View Full Version : How would Rose be viewed by Bulls fans right now if he WASN'T from Chicago?

Tarik One
11-25-2015, 12:58 PM
Would the public perception or sentiment be any different than it is now? Would fans be any less patient or accepting of his play and actions off the court in recent years?

11-25-2015, 01:10 PM
I hear what you're saying.
And the hate would be even louder in certain neighborhood's, if he wasn't from here, wasn't African American, and wasn't undersized.

If we gave a taller foreign player 100million dollars and he got injured this much, sucked this bad, and was this stupid and antisocial, the gate would be epic, on a level never seen even from Bosworth or Kwane Brown.

But all that aside, even with him being a hometown dude.....we're all sick of his brainless aspergers blank stare, and selfish, "next contract", "jealous of his teammates" bullshit.

Having one good game every 5-6 games only fools JR Smith fans.

11-25-2015, 04:09 PM
There probably would be a little less hesitantcy to show their impatience by cracking jokes and overtly saying 'get him outta here!'

I think at this point a lot of them are making very restrained comments about their impatience and displeasure, probably because they are trying to show him a little extra respect for bein from Chi. But I don't think it would change the way they actually FEEL. Probably just what they say publicly.

11-25-2015, 04:45 PM
Chicago ppl are slowly turning on him too. I have to talk my cousin in Chicago off a mental bridge every June lol

11-25-2015, 05:12 PM
The people who thought DRose would ever be great again can suck my ****.
