View Full Version : Funny Basketball stories and quotes

10-19-2015, 10:46 PM
It's been a long long while since I've seen a thread like this pop up, so i thought I'd get the ball rolling with some funny basketball stories. Found a bunch of these on the net and other sites and if anyone can remember any please post them as well for a good laugh. :cheers:

I'll just start with some classic Charles Barkley stories

Charles Barkley after winning a close game in overtime: " I think my wife is more happy about this win then I am, because this is the type of game where if I lose, I go home and beat her.

a few years ago on TNT when Magic and Charles were arguing,

Charles: "where's the D at Magic"

Magic: "where the rings at Charles"

"We're just playing basketball. It's not like we're going out to have unprotected sex with Magic." - Charles Barkley

One of my favourite Jordan stories

Jordan came down the lane against the Jazz and dunked on John Stockton. Then somebody in the crowd yelled "Dunk on somebody your on size"

The very next play he dunked on 6'11 Mel Turpin. Went over to the fan and said "Is he big enough"