View Full Version : Bernie Sanders is going to be the next POTUS

10-15-2015, 04:36 PM
hilary clinton is a stained brand.

we are going through the exact same process that lead to obama's nomination in 2008. everybody assumes clinton is going to win because nobody else has made their presence known... until the actual campaigning starts and a fresh candidate emerges and makes incredibly quick progress in grassroots fundraising. sound familiar?

sanders has made noise his whole career as this dogmatic independent in congress who refuses to abide by party lines. he stands in stark contrast to hilary clinton, who just going on name alone is rendered a total political insider.

worse for ms clinton is that her reputation is the opposite of sanders. she is known as a politician in the purest form; an opportunist with a long record of hypocrisy on policy stances and voting patterns. again, the opposite of sanders.

given the discourse on the election so far has been all about radical insurgencies in the main parties and how outsiders have a surprising amount of support... i don't think this is an outrageous suggestion.

on the obvious basis that there's no way in hell the republican party is beating anybody this election.

the outrageous question is what this will mean... for america?


10-15-2015, 04:44 PM
hilary clinton is a stained brand.

we are going through the exact same process that lead to obama's nomination in 2008. everybody assumes clinton is going to win because nobody else has made their presence known... until the actual campaigning starts and a fresh candidate emerges and makes incredibly quick progress in grassroots fundraising. sound familiar?

sanders has made noise his whole career as this dogmatic independent in congress who refuses to abide by party lines. he stands in stark contrast to hilary clinton, who just going on name alone is rendered a total political insider.

worse for ms clinton is that her reputation is the opposite of sanders. she is known as a politician in the purest form; an opportunist with a long record of hypocrisy on policy stances and voting patterns. again, the opposite of sanders.

given the discourse on the election so far has been all about radical insurgencies in the main parties and how outsiders have a surprising amount of support... i don't think this is an outrageous suggestion.

on the obvious basis that there's no way in hell the republican party is beating anybody this election.

the outrageous question is what this will mean... for america?


Obama has far more charisma, he's much more likable and younger. There's zero chance Bernie pulls Obama level turn out.

10-15-2015, 04:47 PM
There are some key differences between obama and sanders. The establishment was happy to support Obama once he emerged, because Obama is an establishment guy and was willing to play by their rules. They will never be willing to support someone like Sanders.

Nick Young
10-15-2015, 04:49 PM
What are the chances that Hillary gets in trouble from the email scandal and has to drop out of the race? I sincerely hope this happens.

10-15-2015, 04:50 PM
What are the chances that Hillary gets in trouble from the email scandal and has to drop out of the race? I sincerely hope this happens.

the chance of this happening is probably not very good considering that wall street, the media, and corporate america all have an interest in making hilary look as good as possible.

10-15-2015, 04:52 PM
Obama has far more charisma, he's much more likable and younger. There's zero chance Bernie pulls Obama level turn out.
they are different but equally likable

barack obama is your cooler older brother
bernie sanders is your brutally honest gruff uncle

charismatic doesn't just mean young and hip

10-15-2015, 04:53 PM
What are the chances that Hillary gets in trouble from the email scandal and has to drop out of the race? I sincerely hope this happens.
the same chances as you understanding the answer to your question

10-15-2015, 04:54 PM
What are the chances that Hillary gets in trouble from the email scandal and has to drop out of the race? I sincerely hope this happens.


I am still waiting for her to be sentenced to prison.

10-15-2015, 04:59 PM
most importantly, bernie sanders is radical in all the right ways.. meaning domestic overhaul

he maintains the american right to 'conscientious intervention', that is he believes in the missions in the gulf war and kosovo and afghanistan

his record backs up his belief in the american military as a global police force

this is what the majority of americans want to believe and is an important plank in the viability of his candidacy

Nick Young
10-15-2015, 05:02 PM
the same chances as you understanding the answer to your question
What if Hillary is forced to drop out and you are proven wrong breh?:confusedshrug:

10-15-2015, 05:03 PM
If you guys chose the the proper candidate than I may be interested in hearing what that party has to offer.

As I see it, there is a shitty push for Clinton.

10-15-2015, 05:09 PM
bernie 'you deserve free stuff' sanders has no chance

10-15-2015, 05:09 PM
there's just no getting around it, you are shameless to your credit but you're also just a very savvy troll

mad respect for your game breh

10-15-2015, 05:10 PM
Bernie Sanders is going to be the next POTUS

You're just tossing Martin O'Malley aside like trash aren't you?

10-15-2015, 05:11 PM
You're just tossing Martin O'Malley aside like trash aren't you?
oh yeah he stands no chance

still a healthy contributor to the process though

unlike the other two sideshows

Nick Young
10-15-2015, 05:14 PM
You're just tossing Martin O'Malley aside like trash aren't you?
You mean the guy who Tommy Carcetti from the Wire is based on?:confusedshrug:

The real dark horse here is Jim Webb. I will still maintain hope that he emerges as the democratic candidate. He is the one with the best chance to win vs the GOP, with the most cross party appeal, the best voting record, and strong experience.

10-15-2015, 05:15 PM
You're just tossing Martin O'Malley aside like trash aren't you?

martin omalley was terrible in the debate. he doesnt have a chance.

10-15-2015, 05:15 PM
so no credible opinions on what rule by the 99% will do to the united states of america?

occupy wall street has move onto occupy white house

10-15-2015, 05:17 PM
Occupy movement was a huge embarrassment to the USA.

The world was laughing at us and the world got to see American scum.

10-15-2015, 05:18 PM
Occupy movement was a huge embarrassment to the USA.

The world was laughing at us and the world got to see American scum.
except occupy was a worldwide movement

but you're right, there were a number of basement dwellers chuckling to themselves

10-15-2015, 05:24 PM
The Occupy Movement was to cause unrest in the USA. It was quite disruptive and didn't solve anything.

It started all this entitlement and PC generation of Americans.

10-15-2015, 05:26 PM
If Bernie won, his pure idealism would get squashed pretty quickly against a stubborn Congress. Liberals would have to be happy with his ability to nominate federal judges tho.

10-15-2015, 05:26 PM
martin omalley was terrible in the debate. he doesnt have a chance.
He's like a disgusting little weak pathetic baby.

10-15-2015, 05:27 PM
If Bernie won, his pure idealism would get squashed pretty quickly against a stubborn Congress.
Or until somebody finally breaks the news to Bernie that the phrase is that money DOESNT grow on trees.

10-15-2015, 05:30 PM
Hilary is the heavy favorite, this is a bold prediction but if it works out then I'd be down with it.

Don't see it happening though

10-15-2015, 05:30 PM
If Bernie won, his pure idealism would get squashed pretty quickly against a stubborn Congress.

i dunno man, bernie has spent the past 25 years serving in congress so he probably has a pretty good idea of the type of opposition he would see as president.

10-15-2015, 05:31 PM
martin omalley was terrible in the debate. he doesnt have a chance.

I didn't think this at all. Quite the opposite actually. I knew absolutely nothing about Omalley but whenever he spoke, every word was measured and fairly powerful. He honestly looked like the most presidential candidate to me. Also his closing statements were some of the best I've ever heard. A+ for me

10-15-2015, 05:39 PM
If Bernie won, his pure idealism would get squashed pretty quickly against a stubborn Congress. Liberals would have to be happy with his ability to nominate federal judges tho.
no question there, a sanders white house would have its hands bound on most of its platform... though from what i understand, the congressional breakdown for 2016 strongly favours the democrats

but this would be a totally anti-establishment president... openly hostile to all the major power sectors, finance energy pharma... he doesn't offer even hint of acquiescence on his positions

i want to consider the possibility that he bends the law on executive orders much more frequently than obama has on an odd few occasions in his two terms

which given the climate in republica, could mean a charge for impeachment

the next year of politics is going to be a lot of fun

10-15-2015, 05:55 PM
The real dark horse here is Jim Webb.

The one flaw in your argument is Jim Webb is not actually running for President.

He's a really good novelist though.


10-15-2015, 06:10 PM
Don't see it.

Americans voters would rather elect a cryptofascist than a cryptomarxist, if given the chance in a general election.

There's not a lot of socialism in the American political DNA, but there is a real yearning for a big tough guy who'll get rid of all those illegals hanging out on your lawn, bring back the good paying jobs Mexico and China stole from you, and show the bad guys you see on TV like ISIS, Iran and Russia who's on top. The demand for an "America f* yeah" kind of president who'll do whatever it takes, no questions asked, is much larger than the demand for a "political revolution" in the form of income redistribution. Average Americans tend to believe they can become rich like Trump... they'd rather hold on to that fantasy than seriously upset the system.

10-15-2015, 06:13 PM

I am still waiting for her to be sentenced to prison.

Thankfully, justice in this country is not determined by a bunch of poorly-researched sensationalist articles from both the left and the right.

10-15-2015, 06:16 PM
As for Bernie...I'm trying to be surprised that a sitting senator seems completely oblivious to the notion that presidents in this country do not have carte blanche to enact every single idea that pops into their head. Judging from his campaign rhetoric and his speeches, he has completely missed the boat on this. No Congress EVER will go along with anything he proposes, which would essentially mean four years of nothing getting done...just like now, I guess.

10-15-2015, 06:27 PM
Don't see it.

Americans voters would rather elect a cryptofascist than a cryptomarxist, if given the chance in a general election.

There's not a lot of socialism in the American political DNA, but there is a real yearning for a big tough guy who'll get rid of all those illegals hanging out on your lawn, bring back the good paying jobs Mexico and China stole from you, and show the bad guys you see on TV like ISIS, Iran and Russia who's on top. The demand for an "America f* yeah" kind of president who'll do whatever it takes, no questions asked, is much larger than the demand for a "political revolution" in the form of income redistribution. Average Americans tend to believe they can become rich like Trump... they'd rather hold on to that fantasy than seriously upset the system.
in response... sanders isn't an image candidate whatsoever, but he does have the sort of raw appeal you're talking about where he says what he thinks and mean what he says. he's not ronald reagan but he's not frightened stuttering lincoln chafee either.

i also think there will be a lot of fracturing along traditional voting patterns this go around. consider the rise of minorities, your recent shift into a "majority-minority" country. how about all the noise just in the last four years from the politically correct crowd, the loud mouthed indignants who kevinnyc labeled "emoprogs". better yet the organization of the african american community which we're only noticing in the oversimplified hyped up form of 'black lives matters' but those things are all over the country. just not on cnn.

the republican primary is madness, yet the american independent still hasn't wrapped his head around the fact that this is no longer a viable political party.. tradition gives the party credence but in reality its a dead option.

bernie sanders is a populist promising the world which oftentimes is enough to swing a lot of independent voters. he has a virtually unimpeachable record, compared to his competition who has a record of impeachment. he is plainspoken and passionate.

As for Bernie...I'm trying to be surprised that a sitting senator seems completely oblivious to the notion that presidents in this country do not have carte blanche to enact every single idea that pops into their head. Judging from his campaign rhetoric and his speeches, he has completely missed the boat on this. No Congress EVER will go along with anything he proposes, which would essentially mean four years of nothing getting done...just like now, I guess.

as far as viability of promises go, its worth bearing in mind that party primaries are where you get the really high stake pledges... because the candidates get to preach and the audience sings along with whatever they say. there is usually very little outright booing during primary contests. these guys are all on the same team.

the presidential campaigns are different. platforms are trimmed and massaged and made appropriate for regular joe america.

if bernie sanders wins the primary, or even if he doesn't, the democratic nominee will have to walk back plenty of promises that are just too ambitious for the average american voter, republicans and independents included.

10-15-2015, 07:35 PM
There are some key differences between obama and sanders. The establishment was happy to support Obama once he emerged, because Obama is an establishment guy and was willing to play by their rules. They will never be willing to support someone like Sanders.
i didn't even see this post

you're absolutely right... and it's interesting to consider what form the establishment attack on sanders will take. since it can't exactly outright say he's trying to take away THEIR money, they'll have to say he's trying to take away everyone's money. then everyone's like... "but i don't have any money?"

do you think establishment opposition to sanders could be persuasive enough to drive a republican back into office? it seems impossible even with the handful of credible republicans left, since the party platform itself is so absurd.

best case scenario for america remains paul v sanders... regardless of who attains office

10-15-2015, 07:51 PM
i didn't even see this post

you're absolutely right... and it's interesting to consider what form the establishment attack on sanders will take. since it can't exactly outright say he's trying to take away THEIR money, they'll have to say he's trying to take away everyone's money. then everyone's like... "but i don't have any money?"

do you think establishment opposition to sanders could be persuasive enough to drive a republican back into office? it seems impossible even with the handful of credible republicans left, since the party platform itself is so absurd.

best case scenario for america remains paul v sanders... regardless of who attains office

I am not really sure how they will attempt to take down sanders, hes not vulnerable to attack in the ways that you would go after most politicians. Bernies positions have always been consistent, he has never been associated with any shadyness or scandal of any kind, hes good at framing his words so that there arent any negative soundbytes that can be taken out of context..... hes a tough guy to attack. Their best strategy is probably just ignoring him.

Dont underestimate peoples willingness to vote for a republican. The republican party does look absurd now, but americans have short memories and these clownshow debates will be ancient history by the time the general election rolls around.

10-15-2015, 07:56 PM
Sadly, he has no shot and either does Trump. If you want to protect abortion, gay marriage, health insurance, and the current tax structure just bite the bullet and vote for Hillary. Repubs should do the same thing with Rubio/Bush, but they seem more hellbent on ****ing up. Most these Facebook/Reddit and message board kids won't even vote in the general; let alone a primary. Anyone can show up for a rally or upvote a post.

10-15-2015, 08:01 PM
it's not a popular opinion (yet) but i'm of the belief the republican party is dying and we're all witnesses. i wouldn't bar a major re-brand in the near future. the social conservative positions they take no longer jive with popular opinion... they actually jive with unpopular opinion.

for years they have harnessed the religious vote, tacking it on to industry/management types and the libertarian crowd that invariably follows. i think they're past the point of harnessing that vote. its too unpopular with real independents to conceive of discriminating against gays or denying climate change or say racist things about mexicans... that's a declining population anyway since it's so fcking old.

in addition, we have declining numbers of participants in either party. they may still be members and voters in the primaries but they are not so moved by partisanship anymore. this means more independents and more susceptibility to being swayed by convincing argument.

10-15-2015, 08:02 PM
Sadly, he has no shot and either does Trump. If you want to protect abortion, gay marriage, health insurance, and the current tax structure just bite the bullet and vote for Hillary. Repubs should do the same thing with Rubio/Bush, but they seem more hellbent on ****ing up. Most these Facebook/Reddit and message board kids won't even vote in the general; let alone a primary. Anyone can show up for a rally or upvote a post.
lol you think people attending rallies don't plan on voting?

10-15-2015, 08:05 PM
lol you think people attending rallies don't plan on voting?

Yes. There is decades of proof. Paul was getting crowds approaching 50 thousand. It's pretty easy to do.

Plus, young people don't vote consistently.

There isn't really any debate about this or either of their chances to win a general.

10-15-2015, 08:07 PM
I think he's legit, but it's unlikely:


He's going to have a hard time securing the Dem. nomination considering the stranglehold Clinton has on the Black/Hispanic vote.

Would need this email scandal to really blow up.

10-15-2015, 08:09 PM
Yes. There is decades of proof. Paul was getting crowds approaching 50 thousand. It's pretty easy to do.

Plus, young people don't vote consistently.

There isn't really any debate about this or either of their chances to win a general.
they don't vote consistently, but these are not consistent times. check the voter turnout numbers the last several elections. they dropped in 2012, presumably because obama was a shoe-in, but before that they rose consistently through the bush years... as things got worse and worse.

how's the economy these days? people are pissed and more than usual.

more importantly a sanders nomination would boost youth turnout on its own. one of his major planks is for FREE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. it may be a lie but people will vote for that. a gift hasn't been dangled in front of the american public like that since the new deal.

nothing is guaranteed but trends suggest a rise in momentum and we can locate the surge

10-15-2015, 08:13 PM
I get you're excited, but it's never going to happen. I am 95% (guns) in line with Bernie, but I'm not stupid enough to waste my vote. The aforementioned issues are too important to risk.

He could only win if Trump somehow was the GOP candidate.

10-15-2015, 08:19 PM
not a trace of excitement bro, just raw analysis ;)

fear of odds in the general may well do his campaign in as a result of voters such as yourself. but i really think you're wrong about those odds.

10-15-2015, 08:20 PM
Do you clowns actually think that the candidate that gets the most votes automatically wins an election?

You actually think there is no filter process built into the voting system?

The level of idiocy here is beyond appalling.

10-15-2015, 08:22 PM
Do you clowns actually think that the candidate that gets the most votes automatically wins an election?

You actually think there is no filter process built into the voting system?

The level of idiocy here is beyond appalling.

10-15-2015, 08:26 PM
Don't see it.

Americans voters would rather elect a cryptofascist than a cryptomarxist, if given the chance in a general election.

There's not a lot of socialism in the American political DNA, but there is a real yearning for a big tough guy who'll get rid of all those illegals hanging out on your lawn, bring back the good paying jobs Mexico and China stole from you, and show the bad guys you see on TV like ISIS, Iran and Russia who's on top. The demand for an "America f* yeah" kind of president who'll do whatever it takes, no questions asked, is much larger than the demand for a "political revolution" in the form of income redistribution. Average Americans tend to believe they can become rich like Trump... they'd rather hold on to that fantasy than seriously upset the system.

Is that the new spin Orwellian catch phrase to describe people that are dumber than a pile of dog shit? "They would rather think they can become rich".......what, some assholes think that sounds better than just calling them the dumb ****s that they are?

It's pretty pathetic when even the most delusional and retarded losers now get politically correct catch phrases assigned to them.

10-15-2015, 08:27 PM
Is that the new spin Orwellian catch phrase to describe people that are dumber than a pile of dog shit? "They would rather think they can become rich".......what, some assholes think that sounds better than just calling them the dumb ****s that they are.

It's pretty pathetic when even the most delusional and retarded losers now get politically correct catch phrases assigned to them.
i bet you kiss your mother with that mouth

10-15-2015, 08:34 PM
not a trace of excitement bro, just raw analysis ;)

fear of odds in the general may well do his campaign in as a result of voters such as yourself. but i really think you're wrong about those odds.

You're not thinking clearly. You're talking about electing a socialist to POTUS. You realize there was more than 20 years between Clinton talking about, and Obama actually implementing a shitty version of healthcare. A bill I might add, that is probably the most divisive piece of legislation we've had in decades. Now, you think we will elect a candidate whose entire platform is based on socialist reform?

10-15-2015, 08:36 PM
You're not thinking clearly. You're talking about electing a socialist to POTUS. You realize there was more than 20 years between Clinton talking about, and Obama actually implementing a shitty version of healthcare. A bill I might add, that is probably the most divisive piece of legislation we've had in decades. Now, you think we will elect a candidate whose entire platform is based on socialist reform?
lol that is a healthy and helpful perspective no question

edit: though you're confusing the electoral system with the legislative system... certainly at this point one is more rigid than the other in terms of producing anything radical. barack obama is far more radical than any single policy he managed to push through. that's a matter of washington, not a matter of the electoral college.

10-15-2015, 08:37 PM
gay marriage is not an important issue deuce, you useless ****ing cuck

10-15-2015, 08:45 PM
gay marriage is not an important issue deuce, you useless ****ing cuck

It is to him because it's one of those simple, black-and-white issues he can comprehend and take a definitive stance on. What is this dude gonna do, give a thorough analytical perspective on free trade legislation? That doesn't make the discussion rounds in his social group of awkward misfit geeks, so he doesn't have any talking points ready for discussing it.

Gay marriage and abortion should be STATE issues and shouldn't even enter the discussion for a Presidential nomination (which unfortunately is a concept both sides disregard). Because that stuff is easier for the average, simple CNN viewer to understand and take a "YES" or "NO" stance on, rather than have to navigate nuances of the issue.

So of course this dude is going to vote for a president based on low-priority issues that should be left to states anyway. His party is like a big ball of chum, and he's on the outer circle trying to push his way in closer and fit in, get their acceptance etc. so he can feel like he has a social group to belong to. The dude is actually a completely unintelligent, unmasculine, empty follower. A try-hard to the core.

S'all good doe. That's what it is. I'm not even hatin. Just sayin the facts for what they are. Do your thing Douche. Is all love homie.

10-15-2015, 08:57 PM
It is to him because it's one of those simple, black-and-white issues he can comprehend and take a definitive stance on. What is this dude gonna do, give a thorough analytical perspective on free trade legislation? That doesn't make the discussion rounds in his social group of awkward misfit geeks, so he doesn't have any talking points ready for discussing it.

Gay marriage and abortion should be STATE issues and shouldn't even enter the discussion for a Presidential nomination (which unfortunately is a concept both sides disregard). Because that stuff is easier for the average, simple CNN viewer to understand and take a "YES" or "NO" stance on, rather than have to navigate nuances of the issue.

So of course this dude is going to vote for a president based on low-priority issues that should be left to states anyway. His party is like a big ball of chum, and he's on the outer circle trying to push his way in closer and fit in, get their acceptance etc. so he can feel like he has a social group to belong to. The dude is actually a completely unintelligent, unmasculine, empty follower. A try-hard to the core.

S'all good doe. That's what it is. I'm not even hatin. Just sayin the facts for what they are. Do your thing Douche. Is all love homie.

Bernie for pres:rockon:

Nick Young
10-15-2015, 09:05 PM
It is to him because it's one of those simple, black-and-white issues he can comprehend and take a definitive stance on. What is this dude gonna do, give a thorough analytical perspective on free trade legislation? That doesn't make the discussion rounds in his social group of awkward misfit geeks, so he doesn't have any talking points ready for discussing it.

Gay marriage and abortion should be STATE issues and shouldn't even enter the discussion for a Presidential nomination (which unfortunately is a concept both sides disregard). Because that stuff is easier for the average, simple CNN viewer to understand and take a "YES" or "NO" stance on, rather than have to navigate nuances of the issue.

So of course this dude is going to vote for a president based on low-priority issues that should be left to states anyway. His party is like a big ball of chum, and he's on the outer circle trying to push his way in closer and fit in, get their acceptance etc. so he can feel like he has a social group to belong to. The dude is actually a completely unintelligent, unmasculine, empty follower. A try-hard to the core.

S'all good doe. That's what it is. I'm not even hatin. Just sayin the facts for what they are. Do your thing Douche. Is all love homie.
Don't put so much effort in to Ol' DW brah. A lion does not concern itself with the bleating of the sheep.

10-15-2015, 09:21 PM
Don't put so much effort in to Ol' DW brah. A lion does not concern itself with the bleating of the sheep.


10-15-2015, 09:23 PM
deuce hasn't inputted a word either of yall have said in like half a decade... it's incredible ppl still think they bother him and continue to try

dude's a stoic rockstar scientist he doesn't give two shits

10-15-2015, 09:26 PM
deuce hasn't inputted a word either of yall have said in like half a decade... it's incredible ppl still think they bother him and continue to try

dude's a stoic rockstar scientist he doesn't give two shits


10-15-2015, 09:27 PM

:lol :cheers:

10-15-2015, 10:35 PM
I hope you're right, Op

But what will happen

-Hillary rules for 8 years
-Jeb Bush rules for 8 years
-Chelea Clinton rules for 8 years
-Some democrat lackey of Clinton's rule for 8 years
-baarbara Bush rules for 8 years

10-15-2015, 11:05 PM
Bernies prob going to win but I think he's overhyped and won't make that much of an impact.

10-15-2015, 11:06 PM
Bernies prob going to win but I think he's overhyped and won't make that much of an impact.
gimmick is already up nick

10-15-2015, 11:06 PM
gay marriage is not an important issue deuce, you useless ****ing cuck

Jameer are you for or against gay marriage?

10-16-2015, 09:08 AM
It'd be awesome if he wins.

Infrastructure >>>> all other matters in a society. This is stuff like healthcare, transportation, utilities, education etc.

I'm all for privatization, but without the necessary infrastructure to support private industry we are doomed as a society. We need the government to establish the baseline of our living ability. Can't let private companies dictate our bottom level of livability. That's crazy. Leads to a bunch of homeless people running wild in cities and a bunch of overly rich people. Dealing with the bottom 10% is as important as dealing with the top 10%.

There should be a majority in the middle that is "comfortable". Whether we need to re-establish what comfortable means is another matter.

I think 20 something year olds that have to share housing is still quite comfortable. However, a 35 year old lady that has been working for 14 years with a kid should make enough money to have the basics in life (healthcare, education for her kid, affordable transportation and housing).

10-16-2015, 09:49 AM
Seth MacFarlane, CREATOR OF FAMILY GUY, endorses Bernie Sanders for POTUS (http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/entertainthis/2015/10/15/seth-macfarlane-cosby-bernie-sanders/74008666/)


Even at a political rally for democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, Seth MacFarlane managed to include a Bill Cosby reference.

In Los Angeles Wednesday, the Family Guy creator introduced Senator Sanders with an 8-minute speech (above) all about how "capitalism and democratic socialism can coexist."

So how'd he work in the joke? Like this, at 4:47:

"America will never be a socialist country, nor would I want it to be. But perhaps the greatest president of the 20th century, FDR, implemented vast social reforms before and during the new deal, which is why your five-year-old no longer has to work in a mill for 20 hours a day, making colorful sweaters for Bill Cosby."

Yeah that was... unnecessary? At least MacFarlane recognized that he really reached for the joke, sarcastically congratulating himself:

"I managed to do a Cosby joke that's not about the... thing."

As in: this thing.

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2015, 10:45 AM
All these Liberals whining about old white men running this country want to elect a.....old white man to run this country! Insanity.

10-16-2015, 12:02 PM
Obama has far more charisma, he's much more likable and younger. There's zero chance Bernie pulls Obama level turn out.

I think Bernie has tons of charisma and he gives more for somebody to believe in. Obama was likeable and gained the young and black vote as if he were a celebrity, but his plans didn't speak to people the way Bernie's does.

10-16-2015, 12:02 PM
All these Liberals whining about old white men running this country want to elect a.....old white man to run this country! Insanity.
It is because he is the rare old white man who stands up for minorities and has for half a century.

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2015, 12:12 PM
It is because he is the rare old white man who stands up for minorities and has for half a century.

So all the other old white men running don't care about minorities?? He's the exception?? :oldlol:

10-16-2015, 12:15 PM
I bet 200 that Sanders was gonna win the election to make 3k a few months ago and everyone on ISH was saying I was throwing my money away.

But I would give the 3k up if it meant a guaranteed win for Bernie. :cheers:

10-16-2015, 12:25 PM
So all the other old white men running don't care about minorities?? He's the exception?? :oldlol:

He is the most consistent white male in politics to have cared for minorities as far as I know. The dude was part of the Civil Rights movement in the 60s. I saw video of him speaking at a gay rights group in the 80s. His views have been consistent and not simply changing with the direction of the political winds.

10-16-2015, 12:25 PM
I bet 200 that Sanders was gonna win the election to make 3k a few months ago and everyone on ISH was saying I was throwing my money away.

But I would give the 3k up if it meant a guaranteed win for Bernie. :cheers:

10-16-2015, 12:46 PM

It's in one of the election threads don't really know how to search or what to search for. But I would be interested in finding it because I don't remember the exact pay out my friend would owe me, I think it was either 13 to 1 or 15 to 1

10-16-2015, 12:58 PM
I am not really sure how they will attempt to take down sanders
the big picture has to be that he's an idealist. his views are unlike most other representatives let alone the bulk of special interest groups working in washington. without having to necessarily say that, they will paint him as the worst possible president to resolve washington gridlock. they will say he is a bad negotiator and has poor faith in compromise and refuses to sacrifice his ideals for the sake of good pragmatic policy. if obama was too left wing on most issues, how will bernie sanders fare trying to push through legislation?

there is also already big stink about his views on foreign policy... which rival clinton in terms of worminess. he is insistent on not identifying as a pacifist, and he has a voting record to prove it. nevertheless he is not well spoken on the nitty gritty issues and has a hard time maintaining his honesty at the same time he offers credible opinions. that will backfire. he has been a state senator his whole career; not a diplomat. he is out of his element there. but i suspect he would choose a vice president with a notable foreign policy record.

hilary clinton anybody? :lol

10-16-2015, 01:03 PM
A Hillary/Bernie ticket would be a nice combo considering their personalities. Hillary would be better at navigating Washington and has the experience advantage while Bernie could be a counterwieght who is an idealist. There would probably be a lot of internal debate and conflict but it could work. Doubt Hillary would have the courage to name him VP if she wins the nomination tho.

Or the reverse could work too. Kinda like how Biden was Obama's go to when he needed someone to build consensus in Congress.

10-16-2015, 01:17 PM
A Hillary/Bernie ticket would be a nice combo considering their personalities. Hillary would be better at navigating Washington and has the experience advantage while Bernie could be a counterwieght who is an idealist. There would probably be a lot of internal debate and conflict but it could work. Doubt Hillary would have the courage to name him VP if she wins the nomination tho.Courage?

What would be the advantage? If Clinton wins the nomination exactly what advantage would you gain by choosing Sanders? You want to pick a VP who

A. isn't going to hurt you
B. helps you out in some way.

Does Sanders fit A and B? I don't think he does.

There's a reason Obama didn't pick Hillary for his VP. Biden had the widest Gulf between positive and negative poll numbers.

Bernie does very well with white college educated Democrats. Are those folks going to abandon the party come November? No. Bernie's not going to run third party. You can safely put those votes in the Democratic column.

Plus if you wanted to secure that wing of the party, Elizabeth Warren is a much better pick.

Also in terms of navigating Washington, the Republicans decided in Jan 2009 during a severe recession to oppose everything the new Democratic president did. Exactly what would make them change that position?

10-16-2015, 01:26 PM
i don't think bernie would even consider a vp position

certainly not one under clinton... maybe under paul or warren :lol

10-16-2015, 01:31 PM
Also in terms of navigating Washington, the Republicans decided in Jan 2009 during a severe recession to oppose everything the new Democratic president did. Exactly what would make them change that position?

electoral results

they've gerrymandered the game pretty bad

but the republican party is still going to lose on the platform its promoting. its a matter of time... UNLESS they change their position

which they obviously will since that's what the two major parties have been doing since nigh inception. this is the method of the mass political party; stitch together as many demographics/constituents as possible who can agree with the platform determined by elites with an economic stake in the game.

the divergent trajectories of the republican and democratic parties is alone an incredible phenomenon

10-16-2015, 01:33 PM
The problem with Bernie Sanders supporters is theyre all just sitting around hoping this guy will change everything about American social and economic dynamics from a room in the white house.

The idea that a single person, rather than the efforts of the populace themselves can change this, is the epitome of liberal idealism.

The core of liberalism is dreaming up fanciful utopian ideas while expecting OTHERS to do the work that makes them effective. Except nobody's gonna do things on your behalf. People are inherently self interested. If enough people agreed to pull together for a little sacrifice, a lot can be done. But where is the collective sacrifice? What have Ridonks, Jailblazers, and Deuce done together to help out in their communities? Yall tutored kids lately or picked up trash?

"No no no, Bernie will just make everything happen with taxes. Its not up to me to do anything."

We've had Obama in the white house for 8 years? I thought he was the savior of the everyman? 8 years and people are still complaining about low wages; race relations; depression; foreign policy.

"Oh, but but but the next guy will fix it for sure!!"

This guy is selling you dreams like theyr balloon animals. And yeah, it'll all get done while u guys sit there at the computer lighting up victory spliffs bc Bernie "beat those republicans and made them mad, tee hee!"

Yall arent doin anything tho. But keep buyin those dreams. "Heaven on Earth - it's just another minimum wage raise away....."

10-16-2015, 01:33 PM
I bet 200 that Sanders was gonna win the election to make 3k a few months ago and everyone on ISH was saying I was throwing my money away.

But I would give the 3k up if it meant a guaranteed win for Bernie. :cheers:

Bernie Sanders ✔ @BernieSanders
It makes no sense that students and their parents pay higher interest rates for college than they pay for car loans or housing mortgages.

Dude doesnt even understand how loans work. :confusedshrug: You want that?

10-16-2015, 01:34 PM
The problem with Bernie Sanders supporters is theyre all just sitting around hoping this guy will change everything about American social and economic dynamics from a room in the white house.

The idea that a single person, rather than the efforts of the populace themselves can change this, is the epitome of liberal idealism.

The core of liberalism is dreaming up fanciful utopian ideas while expecting OTHERS to do the work that makes them effective. Except nobody's gonna do things on your behalf. People are inherently self interested. If enough people agreed to pull together for a little sacrifice, a lot can be done. But where is the collective sacrifice? What have Ridonks, Jailblazers, and Deuce done together to help out in their communities? Yall tutored kids lately or picked up trash?

"No no no, Bernie will just make everything happen with taxes. Its not up to me to do anything."

We've had Obama in the white house for 8 years? I thought he was the savior of the everyman? 8 years and people are still complaining about low wages; race relations; depression; foreign policy.

"Oh, but but but the next guy will fix it for sure!!"

This guy is selling you dreams like theyr balloon animals. And yeah, it'll all get done while u guys sit there at the computer lighting up victory spliffs bc Bernie "beat those republicans and made them mad, tee hee!"

Yall arent doin anything tho. But keep buyin those dreams. "Heaven on Earth - it's just another minimum wage raise away....."
I support this post

10-16-2015, 01:42 PM
I support this post

Dayum, how'd you get to 3800 posts so quickly?

10-16-2015, 01:45 PM
Sanders refuses donation from greedy Pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkell.


10-16-2015, 01:52 PM
The problem with Bernie Sanders supporters is theyre all just sitting around hoping this guy will change everything about American social and economic dynamics from a room in the white house.

The idea that a single person, rather than the efforts of the populace themselves can change this, is the epitome of liberal idealism.

The core of liberalism is dreaming up fanciful utopian ideas while expecting OTHERS to do the work that makes them effective. Except nobody's gonna do things on your behalf. People are inherently self interested. If enough people agreed to pull together for a little sacrifice, a lot can be done. But where is the collective sacrifice? What have Ridonks, Jailblazers, and Deuce done together to help out in their communities? Yall tutored kids lately or picked up trash?

"No no no, Bernie will just make everything happen with taxes. Its not up to me to do anything."

We've had Obama in the white house for 8 years? I thought he was the savior of the everyman? 8 years and people are still complaining about low wages; race relations; depression; foreign policy.

"Oh, but but but the next guy will fix it for sure!!"

This guy is selling you dreams like theyr balloon animals. And yeah, it'll all get done while u guys sit there at the computer lighting up victory spliffs bc Bernie "beat those republicans and made them mad, tee hee!"

Yall arent doin anything tho. But keep buyin those dreams. "Heaven on Earth - it's just another minimum wage raise away....."
isn't it hilarious that this guy who hates compassion is denouncing a compassionate politician by saying his supporters aren't compassionate enough? what a strange argumentat to take on. but when you're a bitter confused conservative in a liberal world, when you're just spinning around mindlessly grasping for whatever answers happen to drop by, i guess you can't help but slip up and say really unhelpful dumb ****ing things

10-16-2015, 01:57 PM
Dude doesnt even understand how loans work. :confusedshrug: You want that?

Do I want the youth not to be enslaved right out of high school? I think the school system in the US is an absolute scam and a means to enslave our youth at a young age and limit their scope while promising the very opposite.

Patrick Chewing
10-16-2015, 01:57 PM
He is the most consistent white male in politics to have cared for minorities as far as I know. The dude was part of the Civil Rights movement in the 60s. I saw video of him speaking at a gay rights group in the 80s. His views have been consistent and not simply changing with the direction of the political winds.

Of course he's been doing it the longest and was part of 60's movements....he's in mid-70's!

You're basically disqualifying all the other candidates just because Bernie's been doing it longer. That's not fair.