View Full Version : As a Laker fan, I'm praying that this is Kobe's last season

10-31-2015, 02:19 AM
It was legit painful seeing him with the ball. He's a legend, one of the greatest to ever play the game, but he's done. Every time he'd go for a three I fvcking cringed. I'd rather see the younger guys bricking than Kobe embarrassing himself. Go gentle into that goodnight Kobe. It's over.

10-31-2015, 02:21 AM
Agreed. Huge Kobe fan here but if he misses the playoffs again during the last year of his career then I have to bump him out of my top 15

10-31-2015, 02:22 AM
inb4 kenneth argues "Per 36 minutes Kobe averages 30/6/6 on 53% in preseason, therefore he's still a top 10 type player"

But yea he's garbage, no surprise here

10-31-2015, 02:23 AM
He's earned the right to shoot 40 shots a night until he is eighty years old, and he needs to be paid $40 mil a year.

Respect him.

10-31-2015, 02:27 AM
All he is doing these days is holding the young laker players development back. Kobe stans say: the team is going nowhere right now, so let kobe do what he wants...yeah, but they obviously can't grow when you have a guy out there basically doing as he pleases because of his arrogance and clout. He just doesn't have the game anymore to be doing what he is out there on the court. With a team of young talent you need discipline and it's going to be pretty hard to incorporate that when you have Kobe Bryant doing whatever the hell he wants out there. How you can expect your team to play defense when the guy with the biggest clout is dreadful in that regard? Kobe was never much of a leader even when he was good, but now he is just awful in that regard. At this point in his career he should be stepping aside and mentoring the young laker players...but he wouldn't be Kobe Bryant if he was doing that. He's always been a selfish basketball player and that doesn't look to change. Let's remember that this was the guy shooting the Lakers out of the playoffs vs the Jazz in the late 90s when he was just a role player. It really shouldn't surprise anyone that Kobe is going out with no grace...a leopard can't change it's spots, afterall.

The worst thing about him is that he talks like he's this loyal, forever laker when he obviously doesn't give a shit about the franchise or it's future. It's always been about Kobe Bryant and it always will be. I have a brother the same way...some people are just going to be selfish assholes no matter what.

10-31-2015, 02:29 AM
Nah let the man jack up a couple more thousand shots for the next 2-3 years. It's always fun watching the Lakers get destroyed :applause:

10-31-2015, 02:33 AM
My prayers are with you.

But otoh it spices up a long sometimes boring RS to watch the Kobe train wreck :lol

1-8 on threes tonight, 4-21 so far. Guy doesn`t realize that he will never be able to make a respectable % and that he`s a net negative to his team.

10-31-2015, 02:36 AM
The millions Kobe makes would be justified if he would mentor. If he had any brains and decency, he would help developing young talent instead of smothering them.

10-31-2015, 02:42 AM
you gotta blame coach byron. Why is kobe still starting? There is no way kobe should be starting. Im sorry. He should be with the second unit and bringing his scoring mentality off the bench. Id still have kobe in late in games just becuase of his IQ but there i sno way kobe should be starting. He doesnt want to do anything but score and at this stage of his career he cant carry a team but he could be a very valuable asset if he could just let the younger guys make mistakes and then teach them what to do and how to do it. Nobody learns from watching a old legend take 30 shots a night

10-31-2015, 06:28 AM
he's 9/15 inside the arc for the season....why the hell is he shooting 3s like he's Steph Curry???? Dude made all of his shots inside the arc in this game, all of his misses came from 3, he started out the game just jacking shots from deep and that allowed the Kings to get on the break and get to a big lead early in the game, I legit turned it off after the first quarter because that was some horrible basketball.

The haters were right, he should just retire and allow the Lakers to move on. Clarkson and Russell looked good in this game, obviously they have to work on their defensive skills but the potential is there. I just can't watch Kobe play ball no more, he doesn't have anything left in the tank, at least not in that #1 option role. He's old and frail so defenses already know he's not going to go inside that much to get to the line and they let him shoot jumpers all day.

10-31-2015, 06:32 AM
screw that.
kobe can be as much alpha as hi wants.

he needs to do better than bran this year.

10-31-2015, 10:43 AM
it happens. still one of my favs.

10-31-2015, 10:49 AM
Go phuck yourself, OP. No one wants to see Randle charging into players and throwing up bricks all game. No one wants to see anything on the Lakers; the masses want Kobe. Your shit franchise has ruined his last few years because of their ineptitude. Had you PAID PHIL JACKSON, Kobe never has to carry Dwight and Pau's sorry asses so much and he never gets seriously injured.

This WILL be his last season for your horrid franchise, though.

He will end his career helping a REAL franchise win a title.

10-31-2015, 10:53 AM
2 games in brosif.

Hey Yo
10-31-2015, 10:54 AM
you gotta blame coach byron. Why is kobe still starting? There is no way kobe should be starting. Im sorry. He should be with the second unit and bringing his scoring mentality off the bench. Id still have kobe in late in games just becuase of his IQ but there i sno way kobe should be starting. He doesnt want to do anything but score and at this stage of his career he cant carry a team but he could be a very valuable asset if he could just let the younger guys make mistakes and then teach them what to do and how to do it. Nobody learns from watching a old legend take 30 shots a night
Because according to Kobe fans, he's the one who people want to see. He puts asses in the seats.

Hey Yo
10-31-2015, 10:57 AM
Go phuck yourself, OP. No one wants to see Randle charging into players and throwing up bricks all game. No one wants to see anything on the Lakers; the masses want Kobe. Your shit franchise has ruined his last few years because of their ineptitude. Had you PAID PHIL JACKSON, Kobe never has to carry Dwight and Pau's sorry asses so much and he never gets seriously injured.

This WILL be his last season for your horrid franchise, though.

He will end his career helping a REAL franchise win a title.
Kobe did it to himself by making multiple trips to Germany for illegal doping.

The PED's slowly broke his body down to the scrub chucker we've seen the last 2yrs.

10-31-2015, 11:08 AM
You idiots do know Kobe is better than Harden this season, right?

Should Harden retire?

10-31-2015, 11:19 AM
Kobe did it to himself by making multiple trips to Germany for illegal doping.

The PED's slowly broke his body down to the scrub chucker we've seen the last 2yrs.

He looked terrible before getting those procedures on his knees, dude went from looking like Paul Pierce in 2012 to looking like prime MJ in 2013. The achilles injury can happen to anyone at any time.

10-31-2015, 11:35 AM
Go phuck yourself, OP. No one wants to see Randle charging into players and throwing up bricks all game. No one wants to see anything on the Lakers; the masses want Kobe. Your shit franchise has ruined his last few years because of their ineptitude. Had you PAID PHIL JACKSON, Kobe never has to carry Dwight and Pau's sorry asses so much and he never gets seriously injured.

This WILL be his last season for your horrid franchise, though.

He will end his career helping a REAL franchise win a title.

Stick to making videos begging for money and talking about how shitty your life is. You're much better at that than talking about basketball.

This will be the last time I acknowledge your existence here. Have a nice life.

10-31-2015, 11:38 AM
As a Kobe fan, I didn't wanna see him go out like that after the injuries. But at the same time, it's not fun watching him struggle and jacking 3s. I'm not about to call him a cancer to the Lakers, he's just cut from the same mold as MJ. MJ was not about building a teammate's psyche when they were at their end.

Hey Yo
10-31-2015, 11:42 AM
He looked terrible before getting those procedures on his knees, dude went from looking like Paul Pierce in 2012 to looking like prime MJ in 2013. The achilles injury can happen to anyone at any time.

Looked terrible, then got the illegal doping done, played like was 27yrs old again, went back to Germany for more PED's and now we've seen the side effects from it.... breaking down his body with injuries.

10-31-2015, 11:53 AM
Kobe did it to himself by making multiple trips to Germany for illegal doping.

The PED's slowly broke his body down to the scrub chucker we've seen the last 2yrs.


Those PEDs f*cked up Kobe's body, he only has himself to blame

34-24 Footwork
10-31-2015, 11:58 AM
People in this thread LEGITIMATELY hate kobe. Lol.

He's missing shots that he's made throughout his entire career. He looked great opening night; very fluid and mobile. Last night was bad. Rudy Gay did a number on him. And they should rethink the whole SF thing. Kobe can hold his own in the post because of his savvy and strength. I get nervous when he's iso'd on the perimeter.

10-31-2015, 12:01 PM
People in this thread LEGITIMATELY hate kobe. Lol.

He's missing shots that he's made throughout his entire career. He looked great opening night; very fluid and mobile. Last night was bad. Rudy Gay did a number on him. And they should rethink the whole SF thing. Kobe can hold his own in the post because of his savvy and strength. I get nervous when he's iso'd on the perimeter.

no lift

10-31-2015, 12:02 PM
Agreed. Huge Kobe fan here but if he misses the playoffs again during the last year of his career then I have to bump him out of my top 15

Explain why playing MORE can have a guy fall on a list? That makes no sense at all. This year doesn't HELP kobe, but why would you let it hurt him on a list?

34-24 Footwork
10-31-2015, 12:04 PM
Let's think about something though:

Harden is coming off and MVP season and shooting awfully and not contributing to his team.

Kobe is coming off a shitload of serious injuries in his 20th season and not contributing to his team.

Who do you think should be criticized more in today's NBA? Who seems to have more pressure?

34-24 Footwork
10-31-2015, 12:04 PM
no lift

I'm not debating that. Relax brother. I get it. You HATE him. Lol.

10-31-2015, 12:06 PM
Kobe did it to himself by making multiple trips to Germany for illegal doping.

The PED's slowly broke his body down to the scrub chucker we've seen the last 2yrs.

PED's help people...it's kinda why they are banned....he's not being helped...

10-31-2015, 12:08 PM
Let's think about something though:

Harden is coming off and MVP season and shooting awfully and not contributing to his team.

Kobe is coming off a shitload of serious injuries in his 20th season and not contributing to his team.

Who do you think should be criticized more in today's NBA? Who seems to have more pressure?

This would make for another threat topic....post it if you want to discuss.

10-31-2015, 12:09 PM
Let's think about something though:

Harden is coming off and MVP season and shooting awfully and not contributing to his team.

Kobe is coming off a shitload of serious injuries in his 20th season and not contributing to his team.

Who do you think should be criticized more in today's NBA? Who seems to have more pressure?

Harden is gonna pick it up.. thats just a Star having a poor stretch. Kobe goes complete tunnel vision for 3 straight years now, flat out refusing to move behind for the better of the team.

34-24 Footwork
10-31-2015, 12:11 PM
Shaq in Cleveland didn't have this pressure. When he jumped ship to the CELTICS, you'd think he'd have more pressure on him, but no.

Kobe is 20 years in and he's legit expected to produce at a high level. This shit is unprecedented. 20 years strong and people subconsciously expect kobe to produce the same way he has throughout his career.

10-31-2015, 12:13 PM
Shaq in Cleveland didn't have this pressure. When he jumped ship to the CELTICS, you'd think he'd have more pressure on him, but no.

Kobe is 20 years in and he's legit expected to produce at a high level. This shit is unprecedented. 20 years strong and people subconsciously expect kobe to produce the same way he has throughout his career.

No he's not, he's only expected to shoot at least 40% from the field, that's all we're asking for

10-31-2015, 12:15 PM
Can we all agree that Wizard Jordan was way better than current Kobe? :confusedshrug:

10-31-2015, 12:19 PM
Shaq in Cleveland didn't have this pressure. When he jumped ship to the CELTICS, you'd think he'd have more pressure on him, but no.

Kobe is 20 years in and he's legit expected to produce at a high level. This shit is unprecedented. 20 years strong and people subconsciously expect kobe to produce the same way he has throughout his career.
Shaq kind of accepted a lesser role.

Kobe, on the other hand, still chucks like it's 99 :facepalm

10-31-2015, 12:36 PM
Shaq in Cleveland didn't have this pressure. When he jumped ship to the CELTICS, you'd think he'd have more pressure on him, but no.

Kobe is 20 years in and he's legit expected to produce at a high level. This shit is unprecedented. 20 years strong and people subconsciously expect kobe to produce the same way he has throughout his career.

People would go CRAZY for 50% of vince carter right now...THIS YEAR vince. He's being held to "don't make us worse" and falling short.

10-31-2015, 12:48 PM
Stick to making videos begging for money and talking about how shitty your life is. You're much better at that than talking about basketball.

This will be the last time I acknowledge your existence here. Have a nice life.


10-31-2015, 12:49 PM
People would go CRAZY for 50% of vince carter right now...THIS YEAR vince. He's being held to "don't make us worse" and falling short.
Vince is on the bench and not stunting his teams growth.

10-31-2015, 12:52 PM

Those PEDs f*cked up Kobe's body, he only has himself to blame

Remember you said this when Bron starts to break down from his PED use.

10-31-2015, 01:00 PM
No he's not, he's only expected to shoot at least 40% from the field, that's all we're asking for

10-31-2015, 01:02 PM
Remember you said this when Bron starts to break down from his PED use.

Too late :lol

oh the horror
10-31-2015, 01:02 PM
Harden is gonna pick it up.. thats just a Star having a poor stretch. Kobe goes complete tunnel vision for 3 straight years now, flat out refusing to move behind for the better of the team.

This. Kobe continues to play a style not only detrimental to himself but to the team as a whole. He's in his late 30s after multiple injuries and continues launching up 20+ shots a game and mostly from long range out of sync from the offense causing fast breaks for other much younger teams. This is why they end up on the bottom end of long stretches where teams build big leads on them.

Kobe at this stage of his career should play more as a decoy, facilitate like he CAN do (we've seen it before) and play within the offense.

If he's not capable of that then it's time to retire after this season because he isn't helping a rebuilding Lakers team.

oh the horror
10-31-2015, 01:03 PM
Remember you said this when Bron starts to break down from his PED use.

Bron is already breaking down in his early 30s

Mr Feeny
10-31-2015, 01:06 PM
The haters were right, he should just retire and allow the Lakers to move on. Clarkson and Russell looked good in this game, obviously they have to work on their defensive skills but the potential is there. I just can't watch Kobe play ball no more, he doesn't have anything left in the tank, at least not in that #1 option role. He's old and frail so defenses already know he's not going to go inside that much to get to the line and they let him shoot jumpers all day.

Our work here is done my brother. Peace and love:party:

10-31-2015, 01:07 PM
Bron is already breaking down in his early 30s

He's actually looking really good.. breaking down, well, breaking down from peak LeBron and undisputed best player to arguable best / top 3 level? Okay. But he's definitely a better player than Kobe was in his 13th season as a starter (2011).

Mr Feeny
10-31-2015, 01:12 PM
He's actually looking really good.. breaking down, well, breaking down from peak LeBron and undisputed best player to arguable best / top 3 level? Okay. But he's definitely a better player than Kobe was in his 13th season as a starter (2011).No question. Kobe was quite horrific back then and capped his season with some conspicuously woeful clutch performances in the 4 game sweep against Dallas - sending Jackson into his retirement in the worst possible manner.

Lakers Legend#32
10-31-2015, 01:35 PM
Counting the days till Kobe is gone.

10-31-2015, 01:45 PM
Kobe is still an elite offensive player inside the three point line, if he cuts back on the threes I don't see any reason he can't be a 20/5/5 50% for the next 3+ years

10-31-2015, 01:50 PM
Kobe is still an elite offensive player inside the three point line, if he cuts back on the threes I don't see any reason he can't be a 20/5/5 50% for the next 3+ years

How could anyone be this delusional?

10-31-2015, 01:59 PM
Kobe is still an elite offensive player inside the three point line, if he cuts back on the threes I don't see any reason he can't be a 20/5/5 50% for the next 3+ years

Why do you think he sticks to chucking up 3's? He can see they aint falling, and he ain't no fool, so why doesn't he play closer to the basket then? He doesn't have the legs and the energy to consistenly go near the basket, post up and make the jumper man. father time cathces up with everybody sooner or later. Plus playing closer to the basket means more physical contact and with all those injuries he's had the last couple of years i don't think he wants to risk another one.

10-31-2015, 02:01 PM
Why do you think he sticks to chucking up 3's? He can see they aint falling, and he ain't no fool, so why doesn't he play closer to the basket then? He doesn't have the legs and the energy to consistenly go near the basket, post up and make the jumper man. father time cathces up with everybody sooner or later.

because taking 3's is what the team needs him to do. He's deferring the post and ball handling to Randle and Clarkson/Dlo and relegating himself to being a spot up shooter.

make no mistake, Kobe can still get his if he wants to.

10-31-2015, 02:04 PM
because taking 3's is what the team needs him to do. He's deferring the post and ball handling to Randle and Clarkson/Dlo and relegating himself to being a spot up shooter.

make no mistake, Kobe can still get his if he wants to.

Damn, his team needs him shooting 10 threes a game at a 19 percent clip? Interesting.

10-31-2015, 02:07 PM
because taking 3's is what the team needs him to do. He's deferring the post and ball handling to Randle and Clarkson/Dlo and relegating himself to being a spot up shooter.

make no mistake, Kobe can still get his if he wants to.

The last thing his team wants is for him to be taking 11 3's per game at a 19%. C'mon man, he is a legend but if he can't be effective scoring wise anymore he should clearly adapt his game and start facilitating more than chuking up 3's. Not a good way to end a legendary career.

10-31-2015, 02:07 PM
Damn, his team needs him shooting 10 threes a game at a 19 percent clip? Interesting.

you best hope i don't remember to bump this thread when he gets his legs back and start converting on those 3's at 30% clip

10-31-2015, 02:08 PM
you best hope i don't remember to bump this thread when he gets his legs back and start converting on those 3's at 30% clip

30 percent? Damn son, what a sharpshooter!

10-31-2015, 02:09 PM
you best hope i don't remember to bump this thread when he gets his legs back and start converting on those 3's at 30% clip


10-31-2015, 02:36 PM
Why do you think he sticks to chucking up 3's? He can see they aint falling, and he ain't no fool, so why doesn't he play closer to the basket then? He doesn't have the legs and the energy to consistenly go near the basket, post up and make the jumper man. father time cathces up with everybody sooner or later. Plus playing closer to the basket means more physical contact and with all those injuries he's had the last couple of years i don't think he wants to risk another one.


He's chucking three's because he can no longer gain position wherever he wants.

I saw it last night when he tried to post up Cousins picked him clean, wasn't even putting that much pressure on his back , dude just went for it.

Kobe is done.

10-31-2015, 03:20 PM

He's chucking three's because he can no longer gain position wherever he wants.

I saw it last night when he tried to post up Cousins picked him clean, wasn't even putting that much pressure on his back , dude just went for it.

Kobe is done.

But yet he jacks up 18 shots in 25 minutes on 30 something %. He should come of the bench, play 20 minutes. Be useful!

10-31-2015, 03:27 PM
well kobe is a save top 15 all time, regardless if he will play good or not.

only sad thing is: he would help the team more as a mentor, as a "vocal" leader and not as the chucker with the only goal to surpass someone on the ATS-List.

10-31-2015, 03:32 PM
I pray he keeps playing till he pass KAJ for all time scoring record. It's may take 3/years but its going to be fun! 75 million over the next three year. Get it Done Mitch!

10-31-2015, 03:36 PM
Stick to making videos begging for money and talking about how shitty your life is. You're much better at that than talking about basketball.

This will be the last time I acknowledge your existence here. Have a nice life.

You breaking up with me, nikka? :biggums:

10-31-2015, 03:37 PM
The sad part is, he could play the role Paul Pierce played on the Wizards and is playing now even BETTER than Pierce does if he just adjusted himself mentally. We all know he can dish the ball out.

Guess it's just not in his alpha dog nature. Comes with the resume of being a gunner with 5 titles, I suppose.

10-31-2015, 06:28 PM
The sad part is, he could play the role Paul Pierce played on the Wizards and is playing now even BETTER than Pierce does if he just adjusted himself mentally. We all know he can dish the ball out.

Guess it's just not in his alpha dog nature. Comes with the resume of being a gunner with 5 titles, I suppose.

Find me the Arenas and Beal on the Lakers team that would allow for Kobe to play like that. :facepalm

Cali Syndicate
10-31-2015, 06:38 PM
I havent caught any Lakers games yet, any chance kobe is still kicking off rust? Possible the 3-4 games a week early grind might be affecting him as well? father time catches up to everyone but he cant be this bad... can he?

10-31-2015, 06:40 PM
He's earned the right to shoot 40 shots a night until he is eighty years old, and he needs to be paid $40 mil a year.

Respect him.

How about he respect the franchise that afforded him that opportunity.

He's holding back the young guys. He's not willing to mentor, pass the torch or any of that shit. He's said so much in his own words. His only objective appears to be some selfish career total stats at this point. The Lakers will go on even if Kobe doesn't so he's hurting the team long term with his shenanigans.

10-31-2015, 10:55 PM
Since Kobe is too egomaniac to know he's hurting the team, it's up to his Scott and Kupchek to tell him