View Full Version : How far have medical procedures come?

10-24-2015, 08:31 AM
and when will someone be able to play professionally until they are 50?

As a recently turned 30 year old I realize I'm not really able to play the same way as I did when I was younger. It's partly me being less reckless with my body, takes longer to recover on days off, and the other usual reasons like my knees simply don't feel the same way/i don't have the same natural explosion as I did.

I am however still very close to my athletic peak and would like to continue 1-2x a week till 55+. Since it is recreational for fun ball I'd like to think this is possible.

My real question is how far have knee replacement/etc surgeries come for NBA players? It doesn't really seem like the average player is retiring later (if anything earlier because the level of competition/athleticism is higher)?

PRK Lasek = eyes going back 100% to what they naturally were (not regular lasik). When is this going to be a reality for other body parts?

10-24-2015, 11:39 AM
It's going to be a while. Surgeries can fix knees, but not really make them younger. I think the oldest NBA player ever was Robert Parish at 44 years old. Nowadays no-one even gets to 40, even the super fit Ray Allen didn't.