View Full Version : Who's been giving LeBron FT lessons, Andre Drummond?

11-15-2015, 12:43 AM

Last year LeBron inexplicably dropped significantly in FT% to 71%, his lowest since 2007 (which was the worst FT year of his career to date). From 2009-2014, he shot between 75 and 78% every single year. This year he's at 60% after 6-12 tonight :facepalm For someone whose game is based a lot on driving, if he can't get back to his normal 75%, it's a big problem.

Inexcusably bad FT shooting from LeBron. He's never been a good free throw shooter, but he's also never been a bad one either. Until now.

11-15-2015, 12:45 AM

11-15-2015, 12:47 AM
He could hit 90% if he wanted to.

11-15-2015, 12:49 AM
He could hit 90% if he wanted to.
If he could hit 90%, he'd be doing it. If he actually can hit 90% and chooses not to, then he's legitimately insane. I'm aware he said he could shoot 90% on FTs, which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard him say (because if he could, he would).

TBH there are times in the past where LeBron goes through a stretch where he is like Shaq at the line. But he always balanced that out by having another stretch where he shot FTs like Nash, and it all averaged out to 75%.

I really hope the next superstar I cheer for is more reliable, between LeBron and TMac underachieving at the FT line its been really annoying.

11-15-2015, 12:51 AM
think its a fatigue effect. He has to be the point guard, scorer, leader, defender of this team, this might cause him to lose concentration. Filthy cavs, can't give him a proper supporting cast. :banghead:

11-15-2015, 12:54 AM
think its a fatigue effect. He has to be the point guard, scorer, leader, defender of this team, this might cause him to lose concentration. Filthy cavs, can't give him a proper supporting cast. :banghead:
He had to do a lot more on previous Cavs teams, and he shot FTs better. This is a significant enough regression that it's affecting his game. He's aware of it at least, and is working on it. But I really don't care if he's tired or not, he's too good of a player and has been too consistent at the FT line (not consistently good, but consistently mediocre, which is better than consistently bad) to suddenly turn into Shaq with 3Pt range.

11-15-2015, 12:55 AM
think its a fatigue effect. He has to be the point guard, scorer, leader, defender of this team, this might cause him to lose concentration. Filthy cavs, can't give him a proper supporting cast. :banghead:
This is the most logical answer

11-15-2015, 01:01 AM
Stop making excuses. LeBron is playing with Kevin Love, a very good player, and Mo Williams is playing well. From what I've seen, LeBron lets Mo run PG a lot so he actually isn't working as hard. LeBron should at least be held to the standard he has set by has past performance, and that standard is that he at least hit around 3/4 of his FTs.