View Full Version : [McMenamin] LeBron James, James Jones of Cleveland Cavaliers hold players-only meetin

11-26-2015, 03:29 AM

:biggums: :biggums: :biggums:

Why such an over-reaction after every loss....

11-26-2015, 03:31 AM
Want to win a championship? Stamp the problems out now.

11-26-2015, 03:35 AM
Want to win a championship? Stamp the problems out now.

I could understand that, but at the same time the team isn't even at full strength

11-26-2015, 03:38 AM
Why such an overreaction? You really think Bran wants to go 2/7?

I like the mentality. Too bad he was too busy filming movies instead of working on his game

11-26-2015, 03:44 AM
Lebron trusts Jones because he's also a backstabbing colluder who left his original team.

Spurs m8
11-26-2015, 03:45 AM
Little bitch gon little bitch

11-26-2015, 03:46 AM
Why such an overreaction? You really think Bran wants to go 2/7?

I like the mentality. Too bad he was too busy filming movies instead of working on his game

Bron's clearly playing better than he did last year. What are you talking about?

Spurs m8
11-26-2015, 03:49 AM
The idiots lost the plot hahaha

"It's all mindset," James said after the game, still visibly frustrated. "It comes from within. I've always had it; my upbringing had me like that. It's either you got it or you don't."

The Cavs players, at James' urging, recently eschewed running out for player introductions, instead using that time for their pregame huddle and then immediately taking the court before their opponents could get to the center circle. James explained it was simply the Cavs "getting ready for the main thing," and the motivation was explained by other players to be a "businesslike approach" in hopes of getting off to faster starts

:roll: :roll: :roll:

11-26-2015, 03:55 AM
Bron's clearly playing better than he did last year. What are you talking about?

**** off m8. Jumpers just dont fall off so badly like they did to Bron from the 2013 finals to the 2015 finals. He wasnt working as hard as he was in Miami

And not really. 2014 Miami Bron was a lot better than 2015 Cleveland Bron

11-26-2015, 03:55 AM
It's really not that dire.

Some skiddy stretches were inevitable once they've finished exhausting the string of gimme games for most of November; that's even more so the case when they're short-handed and simply do not have the energy to compete at full bore down the stretch against an opponent energized by their home crowd while at near-full strength. The Cavaliers are in great shape to "compete" otherwise, and this loss is far from the most worrisome indication of the contrary.

Just entrust David Blatt reproach the team where needed in practice. After too much micromanaging, it's going to eventually rub others the wrong way to the point where tension becomes internalized.

Town's Town
11-26-2015, 04:00 AM
Why such an overreaction? You really think Bran wants to go 2/7?

I like the mentality. Too bad he was too busy filming movies instead of working on his game

Better than staying 2/6.

11-26-2015, 04:04 AM
I feel like Lebron has been forcing it just a lil too hard since he got to Cleveland with this "I'm the leader, look at my mentality, I'm all business" show. Dude's starting to sound like Kobe.

Come on Lebron. We KNOW you're hung long, and THICK as ****. We know you're in the Top 3 with Kareem and Mikan. We believe in you, we admire you, and we're behind you. You don't need to put on an act for our sakes. Show your leadership on the court, not behind the microphone. Get out there and let that BIG. DICK. SWING.

11-26-2015, 04:08 AM
Coach Blatt getting fired soon. Just watch and see it unfold. LeBron is the star, gm, coach, PR director, HR director, executive and owner of the Cavs.

11-26-2015, 04:11 AM
You also forgot the one and only god of cleveland

11-26-2015, 04:34 AM
I feel like Lebron has been forcing it just a lil too hard since he got to Cleveland with this "I'm the leader, look at my mentality, I'm all business" show. Dude's starting to sound like Kobe.

Come on Lebron. We KNOW you're hung long, and THICK as ****. We know you're in the Top 3 with Kareem and Mikan. We believe in you, we admire you, and we're behind you. You don't need to put on an act for our sakes. Show your leadership on the court, not behind the microphone. Get out there and let that BIG. DICK. SWING.

11-26-2015, 04:55 AM
He has been spouting stupid, PR-fed lines of what an all-time great is supposed to be his entire career. His need to try to reinforce these all-time great 'instincts' in himself comes across as insecurity. Responses like these are more of a 'if I say it enough, I'll start to believe it and become that ideal' self-motivating tactic.

He is an all-time great, though; many times he's proven that he can overcome his mental deficiencies on the court, but in just as many or more moments he has been unable to assert these 'instincts' because he doesn't have them.

That's the Lebron James story in my book.

11-26-2015, 05:22 AM
lol he wanna be the boss

11-26-2015, 05:59 AM
who the *** is mcmenamin?

11-26-2015, 09:44 AM
Unwritten rule says you can only have 1 of these player only meetings per season. What he gonna due if they lose a couple more? Call another meeting?? Its only so long before the players stop responding to you, you gotta give as much praise as you offer criticism.

He really is overreacting and it's obvious that he's jealous of the Warriors success and attention. For the past 5 seasons his team was the odds on favorite to win the championship and the talk of the league. This year it's like there's the Warriors and then there's everyone else, and he hates that with a passion. Look at his statements and actions.

"Warriors are more hungry than us"

"Warriors are healthiest team I've ever seen"

Ball gets thrown out of bounds, he gives a frustrated look and walks off the court

They lose a game after a 3 game win streak, he calls a player only meeting.

Dude is tripping and acting a little but hurt about the Warriors success. Just play your game, the season is long and they don't even have their 2/3rd best player in kyrie, and wing defender in shumpert. Chillax Bron Chillax

11-26-2015, 09:50 AM
Seems like every team has a player meeting after they lose to Toronto.

11-26-2015, 10:10 AM
it sounds to me like Bron read a new business book over the summer and is now forcing it a bit, considering they are playing without 3 starters

or he just wants MVP and doesn't want Warriors to have a 10 games better record

11-26-2015, 10:32 AM
James Jones? :roll: Why should anyone give a shit what that scrub has to say?

11-26-2015, 10:41 AM
James Jones? :roll: Why should anyone give a shit what that scrub has to say?

Was just thinking this:lol

Whatever new shrink brans been seeing better tell him to ease up a bit on the leader bullshit.. They'll zone him out.

11-26-2015, 10:49 AM
He's frustrated with the Cavs for some reason. Just because they're 11-4 doesn't mean they're playing great. He wants to get this shit sorted out so it's not more of the same last year. It's what a leader does; he gets on his teammates' asses to make sure they all have a common goal and give their best every single night.

Of course none of you losers understand that.

11-26-2015, 10:54 AM
Lebron trusts Jones because he's also a backstabbing colluder who left his original team.

James Jones never "left" his "original" team. He was traded twice and played for three different teams before he ever played for the Heat. The Cavs is his 5th team.

11-26-2015, 10:57 AM
I feel like Lebron has been forcing it just a lil too hard since he got to Cleveland with this "I'm the leader, look at my mentality, I'm all business" show. Dude's starting to sound like Kobe.

Come on Lebron. We KNOW you're hung long, and THICK as ****. We know you're in the Top 3 with Kareem and Mikan. We believe in you, we admire you, and we're behind you. You don't need to put on an act for our sakes. Show your leadership on the court, not behind the microphone. Get out there and let that BIG. DICK. SWING.

Everytime you post I think I'm reading a trailer for a gay porn. Seriously, just go to some porn site and post this stuff...I'm sure there are some forums dedicated to male junk.

11-26-2015, 11:01 AM
I feel like Lebron has been forcing it just a lil too hard since he got to Cleveland with this "I'm the leader, look at my mentality, I'm all business" show. Dude's starting to sound like Kobe.

Come on Lebron. We KNOW you're hung long, and THICK as ****. We know you're in the Top 3 with Kareem and Mikan. We believe in you, we admire you, and we're behind you. You don't need to put on an act for our sakes. Show your leadership on the court, not behind the microphone. Get out there and let that BIG. DICK. SWING.

You forcing that fucc out that comparison bro. :facepalm

Indian guy
11-26-2015, 11:14 AM
Does seem like an overreaction. No, they haven't looked very good despite their 11-4 record, but how many teams can boast of a conference-best record despite missing their 2nd best player + key rotation guys out all season? Cleveland's without 4 of their 8 best players most nights they take court.

LeBron, for whatever reason, has looked in a sour mood all season. Very demonstrative with his displeasure whenever things don't go Cleveland's way during games. Constantly yelling at his teammates. Now, he himself has been busting his ass all season and is having a very good year, shooting aside. Most likely wants to win another MVP really bad and realizes he has no shot if his team isn't within striking distance of GS' record.

11-26-2015, 12:37 PM
Comparing dick sizes and lebrick lost his mind

11-26-2015, 02:04 PM
Does seem like an overreaction. No, they haven't looked very good despite their 11-4 record, but how many teams can boast of a conference-best record despite missing their 2nd best player + key rotation guys out all season? Cleveland's without 4 of their 8 best players most nights they take court.

LeBron, for whatever reason, has looked in a sour mood all season. Very demonstrative with his displeasure whenever things don't go Cleveland's way during games. Constantly yelling at his teammates. Now, he himself has been busting his ass all season and is having a very good year, shooting aside. Most likely wants to win another MVP really bad and realizes he has no shot if his team isn't within striking distance of GS' record.

True, Lebron hasn't been in a good mood lately. Their defense has been horrible though... I'd get mad too.

11-26-2015, 02:09 PM
LeBron's over-reactions are getting very annoying. It's the regular season, and we're missing a ton of key players. Quit trying to force the issue and shift blame and just go out on the court and play basketball. We have a talented enough team that the pieces will fall in place. I understand he's trying to be a leader but he's really been rubbing me the wrong way as an avid Cavalier and LeBron supporter.

Gus Hemmingway
11-26-2015, 02:44 PM
Lebrons mad because when he's off the court, they've done a miserable job at protecting the lead. He's had to exhort way to much energy at bringing leads back, and back, and back and back again. It explains why his 4th quarter statistics are off the charts this year (#1).

The Cavaliers defense, is really where you see Lebron blow his fuse though. Almost all of Lebrons career he's been on top defensive teams. This season they are #1 in the East, top in offensive efficiency but middle of the pack in defensive efficiency (right next to Knicks). With Mo, Love, J.R. Mozgov they are consistantly blowing assignments. Hence why you see Delly and Tristan close out games. They are the reason why the Cavaliers became a defensive juggernaut last years playoffs

It's that suffocating defense like 07-10 Cavs, 11-14 Miami teams that Lebron is use to. While you can clearly see Lebron is shooting for DPOY right now, his team isn't giving the same energy. He's had to exhaust way too much energy keeping them in games over and over again.

11-26-2015, 02:49 PM
lebron shuld let curry have the mvp, just beat them in the finals or let the spurs and clipps beat them lol

11-26-2015, 02:54 PM
It's all for show. Dude is phony as f

11-26-2015, 02:56 PM
Is he going to say this in the meeting?




then look at his forced injury:


11-26-2015, 03:02 PM
Coach Blatt getting fired soon. Just watch and see it unfold. LeBron is the star, gm, coach, PR director, HR director, executive and owner of the Cavs.
:oldlol: he is a kunt for sure

04-16-2021, 02:27 AM
Everytime you post I think I'm reading a trailer for a gay porn. Seriously, just go to some porn site and post this stuff...I'm sure there are some forums dedicated to male junk.

Man... you cappin with all that :whatever: