View Full Version : If they made the Key 6 feet again...

10-18-2015, 09:39 AM
How much would change? In terms of the value of the big man, strategy etc etc.

10-18-2015, 09:43 AM
Defense inside would be a little stingier, but teams today, regardless of how big the key is, will stretch the defense with shooting, and find pockets to the hoop for drives..

10-18-2015, 09:46 AM
And having a big man being able to camp so close to the hoop wouldn't be that effective because defenses can just front and shade off to deny easy post position

It could be very effective with weak side swing to a post player AKA like Zach Randolph for easy scores, but defenses adapt

10-18-2015, 10:04 AM
I'm obviously massively underselling it but the game always adapts

Here's a quote about the college lane vs NBA/Fiba

"The college lane is 12 feet wide. The NBA’s is 16 feet. FIBA’s used to be shaped like a trapezoid, but in 2010 it adopted the NBA’s 16-foot rectangle. The college lane should have that same width, but even an increase to 14 feet would be an improvement. A wider lane would push post players away from the basket, which in turn would force them to learn to shoot with touch as opposed to just backing down and powering to the rim. That’s what players do—they adapt. A wider lane would also create more space for drivers, allowing players to showcase their athleticism better."