View Full Version : Kawhi Leonard just short of 5x5 game

11-28-2015, 01:21 AM
25 points/7rebounds/6 assists/4 steals./5 blocks

:bowdown: :bowdown: We have enter the Kawhi era.

11-28-2015, 01:24 AM
25 points/7rebounds/6 assists/4 steals./5 blocks

:bowdown: :bowdown: We have enter the Kawhi era.

Conservatives are tw@ts and your politics are bullshit.

11-28-2015, 01:27 AM
The black AK-47.

11-28-2015, 01:27 AM
Conservatives are tw@ts and your politics are bullshit.

We have the senate and house.:lol Next is the president's house. Rubio 16. :bowdown: :bowdown:

11-28-2015, 01:28 AM
Obama >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reagan and all your dumbass "heroes."

11-28-2015, 02:11 AM
Obama >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reagan and all your dumbass "heroes."

Why did you have to ruin Leonard's perfectly good thread?

Obama and his underestimating the "contained" JV team.

Obama - not getting our 4 hostages back, giving Iran $150 billion, 24 day notice inspection, soon to be nuclear bomb

Obama - $2500 savings, keep our doctor, keep our plan Obamacare

You mean, that Obama and our $18+ trillion debt?

11-28-2015, 02:43 AM
Obama - not getting our 4 hostages back, giving Iran $150 billion, 24 day notice inspection, soon to be nuclear bomb

Yea, because Reagan never sold weapons to Iran or anything. :whatever:

11-28-2015, 02:44 AM
You mean, that Obama and our $18+ trillion debt?
Yeah, that debt is clearly all on him and wasn't inherited in any way.

11-28-2015, 02:46 AM
msnbc and fox news at it again :facepalm

mods lock this shit.

Town's Town
11-28-2015, 03:57 AM
That is a great game.

11-28-2015, 04:25 AM
Yeah, that debt is clearly all on him and wasn't inherited in any way.

Debt was 10.6 trillion when Obama took office. It's 18.7 now - that's 8.1 difference divided by 82 months he's been in office = .0987 per month. Multiply by 14 months left in office = 1.38. Add 1.38 to 8.1 = 9.48.

So if the debt continues at the average rate as it has over the past 7 years, he will have accumulated 9.48 trillion in debt almost as much as ALL the presidents before him. Debt will be over $20 trillion when he leaves office.

11-28-2015, 04:34 AM
The black AK-47.

Makes me happy that Kirilenko is not forgotten.

11-28-2015, 05:10 AM
The national debt really doesn't matter anywhere near as much as people think it does. And anyone who thinks that a conservative president would've spent any less is deluded out of their ass.

But Kawhi's a beast, no doubt.

Paul George 24
11-28-2015, 11:14 AM
Obama >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reagan and all your dumbass "heroes."

11-28-2015, 11:23 AM
Debt was 10.6 trillion when Obama took office. It's 18.7 now - that's 8.1 difference divided by 82 months he's been in office = .0987 per month. Multiply by 14 months left in office = 1.38. Add 1.38 to 8.1 = 9.48.

So if the debt continues at the average rate as it has over the past 7 years, he will have accumulated 9.48 trillion in debt almost as much as ALL the presidents before him. Debt will be over $20 trillion when he leaves office.

Cmon, let's be honest here. It's not like Obama inherited a country like Clinton or Bush that was roses in comparison lol. I think some of you people woke up out of a coma in 2009. You suddenly have amnesia of this country sinking like the Titanic in 2008. Americans losing their homes and life savings. Our job market bleeding jobs by the hundred thousands every month. Our auto industry being declared dead putting our automakers and suppliers out of jobs. Fighting two wars simultaneously on the government credit card and the cost of those wars weren't even being counted on the books. Instead the costs were being hidden from the American people with deficit spending because "conservatives" cared so much about debt and deficits back then (and don't get me started on Medicare Part D which also went unpaid for). I remember a dumb President putting our American troops in foreign territory stupidly telling the enemy to bring it on while he sat safely in the White House. I remember insurgents "bringing it on" and Iraq having a civil war between the Sunnis and Shiite with sectarian violence running rampant and our military being caught in the middle. I remember 4500+ dead American troops. Thousands more injured and maimed. By the time Obama took office America wasn't burning, it was BURNT on all fronts. That guy had to walk into office on Day 1 and decide if he should just let the country go down in flames or spend money to save it. Bush's toughest decision when he became president was to put his feet up on his desk in the Oval office or spend some quality time on his ranch in Texas. He chose the latter repeatedly. I find it amazing this country is even in the shape it's in considering Congress does nothing but show up for a few soundbites for the press and then go back on vacation after accomplishing nothing of importance.

11-28-2015, 01:21 PM