View Full Version : "We have contained them (ISIS)" - Barack Obama on Friday 11/13

Patrick Chewing
11-14-2015, 09:58 PM
....and then ISIS attacks Paris. :facepalm

Is Barack Hussein Obama the most incompetent President ever? Most delusional? Or does he really believe what gets fed to him by his closest advisers, and then goes on National Television and looks like a complete and utter fool?

Here's the full interview....



11-14-2015, 10:10 PM
He probably was talking about the Caliphate, not some random sleeper cell terrorists in Paris.

The U.S. backed up the Peshmerga and Yazidi when they took back the Sinjar and cut off a major road between ISIS strongholds in Iraq and Syria on Friday.


Highway 47 allowed ISIS to travel freely and move supplies efficiently between Iraq and Syria. They controlled the region for 15 months. Now that route has been cut off, therefore 'containing' ISIS.


11-14-2015, 10:23 PM
Really doe... why would the President of the United States be accountable for securing France against terrorists? :confusedshrug:

How many ISIS attacks have taken place on the U.S. homeland under Obama's watch?

11-14-2015, 10:25 PM
Good god. :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
11-14-2015, 10:30 PM
Really doe... why would the President of the United States be accountable for securing France against terrorists? :confusedshrug:

How many ISIS attacks have taken place on the U.S. homeland under Obama's watch?

I mentioned this in the France thread, but ISIS in the U.S. is logistically impossible at the moment, but that's why the border is such an important issue right now. But instead, the Democrats want to paint a narrative that border control is about xenophobia and racism and all this crap and they completely ignore reality. If terrorists are allowed to freely cross the border, they will kill you. Case and point, France. Border control is fundamental to the strength of a nation. I don't get why the Left is completely oblivious to this point, unless they want anarchy and they want the country to flounder.

11-14-2015, 10:33 PM
I have no doubt Obama is connected to the fundamentalist Muslim brotherhood in one way or another.

America needs him out pronto. He's connected to this terrorism

11-14-2015, 10:35 PM
I mentioned this in the France thread, but ISIS in the U.S. is logistically impossible at the moment, but that's why the border is such an important issue right now. But instead, the Democrats want to paint a narrative that border control is about xenophobia and racism and all this crap and they completely ignore reality. If terrorists are allowed to freely cross the border, they will kill you. Case and point, France. Border control is fundamental to the strength of a nation. I don't get why the Left is completely oblivious to this point, unless they want anarchy and they want the country to flounder.

France's biggest issue is its homegrown terrorism, not foreigners. Even if they somehow walled themselves in, ideology can't be kept out of any borders. At least one of the known attackers was a native Parisian, both of the Charlie Hebdo shooters were French citizens.

But again, what does this have to do with the President of the United States? :confusedshrug:

I have no doubt Obama is connected to the fundamentalist Muslim brotherhood in one way or another.

America needs him out pronto. He's connected to this terrorism

LOL, last week Barry O was a Leninist who was secretly turning the U.S. into a socialist paradise like the U.S.S.R.

This week he's a Jihadi Manchurian candidate. :lol

11-14-2015, 10:35 PM
Really doe... why would the President of the United States be accountable for securing France against terrorists? :confusedshrug:

How many ISIS attacks have taken place on the U.S. homeland under Obama's watch?

There will be a far bigger attack on america.

Attacks to their allies is just warnings of the end game.

Things are only heating up. ISIS has other shit planned

Patrick Chewing
11-14-2015, 10:37 PM
But again, what does this have to do with the President of the United States? :confusedshrug:

Welp, based on yesterday's actions, he clearly didn't contain ISIS.

I don't even know why he's talking about ISIS. He's ignored them the last 3 years and now that Putin is doing what he should be doing, he wants to chime in.

11-14-2015, 10:40 PM
Welp, based on yesterday's actions, he clearly didn't contain ISIS.

I don't even know why he's talking about ISIS. He's ignored them the last 3 years and now that Putin is doing what he should be doing, he wants to chime in.

Does the least possible so not to come accross too obvious in his intentions.

11-14-2015, 10:41 PM
Welp, based on yesterday's actions, he clearly didn't contain ISIS.

The U.S. helped the Peshmerga and Yazidi cut off a major ISIS supply route between Iraq and Syria, effectively cutting their 'Caliphate' in half.

How is a handful of guys with guns in Paris his issue? The French have their own government and Intelligence agencies... that failure is on them, not the American President. Obama has no jurisdiction in France.

I don't even know why he's talking about ISIS. He's ignored them the last 3 years and now that Putin is doing what he should be doing, he wants to chime in.

Putin hasn't done shit in Syria except random bombings, ie what Obama did before him. The result- he got one of his planes blown out of the sky, 230 or so of his citizens killed, and destroyed Egypt's tourism industry (along with ending all travel to/from Russia).

But Putin is somehow exempt from this... while Obama is at fault for something that happened in France? :biggums:

11-14-2015, 10:57 PM
Didn't realize he was also president of France...Barack Obameaux :bowdown:

11-14-2015, 11:14 PM
Didn't realize he was also president of France...Barack Obameaux :bowdown:

Freedom Fries are henceforth known as Barack Hussein Socialist Jihadi Fries. :applause:

11-14-2015, 11:29 PM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12246661_10204848590927533_2510545043308461837_n.j pg?oh=f11785a6ef2917a2d1ea3c7b9f3edad3&oe=56B140D6

Another gem.

11-14-2015, 11:35 PM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12246661_10204848590927533_2510545043308461837_n.j pg?oh=f11785a6ef2917a2d1ea3c7b9f3edad3&oe=56B140D6

Another gem.

He's right though. This is the second mass shooting (both terrorist acts) in France, and both shut the country down completely because they are not used to stuff like that happening.

Wanna know how many mass shootings the U.S. has seen this year alone?


Compare gun deaths in France with gun deaths in the U.S.

Where was he wrong? :confusedshrug:

Patrick Chewing
11-14-2015, 11:41 PM
In the meantime, while Obama supporters blindly support this Clown in Chief, and while Hillary says in tonight's debate that "We are not at war with radical Islam" :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm , and while Bernie states that climate change is the reason for terrorism.........

Donald Trump has jumped to 42% in the polls.


11-14-2015, 11:43 PM
He's right though. This is the second mass shooting (both terrorist acts) in France, and both shut the country down completely because they are not used to stuff like that happening.

Wanna know how many mass shootings the U.S. has seen this year alone?


Compare gun deaths in France with gun deaths in the U.S.

Where was he wrong? :confusedshrug:

Mass shooting is mass shooting. So you telling me the Netherlands massacre is not classified as mass shooting because it only happened once? GTFO

11-14-2015, 11:52 PM
Mass shooting is mass shooting. So you telling me the Netherlands massacre is not classified as mass shooting because it only happened once? GTFO

France has had 2 mass shootings in the past calendar year. The U.S. has had over 325, on track to beat last year's 326. Mass shootings are either virtually or literally nonexistent in other first world/developed countries.

If that Paris attack happened here, it'd most likely would've been orchestrated by some White right wing militia (this country's biggest terrorist threat by far) and most people would've brushed it off with the usual 'guns don't kill people' or 'more guns would solve the problem' (which Chewing argued about Paris).

2 vs 325ish and counting. Not at all comparable.

Donald Trump has jumped to 42% in the polls.

*Republican polls.

This is by far the weakest pool of candidates any party has ever fielded. That's why the Republican powers-that-be are offering Mitt Romney blowjobs to come out of retirement to get his ass kicked again. Hillary is going to sleepwalk to Historic margins on election night.

11-14-2015, 11:54 PM
France has had 2 mass shootings in the past calendar year. The U.S. has had over 325, on track to beat last year's 326. Mass shootings are either virtually or literally nonexistent in other first world/developed countries.

If that Paris attack happened here, it'd most likely would've been orchestrated by some White right wing militia (this country's biggest terrorist threat by far) and most people would've brushed it off with the usual 'guns don't kill people' or 'more guns would solve the problem' (which Chewing argued about Paris).

2 vs 325ish and counting. Not at all comparable.

*Republican polls.

This is by far the weakest pool of candidates any party has ever fielded. That's why the Republican powers-that-be are offering Mitt Romney to come out of retirement to get his ass kicked again. Hillary is going to sleepwalk to Historic margins on election night.
Nice deflection don.

Patrick Chewing
11-14-2015, 11:56 PM
Hillary and Bernie showing how incompetent and out of the touch the Democratic Party is at the moment.

11-14-2015, 11:56 PM
Nice deflection don.

You wearing a wire?

France really could've used your infiltration skills.

Hillary and Bernie showing how incompetent and out of the touch the Democratic Party is at the moment.

The only place on this planet where Donald Trump's nonsense works is in an SNL skit. And even that was just eh.

11-15-2015, 12:13 AM
France has had 2 mass shootings in the past calendar year. The U.S. has had over 325, on track to beat last year's 326. Mass shootings are either virtually or literally nonexistent in other first world/developed countries.

If that Paris attack happened here, it'd most likely would've been orchestrated by some White right wing militia (this country's biggest terrorist threat by far) and most people would've brushed it off with the usual 'guns don't kill people' or 'more guns would solve the problem' (which Chewing argued about Paris).

2 vs 325ish and counting. Not at all comparable.

Look at some of those 'mass shootings' though. Often 2, sometimes 3 casualties. Many of them just hurt.

Catastrophes like 9/11 and what happened in Paris yesterday are incredibly rare... Those are MASS shootings/bombings.

Both sides of the spectrum are heinous, but you're right, they're not at all comparable.

The Paris attack was planed and sought out by 15-20 "ISIS" members...

11-15-2015, 12:23 AM
Look at some of those 'mass shootings' though. Often 2, sometimes 3 casualties. Many of them just hurt.

Which is something that virtually never happens in any developed first world country besides the U.S.

Catastrophes like 9/11 and what happened in Paris yesterday are incredibly rare... Those are MASS shootings/bombings.

In 2012 alone you had Adam Lanza killing 26 people (20 first graders) and James Holmes killing 14 and injuring 70. The response- more guns for teachers and people who go to movie theaters, guns don't kill people.

The Paris attack was planed and sought out by 15-20 "ISIS" members...

And they shut down a whole country not used to that sort of random, casual violence. Timothy McVeigh on his own killed 168 Americans and injured over 700 in a single attack. The U.S. just kept it moving.

11-15-2015, 12:24 AM
Look a muslim downplaying muslim violence... what a surprise. I bet half of these ****s donate money to fund these groups. I'm quite certain this guy is just waiting for the opportunity to rape his virgins

11-15-2015, 12:27 AM
Look a muslim downplaying muslim violence... what a surprise. I bet half of these ****s donate money to fund these groups. I'm quite certain this guy is just waiting for the opportunity to rape his virgins

Inshallah. :bowdown:

11-15-2015, 12:29 AM
Inshallah. :bowdown:

is that the ********** you guys yell out before deploying IED mubaraks?

11-15-2015, 12:31 AM
is that the ********** you guys yell out before deploying IED mubaraks?

Yup, that's the nigguh. The HNIC.

11-15-2015, 12:37 AM
Which is something that virtually never happens in any developed first world country besides the U.S.

In 2012 alone you had Adam Lanza killing 26 people (20 first graders) and James Holmes killing 14 and injuring 70. The response- more guns for teachers and people who go to movie theaters, guns don't kill people.

And they shut down a whole country not used to that sort of random, casual violence. Timothy McVeigh on his own killed 168 Americans and injured over 700 in a single attack. The U.S. just kept it moving.

WTF you blabbing about. Mass shooting YES or NO.

Australia ect.

Patrick Chewing
11-15-2015, 12:38 AM
Inshallah. :bowdown:


awww yeah

:djparty :dancin :hammertime:

11-15-2015, 12:46 AM

awww yeah

:djparty :dancin :hammertime:

Allahu Akbhar!




11-15-2015, 12:46 AM
Which is something that virtually never happens in any developed first world country besides the U.S.


But most of those 'mass shootings' aren't actually mass shootings. In fact, they're comparable to gang violence.

In 2012 alone you had Adam Lanza killing 26 people (20 first graders) and James Holmes killing 14 and injuring 70. The response- more guns for teachers and people who go to movie theaters, guns don't kill people.

I'm not going to argue that, because, well, you're right.

And they shut down a whole country not used to that sort of random, casual violence. Timothy McVeigh on his own killed 168 Americans and injured over 700 in a single attack. The U.S. just kept it moving.

Not going to argue that either. You're 100% correct.

My original point was directed at that chart you posted. It's just not the same thing as full-blown terrorist attacks.

11-15-2015, 01:07 AM
In the meantime, while Obama supporters blindly support this Clown in Chief, and while Hillary says in tonight's debate that "We are not at war with radical Islam" :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm , and while Bernie states that climate change is the reason for terrorism.........

Donald Trump has jumped to 42% in the polls.

That's great news...for Democrats :lol

11-15-2015, 02:58 AM

11-15-2015, 03:33 AM

When you *** up..blame the guy b4 you....typical Barak *** riders.

Patrick Chewing
11-15-2015, 03:37 AM
LOL monkey boy up there is living in the past. Obama is the cancer that is plaguing us now. **** him.

Nick Young
11-15-2015, 06:03 AM
....and then ISIS attacks Paris. :facepalm

Is Barack Hussein Obama the most incompetent President ever? Most delusional? Or does he really believe what gets fed to him by his closest advisers, and then goes on National Television and looks like a complete and utter fool?

Here's the full interview....



11-15-2015, 06:55 AM
lol obama is a caricature of a president

11-15-2015, 07:06 AM
lol obama is a caricature of a president
Obama isn't a president. He just plays one on tv.

11-15-2015, 07:42 AM
Did ISIS march to Paris from Iraq or something? America is responsible for French national security? You are all over the place.

11-15-2015, 10:42 AM
lol obama is a caricature of a president

Obama isn't a president. He just plays one on tv.

^Weren't these fools sucking Putin's d*ck a few weeks ago, talking about how he was going to destroy ISIS and show Obama how it's done? Russia started it's offensive in late September/early October, fast forward to mid November... ISIS has been on an unprecedented terror campaign downing a RUSSIAN commercial liner (killing c. 230 Russian citizens, effectively destroying Egypt's tourism industry), Killing c. 100 and injuring 200 in Turkey during a peace parade, killing c. 40 and injuring 250 in twin attacks in Beirut, and now killing c. 140 and injuring 300 in France.

Why is the World's savior Putin getting no flack when ISIS has only gotten stronger and bolder since he started his incursion into Syria? :confusedshrug:

11-15-2015, 10:45 AM
^Weren't these fools sucking Putin's d*ck a few weeks ago, talking about how he was going to destroy ISIS and show Obama how it's done? Russia started it's offensive in late September/early October, fast forward to mid November... ISIS has been on an unprecedented terror campaign downing a RUSSIAN commercial liner (killing c. 230 Russian citizens, effectively destroying Egypt's tourism industry), Killing c. 100 and injuring 200 in Turkey during a peace parade, killing c. 40 and injuring 250 in twin attacks in Beirut, and now killing c. 140 and injuring 300 in France.

Why is the World's savior Putin getting no flack when ISIS has only gotten stronger and bolder since he started his incursion into Syria? :confusedshrug:

Wrong thread bud. This is about Obama. Start a Putin one. Nice try deflecting doe.

11-15-2015, 10:51 AM
Wrong thread bud. This is about Obama. Start a Putin one. Nice try deflecting doe.

Uhhh, Obama on Thurs-Fri commanded a mission that helped the Peshmerga/Yazidi to score the first major victory on the ground against ISIS, effectively cutting their 'Caliphate' in half. Alpha Male Putin, the savior of the World, got a Russian commercial liner blown out of the sky that claimed 230 of his citizens' lives (with more attacks to come against Russian interests) in just over a month into his campaign.

But let me guess, that one was on Obama too just like the French attack. World Emperor Barry O takes another L. :facepalm

11-15-2015, 10:58 AM
Where are all these pro-Putin posters? Where did this strawman come from?

11-15-2015, 11:01 AM
Uhhh, Obama on Thurs-Fri commanded a mission that helped the Peshmerga/Yazidi

:oldlol: obama doesn't 'command' anything ..

this is our president:


and if he keeps allowing his syrian fugees in here, we're gonna have our own paris style attack in the near future

11-15-2015, 11:02 AM
:oldlol: obama didn't 'command' anything ..

this is our president:

Is this real?

11-15-2015, 11:05 AM
Where are all these pro-Putin posters? Where did this strawman come from?

Over Yonder (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=386495) :applause:

In Putin We Trust. Showing Barry O how it's done. Within a month of his involvement- 230 Russian citizens killed in a plane bombing that destroyed Egypt's tourism industry and ended all travel to/from Russia.

But thanks alot, Obama. :mad:

11-15-2015, 05:06 PM
Uhhh, Obama on Thurs-Fri commanded a mission that helped the Peshmerga/Yazidi to score the first major victory on the ground against ISIS, effectively cutting their 'Caliphate' in half. Alpha Male Putin, the savior of the World, got a Russian commercial liner blown out of the sky that claimed 230 of his citizens' lives (with more attacks to come against Russian interests) in just over a month into his campaign.

But let me guess, that one was on Obama too just like the French attack. World Emperor Barry O takes another L. :facepalm

Lets forget how ISIS took control of Syria and parts of Iraq. Who was POTUS?? But keep riding that ***, its over for the clown in a few months.

11-15-2015, 05:08 PM
Over Yonder (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=386495) :applause:

In Putin We Trust. Showing Barry O how it's done. Within a month of his involvement- 230 Russian citizens killed in a plane bombing that destroyed Egypt's tourism industry and ended all travel to/from Russia.

But thanks alot, Obama. :mad:

So let me get this straight. You gave Putin 1 month. Meanwhule Obama was in charge for 8 years and during that time the Arab went nutz with that fu kin Arab Spring bullshit, ISIS goes on a rampage across mddle east and then they take their gong show to Europe. But yeah I guess they contained them in Iraq.

11-15-2015, 05:16 PM
So let me get this straight. You gave Putin 1 month. Meanwhule Obama was in charge for 8 years and during that time the Arab went nutz with that fu kin Arab Spring bullshit, ISIS goes on a rampage across mddle east and then they take their gong show to Europe. But yeah I guess they contained them in Iraq.

Why is any of that a concern for the United States? Let the Arabs/Muslims/etc decide who they want in charge and what system of governance they want to install and live by. The whole forced democratization by the gun and bomb policy of Dick Cheney and his war hawks has proven to be the biggest International Relations disaster in this nation's History.

Let Assad and ISIS and whatever rebel groups are out there duke it out among themselves and send the winners a few bottles of champagne. What business is it of ours?

If they start blowing up our commercial liners and shooting up our cities (we have enough citizens doing that already), then it becomes a National issue. Until then, use some of that pointless bomb money on developing new sources of energy so we don't have to keep making believe we care about the well being of Middle Eastern people of certain countries like Syria while completely ignoring the plight of those in countries like Saudi Arabia.

11-15-2015, 05:22 PM
Why is any of that a concern for the United States? Let the Arabs/Muslims/etc decide who they want in charge and what system of governance they want to install and live by. The whole forced democratization by the gun and bomb policy of Dick Cheney and his war hawks has proven to be the biggest International Relations disaster in this nation's History.

Let Assad and ISIS and whatever rebel groups are out there duke it out among themselves and send the winners a few bottles of champagne. What business is it of ours?

If they start blowing up our commercial liners and shooting up our cities (we have enough citizens doing that already), then it becomes a National issue. Until then, use some of that pointless bomb money on developing new sources of energy so we don't have to keep making believe we care about the well being of Middle Eastern people of certain countries like Syria while completely ignoring the plight of those in countries like Saudi Arabia.

11-15-2015, 05:30 PM
Why is any of that a concern for the United States? Let the Arabs/Muslims/etc decide who they want in charge and what system of governance they want to install and live by. The whole forced democratization by the gun and bomb policy of Dick Cheney and his war hawks has proven to be the biggest International Relations disaster in this nation's History.

Let Assad and ISIS and whatever rebel groups are out there duke it out among themselves and send the winners a few bottles of champagne. What business is it of ours?

If they start blowing up our commercial liners and shooting up our cities (we have enough citizens doing that already), then it becomes a National issue. Until then, use some of that pointless bomb money on developing new sources of energy so we don't have to keep making believe we care about the well being of Middle Eastern people of certain countries like Syria while completely ignoring the plight of those in countries like Saudi Arabia.

Who got US involved in Syria with that "line in the sand" rhetoric?

11-15-2015, 06:00 PM
White House: Obama was referring very specifically to the geographic expansion of ISIL in Iraq and Syria."

Politifact: True. References or suggestions that Obama claimed ISIS no longer presents an active threat are incorrect.

[QUOTE]Looking back at Obama

11-15-2015, 06:17 PM
These dumbass nigguhs trying so hard to somehow blame Obama for this. :roll:

11-15-2015, 08:39 PM
Why is any of that a concern for the United States? Let the Arabs/Muslims/etc decide who they want in charge and what system of governance they want to install and live by. The whole forced democratization by the gun and bomb policy of Dick Cheney and his war hawks has proven to be the biggest International Relations disaster in this nation's History.

Let Assad and ISIS and whatever rebel groups are out there duke it out among themselves and send the winners a few bottles of champagne. What business is it of ours?

If they start blowing up our commercial liners and shooting up our cities (we have enough citizens doing that already), then it becomes a National issue. Until then, use some of that pointless bomb money on developing new sources of energy so we don't have to keep making believe we care about the well being of Middle Eastern people of certain countries like Syria while completely ignoring the plight of those in countries like Saudi Arabia.

Let's be fair, if Obumma was white you wouldn't be saying shit about all this.

Your "White men are the terrorists" narrative is clear to see here.

11-15-2015, 09:25 PM
Why didn't Obama bring the Christian or Yazidi's over to America? They are the ones being persecuted and killed off over there. Why Muslims...:facepalm. Looks like the Syrians have arrived in America. New Orleans and to be dispersed to a local city near you.

11-15-2015, 10:10 PM
Why didn't Obama bring the Christian or Yazidi's over to America? They are the ones being persecuted and killed off over there. Why Muslims...:facepalm. Looks like the Syrians have arrived in America. New Orleans and to be dispersed to a local city near you.

That's a good point. His concern for these migrants is only because many of them are muslim.

Why is there this outcry of help for these migrants, when we have so many other unfortunate groups of people being ignored?

What I fear most is a change in the laws/constitution which allows Obama to go on past a 2nd term or even enact martial law before his time is up.

I smell something really strange about that guy...I can't put my finger on it, but I sense it.

11-16-2015, 06:42 AM
These dumbass nigguhs trying so hard to somehow blame Obama for this. :roll:

Nah man. You the nigg a licking Obama's ballz. True Obama dint cause the France incident, France did that to themselves by not controlling and vetting Muslim refugees and letting them form their own closed communities.

Obama talkin out of his as s saying ISIS is contained in fuki n Iraq or Syria is bull shiet. Also with his support of Arab spring bullcrap that led to an unstable Syria which gave rise to ISIS.
I say he is partly to blame.

11-16-2015, 06:48 AM
Nah man. You the nigg a licking Obama's ballz. True Obama dint cause the France incident, France did that to themselves by not controlling and vetting Muslim refugees and letting them form their own closed communities.

Obama talkin out of his as s saying ISIS is contained in fuki n Iraq or Syria is bull shiet. Also with his support of Arab spring bullcrap that led to an unstable Syria which gave rise to ISIS.
I say he is partly to blame.
Maybe a lot of Americans posters don't know this, but as an UE member, France isn't allowed to control its own borders.

11-16-2015, 10:00 AM
Maybe a lot of Americans posters don't know this, but as an UE member, France isn't allowed to control its own borders.

Dude France been letting in muslim refugees for a loong time now waaaay before EU. Besides just because your EU doesnt mean you cant refuse. See Hungary.

11-16-2015, 10:24 AM
Dude France been letting in muslim refugees for a loong time now waaaay before EU. Besides just because your EU doesnt mean you cant refuse. See Hungary.
That's a different story. Hungary has borders with NON-EU countries. You can seal those borders. But you can't seal borders between EU countries.

Think of it like this. California can close its border with Mexico. It can't close its border with Nevada.

11-16-2015, 10:59 AM
That's a different story. Hungary has borders with NON-EU countries. You can seal those borders. But you can't seal borders between EU countries.

Think of it like this. California can close its border with Mexico. It can't close its border with Nevada.

Chezch Repub refusing migrants too. They are surrounded by EU countries.

11-16-2015, 11:59 AM
Chezch Repub refusing migrants too. They are surrounded by EU countries.
As they should be. It's about time that countries started standing up to the EU.

11-16-2015, 12:21 PM
Open borders is the dumbest idea ever.. After seeing these refugees first hand I feel sorry for all the cities being ruined by these scumbags..
They line the streets begging and camping and waiting out for a stupid govt to give them residency or welfare. If not, off to the next place..

Germany the stupid soft c0cks still embarrassed about ww2 letting in so many of them, enjoy your slums. Sweden taking on what, 80,000 and they think it's going to boost there economy ?:roll: :roll:

The average person in Europe is furious you have to feel bad for them. What makes it worse is half these pieces of shit have money, they are buying tickets etc, they all have smart phones, cash, clothes etc. They have no idea who they're letting in:facepalm

11-16-2015, 12:27 PM
Sounds similar to Bush landing on the aircraft carrier and declaring "mission accomplished!" during the Iraq war.

We all know what happened after that.

11-16-2015, 01:14 PM
Let's be fair, if Obumma was white you wouldn't be saying shit about all this.

Your "White men are the terrorists" narrative is clear to see here.

Have you been watching Fox News? Fox has been very quick in recent times to make white men seem like victims in all this when nobody is blaming white men other than ISIS. :rolleyes:

11-16-2015, 01:38 PM
I heard Obama say yet again that this will take a long time....really? It shouldn't take a long time at all if your real concern is too quell ISIS, who isn't a big force to begin with. I can imagine that U.S. leadership/military from WW2 could defeat ISIS faster than Obama. It's the will to get something done, Obama doesn't have any will.

11-16-2015, 01:41 PM
He's right though. This is the second mass shooting (both terrorist acts) in France, and both shut the country down completely because they are not used to stuff like that happening.

Wanna know how many mass shootings the U.S. has seen this year alone?


Compare gun deaths in France with gun deaths in the U.S.

Where was he wrong? :confusedshrug:
Gun deaths in this country, when counted for political reasons, would be half the actual number, but suicides are counted.

Patrick Chewing
11-16-2015, 02:33 PM
Obama's speech today has us shaking our head. He got defensive and found a way to blame Americans for their reservations on bringing over Syrian refugees.

This guy is the devil incarnate.

11-16-2015, 04:20 PM
Obama's speech today has us shaking our head. He got defensive and found a way to blame Americans for their reservations on bringing over Syrian refugees.

This guy is the devil incarnate.

1. Get a paper bag. (Not a plastic bag!)
2. Place the paper bag over your mouth and nose completely.
3. Hold the bag with one hand towards the opening of the bag.
4. Breathe in and out of the bag.
6. Try to remain calm and breathe as naturally and completely as you can during an episode of hyperventilation.
5. Take no more than 6-12 breaths using the paper bag.
6. After taking 6-12 breaths remove the bag from your mouth and nose and breathe without it.

11-16-2015, 04:51 PM
He probably was talking about the Caliphate, not some random sleeper cell terrorists in Paris.

The U.S. backed up the Peshmerga and Yazidi when they took back the Sinjar and cut off a major road between ISIS strongholds in Iraq and Syria on Friday.


Highway 47 allowed ISIS to travel freely and move supplies efficiently between Iraq and Syria. They controlled the region for 15 months. Now that route has been cut off, therefore 'containing' ISIS.

This is truth, the Peshmerga was our/their best hope at a moderate-leaning sustainable army in the region and they have been recently winning some major keystone victories.

Don going to work in this thread.

11-16-2015, 05:18 PM
This is truth, the Peshmerga was our/their best hope at a moderate-leaning sustainable army in the region and they have been recently winning some major keystone victories.

Don going to work in this thread.
Whoa, let's slow down here. The Kurds are not moderates. They're fighting ISIS, but in the same kind of way that the Taliban were fighting the soviets. I think we should arm the Kurds for now, but let's not act like they're the Swiss or something.

11-16-2015, 05:22 PM
Whoa, let's slow down here. The Kurds are not moderates. They're fighting ISIS, but in the same kind of way that the Taliban were fighting the soviets. I think we should arm the Kurds for now, but let's not act like they're the Swiss or something.


11-16-2015, 05:30 PM
Uhhh.... Looks like the islamophobia-phobia brigade is out in full force. (I.e. An irrational fear of islamophobia)

How come EVERYTIME one of these things happens, these "the sky is falling" types come out hysterical about some mythical landslide of "islamophobia"? Are these people genuine or are they putting this act on for other purposes?

11-17-2015, 12:02 AM
Have you been watching Fox News? Fox has been very quick in recent times to make white men seem like victims in all this when nobody is blaming white men other than ISIS. :rolleyes:

There are definitely issues with racism in the police force. Probably some element of neo-nazi connection, they will flock to positions of power to carry out their sinister intentions.

I'll give you that.

But don't play into the victim mode. You will never get past it and accept that this is just a group of white supremacist nut jobs trying to cause division like ISIS

Nick Young
11-17-2015, 12:03 AM
This will go down in history as being as stupid anything George W. Bush has ever said.