View Full Version : "Obama is a Muslim Terrorist with brotherhood ties to take down America"

11-20-2015, 07:40 PM


If you think about how America has been siding with Muslim nations(Iran deal) and moving away from Israel, you can definitely see something fishy going on.

Why would Obama be pushing for refugees, despite what happened in Paris?

Yeah he's a Muslim. Let's get that clear.

11-20-2015, 07:43 PM
This forum was gone into full-retard mode.

11-20-2015, 07:46 PM
C'mon man, not this again :facepalm

11-20-2015, 07:46 PM
This forum was gone into full-retard mode.

Care to give your opinion on the matter?

This is a CIA agent who has credibility in her opinion. Makes a whole lot of sense, when you think about the head scratching moves Obama has made since his election.

11-20-2015, 07:47 PM
C'mon man, not this again :facepalm

Read the article. Why does it bother you that I post this

11-20-2015, 07:49 PM
Who the **** cares if hes a muslim or not? That's why the republicans are equally as bad the other side. Ranting about how he's a muslim and how he doesn't have a birth certificate. This is why no one takes you guys seriously. :facepalm

It's pathetic really. You should judge a president by their content & views(In addition to any person) and not if they're white/black/muslim/etc.. This is what's wrong with people today. People voting for Obama soley because he's black, people voting for hilary soley because she's a female, people not voting for Obama soley because he's muslim or w/e.

Grow up.

ps, his father is kenyan so it wouldn't shock me..

11-20-2015, 07:52 PM
f*ck off poido

11-20-2015, 07:57 PM
Who the **** cares if hes a muslim or not? That's why the republicans are equally as bad the other side. Ranting about how he's a muslim and how he doesn't have a birth certificate. This is why no one takes you guys seriously. :facepalm

It's pathetic really. You should judge a president by their content & views(In addition to any person) and not if they're white/black/muslim/etc.. This is what's wrong with people today. People voting for Obama soley because he's black, people voting for hilary soley because she's a female, people not voting for Obama soley because he's muslim or w/e.

Grow up.

ps, his father is kenyan so it wouldn't shock me..

His decisions are enabling ISIS and the muslim culture to gain a foothold into America. I don't know how you don't see that?

Do you not see the problem this poses to a secular, free thinking society? Or that he wants to allow the migrants in who have been caught up in the latest terrorist attacks and civil unrest over in Europe?

I think people are tired of hearing about Muslims, I get that. But let's not put our swords down, just because of hearing about a threat too much.

11-20-2015, 07:58 PM
f*ck off poido

Get a job queer. Go do something your parents would be proud of, instead of leaching off them and living in your internet fantasy world...

11-20-2015, 08:24 PM
Get a job queer. Go do something your parents would be proud of, instead of leaching off them and living in your internet fantasy world...
You do realize I'm 17 right? How many 17 year olds do you know live alone?

11-20-2015, 08:27 PM
Yeah he's a Muslim. Let's get that clear.

His decisions are enabling ISIS and the muslim culture to gain a foothold into America. I don't know how you don't see that?

Do you not see the problem this poses to a secular, free thinking society? Or that he wants to allow the migrants in who have been caught up in the latest terrorist attacks and civil unrest over in Europe?

I think people are tired of hearing about Muslims, I get that. But let's not put our swords down, just because of hearing about a threat too much.


11-20-2015, 08:29 PM
You realize that Joe McCarthy was actually right, don't you?

11-20-2015, 08:40 PM
You realize that Joe McCarthy was actually right, don't you?
Oh definitely.

The state should totally hold public trials to ostracize people based on their political and/or religious affiliation.

Small government! Bring McCarthyism back!!

Let's start with Obama!

11-20-2015, 08:44 PM
hmm, how about just "Incompetent?" Is that so far-fetched a theory?

11-20-2015, 08:48 PM
hmm, how about just "Incompetent?" Is that so far-fetched a theory?

No doubt.

But I still strongly believe he and those in his administration circle have ties to the Muslim brotherhood, CAIR etc.

The actions he's made back this up

11-20-2015, 08:52 PM
No doubt.

But I still strongly believe he and those in his administration circle have ties to the Muslim brotherhood.

The actions he's made back this up
But if you believe in that, then you would have to credit Obama as being super-accomplished and brilliant at advancing his cause.

Or a Manchurian Candidate, but that's the least likely of all :hammerhead:

11-20-2015, 08:52 PM

Mr. Obama, I have a document here that clearly shows ...


11-20-2015, 10:11 PM
But if you believe in that, then you would have to credit Obama as being super-accomplished and brilliant at advancing his cause.

Or a Manchurian Candidate, but that's the least likely of all :hammerhead:

Perhaps the "stupidity" is the disguise?


Patrick Chewing
11-20-2015, 10:29 PM
So it took him 8 years of presidency to do this and not even struck a hit on American soil? He's a terrible terrorist.

An attack unifies the nation. What Obama's done is divide it. A divided nation cannot stand.

11-20-2015, 10:41 PM
Ubama 2016

11-20-2015, 11:33 PM
Destroying America by creating jobs and giving people Healthcare.

Diabolical. :mad:

Patrick Chewing
11-20-2015, 11:34 PM
Destroying America by creating jobs and giving people Healthcare.

Diabolical. :mad:

You idiot. A President, yet alone a government does not create jobs.

11-20-2015, 11:38 PM
You idiot. A President, yet alone a government does not create jobs.

Stimulus worked like gangbusters, homie. :rockon:

Saved the Auto Industry when Mitt Romney wanted to let it go bankrupt (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/19/opinion/19romney.html?_r=0). Tell these beautiful people how hilariously wrong his first paragraph was in hindsight. :oldlol:

11-21-2015, 12:08 AM
You idiot. A President, let alone a government does not create jobs.

teachers, cops, firemen, every branch of the military, civil service, prison workers, construction workers for infrastructure, and all the various jobs related to aiding the previous mentioned people do their own jobs...

i guess those are imaginary ehh?

11-21-2015, 12:20 AM
teachers, cops, firemen, every branch of the military, civil service, prison workers, construction workers for infrastructure, and all the various jobs related to aiding the previous mentioned people do their own jobs...

i guess those are imaginary ehh?
A government can create jobs. What I think he really meant is that government jobs don't add to the economy, which is true. At most, they free up capital in 1 place while draining capital in somewhere else. It's just a matter of shifting credit.

11-21-2015, 02:42 AM
Oh definitely.

The state should totally hold public trials to ostracize people based on their political and/or religious affiliation.

Small government! Bring McCarthyism back!!

Let's start with Obama!

:lol :lol Dude got clowned so hard he can't respond.

11-21-2015, 08:11 AM
Oh definitely.

The state should totally hold public trials to ostracize people based on their political and/or religious affiliation.

Small government! Bring McCarthyism back!!

Let's start with Obama!
That's not what McCarthy did. He certainly went over the top, but it is an undeniable public crisis when the top-levels of government are heavily infiltrated by Communist agents (people bashed Whittaker Chambers for years and years for denouncing Alger Hiss, even with the large amount of evidence he had) - yet when the Soviet Union collapsed, and information started to emerge, it became pretty clear that Hiss was a Soviet agent - yet where were the leftist apologies, where was the admittance that this wasn't mere 'fear-mongering'? If anything, these cretins continue to defend Hiss!

McCarthy has a most unjust stigma cast upon his name, and this is because leftist tropes dominate public education in the US, and elsewhere. I took an English GCSE in American History too you know, and at that time i thought McCarthy a paranoid also, but that's because you are taught to think that. I can't say why public education systems were created, but their function has undoubtedly been to keep the citizens loyal and credulous. See: here you are, a full-grown man, peddling the mythologies that you learnt at school without stopping to think about or research them for a second.

Reading the actual history, and knowing the actual extent of Soviet infiltration, should make even the biggest McCarthy hater to recognise at least that 'well, he had a point alright.' To pretend there wasn't a problem aside from that in McCarthy's head is to ignore a large amount of historical evidence for the sake of pursuing an agenda (usually to ridicule conservatives as 'paranoid' or some other such nonsense - i think i should start calling all leftists paranoids because 9/11 truthers tend to be of the left).

Leftist do make me laugh: for them, there's nothing more inevitable than corporate conspiracy, but when it comes to conspiracy and surreptitious behaviour in government it's all well 'alarmist' or 'paranoid' or whatever (Hofstadter's platitudinous and fatuous essay here says 'hi').

11-21-2015, 08:14 AM
OP's Autism isn't speaking...Its screeching a gut wrenching melody of rubic cubes and vector calculus.