View Full Version : Rank these 3 shooting gaurds: Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Alec Burks, Will Barton

11-19-2015, 12:03 PM
Rate em, Rank em

Kentavious Caldwell-Pope
Alec Burks
Will Barton

11-19-2015, 12:08 PM
Rate em, Rank em

Kentavious Caldwell-Pope
Alec Burks
Will Barton
Alec Burks is great, but I haven't watched the other guys enough to rate them correctly. I'd rate Burks 6.5/10

11-19-2015, 12:19 PM
Better at what?

Best shooter- KCP
Best slasher- Burks
Best athlete- Barton

Barton has been the best of the three so far this season but he also plays on a poor team while the other two are playing on emerging squads in the playoff mix.

11-19-2015, 12:41 PM
Better at what?

Best shooter- KCP
Best slasher- Burks
Best athlete- Barton

Barton has been the best of the three so far this season but he also plays on a poor team while the other two are playing on emerging squads in the playoff mix.Interestingly, if Kentavious Caldwell-Pope were as good of a shooter as everyone assumes he should be, I think I'd easily select him over the other two players.

Unfortunately, he honestly hasn't really found a consistent stroke from deep yet. He's shooting .333 percent from the arc on his career and just .288 this season. He kind of kills the Pistons at times because if there's one spot you'd like to have a knock down shooter it'd be, well, at shooting guard.

That said, I've been very impressed with his defense. I'm not sure if he's elite in that regard but he gives great effort and is often lockdown. But he's got to start hitting on the other end in order to complete the picture.

11-19-2015, 12:53 PM
Interestingly, if Kentavious Caldwell-Pope were as good of a shooter as everyone assumes he should be, I think I'd easily select him over the other two players.

Unfortunately, he honestly hasn't really found a consistent stroke from deep yet. He's shooting .333 percent from the arc on his career and just .288 this season. He kind of kills the Pistons at times because if there's one spot you'd like to have a knock down shooter it'd be, well, at shooting guard.

That said, I've been very impressed with his defense. I'm not sure if he's elite in that regard but he gives great effort and is often lockdown. But he's got to start hitting on the other end in order to complete the picture.
It's because Reggie Jackson doesn't look to kick out. He drives and shoots or drives and dishes to Drummond. KCP is always caught in a position forcing up a 3 when the clock is running down or trying to create a 3 for himself. He barely gets a well set open look.
Having said that I agree his defense is top notch. He's also probably the fastest guy in the league in transition. He gets down the court in a hurry. He also gets back just as fast. If Reggie Jackson didn't manipulate the ball as much this guys game could seriously elevate. Eddie Jones 2.0

11-19-2015, 01:46 PM
It's because Reggie Jackson doesn't look to kick out. He drives and shoots or drives and dishes to Drummond. KCP is always caught in a position forcing up a 3 when the clock is running down or trying to create a 3 for himself. He barely gets a well set open look.
Having said that I agree his defense is top notch. He's also probably the fastest guy in the league in transition. He gets down the court in a hurry. He also gets back just as fast. If Reggie Jackson didn't manipulate the ball as much this guys game could seriously elevate. Eddie Jones 2.0I agree Jackson could probably look to kick more (I liked what I saw from Jackson last game) but Caldwell-Pope has played the majority of his career without him and the numbers were similar (and at times, worse).

Even on open, squared up looks, I don't feel as great about Kentavious Caldwell-Pope shooting as I feel like I should. It seems he'll catch fire every few games, getting folks to believe he's about to turn a corner, then he'll cool down just as quickly.

It looks like he's trying to develop some mid-range business as well, and that's rickety thus far, but it could be a move in the right direction.

11-19-2015, 01:58 PM
I never really understood what made KCP quite the commodity he was. Yeah he's a long player and an above athlete. He came into the league as a great 3 pt shooter but hasn't shown it. He's a good player and I think out of all the players you have listed, he has the highest potential. He's still young and he can improve.

I'm not sure if it was him but I remember a few years ago some player at Georgia (KCP's school) had a filthy dunk. I'm pretty sure it was him. It was on Sportscenter top 10 for awhile.

11-19-2015, 04:18 PM
I'm not sure if it was him but I remember a few years ago some player at Georgia (KCP's school) had a filthy dunk. I'm pretty sure it was him. It was on Sportscenter top 10 for awhile.Interesting. Was this the one?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ommy6gWsQnQ

I'd never seen that before. Thanks for the lookout.

11-19-2015, 05:15 PM
Barton is most certainly a better shooter than KCP. It's been a long while since I've seen an open KCP three that I thought would be money. Although he is getting better at attacking the rim.

Alec Burks is less explosive, and more consistent in what you get a la Greg Monroe. That is to say you can always expect a quiet 15-20 points.

It feels a little treasonous to pick Barton right now over Burks and KCP but he has been playing better, with a more complete offering.

11-19-2015, 05:40 PM
Interesting. Was this the one?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ommy6gWsQnQ

I'd never seen that before. Thanks for the lookout.

No problem. I would say NBA scouts started to notice him more due to some pretty incredible in game dunks in college.

I think he's a solid rotation player and if he tightens up his jumper, he has more value in the trade market too. He's also a 6'7'' SG and committed to playing defense.

11-19-2015, 05:42 PM
Also, I never gave a rank oops.

1. Will Barton
2. KCP (at 6'7'' and with solid defense, it's hard not to consider his value despite his lack of the advertised jumpshot out of college)
3. Burke

11-19-2015, 05:42 PM
Interestingly, if Kentavious Caldwell-Pope were as good of a shooter as everyone assumes he should be, I think I'd easily select him over the other two players.

Unfortunately, he honestly hasn't really found a consistent stroke from deep yet. He's shooting .333 percent from the arc on his career and just .288 this season. He kind of kills the Pistons at times because if there's one spot you'd like to have a knock down shooter it'd be, well, at shooting guard.

That said, I've been very impressed with his defense. I'm not sure if he's elite in that regard but he gives great effort and is often lockdown. But he's got to start hitting on the other end in order to complete the picture.

And Barton is a career .265 3pt shooter.

And the book on Burks is to back off him as he is a poor shooter. Now it turns out he has the best %s of the three but I don't think anyone believes him to be a good shooter. Almost all his 3s are of the wide open variety because the opposing team stayed on Hayward/Hood/Burke or just played him for the drive (which he is quite good at).

KCP hasn't been able to shoot at the level he should but I still think he is the best shooter of the three of them.

11-19-2015, 05:45 PM
Is Barton consistent enough to pickup for fantasy?

I watched him against Houston and the dude lit it up

Just thought it was a fluke

11-19-2015, 05:46 PM
And Barton is a career .265 3pt shooter.

And the book on Burks is to back off him as he is a poor shooter. Now it turns out he has the best %s of the three but I don't think anyone believes him to be a good shooter. Almost all his 3s are of the wide open variety because the opposing team stayed on Hayward/Hood/Burke.

KCP hasn't been able to shoot at the level he should but I still think he is the best shooter of the three of them.

Would you argue KCP hasn't reached that level because he can't really create for himself?

Players sometimes have that early on in their careers. For example, Shumpert's lack of a handle is what really detriments his growth in my opinion. As a rookie, he looked very promising but he focuses way too much on spot up jumpshot at times when in reality if he tightened his handles and learned how to cut through defenses to the paint, he could be a huge commodity for the Cavs when healthy. Shumpert is a great defender like KCP but cannot provide anything offensively unless his teammates give him easy looks or some wide open shots.

Xiao Yao You
11-19-2015, 05:50 PM
Burks looks like a star in the making. Already knew he could get to rim at will, draw fouls with the best of them and put points on the board but now he's starting to show more from distance, on D and distributing the ball. Might be the best player on Utah after Rudy of course.