View Full Version : House approves bill halting Syrian refugees

11-19-2015, 06:20 PM

11-19-2015, 06:22 PM
Did anyone think the U.S would take substantial amount of Syrians.

11-19-2015, 06:24 PM
Why is Obama so against letting Christians in? My guess is he thinks they'll probably be republicans.

Nick Young
11-19-2015, 06:35 PM
thank you House:rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

Let Merkel and Hollande and whoever the Merkel Jr. in charge of Austria is deal with this.

For f*cks sake Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan and Saudi should be forced to take these refugees ahead of Europeans or Americans.

11-19-2015, 06:49 PM
Time to embargo the U.S., zero moral

11-19-2015, 06:51 PM
thank you House:rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

Let Merkel and Hollande and whoever the Merkel Jr. in charge of Austria is deal with this.

For f*cks sake Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan and Saudi should be forced to take these refugees ahead of Europeans or Americans.
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Emirates never signed the refugee act.

Nick Young
11-19-2015, 06:54 PM
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Emirates never signed the refugee act.
ug, of course they didn't:facepalm

Israel atleast should take in the Syrian Christians that Obama is refusing, and Turkey should take the rest. Maybe that will give the Turks some incentive to stop helping ISIS out.

11-19-2015, 07:01 PM
This will be vetoed, and the GOP knows it. It's a show vote, to make Dems vote No and to make Obama veto it. The Republicans are shamelessly exploiting the Paris attacks for partisan purposes. They are trying to scare the US public, and it's working.

There are photos of the French having coffee at cafes outdoors in Paris because the French are determined to not let the terrorists change their lifestyle. The French are brave, the Republicans look like cowards by comparison.

11-19-2015, 07:38 PM
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Emirates never signed the refugee act.

Rich and prosperous countries like that should not be allowed to say no.

It should be an expectation, as it is everywhere else.

11-19-2015, 07:42 PM
How is Saudi Arabia gonna agree to build Mosques in France/Germany... but they won't take in any refugees themselves??

11-19-2015, 07:50 PM
How is Saudi Arabia gonna agree to build Mosques in France/Germany... but they won't take in any refugees themselves??
They already have

11-19-2015, 08:14 PM
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Emirates never signed the refugee act.

the gulf states should definitely be doing a lot more, but you cant group jordan in with them. jordan is currently housing 1.4 mil syrian refugees, which is an absolute shitload for a country of 6 million. jordan has more syrian refugees than all of western europe combined.

11-19-2015, 08:29 PM
the gulf states should definitely be doing a lot more, but you cant group jordan in with them. jordan is currently housing 1.4 mil syrian refugees, which is an absolute shitload for a country of 6 million. jordan has more syrian refugees than all of western europe combined.
Don't get it twisted. They LOVE this. Muslims flooding into Europe is their dream come true. Their prime agenda is to now pay for the most radical jihad promoting mosques to be built in Europe to turn as many Muslims in Europe into Islamists.

Countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are NOT our friends. If we had our heads screwed on straight, we'd recognize that we don't have a Muslim problem. We have a Saudi Arabia problem.

Nick Young
11-19-2015, 08:33 PM
Hopefully the American alliance with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries is a long con and we are setting them up for a Red Wedding level betrayal. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

11-19-2015, 08:53 PM
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Emirates never signed the refugee act.

Lebanon with 4.5 million people has already taken in well over 1.5 million people. Israel should lend a hand.

11-19-2015, 08:56 PM
From 1939

11-19-2015, 08:59 PM
Lebanon with 4.5 million people has already taken in well over 1.5 million people. Israel should lend a hand.

Nick Young
11-19-2015, 09:06 PM
From 1939
You really comparing the Syrian Civil War to the Holocaust?:facepalm

Nick Young
11-19-2015, 09:07 PM
Lebanon with 4.5 million people has already taken in well over 1.5 million people. Israel should lend a hand.
Most Syrians would probably see that as a fate worse than death, even the "liberal" muslims there. Don't see why the Syrian Christians wouldn't want to go to Israel though.

11-19-2015, 09:14 PM
This selective hysteria by the Elephants is an International embarrassment. They keep going on about how we need stronger leadership but then want the country to cower under the covers with them while the other countries in our coalition are talking in many more refugees than what President Obama proposed we should. Even France, a few days after being attacked by ISIS, announced they are taking in 3X as many as the 10,000 we are slated to accept.

Big talking cowards who are frightened of 5 year olds. Disgusting. :facepalm

You really comparing the Syrian Civil War to the Holocaust? :facepalm

I think he's referring to the U.S. refusing to take in Jewish refugees from Europe who wanted to escape the Nazis in Europe.


11-19-2015, 09:15 PM
Most Syrians would probably see that as a fate worse than death, even the "liberal" muslims there. Don't see why the Syrian Christians wouldn't want to go to Israel though.

250 000 dead and millions left homeless, why not?

11-19-2015, 09:16 PM
Canada is taking in 25,000 by the end of this year. The US has 10x the population and can't even commit to 10,000?

11-19-2015, 09:22 PM

Nick Young
11-19-2015, 09:22 PM
250 000 dead and millions left homeless, why not?
Why not what?

Netanyahu is a shit, Israel IMO should let Syrian refugees in, atleast ones that have been thoroughly vetted.

They say they aren't at a place to accept refugees. Fair enough, Palestinians have been going on daily civilian murder sprees the past 3-4 weeks or so.

Nick Young
11-19-2015, 09:22 PM
Canada is taking in 25,000 by the end of this year. The US has 10x the population and can't even commit to 10,000?
Canada:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

It's not our job, son.

11-19-2015, 09:24 PM
Why not what?

Netanyahu is a shit, Israel IMO should let Syrian refugees in, atleast ones that have been thoroughly vetted.

They say they aren't at a place to accept refugees. Fair enough, Palestinians have been going on daily civilian murder sprees the past 3-4 weeks or so.

Quoted the wrong post, was a reply to this

You really comparing the Syrian Civil War to the Holocaust?:facepalm

FYI, I think this is the most people that has ever been on the run ever, or maybe it was the most since WWII.

Nick Young
11-19-2015, 09:27 PM
Quoted the wrong post, was a reply to this

FYI, I think this is the most people that has ever been on the run ever, or maybe it was the most since WWII.
I really doubt that, Stalin's murder spree happened around 1949 I believe.

Also, they are running from a war, not a systematic organized genocide.


Safely in Berlin, Syrian refugees weigh in on Israel, ISIS and the western world.


Nick Young
11-19-2015, 09:29 PM
[QUOTE]El-Hassan said he was disappointed by the shoddy welcome Syrian refugees have received in Europe

Patrick Chewing
11-19-2015, 10:40 PM
This will be vetoed, and the GOP knows it. It's a show vote, to make Dems vote No and to make Obama veto it. The Republicans are shamelessly exploiting the Paris attacks for partisan purposes. They are trying to scare the US public, and it's working.

There are photos of the French having coffee at cafes outdoors in Paris because the French are determined to not let the terrorists change their lifestyle. The French are brave, the Republicans look like cowards by comparison.

People like you should be locked up. Your thoughts are cancerous.

11-19-2015, 10:41 PM
People like you should be locked up. Your thoughts are cancerous.

Don't tread on his freedom of speech.

11-20-2015, 12:11 AM
People like you should be locked up. Your thoughts are cancerous.

Your dick is criminal. The thought of you being some poor kid's father is sickening. That's a life sentence for that poor child.

11-20-2015, 12:13 AM
Your dick is criminal. The thought of you being some poor kid's father is sickening. That's a life sentence for that poor child.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

11-20-2015, 05:31 AM
we started this bullshit over there but want none of this bullshit from over there :oldlol:

11-20-2015, 06:01 AM
Immigrants aren't the problem per say... Just the means by which we allow them to immigrate. You cannot bring in so many at once... It is an extreme drastic measure that heightens national security risk, whether you want to believe it or not. Assimilation does not occur overnight. It is a reactionary measure, pleaded for by short-sighted humanitarian ideals...

The truth is not all cultures are equal, it depends on what we value. The Arab world is a religious state where tragedies are a daily occurrence, lives are valued less. I don't consider this an equal culture to the Western Anglo-European world... Not even the Eastern Asian world.

If you can understand that, then you should be able to understand the implications and hazards that bringing in mass, unregulated immigrants in has.

And I haven't even mentioned cultural decay/host demographic decline... A very real issue. Genetic infrastructure is a very real... If only these short-sighted liberals could perhaps ponder to the history books, to see what got us this far...

11-20-2015, 08:36 AM
This selective hysteria by the Elephants is an International embarrassment. They keep going on about how we need stronger leadership but then want the country to cower under the covers with them while the other countries in our coalition are talking in many more refugees than what President Obama proposed we should. Even France, a few days after being attacked by ISIS, announced they are taking in 3X as many as the 10,000 we are slated to accept.

Big talking cowards who are frightened of 5 year olds. Disgusting. :facepalm

I think he's referring to the U.S. refusing to take in Jewish refugees from Europe who wanted to escape the Nazis in Europe.

France and other European countries have disarmed their populations, and then invited in waves of people who would like to kill their citizens, and have no problem acquiring guns or travelling around a border-free Europe. What European leaders (with the help of Obama) have done is no less than line up their citizens (defenceless) to be gunned down, on their knees, while pleading for their lives - that is despicable, so, of course you would defend more of it, the cretin that you are.

This has nothing to do with cowardice: unless it is 'cowardice' to not pursue the sorts of self-destructive policies that make these mass-murders inevitable. This is undoubtedly still the beginning, and European states are already taking stringent anti-terrirorism measures that nobody wanted, and would never have even been discussed without such lax border control in the first place (nearly all of the attackers had been to Syria, and been let back in - either posing as 'refugees' or simply because European nations don't take proper action against these treasonous people - this was obviously going to happen, and i've said as much several times on this site).

There's plenty of problems to do with inviting along new waves, if you care about your liberty or safety in any way that is - what is cowardice is to accept migrants when you know better just because you can't hear an emotional and plaintive plea from a non-white person without caving in, and giving them whatever they want, regardless of the threat to both security and freedom at home.

From 1939
Another stupid comparison from a very stupid man. Unless you want to compare it to Obama turning away the actually heavily persecuted Christian populations of these countries that is?

People like the both of you, the opinions and sentiments you push onto people and expect them to feel, make you to some degree responsible for what has happened. You should be ashamed of trying to guilt-trip people into amplifying the problem people of your stripe created in the first place.

11-20-2015, 11:36 AM
Another stupid comparison from a very stupid man. Unless you want to compare it to Obama turning away the actually heavily persecuted Christian populations of these countries that is?
This is a key point. Go back just a few months and you will see that the Obama administration refused 100% of applications for asylum from Iraqi and Syrian Christians. It was not until it was Muslims that this guy started smugly preaching about our "values" and whatnot.

11-20-2015, 11:50 AM
This will be vetoed, and the GOP knows it. It's a show vote, to make Dems vote No and to make Obama veto it. The Republicans are shamelessly exploiting the Paris attacks for partisan purposes. They are trying to scare the US public, and it's working.

There are photos of the French having coffee at cafes outdoors in Paris because the French are determined to not let the terrorists change their lifestyle. The French are brave, the Republicans look like cowards by comparison.
You're so obsessed with Republicans you don't even realize your own party voted for it. And you're so dumb you think the bill can be vetoed. It can't.

You have serious issues.

Forty-seven Democrats joined 242 Republicans to create a veto-proof majority voting for the bill.

What Obama will veto, though, is the Fed Transparency Bill which requires "the Federal Reserve to explain publicly its monetary policy, specifically how it sets interests rates and the country

11-20-2015, 01:09 PM
You're so obsessed with Republicans you don't even realize your own party voted for it. And you're so dumb you think the bill can be vetoed. It can't.

You have serious issues.

What Obama will veto, though, is the Fed Transparency Bill which requires "the Federal Reserve to explain publicly its monetary policy, specifically how it sets interests rates and the country’s money supply."

That, he will veto... cause he is our king. Most transparent administration in history, amiright? :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:He won't allow that to pass because he's been using the Fed and its idiotic (and unprecedented) interest rate policies to prop up the auto-industry, the housing and stock-market bubbles, and the growing part-time labour force, so he can keep pretending to himself and to the world that he's been a good President.

What they have done is tantamount to fraud and straight robbery - it is criminal.

11-20-2015, 01:19 PM
He won't allow that to pass because he's been using the Fed and its idiotic (and unprecedented) interest rate policies to prop up the auto-industry, the housing and stock-market bubbles, and the growing part-time labour force, so he can keep pretending to himself and to the world that he's been a good President.

What they have done is tantamount to fraud and straight robbery - it is criminal.

It really deserves its own thread.

Nick Young
11-20-2015, 01:20 PM
we started this bullshit over there but want none of this bullshit from over there :oldlol:
Please describe how America "started" the Syrian Civil War.

11-20-2015, 01:35 PM
Please describe how America "started" the Syrian Civil War.
America didn't start it, but they've certainly tried as hard as possible to prevent the conflict from ending by refusing to deal with Assad, and by arming the fanatics who have been fighting against him. The Libyan escapade also contributed, as the CIA helped funnel vast amounts of weaponry through Turkey and into the hands of terrorist groups. This conflict would in all likelihood have been quashed some time ago if not for foolish Western involvement in Syria the first place (and leaving Iraq and creating a vacuum there at the same bloody time.

I honestly can't think of anything more thoughtlessly destructive, unless continuous civil and sectarian warfare in Syria and Iraq was in fact an aim of Obama and his minions - if that's the case then their behaviour has been straight-up evil.

Nick Young
11-20-2015, 01:43 PM
What? Obama evil? Blasphemy! The man won the Nobel Prize for Peace!


11-20-2015, 01:55 PM
Indeed, he's taken his rightful place up their with the other great humanitarians of American statesmanship like Henry Kissinger - fine company for Obama, and quite fitting really.

11-20-2015, 02:44 PM
Muh women and childrens.

11-20-2015, 03:49 PM
this was the fastest way to spread islam by numbers...

Smook B
11-20-2015, 03:52 PM
What? Obama evil? Blasphemy! The man won the Nobel Prize for Peace!


Damn he has aged rapidly.

Nick Young
11-20-2015, 03:54 PM
Damn he has aged rapidly.
It's been 8 years, I think he's doing good for himself considering he's 54, made a bad choice wifing up Michelle though.

11-20-2015, 06:39 PM
It's been 8 years, I think he's doing good for himself considering he's 54, made a bad choice wifing up Michelle though.

It's a power couple thing, like Jay-Z and Beyonce.

11-20-2015, 06:41 PM
It's a power couple thing, like Jay-Z and Beyonce.

Bill and Hilary is a much better example.

11-20-2015, 07:25 PM
It's a power couple thing, like Jay-Z and Beyonce.

lol what ? who was michael obama in 199whenevertheygotmarried or in 2008 .. no one even knew who he was

11-20-2015, 07:44 PM
Obumma still pushing for the refugees to come in...

Hmmm. You president of America? Or you working for the terrorists?

11-21-2015, 08:54 AM
Can't remember if i got this from here:


But does look like the same person, no?

I have no problem with taking some refugees, directly from the camps, and preferably families whose histories can be traced (what's wrong with accepting some Yazidis and Alawites from the region - why masses of Sunni muslim young men?). This way you are very unlikely to invite in potential mass-murderers - this simple 'let's accept whoever is fleeing home' attitude is self-destructive to the extreme.

People shouldn't be forced to live with such things because of incompetent leaders: Brussels is essentially in a state of lock down today - we're forced to have the military patrolling the streets of major European cities - this is not ok, and people should not be expected to put up with it for fear of being called racist, chauvinistic, or some other such buncombe.

Nick Young
11-21-2015, 01:47 PM
Can't remember if i got this from here:


But does look like the same person, no?

I have no problem with taking some refugees, directly from the camps, and preferably families whose histories can be traced (what's wrong with accepting some Yazidis and Alawites from the region - why masses of Sunni muslim young men?). This way you are very unlikely to invite in potential mass-murderers - this simple 'let's accept whoever is fleeing home' attitude is self-destructive to the extreme.

People shouldn't be forced to live with such things because of incompetent leaders: Brussels is essentially in a state of lock down today - we're forced to have the military patrolling the streets of major European cities - this is not ok, and people should not be expected to put up with it for fear of being called racist, chauvinistic, or some other such buncombe.
christ it looks like the same guy.

PC Europe is desperately afraid to be called racist or even worse Islamaphobic. Police in an English town even allowed 1,400 children to be raped over the course of 6+ years by a Pakistani rape gang that targeted underage white girls. (http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089) Police and councilmen knew about the Pakistani rape gang that targeted underage white girls for years, but refused to do anything about it, for fear of being called racist and islamaphobic.

11-21-2015, 09:50 PM