View Full Version : kobe, pls stop. pls. stop doing this. pls!

11-25-2015, 01:18 AM
pls bro.. u are a legend already.
u dont have to prove anything anymore. pls stop now.

11-25-2015, 01:20 AM
This is like watching Old Yeller get shot.

11-25-2015, 01:22 AM
This is like watching Old Yeller get shot.
omg lol

.. :(

Mr. Jabbar
11-25-2015, 01:22 AM
seriously, this is like watching prime bran in the finals.


11-25-2015, 01:23 AM
it's cringeworthy.

i dont even like the dude but i think he should go out with more pride. this final chapter of his book is flat out sad and full of cringe.

Magic 32
11-25-2015, 01:26 AM
it's cringeworthy.

i dont even like the dude but i think he should go out with more pride.

So he should walk away from 25 mil?

11-25-2015, 01:27 AM
14 field goal attempts so far. half of them from 3's.

he's made one and still chucking like he's desperate to get above 4 points without caring about anything else.

11-25-2015, 01:27 AM
I thought he was gonna put up 50 doe?

11-25-2015, 01:28 AM
seriously, this is like watching prime bran in the finals.



11-25-2015, 01:31 AM
im loving it. this *hit is gold :banana: :banana:

11-25-2015, 01:38 AM
seriously, this is like watching prime bran in the finals.

Kobe's achilles is the most effective defense he's ever faced and it's tough to watch but you bring up a good point.

*Jason Terry
*JJ Barea
*Boris Diaw
*Kawhi Leonard
*No one within 10 feet (dare-to-shoot)

have all proven just as effective at stopping LeBron in the Finals.

11-25-2015, 01:42 AM
I thought he was gonna put up 50 doe?

Some people said there's a dot between the 5 and the 0.
But he still missed that so far.

Some others said at least 50 in the next 20 games.

Depends on who you believe.

11-25-2015, 01:43 AM
seriously, this is like watching prime bran in the finals.


11-25-2015, 01:49 AM
im loving it. this *hit is gold :banana: :banana:

Deuce Bigalow
11-25-2015, 01:55 AM
Kobe's achilles is the most effective defense he's ever faced and it's tough to watch but you bring up a good point.

*Jason Terry
*JJ Barea
*Boris Diaw
*Kawhi Leonard
*No one within 10 feet (dare-to-shoot)

have all proven just as effective at stopping LeBron in the Finals.
Like Wilt getting locked down by Bill and Willis in the Finals