View Full Version : Did Wilt Chamberlain have a son? Levi may be living proof

10-02-2015, 12:09 PM

In his 1991 memoir, A View from Above, Chamberlain famously boasted of having slept with 20,000 women. The claim reduced him to such a caricature the last eight years of his life that even he made light of the number. A former lover quoted him as saying, “What’s a zero among friends?”

But until the day he died, at 63, from a heart attack at his Bel-Air mansion in October 1999, Chamberlain made it clear there would be no “little Wilties.” He was right in a way. Levi is 6' 5" and weighs 250 pounds.

Chamberlain had what might be called a Goliath complex, a need to prove his greatness in all ways. During my book research, his friends and former teammates told me of how Wilt cheated at cards, boasted that he had driven nonstop from New York City to Los Angeles in 36 hours (“There’s no speed limit in Kansas,” he crowed) and claimed he had killed a mountain lion with his hands.

He played 14 NBA seasons, won two championships, led the league in rebounding 11 times and was the top scorer seven times. He finished with more than 31,000 points, having helped to transform the obscure NBA into a phenomenon. But only two numbers dominated his obituaries: 100, for the legendary night that he produced the only *single-triple in NBA history, and 20,000, for the supposed sexual conquests that, he wrote in 1991, “equals out to having sex with 1.2 women a day, every day since I was fifteen years old.”

His editor, Peter Gethers, told me years ago that Chamberlain had said, “You have to understand what it was like in those days. That’s what an athlete did.” Chamberlain, who never married, wrote that once, when he attended a birthday party in San Francisco with 15 women, “I got all but one before the rising of the sun.”

During his 14-year NBA career, Wilt Chamberlain racked up his share of accolades including scoring an unprecedented 100 points during the Philadelphia Warriors win over the New York Knicks on March 2, 1962. Here are some rarely seen photos of the Big Dipper, from college to the pros and beyond. Wilt was born in Philadelphia in 1936 and was one of nine children raised by William and Olivia Chamberlain a racially-mixed middle-class neighborhood. In fourth grade (when this photo was taken), he developed severe pneumonia that nearly killed him.

His boast was a public relations disaster. He was on a book tour when Magic Johnson announced he was HIV positive. Soon Chamberlain’s endorsements vanished. On Saturday Night Live in 1991 rapper MC Hammer, portraying Wilt in a sketch, produced a woman’s photo and said, “Tonight I remember Cheryl, No. 13,906, but in my heart she was No. 2,078.”

In his email to me, Levi said that after he finally identified a British woman as his biological mother, she told him that he was conceived in a one-night stand with Chamberlain in San Francisco in 1964. She said she had kept his birth a secret from her own family and had struggled ever since with guilt over his birth and adoption. Levi added that in 2010 he reached out to two of Chamberlain’s sisters, by letter and by phone, but they spurned him.

Levi said he did not want a dime from the Chamberlain family and did not want to sully Wilt’s name. Rather, he wanted to meet members of the black side of his family and learn more about his biological father; to correct the “false history” that Chamberlain had no children; and to find out if Chamberlain had any other children, who would be his half-siblings*. Levi said the search occupied nearly his every waking moment. He was ready to go public with his story.

I talked with Levi by phone the day after receiving his email. Then we met for coffee. I’ve interviewed him 10 times, three of them at his two-bedroom* apartment in the Haight-Ashbury* district of San Francisco, where he lives alone. “I am simply an adopted person who has been on a long journey of self-discovery*,” he wrote, “and [am] reaching out to people to learn more about where I came from.” His aunt Victoria (Vicki) Levi, a *Boston-area psychiatrist, said his essential questions are, “Who does he belong to? Where are you in the world? Who are you? Who claims you as theirs?”



I thought Wilt was a F@kkit. We need a DNA tests to confirm if he was Wilt's son.

4 Inches
10-02-2015, 12:52 PM



I thought Wilt was a F@kkit. We need a DNA tests to confirm if he was Wilt's son.
No problem
Jlauber open your mouth

10-02-2015, 12:53 PM
guess he's not gay, but bi.