View Full Version : Ban Bet: Curry will end the season with a PER below 32

11-07-2015, 05:41 PM
any takers?

11-07-2015, 05:43 PM
ban bet: LeBron goes 2/7

Real Men Wear Green
11-07-2015, 05:49 PM
Something you should all know about ban bets: Losing one is not grounds for a banning. Even if a mod wanted to ban you for losing a bet, he's not supposed to. It's not within the range of things considered ban-worthy. So making them is a waste of time. You are basically relying on the person you're betting with's sense of honor. And there are way too many examples of how that hasn't worked out. I am curious as to who has ever honored one of these bets. I can certainly name a few posters that have not.

11-07-2015, 05:51 PM
I would do it but who tf are you?

11-07-2015, 07:01 PM
Ban bet: op will still be gay after the end of the season

11-07-2015, 08:04 PM
Considering that a 32-PER average would be a record-breaking seasonal PER (http://www.basketball-reference.com/play-index/psl_finder.cgi?request=1&match=single&type=totals&per_minute_base=36&per_poss_base=100&lg_id=NBA&is_playoffs=N&year_min=&year_max=&franch_id=&season_start=1&season_end=-1&age_min=0&age_max=99&height_min=0&height_max=99&shoot_hand=&birth_country_is=Y&birth_country=&birth_state=&college_id=&draft_year=&is_active=&debut_yr_nba_start=&debut_yr_nba_end=&debut_yr_aba_start=&debut_yr_aba_end=&is_hof=&is_as=&as_comp=gt&as_val=&award=&pos_is_g=Y&pos_is_gf=Y&pos_is_f=Y&pos_is_fg=Y&pos_is_fc=Y&pos_is_c=Y&pos_is_cf=Y&qual=&c1stat=g&c1comp=gt&c1val=50&c2stat=per&c2comp=gt&c2val=30&c3stat=&c3comp=gt&c3val=&c4stat=&c4comp=gt&c4val=&c5stat=&c5comp=gt&c6mult=1.0&c6stat=&order_by=per) for any player that's logged 50-plus games in a season, you are only preaching to a choir of historians by insinuating that he won't notch such a PER.

If that's the standard of an indictment on Curry's workmanship, however, then it's more of an illusionary compliment to his greatness, as he's poised to flirt with a GOAT-PER season this year--and it'll have been done almost sheerly on skills, not raw athleticism, unlike most who have cracked that threshold of the list that inherited strong physical faculties. :cheers:

11-07-2015, 08:09 PM
I'll take this bet.

04-14-2016, 08:33 AM
I win!

Eat shit Zero Votes Curry.

Couldn't even get a better PER than LeBron's best :lol

04-14-2016, 08:37 AM
Didnt you lose?

04-14-2016, 08:38 AM
not even 31.6


04-14-2016, 08:39 AM
I win!

Eat shit Zero Votes Curry.

Couldn't even get a better PER than LeBron's best :lol

Curry is 6'3 and 190 lbs and he has a 30ppg season on 50+ percent shooting. How many of those does LeBron have?

04-14-2016, 08:41 AM
looks like my bet turned out

it was the safest one around however

04-14-2016, 08:43 AM
Just typed in the "Stephen Curry" in google and the third news headline to come up:

Stephen Curry just finished the greatest individual regular season in NBA history


04-14-2016, 08:52 AM
31.56 and no record.

04-14-2016, 08:54 AM
Just typed in the "Stephen Curry" in google and the third news headline to come up:

Stephen Curry just finished the greatest individual regular season in NBA history

Prisoner of the moment.

04-14-2016, 08:54 AM
If per accounted for hockey assists he would of blown it away

04-14-2016, 08:54 AM
31.56 and no record.

PER of 31.5+ with 73 Wins...never been done before in the HISTORY of the NBA.

Greatest season ever. :applause:

04-14-2016, 08:57 AM
PER of 31.5+ and 73 Wins...never been done before in the HISTORY of the NBA.

Greatest season ever. :applause:

TEAM accomplishment.

Go ahead and look up Curry's TEAM W-L records before Draygod arrived, and please post them for all to see.

04-14-2016, 08:58 AM
TEAM accomplishment.

Go ahead and look up Curry's TEAM W-L records before Draygod arrived, and please post them for all to see.

Ahh, ISH's resident Wilt stan brushing off a player's team success. Go figure.

04-14-2016, 09:01 AM
Ahh, ISH's resident Wilt stan brushing off a player's team success. Go figure.

Not at all.

Just pointing out the fact that you were not acknowledging it.

Again... TEAM accomplishment.

Curry was a big loser before he had the best supporting cast in the league.

04-14-2016, 09:02 AM
Ahh, ISH's resident Wilt stan brushing off a player's team success. Go figure.

and acting like wilt didnt get his shit in this era

04-14-2016, 09:03 AM
Curry puts up one of, if not the greatest statistical seasons ever, and subsequently leads his team to 73 wins.

But nah it's just a team accomplishment. :roll:

04-14-2016, 09:04 AM
and acting like wilt didnt get his shit in this era


Won a title by outplaying that guy...

The same guy who, at age 39, just murdered Hakeem.

04-14-2016, 09:06 AM
and acting like wilt didnt get his shit in this era


hold this L
04-14-2016, 09:12 AM
Not at all.

Just pointing out the fact that you were not acknowledging it.

Again... TEAM accomplishment.

Curry was a big loser before he had the best supporting cast in the league.
Yeah, this had nothing to do with Curry regularly improving and being the first MVP who might be the most improved next season. This is all because of the support. :lol

Curry puts up one of, if not the greatest statistical seasons ever, and subsequently leads his team to 73 wins.

But nah it's just a team accomplishment.
Curry has everyone shook. All timer fossils because it threatens him being better than them and Lebron stans because he's clearly better than him. Curry has no chill, just abuses players and fans.

Mr Feeny
04-14-2016, 10:33 AM
Good call. Be was on pace to comfortably finish above that still an incredible 31.3 but didn't quite get the 32 per.

04-14-2016, 10:38 AM
He's had a remarkable season but he was bound to come back down to earth (slightly). Still, it's undeniably one of the greatest offensive seasons ever. 31+ PER is ridiculously elite territory.

Cali Syndicate
04-14-2016, 10:45 AM
TEAM accomplishment.

Go ahead and look up Curry's TEAM W-L records before Draygod arrived, and please post them for all to see.

Draymond's the perfect utility player but everything prior to him was led by a front office set on failure. Once Draymond was drafted, they made some solid free agent acquisitions followed by the second playoff in almost 20 years. This was not mere coincidence.

04-14-2016, 10:47 AM
If per accounted for hockey assists he would of blown it away
I remember when the term hockey assist was popularized in basketball. It was in Lebron's first stint with the Cavs.

He had a million of them. 31.7 PER seems modest if you account for those.

04-14-2016, 10:53 AM
I win!

Eat shit Curry > LeBron

Couldn't even get a better PER than LeBron's best :lol

Couldn't get a better what than lebron?? What did you guys bet on.

04-14-2016, 11:01 AM
Draymond's the perfect utility player but everything prior to him was led by a front office set on failure. Once Draymond was drafted, they made some solid free agent acquisitions followed by the second playoff in almost 20 years. This was not mere coincidence.

Not arguing.

But again, those 73 wins were a TEAM accomplishment.

Best roster in the league.

Cali Syndicate
04-14-2016, 11:06 AM
Not arguing.

But again, those 73 wins were a TEAM accomplishment.

Best roster in the league.

Quite easily. In fact, we should all agree that this incredible roster is one of the greatest of all-time.

Under the old owner Cohan, the team's roster would have been blown up mid season and Curry would have been traded for potato chips.

04-14-2016, 11:13 AM
Quite easily. In fact, we should all agree that this incredible roster is one of the greatest of all-time.

Under the old owner Cohan, the team's roster would have been blown up mid season and Curry would have been traded for potato chips.


The problem here is that we have a "Warriorfan" who constantly rips Curry's supporting cast, and coach.

Curry had a great season, and is IMO, the greatest shooter in the history of the league. But he didn't win 73 games by himself.

04-14-2016, 11:25 AM
Still pretty impressive:

1. Wilt Chamberlain - 31.82 (62-63)
2. Wilt Chamberlain - 31.74 (61-62)
3. Michael Jordan - 31.71 (87-88)
4. LeBron James - 31.67 (08-09)
5. Michael Jordan - 31.63 (90-91)
6. Wilt Chamberlain - 31.63 (63-64)
7. LeBron James - 31.59 (12-13)
8. Steph Curry - 31.46 (15-16)

Cali Syndicate
04-14-2016, 11:31 AM
Not at all.

Just pointing out the fact that you were not acknowledging it.

Again... TEAM accomplishment.

Curry was a big loser before he had the best supporting cast in the league.

How many rookie pg's have been successful right out the bat while surrounded by a cast valued for the lottery?

Rookie season - please answer question above. Not to mention Curry's backcourt partner was one of the biggest ball stoppers in the league but still managed a very solid rookie season, arguably ROY.

Sopomore season - They added david Lee who played the first quarter of the season under antibiotics fighting an elbow infection. I remember reports saying he lost like 10-15 pounds in that period. Curry also played with an injured ankle the entire season.

3rd season - New owners start to think about the future, unloads Monta and Warriors started tanking immediately after. They were only a game or two out from the 8th spot when Monta was traded.

Nothing is black and white when you paint a picture by calling him a loser. Most if not all success comes when you have a good team. Only a few handful of players can say they did something with absolutely nothing.