View Full Version : At what age do men peak?

11-22-2015, 11:08 AM
I am talking about all aspects of a man's life - financial, physical, social, etc.

I believe around 40-45 is the golden age. After this point, earnings no longer strongly correlate with increased experience and your physical health drops off a cliff (from what I hear).

What do you guys think?

11-22-2015, 11:58 AM
it pretty much gets better and better till your d!ck stops working

11-22-2015, 12:04 PM
Biogically/Physically early-mid 20's

11-22-2015, 12:07 PM
Biogically/Physically early-mid 20's

I am talking about all aspects of a man's life - financial, physical, social, etc.


11-22-2015, 12:10 PM
I'd say close to that .. I'd stretch it a bit .. maybe 37-48 .. by 37 you should be doing pretty well financially already and have your social life at a good point .. but you can still kick ass way past 48 if you're on top of your game and take care of yourself(i.e. don't let yourself go)

11-22-2015, 12:11 PM

that's why I added before 'physically'

11-22-2015, 12:32 PM
He means all these factors together, not in separate

Late 20's to mid to late 30's

Best combination of physical, financial and social state

11-22-2015, 12:33 PM
Also, dudes can extend their physical prime well into their forties and even fifties through HGH usage and anabolics/TRT

11-22-2015, 12:37 PM
Also, dudes can extend their physical peak well into their forties and even fifties through HGH usage and anabolics/TRT

physical conditioning is just one fraction of overall health and going to extremes in achieving/maintaining athleticism goes against health.

11-22-2015, 12:38 PM
Also, dudes can extend their physical prime well into their forties and even fifties through HGH usage and anabolics/TRT

yea look at joe rogan and the honchos at zuffa

11-22-2015, 12:42 PM
physical conditioning is just one fraction of overall health and going to extremes in achieving/maintaining athleticism goes against health.
What are we talking about here? Physical as in looks

Peaking is meaning social/sexual value... Which is why you so heavily value financial and physical/looks

It's too arbitrary to base "peaking" on biology

And anabolics/TRT and HGH are great for a post 20's guy, as his normal levels are rapidly decreasing

11-22-2015, 12:59 PM
Arnold and Stallone are two guys who have historically taken physical preservation to the extreme

Both looked better than most 40 year olds at 50

If you got money there are things accessible to you

And hormones are included

Just 2 iu's a day of HGH has good anti aging effects

Probably a lot of Hollywood is on HGH... Especially the action stars and what not... No doubt Hugh Jackman has jumped on the bicycle and lebron sauce here and there

11-22-2015, 01:21 PM
At 430 I peaked.

11-22-2015, 01:33 PM
Physical - 28

Financial - 65

Social? - that could be almost any age between 13 and 70

Just from an overall state of being standpoint I would say 50-55. I'm late 30s and still definitely on the 'up'. My family is just getting started, lots of room for growth for me in my line of work, my wife just finished her masters and started working. I'm just getting started here.

11-22-2015, 02:13 PM
I am talking about all aspects of a man's life - financial, physical, social, etc.

I believe around 40-45 is the golden age. After this point, earnings no longer strongly correlate with increased experience and your physical health drops off a cliff (from what I hear).

What do you guys think?

I think it is generally accepted that the physical peak is usually around 28 years old. In terms of socially, this is when I feel most men develop/mature. It is one of the confusing times of a man's age, their 20s. At least in my opinion, it is. You're still trying to figure yourself out.

Depending on what career you may be doing, how many kids you may have, I feel 30s can be exhausting. Trying to become recognized at work and taking care of young children etc. 40s,50s- you've gotten used to the workload and might lighten it up.

60s- Assuming you're financially able to retire, this is when you can do whatever you want to. Travel the world, start a small business (for fun), go back to school for a few night classes (I've seen many people do this just for kicks). A family friend of mine's mother is a lawyer. Despite being financially stable, she works about 30-40 hours a week I believe to keep herself busy.

70s+- Travel the world, enjoying your grandchildren, etc.

Every decade in a man's life is different.

11-22-2015, 03:50 PM
Way later than any answer.

There's a part of a man that grows and develops until and even after his death.

11-23-2015, 05:38 AM
I'd say probably mid to late 30s is when you'd have the most vibrant, active and original mind - seems to be around the sort of age most works of genius are produced. There does seem to be a slowing down with age, though with some people this is far less noticeable than with others. It is part of the problem with our modern obsession with endlessly-extending education and childhood, and thus when people are at their mental peak they are often still engaged in drudge work, and still under some kind of supervision. Not the best environment for producing dynamic ideas imo - saturating the mind with overly specialised knowledge can be quite stultifying in this regard.