View Full Version : Curry, Miller, Bird, Dirk, Hakeem vs:

11-03-2015, 01:49 AM
Payton, Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, Shaq, everyone in their prime, today's rules and officiating.

Who do you have?

11-03-2015, 01:50 AM
Team 2 is a defensive monster if Shaq tries, I'd go with them.

11-03-2015, 01:57 AM
That's a scary supporting cast for Hakeem. Threes all day!

11-03-2015, 04:02 AM
Payton, Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, Shaq, everyone in their prime, today's rules and officiating.

Who do you have?

Reminds me of something.

aaaaah got it. GOAT Team ever. 72 - 10

11-03-2015, 04:05 AM
Reminds me of something.

aaaaah got it. GOAT Team ever. 72 - 10
I see warriors breaking that record this year

11-03-2015, 05:28 AM
team 2 easily. First of all the defense is absurd. But even if you just look at the offense its an advantage for team 2.

Team 1 has no penetration. It's basically give the ball to Dirk or Hakeem or Bird at the elbow/low block, hope they score 1 on 1 or kick out for the 3. I don't think Curry's ability to get inside is good enough vs that team. I don't think running a ton of screens is going to be as effective as it usually is because team 2 has guys that can switch and not be at a disadvantage. Team 2 has so many more offensive options. They have shooting, penetration, post presence, rebounding, everything.

11-03-2015, 05:52 AM
current rules and gameplay? I'll take the team that has 4 of the best 3-point shooters of all time plus Hakeem in the middle. Defense is obviously not as great as team 2, but I like the matchups. Hakeem vs Shaq is a wash, Dirk>Rodman, Bird>Pippen, Curry > Payton.

Given the current rules, team 2 easily has the 3 worst offensive players of the ten, so it's laughable to say that they have an advantage on offense.

11-03-2015, 06:40 AM
Would be interesting but I'd switch out Miller for a prime Ray Ray to actually make it fair. Ray is a much better defender and overall player than Miller.

11-03-2015, 08:51 AM
Team first for sure.

11-03-2015, 11:05 AM
never bet against the goat

11-03-2015, 11:42 AM
Shaq would get screwed over by the way offensive fouls/flops in the post get called.

I'll take Team 1, anyway.

11-03-2015, 12:38 PM
Team 1.

11-03-2015, 01:11 PM
Yea, with current rules (written/unwritten), gameplay, mentality, coaching... I'll PROBABLY take team1, just "fits" today's league better and they have too much offense going on there and such... But then again, team2 also has a great case.

Team1's players are all elite offensive players in their prime, despite probably for Miller. While Rodman's not a great offensive player, and I probably wouldn't call Pippen elite.

Shaq had the GOAT peak but Hakeem's one of the GOAT defensive players, he can hold his own against the Diesel.
Dirk has to box Rodman out mostly, Dennis gonna beast on them boards regardless but Nowitzki is a very good rebounder.
Prime Bird can hold his own against Scottie while giving him some space.
Biggest trouble on defense for team1 is them guards... Jordan and Payton would've give them straight up hell. Reggie's not a great defensive player while MJ's the GOAT scorer. And GP would body Curry.
So, they'd need to have Hakeem/Bird/Dirk helping out while paying attention to Pippen but mostly Shaq, and while also keeping Rodman off the glass... Ofc, easier said than done; Hakeem was a terrific team defender though, Bird also a very good one... I can seeing them going with some sort of zone sometimes, trying some other good strategies if they had a good coach.

Team1 also would've had better chemistry on the court... Better off-ball players, better spacing, less ball-dominant players, better shooting, plus peak Jordan+Shaq is too much "alphaness" for one team while Payton/Pippen takes something away from Pippen/Payton's playmaking ability.

Team2 has two players with top5 peaks though, two BEASTS surrounded by a great supporting cast. And their defense is GOAT-status.

Pippen's the GOAT defensive SF but Bird's the GOAT offensive SF who has proven he can be extremely impactful against anybody, proven it against Scottie too, and with more physicality allowed and whatnot.
GP's the GOAT defensive PG in my book but he also wouldn't be able to rough up Curry nowadays, he'd still do a terrific job regardless though.
Hakeem's proven he can do his thing against Shaq.
Rodman's an amazing defensive player ofc but Dirk also has some considerable height on him, while being able to really pull Dennis away for the basket (and the boards) or otherwise Dennis is getting burned.

It's extremely hard to tell but playing in today's league I'm leaning towards team1... Can't really pick one though, but if you had Reggie replaced by a greater SG, I'd give team1 the slight edge...
Playing in the 80's/90's or even the 70's/60's? Team2 takes it on a tremendously competitive series.

11-03-2015, 03:53 PM
There's some spacing issues with team 2, and some of the things they excel at are weakened by the rule issues.

Still some serious defensive issues with team one. But I'd take them and try to hide some of it zoneing around Hakeem.

11-03-2015, 04:00 PM
Team 1 would get murdered on defense.

Team 2 takes it easily.

11-03-2015, 04:03 PM
The team with Curry takes this, but please dump Miller, he was garbage

11-03-2015, 04:04 PM
Team 2 is a monster defensively, the only issue for them is with Rodman there you're playing 4 on 5 offensively.

I think this comes down to rules. 90's basketball, where more physical play is allowed, and team 2 has the edge. Today's rules, with less perimeter contact on those shooters, gotta go with team 1. The good thing for team 2 in the latter situation, Shaq can play Hakeem straight up so taking away as many kickouts off double-teams as possible is key. The other thing is, as great as Hakeem is defensivley, a young Shaq got his in 95 and I have to give 2000 Shaq the edge( assuming we're taking guys at their peaks). There is also absolutely no counter for MJ. I think Pippen and Rodman will make Bird and Dirk work harder for their points, than anything anyone on team 1 could do to slow down MJ.

11-03-2015, 04:26 PM
Miller's shouldn't be on either team.