View Full Version : ESPN top 111-120 players.. well, Fk U!

10-06-2015, 10:21 PM
111 Otto Porter 6pts.. 3rb.. 19min.
112 Terrence Jones: played 33 games.. avg 11pts, 6rbs..
113 David West 11pts, 6rb, 3asst..
114 Deron Williams 13pts, 6asst, 3rb..

ok, espn, FK u.
ur ranking sucks and stinks. piece of sh*t.

10-06-2015, 10:24 PM
111 Otto Porter 6pts.. 3rb.. 19min.
112 Terrence Jones: played 33 games.. avg 11pts, 6rbs..
113 David West 11pts, 6rb, 3asst..
114 Deron Williams 13pts, 6asst, 3rb..

ok, espn, FK u.
ur ranking sucks and stinks. piece of sh*t.

Porter just scored 22 in 24 minutes today. :rockon:

10-06-2015, 10:24 PM
Went from a top 20 player to a top 150 player...sounds about right.

10-06-2015, 10:28 PM
Did Kobe get ranked yet?

10-06-2015, 10:37 PM
That's what happens when you have no heart. I remember being annoyed when the Nets got DWill after the Knicks got Melo because at the time, I would have preferred DWill. I know Melo has underachieved here, but nothing like Deron Williams did. Plus, Melo is sticking it out while Williams wanted out because he can't handle the big bad media.

10-06-2015, 10:37 PM
Everyone going crazy over the Spurs adding the 113th best player in the NBA as a bench player

10-07-2015, 05:55 AM
Karma finally Bite his @$$. Sloan and his pick and roll system turned him into a top 2 PG in the NBA.

10-07-2015, 11:30 AM
I would agree with you, but he did shoot something like 38% from the field this year, that's just embarrassing for a once "elite" point guard. I certainly hope he can earn a higher ranking by the end of this season, but as of now that seems like a perfectly justified ranking

10-07-2015, 11:31 AM
Way too high for Deron in his current shell, should be around 190-200.