View Full Version : Is anyone on this forum a fan of MJ, Lebron, AND Kobe?

10-06-2015, 08:45 AM

The fanbases for each are so rabid and loyal to their man, that it seems like it's become impossible for anyone to be a fan of all 3 or hell, even two of the 3. Especially when there's so many trolls around that you end up looking like you hate the player you're arguing against.

10-06-2015, 08:57 AM
I think most people are but clearly have preferences as to who they like more. Most people just troll anyway or get angry at others propping players up to ridiculous levels.

Dr Hawk
10-06-2015, 09:02 AM
Me. I like great players. Each have their own playstyle, but they are all incredible players and a joy to watch.

10-06-2015, 09:10 AM
I like Bron more than Kobe in many aspects.

I would LOVE Kobe if he wasn't such an idiot and selfish. I would LOVE Bron if he was more skilled.

I like both for the opposite reasons (when it relates to each other).

I LOVE Bron's all around game and 'feel', imo the best player since his 3rd season. I always cheered for him. But his skills and questionable decision making keeps me from loving him.

I LOVE Kobe's work ethic, fearlessness and skill level. The most skilled perimeter player since MJ. But his IQ and selfishness keeps me from fully loving him.

So..... I am a 'fan' but they both have their issues.

The sad thing is whenever we discuss them 9/10 times they're compared to MJ so I come across as a hater or being dismissive of them. But one can't compare them to MJ. Outside of that, I tend to defend both of them.

Bron and Kobe earned their right, but players like Rose, Westbrook, Blake, I have no time for. Overrated players as f*ck.

Mr. Jabbar
10-06-2015, 09:20 AM
Only lebron.

10-06-2015, 09:34 AM
Lol why would I be a fan of a 1-9 and a guy who's 2/5 in FMVPs

10-06-2015, 09:34 AM
Honestly everyone should be fans of all 3. Just like we saw with MJ, once he left everyone was looking for a new MJ. Same shit will happen to kobe and lebron. Talent is very unappreciated on ISH, especially me.

10-06-2015, 09:42 AM
Sadly, there are far too many predilections towards these players and too many agenda-driven threads that the fans one of player end up remembering another player strongly due to the patronizing comparisons.

True fans of the game should isolate their feelings of their stans from the actual player, but not everyone can successfully impersonalize it; in too many cases, these agenda-driven threads insidiously cloud their judgement towards other players, due to associating all the disdain towards the stan with the actual player the Stan props up.

As for the Kobe-Jordan comparisons, however: it's become more obvious than ever in the past-several years that Kobe is out of Jordans's league, and even some of the more radical Kobe fans I know have come to terms with it; as such, Jordan fans haven't been as fast to antagonize Kobe as all the misguided comparisons have died down.

As LeBron has ascended to all-time-great status, Kobe stans have averted their antagonism towards him, out of apprehension that LeBron will eclipse their Lakers idol on an all-time scale. If anything, more Kobe stans are turning pro-Jordan, because they like to lump Kobe in th same bracket as Jordan to claim that he's in his own league above LeBron.

10-06-2015, 10:05 AM
Does pre 'The Decision' LeBron count? Then sure :oldlol:

Didn't like the whole team-up in Miami thing, then he started fvcking Chicago up every playoffs I just had to hate him

10-06-2015, 10:09 AM
Not a stan for any of them, but I'm here.

10-06-2015, 10:09 AM
Lol why would I be a fan of a 1-9 and a guy who's 2/5 in FMVPs

"Especially when there's so many trolls around that you end up looking like you hate the player you're arguing against."

Exhibit A.

10-06-2015, 10:16 AM
I hate their stans, all are great players.

10-06-2015, 10:22 AM
Present. I actually think it's gay af that people think liking one means you have to hate the other. Fake rivalries that don't even exist in the real world amongst the 3. Mj and lebron have this icy awkward public relarionship but it's not really any different than any current vs previous great. Just how it works.

10-06-2015, 10:30 AM
Present. I actually think it's gay af that people think liking one means you have to hate the other. Fake rivalries that don't even exist in the real world amongst the 3. Mj and lebron have this icy awkward public relarionship but it's not really any different than any current vs previous great. Just how it works.

I think it's because MJ seems to favor Kobe when the topic of 'who's better' comes up. You'll note that for all the childish back and forth between MJ and Kobe stans, the two of them clearly have a mutual respect for each other.

10-06-2015, 10:32 AM
Not really a fan of any, but I like all three of them

I really appreciate MJ and Kobe's skills, while I enjoy the comedy provided by the diva Lebald

10-06-2015, 10:34 AM
I think it's because MJ seems to favor Kobe when the topic of 'who's better' comes up. You'll note that for all the childish back and forth between MJ and Kobe stans, the two of them clearly have a mutual respect for each other.
I honestly think he felt more threatened by Lebron coming in, the hype was stupid ridiculous. I remember him not being really high on lebron amounting to much out of high school. Also most great get icy once the comparisons start. I don't know if many of you guys are old enough to remember how pissed oscar Robertson and wilt were when MJ started getting goat talk and mentioned with the top 10.

10-06-2015, 10:42 AM
I don't know if many of you guys are old enough to remember how pissed oscar Robertson and wilt were when MJ started getting goat talk and mentioned with the top 10.

I'm not that old, but I do know that Oscar doesn't seem to think too much of MJ. He's one of the old-timers who's been quite vocal that Lebron is better.

10-06-2015, 10:45 AM
I'm not that old, but I do know that Oscar doesn't seem to think too much of MJ. He's one of the old-timers who's been quite vocal that Lebron is better.

Oscar knows that he looks like garbage if you compare him to MJ. He'd much rather be compared favorably to Lebron.

10-06-2015, 10:45 AM
I'm not that old, but I do know that Oscar doesn't seem to think too much of MJ. He's one of the old-timers who's been quite vocal that Lebron is better.
Oh man, oscar was PISSED. He bristled at the notion of Mj being better than him. I can't remember how long it took but eventually he softened his stance. Wilt wasn't as pissed as oscar but he didn't like the idea either. I wonder if any of those interviews are still around on the net somewhere.

10-06-2015, 10:55 AM
I am, but I'm a grownup.

All Net
10-06-2015, 11:04 AM
Level headed fans likely do who respect the greats.

Trolls with agenda clearly don't

All Net
10-06-2015, 11:05 AM
I am, but I'm a grownup.
:lol like it

10-06-2015, 11:10 AM
Level headed fans likely do who respect the greats.

Trolls with agenda clearly don't

10-06-2015, 11:16 AM
Why is not possible? I like their games.. If you are a fan of basketball first and foremost then its perfectly possible to appreciate great basketball, from anywhere, be completely impartial... a fan is not the same as a stan, a stan (player or team) sticks to one and is a cynic about anything else or whatever suits the agenda...

10-06-2015, 11:21 AM
Why is not possible? I like their games.. If you are a fan of basketball first and foremost then its perfectly possible to appreciate great basketball, from anywhere, be completely impartial... a fan is not the same as a stan, a stan (player or team) sticks to one and is a cynic about anything else or whatever suits the agenda...


Where are the MJ flops you clown?

10-06-2015, 11:29 AM
Fan of all 3.

Kobe: I think he's the most skilled of the 3. He's just a borderline sociopathic bball nerd who will stop at nothing to work on his game, and as a fan of the game it's fun to watch the results. No one has handles like Kobe at that ~6'6 range except maybe James Harden, and he's got a post skillset that (to me) slightly trumps 2nd 3peat MJ's.

Don't like his natural instincts for the game. If you compare 18 yo Kobe to 18 yo Lebron, Kobe will airball you out of the Utah game if he got the ball. He's got the one-track mind of an assassin, Lebron would have tried to make the correct basketball play.

Lebron:Seems like a genetically bio-engineered superhuman made for sports. Always impressed by Lebron's ability to be the glue guy and the superstar scorer at the same time. The "glue guy" covers up weaknesses in his lineup, and that kind of impact allows a glue guy such as Pippen to have the ability to lead a squad to a similar reg season record as MJ despite being an obviously much inferior player. Then comes playoff time. Both teams are injury ridden, stars are trying to play 44 min games coming off of a 3000 minute season, both teams have been scouted to death and you're in a situation you need 2 points. That's when you need that superstar iso scorer to just drop it off to, and Bron fits that bill as well. There's a reason this guy has insane reg season records and deep playoff runs every season.

Don't like the fact that he's on an eastern team that isn't my Bulls. I'm a Bulls fan first, so it's hard not to become a little bit of a hater when they faceoff. Hey, what kind of true fan isn't at least a little biased, right? But Lebron's game also lacks the aesthetically pleasing aspect to it. Sure that has no impact on W/L, but I'm watching for my own entertainment so it's something I consider when I follow players. Lebron's inability to draw "ooh's" and "ahh's" out of me outside of his nasty athletic plays (chasedown blocks and that same 1h tomahawk he's been doing since he was probably 10 years old) adds to the reason he's definitely below MJ and Kobe to me.

MJ: He's just the goat. I did grow up in Champaign Urbana during his prime, so I may be a little biased and nostalgic when it comes to this guy. But no matter if you want to use metrics, mvp's, rings; he really takes the cake. Dude's Lebron-like when it comes to stats/ advanced stats, and he matches up with Kobe when it comes to finals appearances/ rings. Only thing is, neither can boast Jordan's 6/6 finals record. This was a man who just refused to lose if he had enough talent around him to compete. I don't think he's quite as skilled as Kobe in terms of mechanics, but he has the best instincts to ever play the game.

Usually don't let off-the-court stuff bother me about players, but MJ seems like a genuine a-hole. Everything from his gambling, punching teammates, little kid tantrums still leave me perplexed at the idea my parents let me put up posters of this guy as a kid :lol

10-06-2015, 11:32 AM

Where are the MJ flops you clown?

A clown is somebody who derails & neglects the thread / the topic and all the posts with something that has nothing to do with this thread or my post or even the specific text you bolded yourself.... The MJ flop footage like ive explained very well is coming not due to hatred, but due to ignorance of seemingly many posters here who believe he never flopped, i chose MJ only to show you that if you can make him look like a flopper then you can do anybody in history.. you know this, you are just being a clown.... and the video is coming like ive said and why its taking so long ive explained aswell, you know this very well also, you are just being.... a clown...

Paul George 24
10-06-2015, 11:35 AM
Why is not possible? I like their games.. If you are a fan of basketball first and foremost then its perfectly possible to appreciate great basketball, from anywhere, be completely impartial... a fan is not the same as a stan, a stan (player or team) sticks to one and is a cynic about anything else or whatever suits the agenda...

10-06-2015, 11:38 AM

Your loss of witnessing legendary basketball, the type you wont see to that tier or better in maybe very many decades.... :confusedshrug:

10-06-2015, 11:42 AM
Kobe isn't in the same tier as the other two. That's why I don't like/respect the rapist. The fact that he gets brought up in the same sentence as LeBron and Jordan everyday makes me angry.

10-06-2015, 11:55 AM
A clown is somebody who derails & neglects the thread / the topic and all the posts with something that has nothing to do with this thread or my post or even the specific text you bolded yourself.... The MJ flop footage like ive explained very well is coming not due to hatred, but due to ignorance of seemingly many posters here who believe he never flopped, i chose MJ only to show you that if you can make him look like a flopper then you can do anybody in history.. you know this, you are just being a clown.... and the video is coming like ive said and why its taking so long ive explained aswell, you know this very well also, you are just being.... a clown...

Can we get a specific date for this? On record.


10-06-2015, 12:41 PM
Fan of all 3.

Kobe: I think he's the most skilled of the 3. He's just a borderline sociopathic bball nerd who will stop at nothing to work on his game, and as a fan of the game it's fun to watch the results. No one has handles like Kobe at that ~6'6 range except maybe James Harden, and he's got a post skillset that (to me) slightly trumps 2nd 3peat MJ's.

Don't like his natural instincts for the game. If you compare 18 yo Kobe to 18 yo Lebron, Kobe will airball you out of the Utah game if he got the ball. He's got the one-track mind of an assassin, Lebron would have tried to make the correct basketball play.

Lebron:Seems like a genetically bio-engineered superhuman made for sports. Always impressed by Lebron's ability to be the glue guy and the superstar scorer at the same time. The "glue guy" covers up weaknesses in his lineup, and that kind of impact allows a glue guy such as Pippen to have the ability to lead a squad to a similar reg season record as MJ despite being an obviously much inferior player. Then comes playoff time. Both teams are injury ridden, stars are trying to play 44 min games coming off of a 3000 minute season, both teams have been scouted to death and you're in a situation you need 2 points. That's when you need that superstar iso scorer to just drop it off to, and Bron fits that bill as well. There's a reason this guy has insane reg season records and deep playoff runs every season.

Don't like the fact that he's on an eastern team that isn't my Bulls. I'm a Bulls fan first, so it's hard not to become a little bit of a hater when they faceoff. Hey, what kind of true fan isn't at least a little biased, right? But Lebron's game also lacks the aesthetically pleasing aspect to it. Sure that has no impact on W/L, but I'm watching for my own entertainment so it's something I consider when I follow players. Lebron's inability to draw "ooh's" and "ahh's" out of me outside of his nasty athletic plays (chasedown blocks and that same 1h tomahawk he's been doing since he was probably 10 years old) adds to the reason he's definitely below MJ and Kobe to me.

MJ: He's just the goat. I did grow up in Champaign Urbana during his prime, so I may be a little biased and nostalgic when it comes to this guy. But no matter if you want to use metrics, mvp's, rings; he really takes the cake. Dude's Lebron-like when it comes to stats/ advanced stats, and he matches up with Kobe when it comes to finals appearances/ rings. Only thing is, neither can boast Jordan's 6/6 finals record. This was a man who just refused to lose if he had enough talent around him to compete. I don't think he's quite as skilled as Kobe in terms of mechanics, but he has the best instincts to ever play the game.

Usually don't let off-the-court stuff bother me about players, but MJ seems like a genuine a-hole. Everything from his gambling, punching teammates, little kid tantrums still leave me perplexed at the idea my parents let me put up posters of this guy as a kid :lol

Solid post, but let's look further into Lebron's career:

2004 Solid rookie season, doesn't make the playoffs, whatever
2005 Solid 2nd season, doesn't make the playoffs, whatever
2006 Great playoff performances, but not enough to beat Detroit
2007 Makes it to the finals in just his 4th season, but only manages to put up the following and gets swept.


2008 Made it to the 2nd round playoffs, loses to Boston to 7 games, puts up the following:

12-9-9 (L)
21-6-5 (L)
21-8-5 (W)
21-13-6 (W)
35-5-3 (L)
32-6-12 (W)
45-6-5 (L)

2009 Makes it to ECF against Orlando, loses in 6 games, puts up the following

49-8-6 (L)
35-5-4 (W)
41-9-7 (L)
44-7-12 (L)
37-12-14 (W)
25-7-7 (L)

2010 Makes it to the 2nd round, loses to Boston in 6 games

35-7-7 (W)
24-4-7 (L)
38-7-8 (W)
22-8-9 (L)
15-7-6 (L) - stood around, looked uninterested
27-10-19 (L)

2011 Leaves Cleveland, heads to Miami, makes the finals, and loses in 6 vs Dallas

24-5-9 (W)
20-4-8 (L)
17-9-3 (W)
8-7-9 (L)
17-10-10 (L)
21-6-4 (L)

2012 Beats Thunder in the Finals in 5 games
2013 Beats spurs in the Finals in 7 games

2014 Loses to spurs in Finals in 5 games, puts up the following:

25-3-6 (W)
35-3-10 (L)
22-7-5 (L)
28-2-8 (L)
31-5-10 (L)

2015 Jumps back over to the Cavs, loss to the Warriors in Finals in 6 games, puts up the following:

44-6-8 (38 FGA and shot 47.4%)
39-11-16 (35 FGA and shot 31.4%)
40-8-12 (34 FGA and shot 41.2%)
20-8-12 (22 FGA and shot 31.8%)
40-11-14 (34 FGA and shot 44.1%)
32-9-18 (33 FGA and shot 39.4%)

So we are left with some solid playoff performances, collusion on 2 separate occasions, and a 2/6 finals record. You can just look at these numbers and know that there is no comparison to what Jordan did.

10-06-2015, 02:55 PM
I'm a fan of all three players, and if you're a basketball fan I don't know how it's possible to not at the very least respect them all. I'm a 90's kid so I grew up as an MJ fan. Kobe has always been one of my favorite non-Heat players. His jersey is the only non-heat jersey I've ever owned. As far as Lebron, I don't harbor any bad feelings about him leaving Miami and even before he came to the Heat I respected his talent. My only issue is his stans perpetually trashing Heat players. I've never understood the logic behind trying to prop up a player by trashing their teammates. I'm not sure when that phenomenon started but it's absurdly petty, and if anything it makes the player they are trying to glorify look bad.

10-06-2015, 03:04 PM
Lol why would I be a fan of a 1-9 and a guy who's 2/5 in FMVPs

You do realize Lebron has only 2 FMvP's and is 2 for 6 in The Finals, right?

10-06-2015, 03:11 PM
You do realize Lebron has only 2 FMvP's and is 2 for 6 in The Finals, right?

C'mon, the only thing that matters is FMVP to title ratio. A guys who's 1/10 in the finals with 1 FMVP > a guy who's 10/10 in the finals with only 9 FMVP's. Common knowledge bro, common knowledge.

10-06-2015, 03:21 PM
You do realize Lebron has only 2 FMvP's and is 2 for 6 in The Finals, right?

And if Ray Allen misses the corner 3, 1-6.

10-06-2015, 03:27 PM
And if Ray Allen misses the corner 3, 1-6.

Yikes. :(

10-06-2015, 03:27 PM
C'mon, the only thing that matters is FMVP to title ratio. A guys who's 1/10 in the finals with 1 FMVP > a guy who's 10/10 in the finals with only 9 FMVP's. Common knowledge bro, common knowledge.

My bad. :mad:

Mr. Jabbar
10-06-2015, 03:39 PM
And if Ray Allen misses the corner 3, 1-6.

damn :(

10-06-2015, 03:43 PM
And if Ray Allen misses the corner 3, 1-6.
The shot heard around the world..

10-06-2015, 09:15 PM

10-06-2015, 09:22 PM
Your loss of witnessing legendary basketball, the type you wont see to that tier or better in maybe very many decades.... :confusedshrug:
Seen way better than 2/6
shits like low tier and not legendary at all :no: still a huge fan

10-07-2015, 02:14 AM
I'm a fan of all of them tbh. But they all got stains on their legacy.

Jordan is a top3 GOAT, sublime player in every aspect of the game. From a basketball standpoint he is excellent. Just a douchebag off the court.

Lebron is a top5 GOAT right now. People underrate how skilled he really is. The decision and 2011 tho :roll: Overall a true clown tbh.

Kobe is a top10 GOAT. Best television of my life was kobe in 05. Just didn't give AF. Colorado on the other hand and that choke in 2004 :facepalm. GOAT player for forum trolling tbh :applause:

10-07-2015, 02:15 AM
You do realize Lebron has only 2 FMvP's and is 2 for 6 in The Finals, right?

Same numbers of Finals MVP as Kobe.