deal with it.

09-29-2015, 07:14 PM
:cheers: May Almighty Allah grant you baraka, hidaya, and rahman! As well as granting you great success in your audiological career! The ears of Belgium depend on your hands good sir!

09-29-2015, 08:38 PM
My apologizes fellow Muslims, let the hate stop and love flow. Last thing we need on this world is more hate.

Fellow Muslims? :biggums:

Someone has seriously given you brain damage.

The world is fcked, it's like people are crippled by fear of being labeled a racist or whatever.

I know for a fact there are good people in the muslim community etc, but I also know that political, religious pressure and civil wars/unrest will cause a gaping division between islam and the world. ISIS and their propaganda will continue to fuel the hatred and division of the believers and non-believers.

So while its all good and noble of you to give yourself a sense of feeling liberal and accepting, the fundamentalist muslims are using people like you, liberalists to carry out their ultimate goal of world wide conforming to Islam. Not only that, these posing "conservative muslims" will be the ones who will run to the radical Islam once the shit hits the fan. Much like the germans did, once the Nazi's came into power...

So you see, your efforts are futile. These conservative muslims will be your enemy, not because they are necessarily bad, but they will be forced to make the choice. Civil wars will break out and anyone who is of Islamic faith will band together.

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 08:48 PM
Fellow Muslims? :biggums:

Someone has seriously given you brain damage.

The world is fcked, it's like people are crippled by fear of being labeled a racist or whatever.

I know for a fact there are good people in the muslim community etc, but I also know that political, religious pressure and civil wars/unrest will cause a gaping division between islam and the world. ISIS and their propaganda will continue to fuel the hatred and division of the believers and non-believers.

So while its all good and noble of you to give yourself a sense of feeling liberal and accepting, the fundamentalist muslims are using people like you, liberalists to carry out their ultimate goal of world wide conforming to Islam. Not only that, these posing "conservative muslims" will be the ones who will run to the radical Islam once the shit hits the fan. Much like the germans did, once the Nazi's came into power...

So you see, your efforts are futile. These conservative muslims will be your enemy, not because they are necessarily bad, but they will be forced to make the choice. Civil wars will break out and anyone who is of Islamic faith will band together.
It's going to happen brah. They have the best expansion plan out of all the religions. Frank Herbert was prophetic. The world will be Muslim in 500-1000 years. Just accept the world's fate, and know you won't be alive to see it:cheers:

09-29-2015, 08:58 PM
It's going to happen brah. They have the best expansion plan out of all the religions. Frank Herbert was prophetic. The world will be Muslim in 500-1000 years. Just accept the world's fate, and know you won't be alive to see it:cheers:

It might happen in our lifetime...

This shit is happening fast and nobody is here to protect us from this. The governments are profiting off it, the liberalists are allowing safe passage of "Islamic Conformation", everyone who could do something about it are paralysed by fear of being labelled a racist or not seeing the threat until it is too late, while Islam has taken stranglehold on key areas of government.

Why the push for mosques? Why the push for Halal certification? Why the push for religious allowances in law and way of life?

All these things are happening in Western/European countries and not a damn politician with a spine will make a stand on it.

At least Putin and the Hungarians have the balls to call it as it is and keep them out. Hell, even China won't tolerate their bullshit.

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 09:22 PM
So what. Before Christianity existed, nearly everyone was Pagan. A new alpha-religion called Islam is rising up. Their plan for expansion is better than any religion's to date. Mohammad was a visionary for having that much foresight. say what you will about his politics, but his foresight and long term planning cannot be denied. I hate a lot of the shit he did but I cannot deny he is one of the GOAT humans. He achieved in his lifetime what it took Jesus 300 years to do-and that was only after Jesus died.

Of course the real GOAT human IMO is Buddha as he accomplished the same thing as Mohammad in his lifetime without using violence and massacring people, but also his religion is nowhere close to the scale of Mohammad's so what does that tell you?

That's how the world is. Things become obsolete and something new rises up to take it's place. It happened to the Roman Empire. It's going to happen to the United States, and it's going to happen to Christianity eventually. Instead of fighting the change, accept it.

09-29-2015, 09:28 PM
Are you partial to witnessing Sharia Law punishment in your town?

What about watching a woman get stoned to death?

Sounds like a good day's entertainment. Kids could really benefit from this :oldlol:

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 09:31 PM
Are you partial to witnessing Sharia Law punishment in your town?

What about watching a woman get stoned to death?

Sounds like a good day's entertainment. Kids could really benefit from this :oldlol:
No, but honestly I don't think that's going to happen once Islam takes over. A majority of Muslims aren't fundamentalist psychos, especially ones raised in the West.

I think it will be more like a new hybrid version of the Islamic Golden Age mixed with Western ideals. Islam will not be able to spread fundamentalism all over the world. It will adapt with the times, just as the religion always has.

Read about the islamic golden age. Lots of scientific and mathematical discoveries were made and things were pretty good

09-29-2015, 09:39 PM
No, but honestly I don't think that's going to happen once Islam takes over. A majority of Muslims aren't fundamentalist psychos, especially ones raised in the West.

I think it will be more like a new hybrid version of the Islamic Golden Age mixed with Western ideals. Islam will not be able to spread fundamentalism all over the world. It will adapt with the times, just as the religion always has.

Read about the islamic golden age. Lots of scientific and mathematical discoveries were made and things were pretty good

If Islam is ruling, the radical side will be in power. They will have the masses in fear and run a dictatorship.

That may be ISIS, but perhaps something else that it has morphed into.

Sharia Law will be the law. I have no doubt about that.

09-29-2015, 09:43 PM
do not fear poido. your life will be spared. your slut mother might get stoned though

Nick Young
09-29-2015, 09:49 PM
If Islam is ruling, the radical side will be in power. They will have the masses in fear and run a dictatorship.

That may be ISIS, but perhaps something else that it has morphed into.

Sharia Law will be the law. I have no doubt about that.
I don't think so. It's more likely a hybrid mix of west and east that's going to happen. Things will probably be pretty good. You won't be alive when it gets to that point though so you don't have to worry.:cheers:

Remember, this new fundamentalism thing taking over the Middle East is relatively recent. It was only 40 years ago that the Middle East and Persia and Iraq were like Europe. No reason to believe it won't ever go back to that. It's even reasonable to believe that this is the logical backlash to ISIS type rule.




09-29-2015, 09:56 PM
I don't think so. It's more likely a hybrid mix of west and east that's going to happen. Things will probably be pretty good. You won't be alive when it gets to that point though so you don't have to worry.:cheers:
You are always welcome bro. Even you poido.

Come join the light side.


09-29-2015, 11:59 PM
You are always welcome bro. Even you poido.

Come join the light side.


I'll move to Russia before that ever happens.

Why do I have to join you? Can't I just exist a man who mocks Mohammed?

Or can't we joke about him...

You will be my enemy, not through choice but circumstance

Patrick Chewing
09-30-2015, 12:08 AM



This is Freedom.

09-30-2015, 12:43 AM
No problem, as All-h is the all Merciful. I hope you don't go back on your word like poido did, I had such high hopes for him :facepalm

Bosnian Sajo
09-30-2015, 03:24 AM
I've had a lot of run ins with OP, so I doubt he's being serious, but in the case that he is it's cool man and agreed...too much hate as it is, the fact that we divided on this board is just adding on to the fact.

09-30-2015, 05:02 AM
Despite claiming to be fighting each other, tyrants like Assad, islamists like ISIS and colonialists like Cheney are all objective allies in the Middle East...

They're effectively conspiring to prevent Arab countries from developing homegrown alternatives that'll allow them to develop peacefully. Their true enemy are the ordinary folks who rose up in the Arab Spring, who simply wanted bread, rule of law, and self-rule... Everyday people who were fed up with oppression whether it came from the local strongman, religious crazies, or some foreign "liberator"...

Similarly, in the secular liberal world, islamists and far right identitarians are both working together to undermine all the positive achievements of the second half of the 20th century... They both want to replace a free society where citizens trust one another with a permanent state of emergency, fueled by paranoia and exclusive identity claims... a civil war between the religions/races justifying extraordinary measures of control and repression.

Normal, peaceloving people who just want to get on with their lives need to stand up against extremists of all kind, for the simple reason that the world they want is such a terrible place to live in.

09-30-2015, 03:02 PM
No problem, as All-h is the all Merciful. I hope you don't go back on your word like poido did, I had such high hopes for him :facepalm

On my word?

I apologised for not making the distinction between different Muslim groups.

I make no apology for saying how I see things.

You will be with radical Islam when civil wars break out

09-30-2015, 03:11 PM
Despite claiming to be fighting each other, tyrants like Assad, islamists like ISIS and colonialists like Cheney are all objective allies in the Middle East...

They're effectively conspiring to prevent Arab countries from developing homegrown alternatives that'll allow them to develop peacefully. Their true enemy are the ordinary folks who rose up in the Arab Spring, who simply wanted bread, rule of law, and self-rule... Everyday people who were fed up with oppression whether it came from the local strongman, religious crazies, or some foreign "liberator"...

Similarly, in the secular liberal world, islamists and far right identitarians are both working together to undermine all the positive achievements of the second half of the 20th century... They both want to replace a free society where citizens trust one another with a permanent state of emergency, fueled by paranoia and exclusive identity claims... a civil war between the religions/races justifying extraordinary measures of control and repression.

Normal, peaceloving people who just want to get on with their lives need to stand up against extremists of all kind, for the simple reason that the world they want is such a terrible place to live in.