View Full Version : Despite losing Rhonda Rousey was successful....

11-15-2015, 03:59 PM
She was used to help promote women's fighting in the UFC and the whole plan worked to a T. Take a look at the OTC. There hasn't been this many threads about a UFC in literally years.
At the end of the day UFC is a business. Using Rhonda to play the part of heal has brought attention to the division. We all have to admit we never wanted women fighting in the UFC. Yet we all tuned in to this fight. Product successfully sold.
When I was at an event with BJ Penn it was during the time Penn was fighting GSP. I got to hang with him for the weekend and he was the coolest athlete I had ever met. I came out and said, "bro, the UFC makes you out to be an ass." He said he accepted the role of bad guy to help promote the fight. It was all an act. Coincidentally I had met GSP soon after and he was the biggest arrogant asshole I've ever met in the sport.
Rhonda did what she set out to do was troll the world of sports. To capture the exact audience that refused to accept her division. Considered yourself trolled

11-15-2015, 04:05 PM
I've met GSP. wasn't an assh0le at all but I get your point.

Smook B
11-15-2015, 04:06 PM
She got knocked the **** out.

11-15-2015, 04:06 PM
She did get casual viewers like myself to notice UFC more. Especially as a female fighter she WAS the Floyd Mayweather of UFC and for her to accomplish the amount of views and attention, no one could of done a better job.

11-15-2015, 04:10 PM

And I saw a lot of people last night saying they thought she was a c0cky cunnt, but in the interviews I've seen where she wasn't directly promoting a fight, she actually seemed pretty sweet and likable. Of course she has to be brash and arrogant when she's hyping up specific fights. That's what she's supposed to do. I think "IRL" so-to-speak she seems like a pretty cool chick.

11-15-2015, 04:11 PM
I've met GSP. wasn't an assh0le at all but I get your point.
The guy was a huge prick. Not necessarily to me but the group we were with. We went out for dinner with him through a promotion group after a trade show signing. At the restaurant he complained all night. Anyone that tried to start a conversation he immediately shut them down. He got a little drunk off wine. He would see girls walk by and ask them to sit on his lap. Being somewhat vulgar. I thought he was a big dick head.

11-15-2015, 04:13 PM
She got knocked the **** out.
And so did the division. It went down with Rousey. Holm isn't enough of a character to promote the division. That's probably why Dana looked depressed

11-15-2015, 04:14 PM
I met GSP as well. He was really chill. My friends that have bumped into him have said the same thing. Maybe you met him while he was having a really bad day.

11-15-2015, 04:16 PM

And I saw a lot of people last night saying they thought she was a c0cky cunnt, but in the interviews I've seen where she wasn't directly promoting a fight, she actually seemed pretty sweet and likable. Of course she has to be brash and arrogant when she's hyping up specific fights. That's what she's supposed to do. I think "IRL" so-to-speak she seems like a pretty cool chick.
Right. She single handedly sold the division. Something a woman can never do in a male dominated fanbase. Probably in any sport. When was the last time a male fighter was plastered all over the OTC? Social Media? She's gathered more attention than all champions in every division combined!

11-15-2015, 04:17 PM
ufc dead after ronda is gone? she is their biggest draw and this ppv supposedly broke their records. they need ronda to bounce back

11-15-2015, 04:17 PM
I met GSP as well. He was really chill. My friends that have bumped into him have said the same thing. Maybe you met him while he was having a really bad day.
Possibly. Although between him and Penn, Penn was more likable in person.

11-15-2015, 04:18 PM
Her personality isn't all around bad either. She has an outgoing nature about her. At the end of the day she was the cash cow and I'm sure she still will be. She's going to have to come out and do twice as good. Possibly rematch, etc.

11-15-2015, 04:19 PM
ufc dead after ronda is gone? she is their biggest draw and this ppv supposedly broke their records. they need ronda to bounce back
The division. Not UFC. You're arguing the same thing I am
Holm isn't a draw. If she does fight Cyborg that's pretty much it. The division needed Rhonda to keep winning because she played the heal so well

11-15-2015, 04:49 PM
Ronda was a bit overboard with her attitude, but that's alright as long as she still sells, which she has very well been.

UFC still has to expand the women's division and create more stars for a longer success.

11-15-2015, 05:03 PM
Lol. I can see it now.

UFC Exec: "Dana, our top draw just got knocked out."

Dana White: "Yeah, but have you seen the OTC front page? There's like 7 threads about us!"

UFC Exec: "You're right, success!"

11-15-2015, 07:09 PM
in conning the American public, hopefully it never happens again.

11-15-2015, 07:18 PM

And I saw a lot of people last night saying they thought she was a c0cky cunnt, but in the interviews I've seen where she wasn't directly promoting a fight, she actually seemed pretty sweet and likable. Of course she has to be brash and arrogant when she's hyping up specific fights. That's what she's supposed to do. I think "IRL" so-to-speak she seems like a pretty cool chick.

dunno about that, she is incredibly petty and acts like a bully. She went after one of the UFC ring girls I remember for no reason other than the fact she makes a living off her face, which ironically is something that Ronda wants to do as well. Ronda just has this deep seeded insecurity based on the fact she was a fat ugly girl in hs and never quite left that girl behind her. Her entire persona now seems like revenge of the nerds.

I'm gonna be really interested in seeing how she comes back from this. Her popularity was based on this aura of invincibility and no matter what happens now that is gone. How will they promote her next fight. It will be interesting

11-15-2015, 07:29 PM
She was used to help promote women's fighting in the UFC and the whole plan worked to a T. Take a look at the OTC. There hasn't been this many threads about a UFC in literally years.
At the end of the day UFC is a business. Using Rhonda to play the part of heal has brought attention to the division. We all have to admit we never wanted women fighting in the UFC. Yet we all tuned in to this fight. Product successfully sold.
When I was at an event with BJ Penn it was during the time Penn was fighting GSP. I got to hang with him for the weekend and he was the coolest athlete I had ever met. I came out and said, "bro, the UFC makes you out to be an ass." He said he accepted the role of bad guy to help promote the fight. It was all an act. Coincidentally I had met GSP soon after and he was the biggest arrogant asshole I've ever met in the sport.
Rhonda did what she set out to do was troll the world of sports. To capture the exact audience that refused to accept her division. Considered yourself trolled

The difference is GSP and BJ Penn are really great fighters. It's nice to hear that Penn is a good guy and I'm not surprised GSP is an asshole, but I'd still have a lot of interest in them fighting just from a perspective of skill. In my experiences, it isn't a good idea to meet your favorite athletes. Occasionally you'll run into a really down to earth cat, but they'll disappoint you for the most part.

The thing that bothered me about Rousey wasn't so much her arrogance or playing the part of a heel... it was everyone acting as if she was/is a great fighter, could compete against (any) males and that it was somehow mysogony to argue against it. All this while completely turning a blind eye to the (terrible) level of competition. That's why I was happy to see her so completely embarrassed by an over-the-hill ex-female-boxer.

11-15-2015, 08:07 PM
dunno about that, she is incredibly petty and acts like a bully. She went after one of the UFC ring girls I remember for no reason other than the fact she makes a living off her face, which ironically is something that Ronda wants to do as well. Ronda just has this deep seeded insecurity based on the fact she was a fat ugly girl in hs and never quite left that girl behind her. Her entire persona now seems like revenge of the nerds.

I'm gonna be really interested in seeing how she comes back from this. Her popularity was based on this aura of invincibility and no matter what happens now that is gone. How will they promote her next fight. It will be interesting
Bro, you got trolled. Mission accomplished.

Truth is we don't know her personally. Only through how she represented through the UFC. She got you to buy in and actually be interested in women's MMA

11-15-2015, 08:10 PM
The difference is GSP and BJ Penn are really great fighters. It's nice to hear that Penn is a good guy and I'm not surprised GSP is an asshole, but I'm not surprised. In my experiences, it isn't a good idea to meet your favorite athletes. Occasionally you'll run into a really down to earth cat, but they'll disappoint you for the most part.

The thing that bothered me about Rousey wasn't so much her arrogance or playing the part of a heel... it was everyone acting as if she was/is a great fighter, could compete against (any) males and that it was somehow mysogony to argue against it. All this while completely turning a blind eye to the (terrible) level of competition. That's why I was happy to see her so completely embarrassed by an over-the-hill ex-female-boxer.
Who tried to sell it more? Was it Rousey or Dana White and the UFC? The media created the idea, White milked it, and Rousey played along. In the end it worked.

11-15-2015, 08:21 PM
even Trump is joining in on the fun

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Glad to see that @RondaRousey lost her championship fight last night. Was soundly beaten - not a nice person!


11-15-2015, 08:23 PM
She was used to help promote women's fighting in the UFC and the whole plan worked to a T. Take a look at the OTC. There hasn't been this many threads about a UFC in literally years.
At the end of the day UFC is a business. Using Rhonda to play the part of heal has brought attention to the division. We all have to admit we never wanted women fighting in the UFC. Yet we all tuned in to this fight. Product successfully sold.
When I was at an event with BJ Penn it was during the time Penn was fighting GSP. I got to hang with him for the weekend and he was the coolest athlete I had ever met. I came out and said, "bro, the UFC makes you out to be an ass." He said he accepted the role of bad guy to help promote the fight. It was all an act. Coincidentally I had met GSP soon after and he was the biggest arrogant asshole I've ever met in the sport.
Rhonda did what she set out to do was troll the world of sports. To capture the exact audience that refused to accept her division. Considered yourself trolled

Was pretty played up for the media. They picked her well too, she went all over the internet in to other nieches when she started talking about pokemon too.

11-15-2015, 08:24 PM
Who tried to sell it more? Was it Rousey or Dana White and the UFC? The media created the idea, White milked it, and Rousey played along. In the end it worked.
It sort of reminds me of Naseem Hamed, only on a much less skilled scale. The media and general public ate him up and called him a GOAT because he had a funky style. Real boxing fans saw through it and just waited for him to fight someone to expose his (obvious) weaknesses. Once that happened, his career was literally over... he retired.

He was ultimately good for boxing because he was entertaining and people either loved him or hated him, but once the mystique was shattered, there was no putting it back together.

Will the same happen to Rousey?

11-15-2015, 08:37 PM
It sort of reminds me of Naseem Hamed, only on a much less skilled scale. The media and general public ate him up and called him a GOAT because he had a funky style. Real boxing fans saw through it and just waited for him to fight someone to expose his (obvious) weaknesses. Once that happened, his career was literally over... he retired.

He was ultimately good for boxing because he was entertaining and people either loved him or hated him, but once the mystique was shattered, there was no putting it back together.

Will the same happen to Rousey?

I don't think so. Holm wrecked her. She is now the face of the women's division and she won't be able to sell it. Unless the do a heal to hero story.

11-15-2015, 08:52 PM
I don't think so. Holm wrecked her. She is now the face of the women's division and she won't be able to sell it. Unless the do a heal to hero story.

this is why UFC will not last the test of time, it's basically a shoot wrestling promotion. you're even using wrestling terms. every talking head talked about how she is the greatest female athlete , totally shitting on people even like serena williams that are still active, not to mention any female athlete in history. i basically do not see the UFC as anything more than a offshoot for the WWE.

11-15-2015, 08:55 PM
btw i see some people saying that this is going to be the death of the UFC's women's divisions, but i don't agree.

nah, i think the story of where rousey goes from here is huge. the story of how the giant-killer holds up is also huge. cyborg still looms on the horizon and arguably can grab the belt from holly. not to mention, suddenly and overnight the rest of the 135ers got a huge infusion of life and hope... that NOW there's a successful blueprint for beating rousey that they can hope to follow, and NOW they can test themselves against the new champ and hope to beat her. whether or not those things are realistic for any of them doesn't really matter right now.

not to mention, joanna jedi has become a pretty big draw on her own. and although not as dominating as say, mighty mouse, she may be the bigger draw at this point.

so yeah, rousey did a great job launching women's MMA in the UFC and maybe she'll be a dominating champion again, but i think women's MMA will be okay at this point. sooner or later the crossover appeal of rousey had to slow down for various possible reasons, and sooner or later women's MMA has to be bigger than her. and i think that fortunately it is.


btw i realised this just now-- last night's fight was basically the boxer using the judo player's own force and emotions against them. talk about getting things backwards! :eek:

11-15-2015, 09:03 PM
also i think some of you guys are overestimating the show wrestling aspect of ronda, specifically about being a heel.

i mean, she was always much more than just a heel (or narcissistic bitch if you will)... she was also a fascinating story for various reasons. she was also an uber-dominating champion, which is always a draw no matter what. she's also a pretty face and a nice body, so there's the fantasy element as well.

11-15-2015, 11:22 PM
also i think some of you guys are overestimating the show wrestling aspect of ronda, specifically about being a heel.

i mean, she was always much more than just a heel (or narcissistic bitch if you will)... she was also a fascinating story for various reasons. she was also an uber-dominating champion, which is always a draw no matter what. she's also a pretty face and a nice body, so there's the fantasy element as well.

Slow down on the pretty face/body.....

She is average...slightly above on a good day..

But in a sport where there are tons of monsters ..she stands out I guess..

I'm also used to pulling top shelf HOs ....so my judgement may be biased

11-15-2015, 11:24 PM
The guy was a huge prick. Not necessarily to me but the group we were with. We went out for dinner with him through a promotion group after a trade show signing. At the restaurant he complained all night. Anyone that tried to start a conversation he immediately shut them down. He got a little drunk off wine. He would see girls walk by and ask them to sit on his lap. Being somewhat vulgar. I thought he was a big dick head.
Are you serious dude?

he lives a different life than you. and why would he wanna converse with you or your friends?

he was probably just being completely normal and you perceive it as him being a dick because he showed you no attention.

11-15-2015, 11:41 PM

11-15-2015, 11:45 PM
Are you serious dude?

he lives a different life than you. and why would he wanna converse with you or your friends?

he was probably just being completely normal and you perceive it as him being a dick because he showed you no attention.
Right, because ignoring someone when they're speaking directly to you and a group of people noticing it is considered normal :rolleyes:
The last 3 threads I've created you've managed to have a problem with me in each one. Now you're reaching to find something marginal to confront me with. It's obvious you have a problem with me, now it's kind of coming off as obsessive. I just won't bother responding to you anymore.

11-16-2015, 12:02 AM
Slow down on the pretty face/body.....

She is average...slightly above on a good day..

But in a sport where there are tons of monsters ..she stands out I guess..

I'm also used to pulling top shelf HOs ....so my judgement may be biased
yeah, i was describing how the body of ppl felt towards her.

but back to you, are you saying that you get free service from prostitutes? :P

jimmy must always wear a hat.

11-16-2015, 12:14 AM
Humble brag
It's part of the job. Anytime an event was in town or our sponsored fighter was fighting (at the time we sponsored Brock Lenser) we would attend the events and promote. I would run into fighters all the time.

11-16-2015, 12:36 AM
yeah, i was describing how the body of ppl felt towards her.

but back to you, are you saying that you get free service from prostitutes? :P

jimmy must always wear a hat.


Because you always gotta pay for the p#$@y my friend...


11-16-2015, 01:34 AM
It sort of reminds me of Naseem Hamed, only on a much less skilled scale. The media and general public ate him up and called him a GOAT because he had a funky style. Real boxing fans saw through it and just waited for him to fight someone to expose his (obvious) weaknesses. Once that happened, his career was literally over... he retired.

He was ultimately good for boxing because he was entertaining and people either loved him or hated him, but once the mystique was shattered, there was no putting it back together.

Will the same happen to Rousey?

Difference is Rousey isn't a sham. Her division is a sham. It's not like there's a boatload of women out there who can beat her and nullify her style. It's just the UFC overhyping a very primitive division

11-16-2015, 01:48 AM

11-16-2015, 02:27 AM
I don't think so. Holm wrecked her. She is now the face of the women's division and she won't be able to sell it. Unless the do a heal to hero story.

I disagree. Preachers daughter, great boxing champion, crossing over to MMA, very humble and down to earth. She is getting huge publicity off of this. I think she can bring in a lot of the boxing fans turned off by the whole Rousey can beat a great boxer none sense. Should be a huge build up to the rematch which will bring in more people, including casuals and boxing fans. UFC needs to just be smart with the marketing. Her victory saved women's MMA in my opinion and changed the conversation from grousing about Rousey buzzing through tomato cans. This will force Rousey to take training seriously and to expand her game if she wants to avenge the loss. It will also probably get some women going the boxing route to take an earlier interest in the MMA route, which will help expand the pool of fighters to choose from.

11-16-2015, 03:12 AM
I disagree. Preachers daughter, great boxing champion, crossing over to MMA, very humble and down to earth. She is getting huge publicity off of this. I think she can bring in a lot of the boxing fans turned off by the whole Rousey can beat a great boxer none sense. Should be a huge build up to the rematch which will bring in more people, including casuals and boxing fans. UFC needs to just be smart with the marketing. Her victory saved women's MMA in my opinion and changed the conversation from grousing about Rousey buzzing through tomato cans. This will force Rousey to take training seriously and to expand her game if she wants to avenge the loss. It will also probably get some women going the boxing route to take an earlier interest in the MMA route, which will help expand the pool of fighters to choose from.
Boxing fans aren't crossing over to follow her. I'd ask any boxing purist here if Holm has made them a fan of the UFC. My bro is a boxing fan and didn't even know who Holm is and didn't care enough to see if she could beat Rousey or if boxing is better than MMA.
I don't think it saved the division at all. Rousey is a draw because she is polarizing. You were either invested watching her crush everyone in her path or couldn't wait to see her get her face smashed in. Holm isn't near close to being that polarizing. She just seems so....nice. Take a look at the girl before her that fought last night's card. What was her name? Exactly. I guess what it boils down to is women's MMA wasn't about the talent, it's about the characters. Rousey going down is the death of that needed character to sustain the division.

11-16-2015, 03:40 AM
Difference is Rousey isn't a sham. Her division is a sham. It's not like there's a boatload of women out there who can beat her and nullify her style. It's just the UFC overhyping a very primitive division
hello there, sir--
did you hear about the big fight on saturday?
you might want to read about it.

11-16-2015, 04:14 AM
Right, because ignoring someone when they're speaking directly to you and a group of people noticing it is considered normal :rolleyes:
The last 3 threads I've created you've managed to have a problem with me in each one. Now you're reaching to find something marginal to confront me with. It's obvious you have a problem with me, now it's kind of coming off as obsessive. I just won't bother responding to you anymore.
i don't have a problem with you. So bringing a different perspective is having a problem with you?

i'm just challenging you intellectually, which is actually a sign that I may actually have enough respect for you that you'll respond without getting too worked up about it. i guess i was wrong.

11-16-2015, 04:22 AM
She got knocked the **** out.
And you know this. Man.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
11-16-2015, 04:30 AM
Shes ugly lol @ nikkas saying shes hot

Royce Gracie of women. Made WMMA popular, trailblazer, but one dimensional, limited fighting opposition like soccer moms and high school teachers who cant fight. The fact that nikkas actually pushed her for p4p was fcking hilarious. No women would make the top 100 p4p list in MMA including Joanna, Holly and Cyborg.

a dude like George Roop aint even top 50 @ male bantamweight and he would fck up any 135 pound woman

11-16-2015, 06:20 AM
Boxing fans aren't crossing over to follow her. I'd ask any boxing purist here if Holm has made them a fan of the UFC. My bro is a boxing fan and didn't even know who Holm is and didn't care enough to see if she could beat Rousey or if boxing is better than MMA.
I don't think it saved the division at all. Rousey is a draw because she is polarizing. You were either invested watching her crush everyone in her path or couldn't wait to see her get her face smashed in. Holm isn't near close to being that polarizing. She just seems so....nice. Take a look at the girl before her that fought last night's card. What was her name? Exactly. I guess what it boils down to is women's MMA wasn't about the talent, it's about the characters. Rousey going down is the death of that needed character to sustain the division.

If the idea is to sustain and grow the division and women in MMA past the Rousey years then this is good for the sport overall. We have pure boxing fans here and throughout the web talking about this fight and Holly. People who were very dismissive of the sport (especially the women Rousey faced) are suddenly intrigued because she went up against someone who could strike and hold her own. It might translate into more interest or it might not, but the talk it is generating is far louder than if Rousey had steamrolled her.

Boxing purist would definitely know who HH is. That's why they are purist. They eat, sleep and breath the sport. Casual boxing fans would not know who she is.

Perhaps it is time for the women's MMA to become a bit more about the talent along with the character.

11-16-2015, 07:03 AM
...Perhaps it is time for the women's MMA to become a bit more about the talent along with the character.
you could also say that MMA would be better without people like dana white.

i say that because white essentially handpicked rousey to introduce women's MMA, gave her special status and treatment in many ways, helped her agenda, and helped shield her from cyborg the whole time. and... they both have very pronounced douchebag sides to them. i think they both identify with each other a lot, i.e. a rogue mentality standing with their homies against the world, flipping the bird with impunity.

if you're a good but boring fighter then you're in automatic trouble with white, but if you're a loudmouth jackass along the lines of conor, rousey, lesnar, jones et al and you're (mostly) a winning, entertaining fighter, dana will typically roll out the red carpet and the bucks for you.

other MMA orgs seem to promote more spectacle, show and humor, while white has designed the UFC to be more driven by personalities, feuds and storylines. hence a perfect place for a ronda rousey to thrive. unfortunately this formula also gathers most of the money and talent in the MMA world.

11-16-2015, 07:07 AM
Why is Connor constantly being grouped in with Rousey? We all thought Rousey had holes in her game, and was dominating a weak division.

How is that comparable in any way to McGregor at the moment? Dude beat a fairly decent division with a nice pool of talent, on top of taking out a guy most said he would struggle with in stunning fashion (Mendes), all while instilling the fear of God into his next opponent (Aldo).

11-16-2015, 07:12 AM
Why is Connor constantly being grouped in with Rousey? We all thought Rousey had holes in her game, and was dominating a weak division.

How is that comparable in any way to McGregor at the moment? Dude beat a fairly decent division with a nice pool of talent, on top of taking out a guy most said he would struggle with in stunning fashion (Mendes), all while instilling the fear of God into his next opponent (Aldo).

You think Aldo is scared of McGregor?

Conor really is a clown. He's not an intimidating personality (or fighter) to someone like Jose freaking Aldo. I think Aldo relishes the idea of silencing the hype like he did against faber. He's an assassin.

11-16-2015, 07:42 AM
Why is Connor constantly being grouped in with Rousey? We all thought Rousey had holes in her game, and was dominating a weak division.
every single fighter has holes in their game. that's just fighting 101 and sports 101. there's always that certain someone who will come along and humble you... and also help you to improve.

also i think it's nonsensical to say that rousey was dominating a weak division. they're still a bunch of hard-training, long-time martial artists who are pretty much the best in the world along with some in invicta. if that's the best there is in the world, then it's by definition not "weak."

no, rousey's domination was very much real and legit. nobody could figure her out and neutralise her judo until a woman who was already elite in many ways got trained and prepared by arguably the greatest and most intelligent camp in MMA- jacksonwink.

evolution can be very sudden in MMA. that doesn't make it phony or lacking merit.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
11-16-2015, 07:56 AM
LOL @ a dude who was raised in the favelas of Rio, had to choose between eating and training and when he ate he could only get one meal a day, slept outside his gym since he didnt have a place to sleep, being scared of a priviledged and phony clown leprechaun with a napoleon complex

11-16-2015, 09:32 AM
i don't have a problem with you. So bringing a different perspective is having a problem with you?

i'm just challenging you intellectually, which is actually a sign that I may actually have enough respect for you that you'll respond without getting too worked up about it. i guess i was wrong.
Bringing a different perspective is fine if it weren't for the fact you've been following me around and constantly trying to belittle me. Your last response wasn't intellectually challenging. You replied to something marginal that didn't really add to the context of the thread but attacked my character. Something you've done in the span of 3 straight threads. As you can see from the other posts I have been challenged and responded with intellegent conversation. What you're doing is bullying. Calling me names in other threads doesn't contribute to intellegent conversation as well.

11-16-2015, 09:45 AM
If the idea is to sustain and grow the division and women in MMA past the Rousey years then this is good for the sport overall. We have pure boxing fans here and throughout the web talking about this fight and Holly. People who were very dismissive of the sport (especially the women Rousey faced) are suddenly intrigued because she went up against someone who could strike and hold her own. It might translate into more interest or it might not, but the talk it is generating is far louder than if Rousey had steamrolled her.

Boxing purist would definitely know who HH is. That's why they are purist. They eat, sleep and breath the sport. Casual boxing fans would not know who she is.

Perhaps it is time for the women's MMA to become a bit more about the talent along with the character.
I don't know about that. Go into the all purpose boxing thread and ask them if they knew who Holm is. I doubt any of them knew who Holm was before this fight. Like I said my bro is very into boxing and never heard of her.
The conversation within that community didn't talk about the fight because they knew Holm, they talked about the fight because they heard of Rousey and we're intrigued with the match up. But it won't make them make the switch. It's still women's fighting and again Holm isn't a personality worth following.
I can tell you're an MMA fan, but you're forgetting the business aspect and MMA is losing the casual fan. I bet the general public doesn't know who the last title fight was unless they Googled it. Hell, I had to bring it up moments before the fight in the OTC. And it was a good match up. But I guess we'll see how Holm is marketed. If it's along the lines of the fighter that fought before her, women's MMA is in trouble. Holm will never be a headliner and if she is, the card will flop.

11-16-2015, 10:10 AM


better than porn

11-16-2015, 10:11 AM
LOL @ a dude who was raised in the favelas of Rio, had to choose between eating and training and when he ate he could only get one meal a day, slept outside his gym since he didnt have a place to sleep, being scared of a priviledged and phony clown leprechaun with a napoleon complex

he was scared of taking a piss in a cup tho

11-16-2015, 10:29 AM
She didn't fight smart, period.
She'll be back and get her title back.
At one point in the fight, Holm got Ronda on her back and immediately got up. She was fighting humbled and intelligent; she used her strengths the entire fight, Ronda didn't. She fought an elite boxer/kick-boxer champion standing up the entire fight, tried to prove to everyone that she's a great stand up fighter and got exposed bad.

She needs to keep her ego in check.
Her judo & submission game is on a different level than anyone in that women's division and if she starts utilizing them every fight, I have no doubt she'll continue to dominate once she regains her title.

She has no chance against Holly at stand-up, was just terrible strategy by her and her corner.

Congrats to Holly though, great performance.
I really like her and wish her the best of luck.

11-16-2015, 10:32 AM
The division. Not UFC. You're arguing the same thing I am
Holm isn't a draw. If she does fight Cyborg that's pretty much it. The division needed Rhonda to keep winning because she played the heal so well

exaggerating about ufc being dead but i think it will hurt the company overall once shes done. losing your biggest star will do that. she brought over many casual fans which gave UFC more exposure to the masses. the casual fans are key to business. they are the ones that buys tickets and help push PPVs over one million buys.

seriously, is there anyone else in UFC that can consistently draw a million buys on their own like Ronda did? i think people underestimate her drawing power. i dont even think cotto-canelo does 1 million buys and thats a big boxing PPV.

it wasn't just the womens division that she brought attention to, the entire company benefits from Ronda's run. Even after the lost, I believe she will still draw. But once shes done and bolts to WWE, going to be interesting what happens then.

11-16-2015, 11:09 AM

You think Aldo is scared of McGregor?

Conor really is a clown. He's not an intimidating personality (or fighter) to someone like Jose freaking Aldo. I think Aldo relishes the idea of silencing the hype like he did against faber. He's an assassin.

I don't mean it that way, but I don't think he wants the fight as much as he is letting on.

Pulling out for a BS rib injury to let Connor take on Mendes first kinda speaks to that. It is a common tactic he has pulled several times, and probably thought of it as a way he could possibly get a one up on Connor, or avoid him all together.

And yes gigantes, every fighter has some holes, or weaknesses, but Ronda has no freaking stand up... at all. She has power, but unless she can overwhelm her opponent, it doesn't get her far, as seen. Meisha dominated her when they were standing too. It is a good thing Ronda has a good chin, because it has saved her a few times.

11-16-2015, 11:28 AM
This guy called it.

One has to hope that Greg Jackson, who has never been opposed to upsetting the crowd by fighting smart, has told Holm to simply run and step off line for the opening minutes. Boxing craft will not show itself over trading right hands in the opening seconds and falling into a clinch, ringcraft shows as a fight becomes less of a brawl and more of a contest. Everything in this fight favors Holm if she can just avoid Rousey's early, wild rushes.


11-16-2015, 11:32 AM


better than porn
you set it to start at :40 which is way past that point.

anyway that was surreal... like ronda reverting back to 4yo in front of our eyes. not a good look for the neighborhood bully.

11-16-2015, 11:38 AM
Is this the MMA version of Tyson vs. Buster Douglas?

11-16-2015, 11:41 AM
Is this the MMA version of Tyson vs. Buster Douglas?

No, Holm is a boxing & kickboxing champion.
She is ten times the fighter Ronda is at stand-up.

Rousey got her ass handed to her because she thought she could beat Holly at her own game. Holly is the first ATHLETE to ever hold an MMA title & boxing title.

11-16-2015, 11:43 AM
ISH = where getting knocked the **** out on your ass means you somehow came out on top

11-16-2015, 11:45 AM
No, Holm is a boxing & kickboxing champion.
She is ten times the fighter Ronda is at stand-up.

Rousey got her ass handed to her because she thought she could beat Holly at her own game. Holly is the first ATHLETE to ever hold an MMA title & boxing title.

I'm just talking from a popular opinion standpoint. The shock and awe people got from this knockout has to be up there.

11-16-2015, 11:50 AM
I'm just talking from a popular opinion standpoint. The shock and awe people got from this knockout has to be up there.

For people who didn't know who Holly Holm was, sure.
Even though I always thought Joanna was a far better champion than Ronda was. It just goes to show what marketing can do for your career.

By the way, my girl Joanna took care of business.
She's really close friends with a girl named Xionna Hernendez. She's in a relationship with one of my good friends.

I've never actually met her but hopefully one day I can be introduced to her at some random gathering. She's apparently the sweetest person ever. Completely opposite of Ronda, who is apparently very arrogant and bitchy.

11-16-2015, 12:28 PM
Bringing a different perspective is fine if it weren't for the fact you've been following me around and constantly trying to belittle me. Your last response wasn't intellectually challenging. You replied to something marginal that didn't really add to the context of the thread but attacked my character. Something you've done in the span of 3 straight threads. As you can see from the other posts I have been challenged and responded with intellegent conversation. What you're doing is bullying. Calling me names in other threads doesn't contribute to intellegent conversation as well.
If that's the way you feel then I apologize. I wasn't trying to bully you by means and I actually do think you're a cool guy

btw - you misspelled 'intelligent'... :D

... messing with you!

Seriously though, i'm just messing with you not trying to bully you or make you feel bad. Sorry.

11-16-2015, 12:48 PM
Everyone calls Rousey a heal, but to be honest,I'd be a lot more people buy her fights to see her win. People buy Floyd fights to see him lose.

11-16-2015, 01:13 PM
If that's the way you feel then I apologize. I wasn't trying to bully you by means and I actually do think you're a cool guy

btw - you misspelled 'intelligent'... :D

... messing with you!

Seriously though, i'm just messing with you not trying to bully you or make you feel bad. Sorry.

Hey, I can accept that, just as I can accept that sometimes I come off as my shit don't think. I do make some questionable threads and posts where I look back and say, "wow, I'm retarded." I deserve some remarks evry once in a while.

11-16-2015, 01:19 PM
Everyone calls Rousey a heal, but to be honest,I'd be a lot more people buy her fights to see her win. People buy Floyd fights to see him lose.

That's what I mean by how she's extremely polarizing. It's just that the heal character makes her more intriguing and sells tickets. The casual fan needs that type of villain to feed off of. I think the problem in this case is they over focused on Rousey that they failed to capitalize on creating the hero image with Holm. She was almost the stepping stone for a collision with Cyborg.

For the Buster Douglas reference it isn't similar in the match-up, it was similar in the way that Douglas/Holm were feeder to set up Holyfield/Cyborg. The loss tarnishes the match-up. Although Tyson I felt beat himself whereas Holm KTFO of Rousey because of sheer talent and preparation.