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04-23-2007, 09:56 PM
Imagine if this happened to your kid.


Jacob Carter gets 25 years to life
Updated: 4/23/2007 8:02 PM
By: Giselle Phelps

Jacob J. Carter will spend the next 25 years to life in prison. That’s the sentence handed down by Judge John Rowley for Carter's crimes against two children.

Last month Carter pleaded guilty to predatory sexual assault against a child, assault in the first, and two counts of sex abuse in the first. No matter what the sentence, the victims’ mother says it will never be enough.

"No matter what sentence was before him today it would never be enough as far as I'm concerned. It could never measure up to the spineless acts that were placed upon my children," said the mother of the victims.

Carter admitted to raping a three year old boy and stomping on his stomach. The judge talked about photos of the boy with his intestines sitting outside his body in a bag. Carter also admitted

Jacob Carter gets 25 years to life

A brutal case of sexual and physical abuse against two children finally comes to an end. Jacob Carter was sentenced in Tompkins County Court Monday
to sexually abusing a little girl under the age of two. Tompkins County's District Attorney, Gwen Wilkinson, says she's disappointed with the sentence.

"As you all know I asked for the maximum sentence, which would have been 43 years to life because I believe the crimes committed deserved that kind of punishment," said Wilkinson.

Wilkinson also says a pre-sentence probation report described Carter as apathetic, volatile and violent. The mother of the victims couldn't agree more.

"Not only had he inflicted suffering on one child, but two defenseless babies, unable to cry for help or even defend themselves from adults, let alone call 911," she said.

Carter's sentence means he will be eligible for this first parole hearing in 25 years.

But, the saddest thing with this entire trial is that the mother of the victims told reporters that her little boy does remember Jacob Carter and does remember what Carter did to him.

Carter will be added to New York's Sex Offender Registry and classified as a level three offender, the highest category.

If it were my kid and I knew where he was I'd make sure this waste of sperm never made it to the court. He'd make it to a cemetary instead, by way of a pine box to be buried in. No one is safe anymore. This World is getting out of hand. I'd get that guy but good. :mad:

04-23-2007, 09:59 PM
He should get life for this. If he gets out of jail, theres no telling if he'd do this again. Lock him up forever because life is worse than death penalty.

04-23-2007, 10:02 PM
i thought you meant a bug or something. I would ahve stepped on it.

but this guy deserves the death penalty.

04-23-2007, 10:25 PM
no death penalty. life in prison in general population some he can get ass raped every day of his life.

04-23-2007, 10:58 PM
no death penalty. life in prison in general population some he can get ass raped every day of his life.

he'd probably enjoy it. that would be too good for him.

if not the death penalty then solitary confinement for the rest of his life.

04-23-2007, 11:07 PM
He should get shot in the face, but thats to quick and easy.

If that was my kid I would rip him apart with my bare hands.

Zan Tabak
04-23-2007, 11:17 PM
What a sick F*CK!! ..I'd kill him..one way or the other!


j Fresh
04-23-2007, 11:34 PM
nah i'd make him watch FRIENDS marathon. He'd be haunted for life.

On a serious note, what a sicko! 25 years is not enough, those kids will remember that for ever!

04-24-2007, 06:45 AM
nah i'd make him watch FRIENDS marathon. He'd be haunted for life.

On a serious note, what a sicko! 25 years is not enough, those kids will remember that for ever!
I thought you were talking about the crocodile which ate the girl.:(

Here in Germany, people get only 15-20 years for sth. like that but can [and in most cases they will] be put in 'Sicherheitsverwahrung' [don't know the English expression. It's not an actual prison, but similiar] for the rest of their lives, when an 'evaluator' concludes that he is still a risk, and rehabilitation didn't work. From an ethical point of view I'm totally against the death penalty, and self justice, but I really can't say how I would react.

04-24-2007, 06:54 AM
:mad: man these kinda people gotta get life in prison.

what is this world coming to, fu**! :mad:

04-24-2007, 09:24 AM
intestines sticking out? wtf.......

f*ck this b*tch up!!!

04-24-2007, 01:42 PM
Being a father, shyt like this really messes me up. They should do like in the Phillippines and turn him over to a crowd. Let the crowd do what they will, and let me tell ya, it won't be pretty. Garaunteed he'd still be alive, barely.

Kebab Stall
04-24-2007, 01:59 PM
Personally I think death penalty would be to good for this guy. They should make him suffer as much as he made his victims suffer.

04-24-2007, 02:05 PM
Man it's f*cked up. The children are ruined for life. Even murdering that b*tch would not be justice.

On a somewhat related note. These dumbf*ck teenagers in my area, poured and smeared acid all over a sliding board and monkeybars. Not knowing a parent took his two year old child to the playground. When the child went down the sliding board the acid burned through his close and burned all the skin off his legs and back.

04-24-2007, 02:05 PM
Man it's f*cked up. The children are ruined for life. Even murdering that b*tch would not be justice.

On a somewhat related note. These dumbf*ck teenagers in my area, poured and smeared acid all over a sliding board and monkeybars. Not knowing a parent took his two year old child to the playground. When the child went down the sliding board the acid burned through his close and burned all the skin off his legs and back.

04-24-2007, 04:39 PM
Man it's f*cked up. The children are ruined for life. Even murdering that b*tch would not be justice.

On a somewhat related note. These dumbf*ck teenagers in my area, poured and smeared acid all over a sliding board and monkeybars. Not knowing a parent took his two year old child to the playground. When the child went down the sliding board the acid burned through his close and burned all the skin off his legs and back.

Damn. Did they catch those a-holes? Me being the father I'd pour acid down their pants. P-ricks.:mad:

04-24-2007, 05:52 PM
Yeah they caugth them and they got some misdemeanor charges. I feel sorry for the father. I know he wants to kill them bastards.

04-24-2007, 06:05 PM
Yeah they caugth them and they got some misdemeanor charges.

They had to have gotten more in trouble that that. I guarantee that those kid's parents have a civil suit on their hands. In some areas parents can even be held criminally responsible for their child's action.

04-24-2007, 06:07 PM
Two teenage boys have been arrested in the chemical burning of a toddler last weekend at a Baltimore County playground, but the youngsters are not facing adult charges.

The boys, both 16 and from the Essex area, were charged as juveniles after police consulted with the county state's attorney's office, a police spokesman said.

The boys poured caustic drain cleaner on a slide, experimenting to see whether the chemical would burn the plastic, but seeing that it did not, they left with the chemical still on the slide, police said.

The toddler, Payton Potachney, received second- and third-degree burns and underwent skin grafts Monday at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The boyfriend of the child's mother said yesterday that he was angry that the teenagers are not facing more serious adult charges.LINK (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/baltimore_county/bal-md.co.acid18apr18,0,7754270.story?coll=bal-local-baltimorecounty)

04-24-2007, 06:22 PM
Man it's f*cked up. The children are ruined for life. Even murdering that b*tch would not be justice.

On a somewhat related note. These dumbf*ck teenagers in my area, poured and smeared acid all over a sliding board and monkeybars. Not knowing a parent took his two year old child to the playground. When the child went down the sliding board the acid burned through his close and burned all the skin off his legs and back.
why would they do that?

04-24-2007, 06:37 PM
Yeah they caugth them and they got some misdemeanor charges. I feel sorry for the father. I know he wants to kill them bastards.

Misdemeanor charges? That's as good as not being charged at all. I'd love to beat those punks to a pulp. I'm glad they were caught.

04-24-2007, 06:56 PM
They had to have gotten more in trouble that that. I guarantee that those kid's parents have a civil suit on their hands. In some areas parents can even be held criminally responsible for their child's action.
at the very LEAST that should be felony assault.

05-25-2014, 08:52 PM
I've heard several cases of stories like this becoming more and more popular. Very sickening.

05-25-2014, 08:59 PM
I've heard several cases of stories like this becoming more and more popular. Very sickening.
Nice bump, jerkwad. Can't even find the story on AlGore's internet any more :rolleyes:

05-25-2014, 09:37 PM
Nice bump, jerkwad. Can't even find the story on AlGore's internet any more :rolleyes:

What's wrong with this bump you bum