View Full Version : 170+ hostages taken at a Radisson hotel in Bamako, Mali

11-20-2015, 05:21 AM


11-20-2015, 05:27 AM
The US embassy in Bamako has tweeted that it "is aware of an ongoing active shooter operation at the Radisson Hotel".
All US citizens were asked "to shelter in place" and "encouraged to contact their families".
"It's all happening on the seventh floor, jihadists are firing in the corridor," a security source told AFP.
Witnesses say the police have surrounded the hotel and are blocking roads leading into the neighbourhood.
The Rezidor Hotel Group, which owns the Radisson Blu, said it was aware of "the hostage-taking that is ongoing at the property today".
"As per our information two persons have locked in 140 guests and 30 employees," AFP quotes its statement as saying.
The UN force in Mali took over responsibility for security in the country from French troops in July 2013.

11-20-2015, 06:02 AM
Nah it's probably not IS, there has been continuous jihadi violence in Mali since before that group existed.

11-20-2015, 06:03 AM
IS will probably claim responsibility as usual...

11-20-2015, 07:57 AM
They are releasing Muslim hostages, and have started killing the others.

11-20-2015, 08:38 AM
"Hostages able to recite verses of the Koran were being released, a security source has told Reuters news agency."

Jesus... :facepalm Why do these criminal ****s think they are muslim and doing muslims a favor or doing any of those hostages a favor by releasing them? wtf... how/where the hell in Koran does it justify afflicting (better yet killing) INNOCENT people?

If i was there i would recite something out of the Koran (probably El-Fatiha or something) to just quickly prove to them im muslim and then continue to recite the Koran/verses that show them they are going straight to hell, dont even have to go far, just start with the 1st rule/verse in the book like "Taking the life of an innocent is taking the life of entire human kind"... just to make sure they know...

But i really think its perhaps not necessary, i think they ALL know they are criminals & are going straight to hell, they just simply feel a microscopic amount of compassion for a muslim, would rather not kill one if possible because.. well... they are not ISIS.... small difference between ISIS and a "normal criminal/psycho" who just so happened to be born a muslim...

I really dont get it, how does saying "Allah Akbar" bla bla "Im muslim" make you a muslim after you do evil deeds? How does this make sense for them? Can somebody try explain how this works? I mean, look at the other criminals/psychos who were not born muslim today..... they damn sure dont use anything out of or for example christianity (or anything) to suit their evil deeds, they damn sure know they are going straight to hell.... they do it for the money or for simply being sick ****s, they are just honest to themselves... why cant "muslim" criminals/psychos be that to?

11-20-2015, 08:55 AM
Do you have to recite the verses in Arabic? - if just a few random passages were allowed i could maybe get by and pass off..

Everybody should have some Koran verses in their head in this day and age - should props be taught in health and safety..

edit: and has anyone else noticed how the have Libya has provided for terrorists is from whence these groups prosper? From the article in op:

Militancy in Mali:
October 2011: Ethnic Tuaregs launch rebellion after returning with arms from Libya

Cheers for that Obama and Clinton, i'm sure the masses of Africans who have been slaughtered as a consequence are muy grateful for your getting rid of Gaddafi for them!

11-20-2015, 10:46 AM
U.S. special forces getting involved .. everything will be ok now


11-20-2015, 11:31 AM
Was it the scientologists?

Patrick Chewing
11-20-2015, 12:16 PM
Those damn Christian fundamentalists

11-20-2015, 12:37 PM
When is Obama gonna tell the Muslims to stop clinging to their guns and religion?

Nick Young
11-20-2015, 01:35 PM
what religion are the hostage takers?:confusedshrug:

11-20-2015, 01:38 PM
The hostage situation is over. Special forces stormed the hotel, reportedly there are ~27 deaths. Just fyi.

Nick Young
11-20-2015, 01:38 PM
Jesus... :facepalm Why do these criminal ****s think they are muslim and doing muslims a favor or doing any of those hostages a favor by releasing them? wtf... how/where the hell in Koran does it justify afflicting (better yet killing) INNOCENT people?

If i was there i would recite something out of the Koran (probably El-Fatiha or something) to just quickly prove to them im muslim and then continue to recite the Koran/verses that show them they are going straight to hell, dont even have to go far, just start with the 1st rule/verse in the book like "Taking the life of an innocent is taking the life of entire human kind"... just to make sure they know...

It seems like you don't understand how to read the Koran. Verses that come later in the book override the early verses.

Mohammad started out preaching against violence, but by the end of the book he is advocating wholesale murderous jihad and terror campaigns in the name of Islam.

Nick Young
11-20-2015, 01:41 PM
I really dont get it, how does saying "Allah Akbar" bla bla "Im muslim" make you a muslim after you do evil deeds? How does this make sense for them? Can somebody try explain how this works? I mean, look at the other criminals/psychos who were not born muslim today..... they damn sure dont use anything out of or for example christianity (or anything) to suit their evil deeds, they damn sure know they are going straight to hell.... they do it for the money or for simply being sick ****s, they are just honest to themselves... why cant "muslim" criminals/psychos be that to?
They are doing the exact same shit that Mohammad and his first followers did to infidels. Their murderous actions were written about in both the Koran and the Hadiths.

These terrorists are merely following the example set by the Prophet of Islam himself and his first followers. The only difference is Mohammad used swords and these guys use guns and bombs.

RIP victims of this attack

11-20-2015, 01:52 PM
They are doing the exact same shit that Mohammad and his first followers did to infidels. Their murderous actions were written about in both the Koran and the Hadiths.

These terrorists are merely following the example set by the Prophet of Islam himself and his first followers. The only difference is Mohammad used swords and these guys use guns and bombs.

RIP victims of this attack

An important thing to notice is that religion is not the reason of these attacks.

The reason is hatred.
Religion affects the way in which such hatred is expressed.

But it's not like if suddenly everyone of them ceased to be muslim, then they wouldn't hate the Western world.
They would still hate us, and the reason for that lies in the history of the how the two different "worlds" have been relating.

Nick Young
11-20-2015, 02:02 PM
An important thing to notice is that religion is not the reason of these attacks.

The reason is hatred.
Religion affects the way in which such hatred is expressed.

But it's not like if suddenly everyone of them ceased to be muslim, then they wouldn't hate the Western world.
They would still hate us, and the reason for that lies in the history of the how the two different "worlds" have been relating.
Religion is clearly the reason for these attacks. It unites everyone, gives them an example and instructions to follow, and gives them a higher sense of purpose.

Islam is clearly responsible for these attacks, as Islamic ideology found in the Koran and the Hadiths is what inspired these actions.

Mohammad is seen as the most perfect human in the world to Muslims. These terrorists are merely following the example that Mohammad himself set while he was alive.

There are plenty of non-Muslim nations that hate the Western world and the US and don't regularly blow themselves up and commit acts of terror.

11-20-2015, 02:16 PM
this shit does not mean i will have to cancel my vacation in mali, does it ? just booked the fukking flight man..........:( :facepalm

i have reservation at the hilton, that is safer then raddison right ?

11-20-2015, 03:37 PM
Radisson was meant to be one of the safest hotels in Mali.

But think of it this way: those attacks are all over the place... You might get killed by a jihadist almost anywhere on the planet.

So you have a choice. You can either be afraid of everything... or be afraid of nothing. Why be afraid of a specific place when a random Cambodian restaurant in Paris is somehow an acceptable target?

11-20-2015, 03:52 PM
we need our resident ISH muslims to teach us some key koranic verses that can trick these radicals incase we ever get captured

11-20-2015, 04:00 PM
Not again.. argh, only been one week since the last one :facepalm :(

How many deaths this time? Casualties?

11-20-2015, 04:23 PM
At LEAST 21 people died. This funny?

11-20-2015, 06:02 PM
Why would anyone from the west ever go to fvcking MALI.

Sterilize these countries and just let the natural fvcking wildlife reemerge in 20-30 years. These 'societies' are absolutely worthless.

Nick Young
11-20-2015, 06:10 PM
At LEAST 21 people died. This funny?
It is the opposite of funny.

11-20-2015, 06:23 PM
This fcking year sucks. Can't believe how many people are going to be crying and balling their asses off on Thanksgiving and Christmas

11-20-2015, 07:21 PM
This fcking year sucks. Can't believe how many people are going to be crying and balling their asses off on Thanksgiving and Christmas

11-20-2015, 07:42 PM
This fcking year sucks. Can't believe how many people are going to be crying and balling their asses off on Thanksgiving and Christmas

What a terrible post.

Mum should send you to bed without supper

11-21-2015, 07:35 AM
I've already said it, but i'll say it again: this was Obama's fault.


Thanks Obama for turning Africa into even more of a shithole :applause:

Maybe we can ease their pain and accept a few million 'refugees' or something?

11-21-2015, 07:53 AM
I've already said it, but i'll say it again: this was Obama's fault.


Thanks Obama for turning Africa into even more of a shithole :applause:

Maybe we can ease their pain and accept a few million 'refugees' or something?

The united states is always looking to benefit. For Instance with the current Nigerian President. Gives Aid to a known Muslim dictator who is known to support terrorism...but wouldn't give aid to a non radical president. Good thing we Eastern Europe is not led my such a hypocrite.:applause:

11-21-2015, 09:04 AM
Eastern Europe and Russia appear to be the only places that could be called a part of Western civilisation that haven't swallowed whole the dogmas of cultural Marxism, probably because they've already dealt with the consequences Marxism first-hand, and are now vaccinated against its many tropes.

11-21-2015, 10:29 AM
we need our resident ISH muslims to teach us some key koranic verses that can trick these radicals incase we ever get captured


Well can just do the testimony one, its short, most famous, most important & will certainly do the job.... and its a win-win, ill explain.

It goes: "la ilaha illa-llah, *insert prophet/prophets of your choice* rasulu-lah".

Means: "There is no god but God. *insert prophet/prophets of your choice* is/are the messenger/messengers of God"....

Its an Islamic creed in Arabic language/text declaring belief in the oneness of God ("Allah" is just an Arabic word for God, even Arabic Christians call God "Allah", understand? Same one God Christians & Jews believe in, Abrahamic religions afterall with similar oracles/prophets) and then the acceptance of either Muhammad or Jesus (Issah/Yeshuah) or Abraham (Ibrahim) or Moses (Musa) etc. as God's prophet.... dont worry all those are prophets of Islam / God aswell so its very safe going with just "Jesus"... Muhammad was simply the most urgent for the establishment of Islam (but equally necessary & impartial to all Abrahamic prophets, Muhammad with his own words made that known) so thats the name who Muslims will go with there, but there is nothing wrong with any other Abrahamic prophet mentioned there instead, all are prophets of god and all are the pilars of all those 3 Abrahamic religions (with the only exception of Muhammad in Christianity/Judaism, he came later than that)...

This way you as a Christian or Jew will still not sell yourself/your religion out in any way because the ideology in context here is the exact same thing... you literally just declared that you are Christian or Jew or Muslim, in Arabic... the Psycho gets what he wants & you get what you want (your life) and your ideology intact... and the Psycho goes to hell later when he dies anyways and you in Heaven hopefully with those 69 sexy virgins :P.... awesome, win win..

...oh and good luck! I would recommend a Desert Eagle (preferably the .50 cal. one) as a backup plan, im sure any God will understand, only you will be doing God a favor here. :)

11-21-2015, 12:12 PM
It seems like you don't understand how to read the Koran. Verses that come later in the book override the early verses.

Mohammad started out preaching against violence, but by the end of the book he is advocating wholesale murderous jihad and terror campaigns in the name of Islam.

No, it seems like you dont... i mean you are reading it with the exact indoctrination / comprehension / logic / ration as an ISIS member, think about it, whats the difference...... Nick... oh Nick... if Islam was truly what YOU delusionally think it is/wants it to be (which is exactly what ISIS caliphate is/wants it to be, you are only doing them a favor, why not join huh?) the world would be in the post-apocalyptic stage at this moment.... and me and you wouldnt be talking about Jordan, Kobe or LeBrick anymore, they all would be killed by Hakeem or Kareem or something lol...

PS: Jihad, its funny how a beautiful concept can instead turn to be interpreted completely the opposite way (by the usual western suspects)... it has nothing to do with murder/killing etc. it means exactly the opposite of that, it means effort, the concept is the struggle for self-improvement, upholding & defending justice, inner struggle to be as good of a human being as possible.... shows again how much you know / read / comprehend in the Koran, similar to ISIS... i mean self improvement, justice, being a great human being for them is to release their Psychotic needs on everybody.... If you are a sane human, who thinks logically, rationally & has some sort intellect you will then never misinterpret the Koran.

Again, a religion cant heal a screw loose in a humans brain... one goes into a school and kills everybody out of hatred/for being bullied and then puts the gun to his temple and fires of after mumbling "oh my god / oh god"... and the other does the same but goes "allah akbar" (which essentially is the exact same thing) before doing it.... one is called a nutcase, simply crazy or in some cases just a poor soul who had enough, some might even feel compassion.... and the other is not that at all, just a religious extremist/terrorist and the religion needs to be now abominated by everybody.... when the difference between both is nothing, both nutcases and as a victim you die at both hands by two humans who had a screw loose... Nothing & nobody needs to be blamed except them.

Nick Young
11-21-2015, 01:31 PM
No, it seems like you dont... i mean you are reading it with the exact indoctrination / comprehension / logic / ration as an ISIS member, think about it, whats the difference...... Nick... oh Nick... if Islam was truly what YOU delusionally think it is/wants it to be (which is exactly what ISIS caliphate is/wants it to be, you are only doing them a favor, why not join huh?) the world would be in the post-apocalyptic stage at this moment.... and me and you wouldnt be talking about Jordan, Kobe or LeBrick anymore, they all would be killed by Hakeem or Kareem or something lol...

PS: Jihad, its funny how a beautiful concept can instead turn to be interpreted completely the opposite way (by the usual western suspects)... it has nothing to do with murder/killing etc. it means exactly the opposite of that, it means effort, the concept is the struggle for self-improvement, upholding & defending justice, inner struggle to be as good of a human being as possible.... shows again how much you know / read / comprehend in the Koran, similar to ISIS... i mean self improvement, justice, being a great human being for them is to release their Psychotic needs on everybody.... If you are a sane human, who thinks logically, rationally & has some sort intellect you will then never misinterpret the Koran.

Again, a religion cant heal a screw loose in a humans brain... one goes into a school and kills everybody out of hatred/for being bullied and then puts the gun to his temple and fires of after mumbling "oh my god / oh god"... and the other does the same but goes "allah akbar" (which essentially is the exact same thing) before doing it.... one is called a nutcase, simply crazy or in some cases just a poor soul who had enough, some might even feel compassion.... and the other is not that at all, just a religious extremist/terrorist and the religion needs to be now abominated by everybody.... when the difference between both is nothing, both nutcases and as a victim you die at both hands by two humans who had a screw loose... Nothing & nobody needs to be blamed except them.
You just wrote a lot of words and brought up some strawmen, but wound up actually saying very very little.

Do you understand why people interpret the "beautiful concept" of jihad the way they do? The prophet of Islam himself, Mohammad, went on a violent jihad across the Arab peninsula while he was alive, conquering wherever he went and forcing people to convert to Islam or die. This is all written in the Koran, as well as several hadiths.

people who interpret jihad to mean violence are simply following in the 'glorious prophet's' example he set for them.

Please answer this question, and if possible, leave out the bullshit.

Did Mohammad lead a military campaign in the name of gathering more converts to Islam?

11-21-2015, 11:44 PM
Pauk trying to convert people, disgusting.