View Full Version : Serious Question: How did Stephen Curry get so good?

11-20-2015, 03:51 AM
This is a legit question, I swear he just came outta no where in to this godly form. Back when Lebron joined Heat and that whole era when everyone was talking about the heat, I swear Curry (and Golden State) was not even close to the conversation. And when I saw GS lose to Spurs in the playoffs, and he gave that whole speech about how they'll be back etc, I honestly couldn't see it happening because Stephen Curry and the whole team looked so incredibly average.

Then suddenly last season Steph Curry went off, and so did the GS. I swear they came out of nowhere (legit serious).

Mr. Jabbar
11-20-2015, 03:56 AM
this happened


11-20-2015, 03:57 AM
White people work hard.

11-20-2015, 03:58 AM
this happened



11-20-2015, 03:58 AM

0/11 lit a fire under his ass

He's using it all up in November though. :lol

Come May he'll be back to his 0/11 form

11-20-2015, 03:58 AM
He has been a great all-around player for a few years now; it was just last year that he truly started to garner recognition for it as the transcultural change took place on the team with the coaching changeovers, and he became an afterthought as one of the superstars in the league. The only substantial improvements he made last season were limiting his turnover rates and playing more effortful defense

11-20-2015, 03:59 AM
God given talent is the primary reason. Never seen a guy who can get off a shot that quick with such accuracy in any way possible (spot up, off ball, off the dribble) from 25 feet in. It's just a talent he was born with. To be that pure in his ability to get off a shot that quickly and with such pure accuracy. And you also add in his elite handles to shake guys and the game has never seen a talent qute like him.

11-20-2015, 04:00 AM
Top 10 last season?^

Dude was the best player in the league.

11-20-2015, 04:01 AM
They got rid of Mark Jackson who was a terrible coach and hired a coaching staff that set up a system that played right in the hands of Curry, now you see Curry coming off screens to shoot, you NEVER saw that with Jackson there, that team (because of the new coaching staff) as a whole can now pass the ball better than anybody in the NBA which creates easier shots for Curry and the whole team, and obviously the emergence of Draymond Green played a big part in this team's success, he's turned into probably the best role player in the NBA, he can defend multiple positions and is a very versatile player.

Moral of the story: Never hire a religious nut job like Mark Jackson to coach your team.

11-20-2015, 04:01 AM
curry shoots a quick set shot. its mostly all arms

nba players have always been taught to do jumpers from three. because then they dont have to deal with the defenders long arms

curry got around this by developing a step back and juke move to create enough space to have half a second of wide open shooting time... then all he has to do is his repetitive set shooting motion in which legs arent a factor

and its 100 times easier to replicate. jump shooting is thrown off with the slightest difference in your jump. and if youre tired your shots come up short

curry just came up with a new style of play. thats the reason hes successful

his style has mostly been reserved for role players but curry possesses the ball handling attributes to utilize it without depending on others to get him open. thats all it is...

hes steve kerr evolved

11-20-2015, 04:03 AM
He's been good since his rookie season. Obviously he's gotten a lot better but this narrative that he came out of nowhere is a little misguided.

Dude was putting up 18/6/5 on 46% in his rookie year while playing with a shot happy backcourt mate.

11-20-2015, 04:04 AM
this happened



11-20-2015, 04:05 AM
curry shoots a quick set shot. its mostly all arms

nba players have always been taught to do jumpers from three. because then they dont have to deal with the defenders long arms

curry got around this by developing a step back and juke move to create enough space to have half a second of wide open shooting time... then all he has to do is his repetitive set shooting motion in which legs arent a factor

and its 100 times easier to replicate. jump shooting is thrown off with the slightest difference in your jump. and if youre tired your shots come up short

curry just came up with a new style of play. thats the reason hes successful

his style has mostly been reserved for role players but curry possesses the ball handling attributes to utilize it without depending on others to get him open. thats all it is...

hes steve kerr evolved

Only on the spectrum of standstill three-point-shooting, because that was Steve Kerr's main function... Otherwise, Steve Kerr's ball-handling skills couldn't be more discrepant from Curry's; in fact, he was so inept at it for Point Guard standards that he didn't even advance the ball while he was in-game.

11-20-2015, 04:06 AM
The elevation in his game sort of hit me in the face, and right now i'm just overall super surprised. I could've sworn it was always Lebron then KD like start of last year.

I do agree with the voting though for igoudala for FMVP, can't remember the exact games, but I remember curry going missing and igoudala was always there making the plays

11-20-2015, 04:08 AM
Only on the spectrum of standstill three-point-shooting, because that was Steve Kerr's main function... Otherwise, Steve Kerr's ball-handling skills couldn't be more discrepant from Curry's; in fact, he was so inept at it for Point Guard standards that he didn't even advance the ball while he was in-game.

which is why i said evolved


steve kerr with currys handles would average 25ppg in this era too

11-20-2015, 04:08 AM
He's been good since his rookie season. Obviously he's gotten a lot better but this narrative that he came out of nowhere is a little misguided.

Dude was putting up 18/6/5 on 46% in his rookie year while playing with a shot happy backcourt mate.

I guess so, but I honestly I don't think he was in any of the conversations like he is today (or last season). Everything was about Lebron and KD. I guess from an overall perspective he did come out of nowhere. But if you look deeper he was always a decent player.

11-20-2015, 04:09 AM
He obviously sold his soul to the Devil! It shouldn't be that hard for you guys to figure out. SMH :facepalm

11-20-2015, 04:10 AM
God given talent is the primary reason. Never seen a guy who can get off a shot that quick with such accuracy in any way possible (spot up, off ball, off the dribble) from 25 feet in. It's just a talent he was born with. To be that pure in his ability to get off a shot that quickly and with such pure accuracy. And you also add in his elite handles to shake guys and the game has never seen a talent qute like him.


I remember there was a thread a while back where people were arguing that shooting isn't a talent(Ray Allen for example thinks its all just hard work). I thought that was stupid. Everything is a talent at the highest level if you have enough people competing for it. Ofcourse, you work on it. But there is an underlying talent. For shooting its coordination, balance, fluidity, etc whatever.

This is the type of talent you see in predominantly skill based sports like soccer. Where you see guys that might look pretty normal but they can do some inhuman things. We just don't see this type of talent appear in the NBA often because the talent pool is already limited to a certain combo of tall, quick and strong.

I played high school ball at a pretty competitive school. My jump shot was a big part of my game. But throw me in a gym for 20 years and I still wouldn't be able to shoot like Curry off the dribble from 3. It's a talent and we're lucky to see it.

11-20-2015, 04:18 AM

I remember there was a thread a while back where people were arguing that shooting isn't a talent(Ray Allen for example thinks its all just hard work). I thought that was stupid. Everything is a talent at the highest level if you have enough people competing for it. Ofcourse, you work on it. But there is an underlying talent. For shooting its coordination, balance, fluidity, etc whatever.

This is the type of talent you see in predominantly skill based sports like soccer. Where you see guys that might look pretty normal but they can do some inhuman things. We just don't see this type of talent appear in the NBA often because the talent pool is already limited to a certain combo of tall, quick and strong.

I played high school ball at a pretty competitive school. My jump shot was a big part of my game. But throw me in a gym for 20 years and I still wouldn't be able to shoot like Curry off the dribble from 3. It's a talent and we're lucky to see it.

Yup. It's mostly just God given talent. His shot is so pure and the release so quick, it looks effortless. And making greatness look effortless is a sign of true greatness. You can get 1 million NBA players to shoot like him but they can't do it like Curry.

11-20-2015, 04:21 AM
God given talent is the primary reason. Never seen a guy who can get off a shot that quick with such accuracy in any way possible (spot up, off ball, off the dribble) from 25 feet in. It's just a talent he was born with. To be that pure in his ability to get off a shot that quickly and with such pure accuracy. And you also add in his elite handles to shake guys and the game has never seen a talent qute like him.

its called inherited dna

not god given talent

if your mom or dad was good at art or playing an instrument. you'l inherit it somewhat or take naturally to it

same with sports.. his dad transferred the basketball gene

its why theres so many 2nd generation guys that have come through a business that only holds under 1000 jobs at a time out of billions of people on earth

god and religion have absolutely **** all to do with science bud

instinct is part of the animal kingdom

11-20-2015, 04:23 AM

11-20-2015, 04:23 AM
Yup. It's mostly just God given talent. His shot is so pure and the release so quick, it looks effortless. And making greatness look effortless is a sign of true greatness. You can get 1 million NBA players to shoot like him but they can't do it like Curry.

you god boys


wheres gods talent for these kids


11-20-2015, 04:24 AM
Yup. It's mostly just God given talent. His shot is so pure and the release so quick, it looks effortless. And making greatness look effortless is a sign of true greatness. You can get 1 million NBA players to shoot like him but they can't do it like Curry.

Having a father that was an NBA player is a huge deal as well. Not only that he obviously inherited good genes from his pops but the fact that he was in the best environment to succeed as well. Stable home, NBA Pro tutoring from the time you can walk, connections to the best training camps. All of these things plus his God given talent come into play.

The final element is hard work. He could of had this talent and this environment and still been a spaced out guy who is only into partying. Hard work is the thing that ties it all together.

11-20-2015, 04:26 AM

He can probably back down guys just as good as Magic. On and off the court.

11-20-2015, 04:27 AM
you god boys


wheres gods talent for these kids

It's a figure of speech you retard.

He's saying the same exact thing you are. Natural ability. :facepalm

11-20-2015, 04:27 AM
its called inherited dna

not god given talent

if your mom or dad was good at art or playing an instrument. you'l inherit it somewhat or take naturally to it

same with sports.. his dad transferred the basketball gene

its why theres so many 2nd generation guys that have come through a business that only holds under 1000 jobs at a time out of billions of people on earth

god and religion have absolutely **** all to do with science bud

instinct is part of the animal kingdom

It's both. He obviously inherited good genes from his Dad but so did Seth Curry...Do you have any brothers? Are they all as good at sports as you? You get genes from your parents, but which ones you get exactly is up to God.

11-20-2015, 04:27 AM
Having a father that was an NBA player is a huge deal as well. Not only that he obviously inherited good genes from his pops but the fact that he was in the best environment to succeed as well. Stable home, NBA Pro tutoring from the time you can walk, connections to the best training camps. All of these things plus his God given talent come into play.

The final element is hard work. He could of had this talent and this environment and still been a spaced out guy who is only into partying. Hard work is the thing that ties it all together.

inherited dna

exposed at a young age

a foot in the door

money for training, coaching, schools, camps, teachers, competition, gyms

this plus his style and talent + the era and its rules

everything favors curry

it also doesnt hurt that his team is stacked beyond belief

perfect situation

11-20-2015, 04:29 AM
It's both. He obviously inherited good genes from his Dad but so did Seth Curry...Do you have any brothers? Are they all as good at sports as you? You get genes from your parents, but which ones you get exactly is up to God.

it depends on if you fallow in your parents preferred sport and if they were talented to begin with. plus the son must take an interest

my dad wasnt good at sports. he liked hockey. i liked basketball.. my brother was a geek and didnt like sports

totally different situation

if however my dad played basketball and dominated it.... i bet i would have been even better than i already was

11-20-2015, 04:30 AM
He can probably back down guys just as good as Magic. On and off the court.
Can suck c0ck like his Dad

11-20-2015, 04:32 AM
it depends on if you fallow in your parents preferred sport and if they were talented to begin with. plus the son must take an interest

my dad wasnt good at sports. he liked hockey. i liked basketball.. my brother was a geek and didnt like sports

totally different situation

if however my dad played basketball and dominated it.... i bet i would have been even better than i already was

you got the same genes

what made your brother a geek and you into sports?


11-20-2015, 04:38 AM
Curry is known has a hardworker through, so it can't only been talent. If it was talent he wouldn't have to work hard. Also Curry Shot wasn't like this until loke the 10th grade. Where him and his dad spent the whole summer reworking his shots from scratch. He was out their until he was crying.

11-20-2015, 04:41 AM
you got the same genes

what made your brother a geek and you into sports?


inherited dna only transfers talent... what youre interested in is dictated by the first 5 years of your life. then gradually defined as your life is moulded

my brother was exposed to start trek.... i was exposed to sports

my brother didnt have many friends... i did

he ate allot. which made him physically incapable to be very active. so he turned to reading while i stayed at the park and played

is god the reason some kids grow up to torture animals or rape people? na thats because when they were little they were physically abused or ignored. grew up socially awkward and wanted a need to control things

is god a reason people grow up to become insanely religious?

even then it isnt... people become religious due to a fallower/belonging mentality and fear of the unknown. they need an answer for everything and rely on a crutch to help them through the day. they feel a need to be branded and belong to something

if you ask all those people who put up france flags on their profile pic or join in with most social media trends. youl find allot of them belong to a religion

because theyre fallowers... sheep. thats what made them become religious. not god himself.

because if god had his way and could effect peoples lives in the way morons believe he or it can.. then there wouldnt be so many free thinkers out there.

the world is a ****ed up place.. way too ****ed up to believe in divine intervention

11-20-2015, 04:48 AM
It's both. He obviously inherited good genes from his Dad but so did Seth Curry...Do you have any brothers? Are they all as good at sports as you? You get genes from your parents, but which ones you get exactly is up to God.

LOL...or which sperm was the fastest swimmer. But yeah a magical being did it. LOL

11-20-2015, 04:50 AM
inherited dna only transfers talent... what youre interested in is dictated by the first 5 years of your life. then gradually defined as your life is moulded

my brother was exposed to start trek.... i was exposed to sports

my brother didnt have many friends... i did

he ate allot. which made him physically incapable to be very active. so he turned to reading while i stayed at the park and played

is god the reason some kids grow up to torture animals or rape people? na thats because when they were little they were physically abused or ignored. grew up socially awkward and wanted a need to control things

is god a reason people grow up to become insanely religious?

even then it isnt... people become religious due to a fallower/belonging mentality and fear of the unknown. they need an answer for everything and rely on a crutch to help them through the day. they feel a need to be branded and belong to something

if you ask all those people who put up france flags on their profile pic or join in with most social media trends. youl find allot of them belong to a religion

because theyre fallowers... sheep. thats what made them become religious. not god himself.

because if god had his way and could effect peoples lives in the way morons believe he or it can.. then there wouldnt be so many free thinkers out there.

the world is a ****ed up place.. way too ****ed up to believe in divine intervention

so you are saying you and your brother are clones with exact same DNA, height, build, and strength, but when he first turned on the TV star trek was playing and when you first turned the TV on you caught a sports game?

doesn't make sense

11-20-2015, 04:50 AM
LOL...or which sperm was the fastest swimmer. But yeah a magical being did it. LOL

stick with your fastest sperm answer

I'll stick with G-O-D

11-20-2015, 04:54 AM
Curry is known has a hardworker through, so it can't only been talent. If it was talent he wouldn't have to work hard. Also Curry Shot wasn't like this until loke the 10th grade. Where him and his dad spent the whole summer reworking his shots from scratch. He was out their until he was crying.


Curry has just been growing up in an earlier-generation breed od players that have espoused, having been born a few years before the basketball culture wholly espoused the three-point shot, and thus he's integrated it into his repertoire from a young age.

That transgenerational shift in three-point-shooting mastery may make it seem more natural for him and other modern-day players, but it doesn't mean it's God-given talent; one still has to work rigorously to truly standout in a generational batch of players that are setting the benchmark for three-point-shooting. Talent mainly pertains to natural abilities that have been inherited elsewhere but have simply translated over well to the NBA

11-20-2015, 04:57 AM
Looked average in 2013?

They looked pretty damn good tbh

11-20-2015, 05:01 AM
so you are saying you and your brother are clones with exact same DNA, height, build, and strength, but when he first turned on the TV star trek was playing and when you first turned the TV on you caught a sports game?

doesn't make sense

i never said inherited dna made people clones

i said if they were talented at something theres a good chance if you decide to go into that field things will come more naturally to you as you progress

god boys love generalizing things to the extreme in order to deflect

even though inherited dna is science

wtf do yall think makes animals know which are the dangerous predators and who are the nice ones... or which are the poisonous plants and which are ok to eat

what makes cats know they should pee in a litterbox even if they never seen one before

use your ****in brain god boy

11-20-2015, 05:07 AM
He's been averaging about 22+ ppg the past four seasons (including this season.)
Minus his injury plagued season, he's been steadily improving every year. As a rookie, Brandon Jennings and Tyreke Evans > Steph, lol.

11-20-2015, 05:12 AM
i never said inherited dna made people clones

i said if they were talented at something theres a good chance if you decide to go into that field things will come more naturally to you as you progress

god boys love generalizing things to the extreme in order to deflect

even though inherited dna is science

wtf do yall think makes animals know which are the dangerous predators and who are the nice ones... or which are the poisonous plants and which are ok to eat

what makes cats know they should pee in a litterbox even if they never seen one before

use your ****in brain god boy

i dont know why you started talking about animals and shit :wtf:

just like Seth Curry and Steph Curry, you and your brother had the same Mom, same Dad....but still different genes.

How did you get the make up of genes that you did, and your brother got the make up of genes he did? Same Dad, same mom, different mix of genes. Who decided whom got what?


11-20-2015, 05:47 AM
Moral of the story: Never hire a religious nut job like Mark Jackson to coach your team.

Jesus didn't want Curry coming off screens. Not fair to the league.

11-20-2015, 06:10 AM
The same reason anyone becomes great at their craft. Hard work!

11-20-2015, 06:14 AM
The Warriors got rid of Mark Jackson and got an elite bench.

Curry also improved his handles and floater game.

11-20-2015, 06:19 AM
stick with your fastest sperm answer

I'll stick with G-O-D

or you know...evolution would kinda not work if all parents gave birth to identical offspring.

Not sure what a G-O-D is. Some kinda mental disorder I assume?

11-20-2015, 07:19 AM
Didn't nobody give a shit about Steph Curry back in 2011 when he was putting up solid numbers on losing teams

11-20-2015, 07:33 AM
Didn't nobody give a shit about Steph Curry back in 2011 when he was putting up solid numbers on losing teams

to be entirely honest, yes. He wasn't in ANY conversation, and i aint even joking and I dont ever mentioning him once with my buddies. Back then it was lebron and the big 3, along with Rose's crazy season. Heck, even in 2013 (and start of 2014) I didn't talk about Curry at all.

11-20-2015, 07:50 AM
White coach is the answer

11-20-2015, 07:56 AM
the system

11-20-2015, 08:02 AM
That season you mentioned was Curry's breakout year to stardom, imo. He was doing the same shit he does now back then. Just not as consistently. I remember thinking (and posting) even then he was the most entertaining player in the NBA and I know I wasn't alone.

Not remember this?

btw, I think losing Jack was a blessing. Always thought he dominated the ball too much when it should have been in Curry's hands. Especially in crunch time. Maybe that was a Jackson thing.

11-20-2015, 08:29 AM
this happened


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

11-20-2015, 09:17 AM
this happened

two alphas in one picture curry being blessed by kobe :)

11-20-2015, 09:48 AM
This is a legit question, I swear he just came outta no where in to this godly form. Back when Lebron joined Heat and that whole era when everyone was talking about the heat, I swear Curry (and Golden State) was not even close to the conversation. And when I saw GS lose to Spurs in the playoffs, and he gave that whole speech about how they'll be back etc, I honestly couldn't see it happening because Stephen Curry and the whole team looked so incredibly average.

Then suddenly last season Steph Curry went off, and so did the GS. I swear they came out of nowhere (legit serious).

During All-Star weekend last year. The good guy mojo was transfered from Dirk to Curry via alley-oop. Now Curry carries on the tradition of ****ing up finals for LeBron. :lol

11-20-2015, 10:15 AM
This is a legit question, I swear he just came outta no where in to this godly form. Back when Lebron joined Heat and that whole era when everyone was talking about the heat, I swear Curry (and Golden State) was not even close to the conversation. And when I saw GS lose to Spurs in the playoffs, and he gave that whole speech about how they'll be back etc, I honestly couldn't see it happening because Stephen Curry and the whole team looked so incredibly average.

Then suddenly last season Steph Curry went off, and so did the GS. I swear they came out of nowhere (legit serious).

:facepalm He was dominant in college, and scored 17ppg on high efficiency as a rookie. He just used to have ankle issues. He's had a steady improvement every season. The only reason people didn't predict him to be a future star was because of his injuries.

seriously, Rookie year, 17.5ppg, then 18.6 ppg, then an injury season, then he's 22ppg+ since

his WORST % he's shot from 3 is 42.4% :roll:

Most star players didn't come into the league like LeBron. Most of these guys take a few seasons before they jump off.

Think about it. Coming into the league (and during their 1st/2nd seasons) who thought:

Paul George
Kawhi Leonard
Russell Westbrook
Dirk Nowitzki
Kyle Lowry
Eric Bledsoe
James Harden
Jimmy Butler
Dame Lillard
Paul Milsap

were going to be stars? Obviously Curry has taken it a step futher than most of these guys, but young players are constantly growing from little known names into big stars.

Curry has always been good He was an elite shooter from day 1. He just improved his handle, defense, passing, and conditioning. These are things that most guys improve after a few years in the NBA. He's got his swagger on, and a coach that realizes he needs to let it fly whenever he's open.

Also, when he first came into the league he was playing alongside Monta Ellis. My dad is a warriors fan, so I watched a lot of those games. Curry was playing shooting guard a lot with Monta handling the ball. One of the reasons why his off-ball skills are so good now.

11-20-2015, 10:16 AM
During All-Star weekend last year. The good guy mojo was transfered from Dirk to Curry via alley-oop. Now Curry carries on the tradition of ****ing up finals for LeBron. :lol
Lebron outplayed him though

11-20-2015, 12:22 PM
he sold his soul to the devil

11-20-2015, 12:28 PM
curry shoots a quick set shot. its mostly all arms

nba players have always been taught to do jumpers from three. because then they dont have to deal with the defenders long arms

curry got around this by developing a step back and juke move to create enough space to have half a second of wide open shooting time... then all he has to do is his repetitive set shooting motion in which legs arent a factor

and its 100 times easier to replicate. jump shooting is thrown off with the slightest difference in your jump. and if youre tired your shots come up short

curry just came up with a new style of play. thats the reason hes successful

his style has mostly been reserved for role players but curry possesses the ball handling attributes to utilize it without depending on others to get him open. thats all it is...

hes steve kerr evolved
It's the other way around. Curry's shot is mostly legs. A jump shot requires more upper body strength since the player loses most of the momentum as he reaches the highest point.

This is the reason you teach kids to shoot a set shot - they don't have enough upper body strength to take jump shots. But if they are used to use their lower body the way Curry does, they can shoot the basketball.

11-20-2015, 12:32 PM
He's the Shaq of perimeter players.

11-20-2015, 12:53 PM
During the game last night someone was quoted as saying that he had only ever met one man who had worked as hard on his game, that guy was Kobe who was known as an insane workaholic in the gym

11-20-2015, 12:57 PM
This is a legit question, I swear he just came outta no where in to this godly form. Back when Lebron joined Heat and that whole era when everyone was talking about the heat, I swear Curry (and Golden State) was not even close to the conversation. And when I saw GS lose to Spurs in the playoffs, and he gave that whole speech about how they'll be back etc, I honestly couldn't see it happening because Stephen Curry and the whole team looked so incredibly average.

Then suddenly last season Steph Curry went off, and so did the GS. I swear they came out of nowhere (legit serious).

Steph has always been a shooting sensation. If you recall he made some noise in the tournament the year he was drafted. Most people brushed it off as him being a good shooter but would not be able to replicate his game in the NBA because of his size. He had some setbacks, ankle injury etc. But the new ownership put him in a position where he could succeed. His greatest strength is that he was and is always determined to improve his game and is willing to take criticism and instruction. Of course, he had the foundation with his Dad. Who by the way, was very cautious about him going pro. Didn't want him to be disappointed. But he was determined to make it.
If you really want to know more about it there's a Youtube video of his coach at Davidson discussing Steph with clips of that great run they went on upsetting Gonzaga and Georgetown (?).

Cali Syndicate
11-20-2015, 03:21 PM
He's been good since his rookie season. Obviously he's gotten a lot better but this narrative that he came out of nowhere is a little misguided.

Dude was putting up 18/6/5 on 46% in his rookie year while playing with a shot happy backcourt mate.

Basically this.. Curry been good. As a rookie, he had multiple 30 and 10 games, one of which off a triple double and even a near 40 point triple double against westbrook.. Just watching him it was easy to see his advanced skill set that could and would only get better. Already a good shooter with ahead of the curve court vision and iq. He was basically drafted as a combo guard and learned the pg role on the fly. Passing game needed some polishing but with the way he was throwing lobs from half court to dorrell Wright, it was already upper tier. At that point it could've easily been argued him over monta moving forward.

2nd season was where he couldnt stop rolling his ankle. Imo really halted his growth but even with not being at 100% at any point of that season, he significantly improved. Left hand was better, passing was more crisp, shooting was more consistent. Still needed improvements in all regards especially with the lazy turnovers but he was got better. No sophomore slump. Strong work ethic.

3rd season, curry was healthy coming off a successful surgery. He rolled his ankle towards late season and they sat him as a precaution. Ended up trading monta and team tanked.. So basically, it's beenthree seasons with no national broadcasts and a team that really made no noise outside of hey these guys are kinda fun to watch, for a tenth seed. Unless you actually watched warriors games on the regular, you wouldn't know too much about him outside of his 3pt shooting.

Come 2013, team has some new peices, new coach, new owners with different vision, and warriors make the playoffs. Curry again improves as a player and with their new recognition and him shooting lights out breaking records, his shine is brighter. Come playoffs, curry excels and basically puts warriors into winning position with insane 15-20 or 3rd quarters and upsets the nuggets.

2014, again we see curry improvements all around again. Again breaks the 3pt record and takes a star studded clipper team to 7 and without their defensive anchor bogut. Curry took on full pg responsibilty with jack's departure. Couldn't play off the ball as much but They address this in 2015 adding veteran livingston.

2015, kerr takes over and implements a different brand of basketball and philosophy. Team was already good but under kerr, found an extra gear and began running on all cylinders, and hard. The rest is history. Once again, curry got better.

Curry was always good. He just continues to get better season after season. Always working on a hole in his game. Weak mid range, improved. Soft left hand, now one of the best I've ever seen. Balance to shoot off screens, now almost releases before he even squares up. Defense got better. Always improving someqhere. Some of the new dribbling /cognitive reaction drills he was going through this offseason was pretty awesome. so to say he came out nowhere just States you never really watched him 'til recwntly.

11-20-2015, 03:28 PM
vs Gonzaga

vs Wisconsin

Bron had no idea

11-20-2015, 04:19 PM
you got the same genes

what made your brother a geek and you into sports?


god isn't real

11-20-2015, 04:20 PM
god isn't real

thanks for your expert opinion
